ITT: we post dead series

ITT: we post dead series
I'll start.

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I dont keep up with rwby, did it end when Monty died?

pretty much now it's replaced by a shitty chibi show.

Its between seasons you fucking dumbass

It's returning October 22nd

She will come back.

This is some high level samefagging

sure every time Ruby coughs a little bit returns

No but seriously, who watches this shit?

And more importantly, why?

Some weebs in denial.

Me, cause I can.

Don't you have some retard man baby to go watch, or is it the retard tumblr baby that is popular this week

This bait is stale, friend. May I suggest something fresher?

I started when it was a small indie thing. Shit's good for comfy. Before bitches started dying, that is.

What is best ship?

And why is it Dogs of War?

>What is best ship?
Literally every and any ship that isn't Bumblebee

Seriously though, Nuts & Dolts is best ship


This guy knows what's up

My friend, I respect your opinion.

But that isn't Ironwood and Zwei.

With the influence Final Fantasy has on this series, I'm not going to be surprised.

>dead series
>never alive to begin with
I really really attempted to watch this and I couldn't take the hot garbage that is RWBY for more than a couple of episodes

Is that fucking Pyrrha/Guts/Artorias?


When will the Grimm stop being such jobbers? I thought they were supposed to be dangerous.

they're only dangerous when the writers decide to make them dangerous, otherwise plot armor

ya I remember being super hyped from the early promos which were sweet action scenes and than the show came out and it was like high school level drama bullshit

did it ever get better?

it got better beyond volume one of course, animation got smoother and story telling was decently better in volume 3

It's Pyrrhatorias, no Guts I'm afraid.

But still pretty bad ass.

Holy. Shit. I actually want to see what more characters fighting style would look like if mixed with Artorias. Particularly Ruby.

Why the FUCK does it have Qrow's sword!?

Lost in drinking game.

I think it's just a random claymore, g.

Also praise kek.

Actually makes sense.

That's good, because I don't think the cast would survive otherwise. I have also just realized the stark lack of greatsword goodness in RWBY. They're there, but seldom used.

Everyone is caught up in the gun hype.

I wanna see some broadsword savant just rek people, but we'll see.

Maybe Jaune will get thug.

Wait, series or authors?

They're dangerous when not compared to the strongest students and teachers around. Meaning basically only to fodder.

But the choreography took a steep decline in season 3 because Monty wasn't around to do everything.

I really love it when someone with a basic weapon is skilled and practical enough to fucking wreck all the overly complex fighting styles in any given series.

Yeah the hand to hand fighting really took a decline in quality, very sad to see.

>Get thug


Yeah being outplayed by weapon and style know-how is pretty awesome.

I could imagine Jaune becoming like that - some fighter who just ditches their sword mid parry to sudden grapple someone and choke'm out.

But that's likely not going to happen.

Shit would be awesome.
But most of all, I want Ozpin to embrace the thug life.

It would be hella funny though. Not SAO thug but a ruthless sort of "stay away from that one."

I mean they're all going to get pretty bad-ass, but amidst all of the flowery flashy powers I want to see someone who is just a technical terror, not some stylistic sort of fighter.

> Carry around a threatening looking barbed sword.
> No one expects the throat punch.
> Or the groin shot.
> Or the continues curb-stomping.

There's an appalling lack of decapitated Yang in this thread, which of you miscreants will rectify this issue?


That's what I want Jaune to start doing. Or someone in RWBY.

Absolute victory mercenary-style fighting. No holding back, etc.

Like Kano from Mortal Kombat, but translated into the RWBY universe in a logical and coherent way, ya dig?

Do you really think just one person can fix it?

It would take an army.

I feel like we could perhaps get that from Taiyang

> Jaune buys a gun and some dust crystals.
> Manages to knock an opponent down and keeps curb-stomping them.
> Eventually relents after their aura gives way.
> Opponent backs up.
> "This isn't over!"
> "One liner."
> Pulls out the gun and shoot the dust crystal he stuck on the opponent whilst wailing on them.

Truth. Although, as the oldies begin to die off, I'd love to see that sort of ruthless style translate onto someone else.

It's not a really common thing you see in fighting stories/shows, but it's almost always badass in concept/delivery.


The future of Remnant, everybody!

I want to take his place so badly.

I see what you mean, but I doubt we'd see it from Jaune, he comes off as a more 'Knight with honor' sort of guy, with pride in his sword and shield. Though he may change it up around Cinder, out of anger, I dont see him being anything near what you really hope for


Yeah exactly like that.

And why doesn't he start applying dust to Crocea Mors to amplify damage, similar to Dark Souls.

Imagine the sort of hype moments that could come outta that..

You know who I can see doing this? Neo

Also Roman

No doubt you're right, user. It's incredibly unlikely but I think it'd be pretty cool concept. I feel like all of the other characters have their impactful moments, but a Jaune with a glare is probably one of the more "awwww shit son get popcorn" moments.

'Cause it'd be some sort of relationship where we all know he's the weakest of the bunch, yet somehow he seems to be the strongest just by how he outduels people. He's always gets the underdog appeal.

Tots. Neo is probably the closest we'll get to what we're talking about, too.

I just wanted Banesaw to fight like Neo does. IS THAT SO HARD TO ASK?

Well he did grab Weiss by the face and slam her into the ground...

Which is why I have a hope that the mercenary-fighting can become more prominent in RWBY - that sort of blatant out-of-the-box unorthodoxy shows up a bit. That grab out of thin air was so fucking awesome.

Problem is, Monty is dead. So... yeah.

idk, its hard for me to really take him seriously. Maybe they'll have matured him enough in volume 4 but I just keep seeing this squeaky voiced guy with baby face and bunny PJ's.

The thought of him being some sort of 'edgy unhinged' fighter at one point just sounds comical

He better be wearing those pajamas when he finally kills a bitch.

Sadly a lot of the fights are probably going to be rather big and flashy, less amazing personal one on one fighting like we saw in volume 2. At least if the sneak peak to Volume 4 with Ruby was anything to go by, but she was fighting grimm, and those are a whole 'nother story

Hey, I don't blame you user. The only thing I can say is that I expect most of the cast to change and develop in their own strange ways.

Yang's gone from pretty "obnoxious" (being harsh with that adjective, mind you) to Eeyore tier, Blake is off on her lonesome, etc.

I don't expect Jaune to become some edgelord, and I don't expect any massive spike in battle proficiency in Volume 4.

But I do know that Monty planned like 20 fucking seasons or something crazy - following Ruby until she was an adult.

...And this is RT we're talking about - RT with the 16 RvB seasons.

...So if that's the case, I would kinda prefer Jaune to the "Qrow" of the group (if he lasts that long).

Unfortunately so. But maybe then they'll have had enough practice in MAYA to make it somewhat Montyish.

Fucking bunny symbol hype?

I don't think Monty planned THAT far. He had plans to last years, but that much sounds like the ruse of memery.

Yes, the bunny symbol is the hypest shit

So how will Jaune be affected by Phyrra's death?

He will take solace in the tender and understanding love of Ren.

He may go through some sort of angsty phase of

'I should have stopped her'
'I didnt stop Cinder when I was guarding the door'
'I wasnt there enough for her'
'I never saw what we could have had when it was so obvious '

True, but it's RoosterTeeth. If the fans like it, they'll keep it.

We could be on one WILD ride.

Oh I hope so.

I loved this show back in Volume one, and I'll continue to do so. I don't even have a reason, it just resonated with me.

I know the whole Grimm hybrid thing is just a idea of some way that Pyrrha can be brought back and isnt actually going to happen

but I honestly want it to be real just so Roman can be brought back as some half beowolf abomination that faces Ruby. Purely for the Big Bad Wolf vs. Little Red Riding-hood correlation

>Hello again, little Red

I've always thought that the origin of the Grimm could be found within Humanity.

>"I should have told Amber to look out"


Kek: Awakened.

You're spot in user. I noticed in season 3 Weiss changed her fighting style from heavily close quarters in season 1 and 2, to relying on special effects and her glyphs.
I think this is because Monty was the only animator able to give her ballet/gymnast/fencing style any merit.

Monty best understood how to coordinate one on one fights, make them look fast and intense and fun to watch, I hope we can see fights in the future like Yang vs. Neo or Blake & Sun vs. Roman

i don't think you know what dead means

why do you give a shit did you even watch it or did somebody tell you it was shit and you wanted to be cool so you said it was shit too

Most of the time people cant make it through volume 1, so they just assume that the quality never changed from where they quit

why they care about anyone else watching it is beyond me, they probably just dont have anything important going on

maybe because they like it and dont go in wanting to hate it did you think about that


ok now post the rest to get it out of your system

If they like it, and dont go in wanting to hate it, then they wouldn't be asking who watches this shit and why

what point are you trying to make with that

that guys like you here that the show is bad then you go to see how bad it is and its not even bad way do you hate it so bad


nice argument

back at ya

come on way do you hate it

I dont

yea ok

Daily Reminder that The Red team is Best Team

>guys like you here that the show is bad
>here that the show is bad

I'm not even in on the argument, I just don't get to post this enough

I can't wait for the next volume to end with Blake running away from her problems AGAIN and needing to learn that she can trust her friends AGAIN.

End of v3 makes what, three or four times already?

>Implying it isn't going to end with the Second Color War in full swing and everyone on the run from Colour Nazis

4 if you count her running away from the WF

Man, she's such a deep and engaging character

I want to see all the rwbys fight without their weapons.

Also this is is my wallpaper for everything now.

>ran from the WF
>ran when she outed herself as a secret catgirl
>"ran" from her obsession with catching Torchwick until Yang forced her to confront it
>ran when Beacon got BTFO and Yang lost an arm

That last one is the worst one because she straight up abandoned the person who is supposed to be her closest friend and partner in her time of need. Blake a shit. Blake SO a shit.

>she straight up abandoned the person who is supposed to be her closest friend and partner in her time of need

Probably an unsubtle dig at Arryn's behavior the summer prior where she, without warning, unceremoniously dumped Miles and ran off to LA to "pursue her dream of becoming an actor" with little more than the clothes on her back, later saying she had no intention of ever retrieving the rest of her possessions, which were in boxes in Miles' apartment.

>But user, relearning the same lesson over and over again in excessively long angsty story arcs that take up the screen-time of other, worryingly underdeveloped characters is the hallmark of a great character!


Holy shit why? At leat get your stuff woman.

why are they so hot


this show its really cringeworthy.


The fans are worse.

Look at all the guys talking about dirty fighting earlier.



Because she's fucking nuts?

You know she's working part time in a Starbucks and her "big break" will come when she has five black dicks in her.

>recolors:the show

Fuck you, I like Bumblebee.

So Volume 4 is stated to take place around 5 to 8 months after Volume 3. I wonder though the creators could make a spin off series titled "RNGR" which depicts of Ruby, Nora, Jaune and Lie Ren and there adventures before Volume 4 and of how they changed their clothes.

I don't see them making a side series, too much effort taken from the main one, we'll just get exposition and flashbacks this volume probably


>signature on reaction image

are you the same guy who keeps telling everyone the show is canceled? for what reason? nobody cares about RWBY outside of /RWBYg/


What does Weiss' song have to do with her personality? It sounds a lot more tragic than she actually is.

>People still care about Pyrrha after all this time

Which song? Now it's my turn is "Fuck you dad I'm my own person"

Because her character is probably intended to be more tragic than she actually is, but because Miles and Kerry have the combined writing talent of a single baboon, she's just "generic defrosting ice queen alpha bitch character #4283445," but the "defrosting" happens mostly off-camera.

Her theme song.

If they wanted her to be tragic they shouldn't have made her act like a high school popular girl.

You're a fucking retard, mate. You started replying to the wrong person and he's just too nice to tell you when you lost the thread.