Chew 58: Food For Thought

It's been more than five years in the making.

It all started out with a detective who could learning anything about a food item by eating it. And it's going to end with a galactic apocalypse that destroys every planet that eats chicken.

The Chicken Flu. Poyo. The Collector. Colby Jack. Savoy. Olive. It all ends here, in the prepenultimate issue of Chew.



Remember to read all the back issues if you've missed the plot up to this point. Not up to explaining everything in a single post.



Remember to bump if you're reading. It seems like series like these always fall to Page 10 immediately, while Bendis War II goes on forever.













Bump for sadness Chew is ending.

Thank you user. Had to take a short break.

Hilarious page


Weird thing is that beets are the only things cibopaths can't use their powers on. So how can he gain their powers from that?




The rest of the issue is cat pics, so it's done.

Next month: The Chicken Chokes, The People Croak

No, it's only Tony's one thing. Savoy's was persimmons. Olive doesn't have any.

Oh no =(

Top kek I should have known it was going to escalate to something ridiculous like that after all the set up revolving around bird flu in issue 1
