Bye Bye MJ

Bye Bye MJ

Gwen is the worst. She should have faded into obscurity.

MJ and Gwen need to fuck off.

While I wouldn't put it past Marvel to use this story as an excuse to bring back Gwen and hook her up with Peter, I think it's also likely that she's just toying with Peter.

She kisses him, then asks "How does Osborn cock taste"

Peter then kills himself.

Except thats already been shown to be an evil Gwen clone working for Jackal

Osborn Cocks?

Depends on the Gwen

>MJ and Gwen need to fuck

Wasn't that what they were building up to in Spider-Gwen before le "BBC no salt no pepper Bendis insert" go involved?

It seemed like it. They had an antagonistic "They really need to fuck" dynamic going.

>"How does Osborn cock taste"

>on ABC
Somebody watch this and tell us how cringy it is

>Why the devil have the Guardians of the Galaxy shown up? This kind of seems out of their jurisdiction.
>Absolutely. Think of it as a schoolyard brawl. You don't really want to go into that alone. You get your friends, even if they're from a different school. So Carol, who's Captain Marvel, so she calls her friends the Guardians of the Galaxy, of which she was a member for a while. So she contacted them to be her secret weapon.

Some lousy secret weapon

poor guy, he doesn't know.

Bendis ruining everything once again

>an evil Gwen clone
You didn't need to specify evil
It was implied by the "Gwen" part

Know what?


At first I thought, "why did they consider this newsworthy?" but then I remembered they're both owned by Disney.

What the fuck?

I have Renew Your Vows so IDGAF

She probably fucked the Jackal too seeing how he always had the hots for her.

I hope someone shows you the image.

I don't care anymore. I don't care about Clone Saga 2.0 or ASM. I'm moving on.

Carlie Cooper in the MCU when

>ABC News

Normies literally ruined comics for me

I wished it was 2006 again before normies started acting like these cool books were fucking Harry Potter tier movies

Fuck them

What happened to the Gwen clone from the Sibling Rivalry story? She was 10/10 pure and should've been Kaine's waifu.

Disney owns ABC

*MJ and Gwen need to fuck Felicia

Black Cat best girl.

I like how they had to remind us who Captain Marvel is.

When you have to explain to your readers who the main character of your event is several issues in, after a few years of non-stop hype, you have fucking problems.

Should I act surprised? It's been a long time coming.

They need to get Tobin back and have him save us from this hell with the true best girl.

I would read about their fuck off.

I thought she let herself die or something.


gwen needs to lay off the cheek fillers