Will Eisner's legendary status is a shining example of how far you can go when you're a mediocre white man

Will Eisner's legendary status is a shining example of how far you can go when you're a mediocre white man.

Nice bait my friend, Eisner actually had skills as a draftsman and honestly didn't go that far. You're thinking of Bob Kane or Stan Lee.

Aaron Diaz's pathetic status is a shining example of how far you can go when you're pretending that you're not a mediocre white man

This is a Diaz tweet? Aaron "can't design a page layout to save his life" Diaz is complaining about people being successful as a mediocre white man?


OP's post is a shining example of how long little effort is needed to copy and shitpost bad tweets.

Yeah but in his defense, he just misspelled Frank Miller.

I know you're baiting with an Aaron Diaz quote but some people of the academic/critical circle do think Eisner's writing hasn't aged up as well as his artwork has.

It has racist stereotypes in it so of course it's not going to be given credit for anything today

That's true but his art has held up, and for that reason I doubt most critics would call him mediocre.

>Frank Miller

I just checked his twitter and he's saying nintendo is copying Nausicaa with the new Zelda.

Yeah, if there's one thing Miller isnt its Average.

That's cool. I think everything should copy Nausicaa. Like that new Star Wars.

I don't really understand how he came to that conclusion

But now the song is stuck in my head so fuck him


Don't let the surname fool you, the only thing Cuban about Aaron Diaz is his hairline. He's an upper-middle class millennial douchebag and the direct beneficiary of the kind of white privilege that he and his fellow SJWs are forever whining about; who's never had to work for anything in his life and resents that he isn't as rich and famous as the artists he thinks he's better than, notwithstanding the fact that they all had a significantly stronger work ethic - or, you know, any work ethic to speak of.

He is white.

Wow, you seem really triggered. Maybe you need a safe space away from harassment?


Social media was a mistake.

This is now a Spirit thread




No, the cubans can keep him, he can be latino. We whites don't want him.



>Will Eisner's legendary status is a shining example of how far you can go when you're a mediocre white man.
I was always impressed by this comment in a way, there's a sort genius of stupidity in it, like if you actually sat down to write something stupider and that missed the mark more on what you wanted to say, you probably couldn't do it.
Like, he picked the perfectly wrong person to say it about.

>Pointing out his skin color
Shut up, you racist piece of shit.


>implying Eisner wasn't a lowerclass jewish man at the start of his life

didn't he also mean to say this as part of a larger point, contrasting him to Kirby?

>It has racist stereotypes in it so of course it's not going to be given credit for anything today
To be honest, when I first saw Diaz tweet, I thought this was probably what fueled it

Eisner's writing has stood up as well as his art. Yeah, they're racist stereotypes but this is as true for the images in his comics as they are for the words. Besides, it's not really his writing or his art that Eisner's lauded for, it's his storytelling which is a mix of both.

I don't see why when Kirby also grew up a poor Jew


No, he's your problem.

that's probably just what makes Diaz especially dumb in this


I was just so glad that so many people called him out on this.

Anyone read the recent Spirit run?
It was pretty good.

Is that the Matt Wagner run? I just started it last week, only a couple issues in. I dig it so far.

That especially stupid since it's obvious they're taking more inspiration from Princess Mononoke anyway.

It depends on what they're talking about though. If it's the Spirit then yeah, his writing isn't as strong as his art and storytelling, but can be all right (especially for the limited number of pages). If it's the kind of shallow criticism masquerading as intellectual that some clickbait critic wrote, then it's not even worth considering.

Reposting from that other Diaz hate thread because it's still so relevant:

>This. He honestly had no idea who Will Eisner was or what he did except, maybe, some tangential awareness that he created the Spirit - an also-ran 40s pulp book character. Why the hell should the guy who wrote some tired old Shadow knockoff have an award named after him? Must be the innate whiteness that lifted him above all of the other, more talented but unappreciated creators of color who have been scrubbed from history.
>Which is, of course, nonsense - because anyone who knows anything about Will Eisner knows that he grew up dirt poor in an immigrant neighborhood of New York, to immigrant parents who didn't even speak English; who, through grit and determination made drawing funny books a successful and productive career, not just in a financially rewarding way but in creating works that still stand to this day as the defining - even archetypal - examples of the art form.
>And when he was called out for being an ignorant twat, what did Aaron Diaz do? He apologized for WHITEWASHING Eisner - as if the problem with his sentiment was that he had mistook a Jew for a gentile.
>Because, you know, nothing hurts more than having your cultural heritage negated by people that don't know you - which Aaron knows all too well, being a second-generation Cuban-American.

Does anyone know if that Spirit Anniversary Edition hardcover is any good?


I think that's who wrote it.
Honestly all I remember name wise, was that the cover art was by Eric Powell.

I kinda suck at remembering names.

I think that's it.

I love the Spirit for three reasons:
The art is always interesting, no matter who does it
The Spirit is best bro material
Literal semen demons

It's from a tweet by some shitty webcomic "cartoonist". I didn't even know about the guy, let alone that he'd tweeted this, until yesterday when there was a thread about him.
I think that's absolutely true, his revered graphic novels have some really trite, cliched, almost cringey writing in them....I'm thinking especially of the cockroach scene from...is it Contraxct With God? Can't remember...BUT when he gets it right he's fucking amazing. I actually gave away my Eisner GN's but still have a few Kitchen Sink Spirit reprints. I should buy the "classic trilogy" again, I reckon.

The things I'd do to P'Gell.

Best femme fatale for sure

>P'Gell will never tie you up

Why live?
