Yeah, the Ancient One is bothering me

Yeah, the Ancient One is bothering me.

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Just wait till it integrates into the comics.

Go cry about it on your tumblr.

Haha, that's gonna be a shitstorm.
So what do you think of Mordo?

I don't give a shit as long as he's good in the role. Same with Tilda as the Ancient One.

One of the dudes from Spill explained why they had to do it. There were no good calls. Either way would piss the PC-police off, and some would piss of China. So they chose to make it a woman to please the SJWs and placate China y him/her not being tibetan.

Rule 63 Saitama

That and Mordo make me sad. Will still see it, however.

I still stabd by my point that they coukd have made "The Ancient One" Indian, dot not feather, to coincide with actual real world history of their documented past interactions.

>Dr. Strange - "Teach me!"
>The Ancient One - "100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats followed by 10km EVERY SINGLE DAY"

>Teach me
>ok, we're going to have to get high first

seems like an excellent movie it's casting choices and character designs are just.....not quite there

i'll reserve judgement until i see her performance, she might be amazing

Dc just took the hit.

>character designs are just.....not quite there

They look like Jedi knights if they were to wear colors other than neutral brown. He looks like Obi-Wan in a blue suit

I've been worried since they announced Derrickson was directing, his RT rating makes Zack Snyder's look good. The trailers look good, but so did MoS and BvS.

I find it weird how much atention Mordo and the Ancient One get in promotional material and trailers of this movie, it's supposed to be Strange's story, they're just there to guide him to where he needs to go, but all the promotion makes it seem like an ensemble movie with all these characters there every step of the way.

I think it's more just the shitty photo shopping that made this look really bad.

You are right, the cast is amazing


It's going to be a bad one, like the Thor films. They're basically not even promoting it even though it's about to release. Might make a modest 400 million at best

It's a Marvel movie, so it's guaranteed to have a fresh RT rating regardless of how good it actually is.

Swinton looks like she's fixing to go onstage at a Vegas gig.

Can't unsee Tilda Swinton as Saitama.

>I don't give a shit
>j-just be good

generally that means there is a problem and you're putting up with it because you don't want to be seen as intolerant in some way

ie you are being a cuck for not voicing your concerns.

>I don't give a shit

Fuck off you meme bastard

Ancient One Punch Man

>Gets told he doesn't care
>twists it around with some retarded strawman logic
Liberals would be proud of you, faggot.

Nobody gives a shit about Mordo. Ejiofor is the best thing to happen to the character.

Back to Cred Forums

best post all day

I'm more worried about Rachel McAdams. She's great and it would be a shame if she was just playing The Love Interest, she can do so much more.

>I can not teach you now, Stephen Strange. Today is bargain day at the supermarket.

>nobody gives a shit about Mordo
>back to Cred Forums

No u. Mordo is awesome, fuck off.

>a shame if she was just playing The Love Interest,

What else would she do? She doesn't do magic. She can't help with the disposable white super villain

Reminder there is a precedent for this sort of thing. Not just historically, recently. Like Cate Blanchett played the Blonde On Blonde amphetamine-era Bob Dylan analogue in I'm Not There and Quentin Crisp played Queen Elizabeth I in the adaptation of the Virgina Woolf story Orlando--which also starred Tilda Swinton playing a man (who later becomes a woman). Lovely, dreamlike film.

> She doesn't do magic. She can't help with the disposable white super villain

I don't know shit about Strange, has he had any love interests who can do magic?

No, I just don't care. Whatever makes you feel better though.

That's not human.

apparently is wrong to place concerns of quality over concerns of racial casting

i guess we should all stop hoping that they're good, but start worrying about what the actors look like

People can complain how much they want, it's just that personally that shit never mattered to me. You can whitewash and blackwash and redwash all you want, just give me well-acted characters and a good movie.

I'm not an autist, I realize the MCU is not the 616 universe so I don't mind things getting changed as long as they're good. Now, if the 616 realized it's not the MCU either, that would be great. All the synergy they do in the comics just reeks of hack writers that would rather immitate something popular rather than being creative and using what's already there.


I can't wait for the scores of sudden Baron Mordo fanboys to come crawling out of the woodwork when the film comes out.

There's Clea, daughter of Umar, niece of Dormammu, and top shelf waifu

>they could have made "The Ancient One" Indian, dot not feather, to coincide with actual real world history of their documented past interactions.
Changing a Tibetan to an Indian is implying that all Asians are interchangeable, which is also racist.
The SJWs seemed to miss that.

>a cuck

Normies are saying that now. Are you a normie user?

you'd rather insult people that point of your problems for you than actually address them yourselves.

Such lack of taste.


Isn't the Ancient One dead
I'm pretty sure he died back during Engleheart's run during the Shuma Gorath saga in the 70s

ancient one came back to reclaim the eye or some shit

His main waifu is Clea, who's not even native to our reality

As long as it doesn't flop like SS that needed a batman and joker cameo just to lure fans in and then only show them for 10 minutes and hoped Will Smith would carry the movie the rest of the way.

I love how marvel isn't afraid to let hero's stand on their own two feet to let people judge them

Nice company wars

>I don't give a shit as long as he's good in the role. Same with Tilda as the Ancient One.

same here, it's what matters

>damage control