Are there any notable moments in cartoons or comics where a lowly thug unknowingly bullies an extremely powerful...

Are there any notable moments in cartoons or comics where a lowly thug unknowingly bullies an extremely powerful character?

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I dont know but I feel like this is a cliche that would come up all the time in super hero comics

random criminal attempts to hold random person hostage not knowing that random person is secretly a super hero

This happened in Batman Beyond

Inque tries to take a random person hostage

Random person turns out to be Superman

when spiderman was still a teenager

this happened recently in the all new wolverine, some burglars break into x-23s apt while her and logan are there



I understand why it fit the sequence of events as the manga unfolded, but I feel like Oda wouldn't have had him lose his arm to something so small if he knew what his place in the world would end up being

This happened with Bruce Banner a lot.

Inque is not a mook or thug, though.



This scene comes to mind

Well a power gap still exists regardless


wait, these rednecks know who she is and decide to rape her anyway? Even after she demonstrates a little of her power? Can people be that dumb for pussy


Matt who the hell are you showing off to they're all out cold

Probably. Now it looks weird that one of the four baddest pirates in the world lost an arm to a pretty puny sea monster, but it is what it is.

What a flaming SJW, real Murdoch would have just beat them senseless, than go

Your right to free speech ends when my feelings are hurt.

marvel really are a bunch of cucks.


He didn't 'lose' it to a sea monster. He wagered it on a new era. Do you guys even read the manga?

He lost his arm saving Luffy, not fighting a sea monster. You powerlevel faggots are the worst.