Has there ever been a comic book about a super hero who sexually harassed a super villainess?
Has there ever been a comic book about a super hero who sexually harassed a super villainess?
Ecchi in superhero comics please!
Who's the bunny chick? She's cute.
Aren't those the other way around, with the hero being harassed instead of the villains?
>Superhero with web powers restrains sexy supervillain
This should happen more often in Spider-man.
Oh wait, my bad... You meant like this.
White Rabbit
She deserves her own mini-series or to be a villain for Silk
I dont know about a villainness but The Boys has networks of superheros fucking hookers to pieces and each other so there was that.
>Shes a cute female character, therefore we need a mini series about her!
Youre the cancer killing comics
A "hero" who rehabilitates immoral women through corrective rape?
are you implying that there's a chance power-drunk white cis scum males are not to blame?
I'm offended.
That's pretty much the plot of Rapeman.
>Female rapist in denial detected
I bet you spun a sob story for the cops as well.
Well, he said "babe",
How is that not raping me?
Didn't she raped Dick?
isn't she a mother of a teenage daughter who kind of terry's age ? she should not doing thing like this right its not very good parent example ?
As an out and proud Lesbian, her super-power is making other women wonder if they are also lesbians? Makes sense to me
I read the first few chapters of a superman fanfic like that. I really need to get round to finishing it.
I have a sneaking suspicion it was auctualy writen by morrison.
What animal themed foes has Spidey NOT faced at this point? Platypus?
now I want to be Robin
Not yet.
Imagine how many people Dick would fuck if he was let loose in the Marvel comics.
Yes that's immoral, a thief parent should set a better example for her kid.
> not wanting his dick hard while reading
What are you, some kind of fag?