Tfw The Nutshack is becoming a normie meme now

>tfw The Nutshack is becoming a normie meme now

So? That just means nerd girls a will suck our tito dick dickmans baby for starting it

damn it, that means we can't like it anymore

No it doesnt, are you a retard?

Good, they can have it.

The Nutshack was always a normie meme. At least a Cred Forums one

Pretty sure normies are the ones forcing it in the first place.

I can't tell if this is ironic or not.

what the fuck is "the nutshack", I only come here for the comics so fucking excuse me for not knowing this shit.

>The Nutshack
The what?


holly shit, it's from 2007, I was already feeling old and now I feel even older, fuck.

Inability to understand sarcasm is actually a way to detect autism

Stop talking about nutshack

in b4 the meme magic backfires and [adult swim] clears out part of its schedule for a Nutshack revival.

Have you watched the show?
It's impregnable.

The Nutshack theme except every "Nutshack" is replaced by a 30 second advertisement.

Real Pinoys on my Cred Forums?

that's not meme magic that's a network responding to a self-evident renewed interest. public discussion demonstrates interest.

and no, ironic interest is still interest.

I thought it might be sarcasm, but being on Cred Forums long enough told me that some retards literally wont like a meme anymore just because normies have taken a liking to it.

>a comic reader is unused to having to look up shit

I thought basic research skills were part of the property.

what? No, the animation makes me feel like I'm watching some old MTV bullshit, it's a fucking terrible feeling.


no one ever liked the nut shack

The Nutshack does seem like something adult swim would have aired with stuff like 12 oz mouse

yes it has

The very fact that you even used the word "normie", signifies that it was probably already a "normie" meme.
You cancer.