What is Cred Forums's obsession with MILFs? Biologically speaking they are used goods. And realistically...

What is Cred Forums's obsession with MILFs? Biologically speaking they are used goods. And realistically? They wouldn't prioritize you at all.

Or to quote Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman "You just want a mommy you can slide your dick into!" Is that what Cred Forums wants? You don't need said female to have had bastard offspring for that.

Cred Forums just has issues with waifus in general.
Young or old, it doesn't matter. This board is mentally ill to its core and it can't be cured.

You just say that because yours is shit and because you're jealous.

This Cred Forums guy sure sounds like a real wacko. Definitely wouldn't want to meet him.

>he doesn't want a mommyfu
lmao gay as fuck

Are you implying Cred Forums wouldnt like Nicole and Vanilla if they didnt have kids?

And Nicole has no bastards.

Biologically speaking they've proven their fertility making them all the more desirable.

>Biologically speaking they are used goods

they're also tried and tested, usually hard working, eternally patient and mentally steady.

the true mettle of a person's character comes out after they've gone through parenting.

>"You just want a mommy you can slide your dick into!"


-Experienced sexually and romantically
-Understand their bodies, what they want and perhaps what you want
-Wise from age, less likely to be concerned with nuanced twenty something problems and appearances
-Thicc as fuck and not in the meme way

This. I know firsthand the stress of raising a child. It can drive a lesser man crazy. If you can put up with that and still come out ontop, it makes you more attractive than any tits or ass could.

>implying that Cred Forums waifus aren't all about defying breeding instinct for the sake of a good lay

Animals, invalids, and men have all been FOTMs before. On the scale of soft, warm, loving holes to have fun with, MILFs are near the top of the list. They're easy to combine with whatever kink you've got, on top of everything else.

Nah it's because they love dat fat ass.

I really need to play Rocket Knight.

If Elastigirl had just been incredibly Thick, she would have been perfect.

>Biologically speaking they are used goods.
t. insecure beta

Because they're hot.

MILFs are literally "Mothers I'd Like to Fuck". It's in the name, damn it.

Whoever that is, she's just a cat in a dress user.

Duh. Benefit of the aging process.

The Thickening.

I used to wonder if Freud just really wanted to bang his mom and in order to feel better about himself he projected that trait onto all men.

That's the completely wrong context to use that quote. Fucking moron.

Source on this cutie?


The charm of a good MILF fantasy is that extra bit of motherly love and care, an attractive older woman who can talk sweet and gentle.

I'm more a fan of the grouchy Goth with a golden heart, myself.

David Copperfield.

Her name is Clara Copperfield.

Hey man, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I don't smoke a cigar because it's phallic and I want to suck a dick, haha.

The extent he took it is totally a personal issue on his end, but there is something to be said for the Oedipal complex and the subconscious desire of many men to have a "caregiver" desirable trait in women.

I'm gonna defer to Ben on this one:

"Because of thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is safer in regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes."

Didn't Ben also write a book about farts to fuck with people or some publishing system?

>Biologically speaking they are used goods
Biologically speaking they've proved their fertility and ability to produce healthy offspring.

Helen Parr definitely benefited from a slowing metabolism.

Oedipus Complex.

Standard thing, really.

>she acted displeased
That woman clearly doesn't understand anything.

I blame Pixar, unable to comprehend the glory of Thick.

>Biologically speaking they are used goods.
Biologically speaking used goods means nothing

Unless you happen>Biologically speaking they are used goods.
Biologically speaking used goods means nothing

Unless you happen to be a parasite to be a parasite, are you a parasite OP?

I prefer lolis myself.

I'm curious what male age groups enjoy MILFS the most. Just wondering if it has something to do with innately realizing women in a younger age bracket aren't all that great.

Granted I think that's an age thing in general. The younger you are, the more prone you are to histrionics. Too wrapped up in your own BS. Too busy trying to be everything so you end up being nothing at all. Trying to juggle the whole world so you can't see the small things that actually matter.

Young women like older men. Young men like older women. Gotta wonder if there's not something behind that.

I like both.

From a completely outside POV looking at this logically, I'd say the interest towards it comes from the fact that most mothers, especially ones in cartoons, tend to have similar prominent features amongst them that people find attractive. Mothers in fiction are typically depicted as having a large chest and birthing hips as a result of being a mother, and the fact that these desirable features can almost always be found on mother characters, coupled with the typical age group of mothers in fiction being around a mature range that people find to be a turn on, is what creates the attraction towards it.

To put it simply, moms usually have an attractive mature appearence coupled with a prominent chest and set of hips.

Why did I spend so much time explaining something like this...

personally I don't think that's it

An attraction to women capable of being good mothers is part of human DNA, men are attracted to curvy thighs because they are literally designed to be child bearing, men like large breasts because they are good for nurturing infants, etc.
MILFs are sexy to us because they are the best women to procreate with and it's literally in our genetic code to procreate

From a biological standpoint Milfs probably trigger a "she is capable of birthing, and capable of surviving birthing."

Tell me m-more, user...

>the subconscious desire of many men to have a "caregiver" desirable trait in women.

i don't think there's anything surprising that men look for good potential mothers in the mates they intend to reproduce with, at least in a subconscious level.

I also like both.

At the same time.

Has Cred Forums seen the "quality" of breeding women IRL lately? Not pretty. And I don't mean their looks.