Guys, I think Grandma Kreia is off her meds again.
Grayson Evans
Walking snails are the true path to the Force
Ethan Hughes
Didn't see the new thread. (You) Forgot to mention that Grevious also wanted to emulate the Jedi out of admiration of their fighting techniques at first but grew to hate them. This actually made me think of some tragic origin story for Grevious that would make for a cool comic or something. >Grevious is a Kaleesh warlord trying to liberate his planet. He's a pretty good person for the most part but gets a little too 'Che Guavara' at times when he brutally kills people out of revenge. >The Jedi are sent to resolve the matter and Grevious spends a few weeks with a Knight and his padawan. >They become friends and Grevious is amazed at their fighting style. >Sidious needs something on the planet for his plans so he frames Grevious for some horrible war crime. >The Jedi are forced to attack Grevious because they think they're defending innocents from him. >Grevious is now half dead from the attack and thinks that the Republic sent the Jedi to assassinate him. >Sidious is impressed by Grevious' tactics so he decides to bring him along with the promise that he'll be saved and receive training in a lightsaber from a former Jedi. It says specifically 'Scientists implanted his brain and eyes into a duranium alloy body, and his remaining vital organs are protected by a synthskin gut-sack.' This implies that it was one operation moving his vitals into one already complete body instead of him slowly replacing biological body parts on his original body with cybernetics.
Jeremiah Lopez
To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art.
Adam Perez
>To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, pornography, art.
Anthony Martin
>Scientists implanted his brain and eyes into a duranium alloy body, and his remaining vital organs are protected by a synthskin gut-sack. That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Grievous is shown initially replacing limbs, and he then likely decided to replace the rest of his body so he had his vital organs moved.
Wyatt Robinson
>Grievous is shown initially replacing limbs wait when?
Blake Watson
>This implies that it was one operation moving his vitals into one already complete body instead of him slowly replacing biological body parts on his original body with cybernetics. It only implies that this eventually happened, not that he never replaced his limbs before- which we know he did from actual canon. I think you're trying too hard to make this one line justify bringing back his EU story.
Jace Kelly
Maybe look at the attached picture?
Bentley Brooks
I'm actually pretty pleased he didn't say one fucking thing about art in this episode. I'm hoping they make that little ability of his just a small aspect of his tactical ability.
I always thought being able to look at Calamari Picasso and instantly divine Ackbar's tactics (or whoever else) was stupid.
"Ahh yes, the enemy commander is a Shsstavanian, as we all know they prefer vivid colors in their due to their poor color perception, others consider their art hopelessly gaudy. This means he'll concentrate his forces on the left flank and will leave the right more vulnerable."
Also Trench > Thrawn
Jace Johnson
those are statues, so?
Adam Roberts
>Thrawn studies artwork of himself >include rule 34
Tyler King
Come, Kallus
let us make art together.
Ryder Green
>Baskin Robins is the galaxy's premier ice cream shop
Luke Martin
I like how you treat one sentence in Ultimate Star Wars (a book that even Pablo has admitted isn't really a great guide to canon due to a number of errors) as implying that Grievous's old backstory is somewhat intact but completely ignore what the statues in TCW imply.
Jace Anderson
You can't seriously be this dense.
Ryder Edwards
Thanks, I've added it!
Oliver Nelson
Whoops forgot about those statues. They did word that weirdly though as if it were one procedure but I guess they messed up that part. Sorry about starting a huge argument.
Jackson Morris
I'm not that other guy, so I don't know what the fuck you're on about. it's two statues in his little lair after he's fully cyberized, they're not proof of of him replacing himself bit by bit, or getting all his bio-goo scooped out at once.
Owen Rodriguez
>it's two statues in his little lair after he's fully cyberized, they're not proof of of him replacing himself bit by bit, or getting all his bio-goo scooped out at once. Now you're just baiting
Carter Moore
>I'm not that other guy, so I don't know what the fuck you're on about. So you're aware that there's another guy and aware that you've been mistaken for the other guy but also confused as to why you're being responded to? How retarded are you?
Oliver Bell
describing what is shown is baiting
Lincoln Kelly
Jose Lewis
Rex take's his daily fruit in take seriously.
Austin Fisher
Well he is a senior, he needs to really watch his nutritional needs
Christian Robinson
Parker Moore
>that organ attached to Thrawn's presence
Isaiah Collins
the new episode was pretty underwhelming. You'd think you'd want to introduce your new character with a bang instead of him doing fuck nothing.
Henry Howard
They're building him up
Kayden Turner
You're one of the people that's only watching for Thrawn, aren't you?
Jaxson Murphy
the show is relying on EU people to already know who Thrawn is and how he works. If you introduce a new character you should show how he works and how he's a real threat very quickly. Vader, for instance, the first action we see with him is him lifting a man by a neck and killing him with one hand. We immediately know this guy is strong and ruthless.
Thrawn we're told he did bad stuff, we're not shown shit. It's bad visual story telling.
Benjamin Wilson
>haven't visited in forever >check out swco >new episode is out
Anthony Wright
Thrawn doing fuck-nothing and succeeding at it while being menacing was great Even Takin seemed to like him
Easton Adams
>doing fuck-nothing and succeeding at it So what, he sat down, and didn't fall out of his chair?
Easton Taylor
Fuck off EU Thrawn fags. Jesus christ, just stick to Legends. You'll be happier and we wont have to put up with your miserable existence.
Camden Morris
So Owl's are going to be the symbol of season three. Sabine has an owl on her armor and gets the Dark Saber.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? She gets the Dark Saber too. Sabine confirmed for force user? Next Mando God?
Gabriel Smith
Thrawn's a very different kind of villain than Vader, though.
Sebastian Perez
oops forgot pic
Aiden Clark
He certainly faired better than the other imperial officers
Isaiah Hernandez
Did you expect Thrawn to take over for every single Imperial we've seen so far in the show?
Cooper Scott
doesn't matter, you still want to introduce what your character is about, and you want to show it, not have characters talk them up.
Hunter Young
Good to know you didn't watch the episode, please come back after you have.
Matthew Kelly
As we've seen already in canon, you don't need to be a force user to hold, turn on, or use a lightsaber of any kind in battle. You just need to know how to swing weapons accurately to not send the blade right into your arms, legs or neck.
Aaron Lee
Did you? the episode isn't change at all by cutting Thrawn out of it. He does nothing.
Jace Peterson
I don't remember anyone talking him up? He set up a plan and executed it.
Gabriel Roberts
When he first shows up they talk about him killing civilians, user.
Christian Sanders
But the Owl man, what about the Owl.
Jack Hall
>What is character development >I have a short attention span >Why aren't these characters dead yet
It's literally the first episode out of 20. He was introduced, and will return. Not everything and everyone needs some explosive entrance.
Chase Butler
It still blows my mind that people ever theorized that you had to be a force user to turn on a lightsaber. Han Solo does it in the second fucking movie of the entire saga. Keep in mind ESB came out before the EU existed and the EU still theorized about it at times. The Owl is the symbol of Ahsoka. It's probably actually her living force or something. Something to do with her being saved by the living force of the Sister during TCW or something.
Cooper Davis
That sets him up as an asshole but i wouldn't count that as talking him up. The closest you get is at the very end when Cantdonothing whines about letting Rebels go and Milf says he's an idiot.
Zachary Russell
I'm not saying the Dark Saber alone is the reason to think Sabine could wield the force, but getting a kind of lightsaber and having a direct connection to mystical force animal is at least eyebrow raising. Could be nothing could be something.
Christian Torres
>people completely being unable to read
No one said anything about an "explosive entrance" you moron. You want to show your audience how your character works. How he deals with problems. In the case of this episode you want to have Thrawn showing his exceptional insight to the situation. How allowing the rebels to escape will lead them to the larger rebellion. Or being there at the plant already to harass the rebels in their operation. You want your new villain to have an active role in their debut.
Hell, the easiest change would just have been having Thrawn be on the Star Destroyer instead of Horse Face.
David Barnes
>having a direct connection to mystical force animal is at least eyebrow raising. she painted a picture on her armor. she painted Ezra before, does that count as a "direct connection to a mystical force animal" ?
If anything Rebels and Star Wars needs less Force users.
Noah Bennett
>No one said anything about an "explosive entrance" you moron Literally the beginning of this conversation is someone bitching that Thrawn wasn't introduced "with a bang."
Jacob Davis
>Star Wars needs less Force users Shut up JJ.
Lincoln Robinson
>implying there's any other reason to watch this show
poorly thought out and acted characters, boring storylines, and generally sub-par writing certainly isn't going to pull in viewers.
I bet Disney is kicking themselves to already paying for more of this slop.
Christopher Moore
Sabine's owl is probably tied to her Deathwatch roots. Bo-Katan's unit was called the Nite Owls, remember?
Parker Rodriguez
Isaac Baker
JJ wouldn't say that though.
Kreia was right
Pray to a different god
>To date, Star Wars Rebels ranks as Disney XD’s #2 series in Total Viewers (1.3 million), Kids 6-11, Boys 6-11 and Boys 2-11. It’s the channel’s #1 program among Adults 18-49 and Men 18-49. In the most recent quarter tabulated (3Q15), Star Wars Rebels reached over 48 million unique Total Viewers in 157 countries/territories and in 30 languages. Star Wars Rebels has also generated nearly 4 million video starts on WATCH Disney XD.
She is good friends with Ezra so it's understandable why should would paint a picture of him. She has no reason to paint an Owl as it's tie to Ahsoka isn't only a recent thing that Sabine would have no knowledge of.
That could be but from what we have seen she doesn't much care for Deathwatch.
Colton Johnson
This is what you think
Then in a SoL episode, bam there's Thrawn killing all your waifu's in one TACTICOOL GENIUS moment
James Jenkins
Ha, this isn't even good bait.
Camden Russell
And yet he removed Jedi, again...
Kreia on the other hand would remove Force.
Brayden Bennett
Xavier Sullivan
Lucas should have done the whole canon wipe thing a lot sooner, then we wouldn't have dumb shits like this walking around.
Robert Murphy
>the show is relying on EU people to already know who Thrawn is and how he works Certainly not. People who don't know him might think like you, that he did nothing, contributed nothing, and was pointless and worthless. A tiger without teeth. But as pointed out he's being built up for a future payoff. People who don't know him and will think we've gotten Aresko 2.0 (Same great flavor, now twice as useless!) will no doubt learn better when he's ready to strike.
And if you want to know what he contributed, which does humorously undermine his initial appearance, that "paltry prize" of Y-Wings are going to General Dodonna. You may know him as the bearded leader of Yavin Base in A New Hope. Those Y-Wings he let the Rebels escape with will one day help destroy the Death Star leading to Tarkin's death and a stunning victory that helped fuel the rise of the greater Rebel Alliance as more systems were inspired to join them.
Lincoln Harris
>undermine his initial appearance
Acting like that wasn't the plan all along.
Jackson Perez
Thrawn is Snoke!
Sebastian Diaz
Anyone been watching the week long premiere of Star Wars on TNT? Revenge of the sith is currently on
Jaxon Morris
As much as I love that idea, all but one were destroyed at Yavin without doing much damage. Not for lack of trying of course.
John Cox
Are we still pushing for Sabine to be raped and mind slaved by Darth Ezra?
Justin Wright
True, but barely anyone came back from Yavin. They still all contributed. Even Porkins. His fat carcass smacking into the Death Star actually knocked it back, then provided an enormous gravity drag that kept the Death Star from reaching targeting position on Yavin Base much sooner.
Camden Ortiz
After watching the first episode, no. Ezra is still his old self, only with a Dark Side twist into it.
Angel Gonzalez
West coast fag here. Still on AotC
Been trying to watch the Rebels premier, but RL shit keeps getting in my way.
Adam Green
You're posting here when you can be watching it on the stream.
Jacob Lopez
He was the hero we deserved
Ryan Long
RL shit fucks things up again. Started watching it on my on demand service, then I'm bombarded with people needing my help with various physical shit, so I can't sit for long. At this rate, I'll be airing on the west coast by the time I finally get enough time for myself to watch it.
Julian Harris
That Governor chick had a bitchin chest.
Eli Lee
>>bitchin chest. What's that supposed to mean?
Gavin Murphy
I'm the user you replied to, I can link you to the episode if you want
Tyler Williams
It means her tits are pretty wizard.
Thomas Wilson
her tits complain and yell all the fuckin' time.
Ryan Evans
I appreciate the offer, but it's okay.
I have a means of watching it whenever; it's just simply a matter of finding the time to watch it.
Samuel Reyes
Ah, ok
Dylan Scott
I hate it when that happens
Mason Gray
He has a steady diet of Muja fruit, nerf steak, blue milk, and Jugan fruit.
Oliver King
Parker Lopez
I've caught some of the movies (AotC, RotS). Will watch TESB and RotJ tomorrow. Shit looks great on the OLED TV I bought this past winter.
Julian Adams
Robert Harris
>mfw Zeb said "It was Pretty Wizard" THEY'RE BRINGING IT BACK BABY
Julian Garcia
Colton Long
Worth noting is this Tuesday (27 Sept) the TFA novelization comes out in paperback. It will contain "Bait" (the first time one of the Insider short stories will be printed outside of the magazine) and "The Perfect Weapon" (previously released only on e-book, this is the first print release). These stories are about pic related.
Carter King
Did anyone else think it was kind of fucked up how they shoved Chop into the Y-Wing droid slot despite him resisting? Poor guy is probably flashing back to the last time he was in a clone wars era Y-Wing when he got shot down and nearly died.
Of course they might not have known about his past but I doubt they'd have cared otherwise.
Easton Harris
Gavin Hill
I couldn't be more happier.
Wyatt Fisher
No, he's a fucking appliance.
Jaxon Roberts
Not like they kept Chop's war buddy droid with them on the ship that might have explained to them why they're traumatising their astromech.
Joshua Johnson
>that look What did she mean by this?
Kevin Perry
Keep up that attitude, meatbag, see where it gets you.
Robert Ortiz
she's a whore, just like all Twi'leks
Logan Edwards
"guess who's space legal?"
Dominic Torres
Who can (and will) (and probably has) lock down someone's quarters and vent the atmosphere from the room.
Michael Hall
Suck a dick
Blake Gonzalez
That's her nut-shot look she gives to maximize pain and discomfort in the crotch.
Justin Sanchez
And Rax
Kevin Flores
See? He deserves it!
Jeremiah Thomas
From his point of view so do you
Charles Edwards
I swear Wendig tried to write about Thrawn, then the LSG said, "No, we're using him somewhere else," so he kept the prose as is, sans any reference to blue skin, and called him Gallius Rax instead.
Zachary Jenkins
What about the Twilight Company Insider-story? Didn't that get put in the TC paperback?
Camden Kelly
Oh, I would almost guarantee that's what happened. Probably got a text in the middle of the night from Hidalgo
"I got your bitch, find someone else sukka
Carter Miller
So did any one else find Thrawn's voice to be very alluring. Not that I'm straight or anything, I'm just saying his voice was nice
Cooper Foster
Did it?
Jaxson Allen
That would imply that Sheev found Thrawn on Jakku as a boy, after he stowed away on one of his advisors' ships, since that's Rax's backstory.
This made me grin ear to ear desu, thanks for the leak, Thrawn
Andrew Brooks
Good job.
Adam Long
>"You can write my husbando. Tell his origin story. Maybe even kill him off. But at the end of the night, if I'm referencing him in a book, who really wins?"
Parker Sanders
Yeah, Thrawn's voice is smooth as butter, it's perfect. He just sounds so calm and collected.
Justin Ward
I think he means before Life Debt, since at the end of Aftermath we just know he's a mysterious admiral and everyone immediately thought he'd turn out to be Thrawn. I think the theory is that he WAS meant to be Thrawn, but they told him no and he ended up going with the Gallius Rax thing.
Dominic Scott
Reminder that he killed at least 15 people in this episode alone.
Jacob Butler
Reminder that he risked the lives of everyone, friend and enemy alike, and nearly got himself killed. But the big bad Imperial Brom Titus actually sent out an evacuation order trying to save his people instead of just Grievous running to the nearest escape pod.
Jose Cook
Post yfw >She's carrying twins
Lucas Sanders
where to watch stream
Anthony Thompson
Reminder the Empire only killed one person this episode.
Actually I think Ezra in that Episode killed more people on screen than the Empire has in the whole series.
Aaron Jackson
>"it's gonna be a Disney show, they'll never show death!" >death is shown >"it's a Disney show, the main characters will never be allowed to kill!" >main characters kill >"w-well yeah but they'll never let Ezra kill!" >Ezra kills
Jace Moore
Reminder the stream will play the newest Rebels Episode again at airtime 8:30 PM ET / 5:30 PM PT, along with the newest Recon.
Caleb Wright
There's a difference between Titus being responsible for living human Imperials and Grievous' ship having 99% mechanical droids that can be rebuilt. All the Nemoidians we saw on the bridge fucked off during the fight, so I assume they got off safely.
Evan Bell
I just finished the comic adaptation of Heir to the Empire. I don't see why anyone would like this story. It's bland, the new, to me, characters are unlikable, and Thrawn did absolutely nothing. I'm going to finish the series, but I'm not impressed so far.
Landon Bennett
did i miss the new episode????
Joshua Turner
I know it's really stupid but the Dash Rendar meme is still funny to me
Samuel Young
no. it'll be on in 30mins (at least on the east coast)
Luis Miller
Next step up is
>It's a Disney show, they'll never kill one of the main characters! >[main character] dies
It airs on TV in half an hour, but it's been online since this morning because the DisneyXD app put it up early, and it got ripped.
Wyatt Mitchell
>Only thing the Twi'lek's are known for is sexy females Being a Twi'lek is suffering.
Jordan Thompson
Xavier Campbell
How early does it get pop up?
Henry Collins
See the pic related in
Josiah Mitchell
>laser slingshot? ughhhh this is gay baby shit they just made that slingshot to sell toys >PINK MANDO?! HOW DARE THEY DISRESPECT THE LEGACY OF THE MANDO'A ADDA'A DARE'DA CANA'DA! >Ugh, this guy is literally Kyle Katarn, fuck Disney for making this Gaynan douche and not putting BASED KYLE on the show!
2014 was a magical time
Daniel Anderson
You fail time
Sebastian Russell
Don't assume it'll happen every week, first of all. Last season we got most episodes within the hour after they aired, and only towards the last few episodes did we get them 12+ hours early. Always assume you won't get to pirate the episode until after it airs, so you won't be one of those entitled fuck heads that expect it early, and you can be surprised if it is early.
Wyatt Cruz
The difference you claim relies on believing Grievous would care if there were organics on his ship. And while you may just assume the Nemoidians in ep III escaped Grievous didn't care either way. He only bothered to get his own ass to an escape pod.
Jason Lopez
this show is actually made in 1080p
please try to upload mkv 1080p next time.
Henry Anderson
Nothings playing and no one is in it chating
Ethan Carter
What kind of day are we living in where owning a paperback is nicer than owning a hardcover?!
David Perez
He also starting launching all of the escape pods just to make sure the heroes couldn't escape.
Michael Watson
That's on your end then
Elijah Bailey
1080p isn't available until it gets released on iTunes.
Juan Morgan
Grievous is a lot of things but caring one iota about anyone but himself is not one of them,
Xavier White
20 minutes, user
Tyler Diaz
What did they say about the Wook?
I'd go hang out with you guys but I'm at work
Bentley King
I am not user, I am a happy mind slave
Jaxon Jackson
So why did Ezra cut his hair? Is he going through Teen Angst with a side of Sith transformation?
Brandon Brown
More or less. There's even a bit of >Son I found your stash, why are you smoking pot? >SHUT UP DAD IT'S JUST POT OKAY IT NEVER HURT ANYONE >Son, I am disappoint, I'm confiscating this >FUCK YOU YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD
I'm not sure if this is clickbait or just plain stupid.
Cameron Brooks
It is a bit silly but its not as simple as that. He studies the art and philosophy of a species intensely and thoroughly. From there he divines psychological traits inherent to them and uses that knowledge in his calculations when anticipating enemy moves.
It isnt a completely perfect trick,He's often wrong in the novels, but its just uncanny enough that it builds into the hype around his ability, scaring his enemies into constantly second guessing themselves and hesitating.
Jeremiah Rivera
Anytime you ask yourself that question, the answer is always "both"
Justin Cox
Clickbait and real. It even mentions that in Bloodline that it's confirmed to be their son
Charles Martinez
So incest is still cannon?
Nolan Jenkins
>tfw no good twi'lek porn Makes no sense at all.
Ryder Gonzalez
>space legal image is on the same page as a bunch of ezra porn on our booru
You don't even need Bloodline. Between Snoke talking about Kylo Ren's father and Han saying, "The face of my son," the whole premise that TFA never explicitly says Kylo Ren is Han and Leia's child is shot in the ass.
Luis Brown
I didnt actually like it that much, it sounded droning and monotonous, it lacked the imposing presence i've come to assosciate with him. Might just be because Marc Thompsons Thrawn was my first experience with the character though.
Michael Barnes
I wish Rebels would do stuff like TCW did and just have episodes focused less on the main cast.
I'd kill for a Hatndo episode where he crash lands on Tatooine
Isaiah Myers
>Rebels season 3 >On Saturday nights
Who's bright idea was this?
Jordan Ramirez
>What is a primetime slot This is a good thing.
Angel Kelly
Anyone have a link to the new episode?
Tyler Jackson
>yfw Sabine gets captured and raped by troopers
Christian Brown
okay, that pic hits a whole other level of incest
he's gonna fuck his maybe sister in his mom's clothes
Nolan Clark
try reading the post you quoted
Michael Richardson
Brody Price
Post YFW Rex started going off about "Clankers" again
make him look more mature. He looks almost like an adult now and is going around murdering storm troopers. His old look wouldnt have you taking him so seriously in his new role which is to say he has lost his childish innocence.
Blake Gutierrez
>It's a Hondo Episode
Carson Gray
cant wait for ezra to die
Blake Rogers
Yes, Ezra, give into your anger. Let the hate flow through you.
Joshua Gonzalez
are you honestly complaining about a primetime slot?
what you want it to be 1am on a monday like they use to do to Tron Uprising?
Asher James
Ezra is going full Dark Side already.
Ayden Wood
With who? Rey is not related to Luke according to Bloodline timeline.
Jaxson White
It's a primetime slot, which is good. Not that it really matters, Disney XD isn't carried enough to bring anything on that channel amazing ratings, plus the show's been picked up for good rather than having to be renewed on a season-by-season basis.
Jordan Rogers
not any more, Status Quo restored.
Cameron Hall
Really nigga?
Nolan Hughes
Not really.
Josiah Gomez
>Anthology movie Plagueis
>Book Plagueis
>Comic lol comics
>Video game KOTOR3 or a Battlefront that's actually good.
Nathaniel Wood
Why are Jedi so week-willed? They can't use any emotion at all without going overboard?
Camden Cox
Michael Foster
Because Jedi a shit
Ryan Martin
Arihnda Pryce has the same Grand Moff rank plate that Tarkin has, though Tarkin has twice as many code cylinders as she does.
Juan Ortiz
What the fuck is this grocery collectible game?
Samuel Parker
Because the force is overpowering and only emotionally numb individuals can even come close to it without going crazy
Jason Sanchez
>They can't use any emotion at all without going overboard? >any emotion Blood lust isn't just any old emotion
Kevin Carter
I almost feel bad that Titus got demoted so hard.
Mason Howard
This is a pretty good episode so far. I've only watched the Maul episode.
Why is Sabine a tumbrlite? It looks so weird in this setting.
Alexander Reed
Next stop: The Sheev Museum at Theed
Ryan Rodriguez
Star Wars wants the tumblr audience.
Elijah Johnson
>tumbrlite This word lost meaning ages ago
Juan Davis
For all they brag about being disciplined, any slightly aggressive attack turns them into murder machines.
Ethan Ward
Thrawn is going to be responsible for one of the recurring characters' death, isn't he?
Ryder Mitchell
>Kanen not around
Guess he went to Rahm Kota to git gud at being a blind fighter :^)
Ryan Walker
Fuck off back there then
Henry Moore
Pryce also has big tits.
Jeremiah Rivera
Sexy Ryu
Ryan Kelly
Blame Kathleen Kennedy's raging feminist agenda. Dumb cunt is destroying Star Wars.
Bentley Edwards
It's not shutting off all emotion, it's not becoming attached to that emotion. So you can have a Jedi friend and be good buddies, but if he gets murdered, ideally you should be able to rejoice in them becoming one with the force, but realistically just not let that sorrow consume you and not give in to anger against the perpetrator.
Tumblr didn't invent hair dye.
Lucas Sanders
No, he just hung out around the base. It makes it easier for them to negate any kind of storyline that might have come up from the Jedi not being together.
Liam Turner
Ezra is shit tier at hiding his spiritual corruption.
Lucas Campbell
Just kill this kid now wtf
Grayson Foster
>It's a trap
James Diaz
Forgive me for crossing franchises here, but I remember Albus Dumbledore saying, “I make mistakes like the next man. In fact, being--forgive me--rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be correspondingly huger.”
Increased ability means amplified effects when that ability is used incorrectly.
Gabriel Ward
>Ezra is shit tier got that right
Grayson Young
It's a shame, cause they could have added Rahm Kota into the official Canon that way.
Sebastian Ross
>dyed hair = a raging feminist agenda Are you 12?
Elijah Hall
It's a shame they have to revert to the status quo so quickly after anything interesting might happen.
Is feminism even an issue in the Star Wars universe? The Empire's pretty chill with women in high-ranking positions. More so than in the EU when it was just Daala.
Daniel Walker
Ezra hasn't full on turned to the Dark Side yet, he's just embarking on the path. Why does him still having one foot in the Light have you convinced his dark arc is over?
Benjamin Bailey
Is that Snoke?
Evan Hill
Did you miss the many times she spoke of 'muh stronk womyn Leia and Rey and Jyn'?
Hunter Green
>strong women means FULL TUMBLR SJW AGENDA THAT WANTS TO DESTROY ALL MEN Back to Cred Forums with you
Charles Nguyen
>Not leaving any witnesses
Damn Ezra.
Jacob Davis
My god, two darts at once? Nerf technology has advanced lightyears since I was a kid. When's the hyperdrive coming?
Also did they really think girls need their own brand? If they want a nerf gun, it isn't like the things have a boy sensor built in.
Caleb Howard
Star Wars has always had strong women. Leia and Padme never minded shooting people in the face and Mon Mothma ran the Rebellion.
Bentley Rivera
Ahsoka, Leia, and Panda bear are the only women I like in Star Wars
Eli Sullivan
Its almost like he's fallen to the dark side or something.
Adrian Barnes
For some reason I read Panda bear as Pablo. I kek'd.
Brandon Roberts
What does cycle and rotation in SW, mean for us? Is it month or year or day?
Landon Green
This...... guy? seems outta place in the Star Wars universe.
Asher Rogers
rotation is rotate, and generally means a day.
cycle can also mean a day
don't worry about it, it doesn't fucking matter
Robert Jones
Rotation is day. I'm less sure about cycle, but I think it's either an hour or a week.
Leo Garcia
The Bendu?
Matthew Murphy
The Bendu is a pretty great Jedi, despite his assertion he isn't aligned with one.
Julian Smith
He did a great job at that, bro. He was sexy and enigmatic and kept his cool excellently.
Noah Brooks
Levi Harris
>Grand Admiral Thrawn now Canon >Kyle Katarn sill not Canon
some day.
Christian Johnson
is the stream gonna play the episode again for the people who are shitheads?
Oliver Walker
Bendu tricking Kanan into letting him assfuck him when?
Brayden James
Thanks user
>Don't worry about it, it doesn't fucking matter
Lucas Evans
>Eyes left in the fade out
That's cheesy as fuck. I love it.
Nicholas Cook
Paperbacks are cheaper and smaller.
Austin Harris
>Prey I don't change the objective again.
Carter Brown
whys that little jew so mean all the sudden
Anthony Sullivan
>Anthology movie Obi-Wan shenanigans on Tatooine >Book Collection of short stories showing Plagueis and Sidious >Comics Some new guy going vigilante on Nar Shadaa >Game Podracer niggas
Tyler Martinez
I'm beginning to think his "in the middle" thing is that he uses the Force on a more spiritual and philosophical level, but doesn't give two shits about helping the galaxy at large the way the Jedi do. Goodness without the altruism? Though he's certainly helpful enough to Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight.
Hudson Ramirez
The Jedi are a faction. You're looking for the term force wielder.
Kayden Cooper
Kyle got replaced by Finn
Jackson Ramirez
Who's being a shithead?
In any case, we always replay the new episode more than once.
Wyatt Foster
Reminder that the Imperial walker guy pinpoint shot an Ugnaught to death on a flat platform with space to move but suddenly couldn't hit four larger people bunched together in the doorway.
Getting real sick of your chickenshit, Rebels.
Lincoln Brown
I think you mean Kanan
James Wilson
This pleases me. Reminder that nufaggots won't ever allow anything like the slave girl bikini to make a comeback.
Xavier King
>Titus calls for an evacuation >Goes to make his escape >Runs into the hanger as Hondo absconds with his ship >...
Adrian Jones
Why does Sabine actually dye her hair? How long is the time jump between this season and last?
Anthony Price
Could Ezra have controlled the hero trooper from Season 1?
Easton Reed
The Imperial was in control of his own actions when he shot the Ugnaught. Ezra was in control when he was firing at the Stormtroopers. It's literally Ezra's fault.
Jaxon Thomas
six months
James Bennett
I know he's someone's husbando. I'm sorry for their loss.
Leo Reed
>Why does Sabine actually dye her hair?
She dyes her hair and paints her armor because she's an artist, and one who is constantly changing in her moods and preferences.
Its also why she mentions in her little journal thing that while she's experimented with skin painting she'd never get actual tattoos, because she'd immediately get a different/better idea and tattoos are too "permanent".
Hudson Peterson
Honestly I couldn't understand some of the shit he was saying.
Asher Reed
The lighting on Kanan's close-up when he tells Ezra to Let It Go™ was pretty damned good.
Austin Clark
So in ESB does R2 remember Yoda and going to Dagobah during TCW?
Jonathan Green
>Ezra will hates that.
Blake James
So would that giant goat dude use a lightsaber
Aiden Martinez
Ryan Edwards
I look forward to the episode where they rediscover a base full of separatist resources. I've always wanted to see B1s in the Imperial era.
Oliver Robinson
Yes. He's a little tit.
Samuel Torres
So 15 minutes until Rebels Recon?
Alexander Evans
That makes sense actually
Dindu reminds me more of a lion turtle from Avatar
Gavin Evans
>Thrawn has a much larger _____
Noah Morris
>The rocket is too loud >I want you to do something that will make you scream
Brayden Ross
Jack Hernandez
Hunter Edwards
Dominic Hughes
His wubs are quieter than his rocket, so yeah it still makes sense.
Levi Cooper
Final murder count: 19
Long live Darth Ezra
Christopher Davis
Holy shit, Ezra. Apparently the dark side also means you make decisions like a character in a tabletop RPG.
>lol, I cut the power >YOU FUCKING WHAT
Jackson Fisher
...ass than those pantaloons let on.
Leo Green
No, he'd use a sonic screwsaber
Michael Nelson
>No hyperdrives
Whomp Whooooomp
Ayden Perry
It's much less emphatic sounding in droidspeak.
Carson Campbell
A shame.
I was looking forward to seeing him demoted to Death Star janitor.
Brandon Green
Isaac Nguyen
Does anyone actually understand droid other than MaRey Sue?
The only thing I like about Rey is her relationship with Han and Chewie otherwise fuck her.
I love that Chewie rampage scene in 7.
Mason Lee
>Does anyone actually understand droid other than MaRey Sue? Was TFA your first Star Wars, kid?
Juan Morris
Anakin does.
Angel Morgan
Anakin. I think Ahsoka. Hera, Kanan, Sabine. Ezra didn't at first, but he learned.
John Gomez
Dominic Bailey
Did you just ignore the rest of Star Wars media where multiple people converse with droids?
Jayden Howard
No. R2 AND C3PO got memory wipes at the end of episode 3.
Gabriel Williams
Pretty much every Jedi understands droids. Or mechanic. This isn't even trivia it's just in the series and movies, goddamn.
Connor Bennett
I forget minute droid shit.
Anakin was strangely smart as fuck for a slave.
Robert Thomas
Implying anybody actually gives a fuck about droids.
Lucas Ortiz
Time out I thought they only side "While the protocol droid's memory"?
Gabriel Phillips
No, only C3PO.
Jeremiah Mitchell
Sato promotes him to Lieutenant Commander and everyone's like, Hey Lieutenant!
Christopher Reyes
Only 3-PO got a memory wipe because he's way too talkative to hold the secret of Luke and Leia being hidden away. R2 never got a memory wipe.
Jose Lewis
>droid shit And you call yourself a Star Wars fan? Faggot.
Aaron Lewis
What does that have to do with anything?
Nolan Butler
They did, I rewatched RoTS earlier.
Adam Butler
>Implying anybody gives a fuck about droids Fucking delet this
Jose Rodriguez
That just means he's a Lieutenant in charge of all the other Lieutenants.
Angel Walker
Thomas Carter
>Thrawn has a much larger blue dick than Dr. Manhattan
Henry Clark
Same, I'm the user that made the post about the marathon on TNT
Ethan Johnson
Only C3PO
>7 movies >100+ episodes of TV shows Not remembering more than one person talking to a droid.
John Bailey
Only cool droids are IG-88, R2, HK-47 and 3po is faggot.
Ian Flores
>Following Luke's disappearance, Artoo set himself into a self-imposed low power mode as newer droid models started to out-compute the aging astromech. Despite this, his celebrated role in the Rebellion protected him from the usual recycling procedure of many old droids, allowing him a peaceful semi-retirement in the Resistance as he pored over several decades of uninterrupted data, causing him to 'dream' of many of his greatest adventures.
Elijah Peterson
Yogarclone 12-252 why are you shitposting on holochan? Get back to work!
Jack Lewis
Chase King
That's what you get for being a fucking dark side shit head Ezra.
Carson Lee
Luke Evans
Everybody forgets to mind wipe their astromechs. Everybody.
That's why the little shits are the most prone to becoming heroic murderers.
I was wholly convinced that she was made an unperson
Jace Taylor
homage to Han Solo. he gives someone that look several times in the original movies
Hudson Williams
Shit! I've been compromised!
Robert James
>69 KB
Michael Barnes
shitty fanbase
Carter Brown
I have no idea why I watched it when I have it on DVD. I only watched the last hour while cooking.
Austin Hughes
It's common enough shorthand, right? Lieutenant Colonels are often shortened to Colonel. It's why there is a distinction for Full Bird Colonels.
It's unofficial, of course, and you still officially address them by their full rank. But informally, yes, people shorten long titles. Hell, this episode Grand Moff Tarkin was referred to as just a Moff by Governor Pryce. May have been why he was scowling after she left his office.
Ethan Hernandez
>when you start to understand chopper I've gone too far
Gabriel Lopez
And Lieutenant Commanders are called Commander, not Lieutenant.
Aiden Diaz
I'm gonna miss the phantom
I liked that little toyetic box
Joseph Ross
I mean it was already on, no point in popping in the dvd
Brayden Price
Blake Anderson
Dude her rack was huge
Tyler Cruz
Is there lewd of Agent Kallus and Lieutenant Lyste?
Ryan Adams
What if I told you they get a new, shiny, CIS Phantom?
Daniel Ortiz
Don't bully her, boi.
Nicholas Lee
I don't know how I feel about it
the phantom just fits ya know
Kevin Kelly
I honestly thought that second spoiler was gunna say "Danny"
Charles Wilson
I figured he was the reason the Y-Wings were being scrapped so fast. Hondo and piglet were in prison for presumably some time, why the sudden rush to burn up the rest of the fighters? Given Thrawn figured out where they were headed and we know Titus was warned by Pryce, it makes sense that they rushed destruction as a consequence even though the episode doesn't outright state it. It's that or they were coincidentally just about done with their stock anyway. And sure someone might say that they wouldn't rush destruction if they hoped to lure in the rebels, but if they were actually wanting the ships to lure them in why would Titus not stop production before the last 15 or so were destroyed? They apparently preferred the ships destroyed even if they still hoped the rebels would show up.
Michael Gonzalez
Don't worry. They'll MAKE that CIS shuttle fit.
Jackson Roberts
why is it every season i dislike Ezra more and more
Grayson Sanchez
She is the space cougar we deserve
William Peterson
I might rewatch it until One Punch Meme comes on Toonami.
I really like RoTS but that might because I played the shot out of the Xbox demo of Battlefront 2.
Aiden Wood
>pOnOs >vOgOO >J-JAM IT IN!!! >??? >profit
Colton Johnson
Poor taste.
Wyatt Brown
I really like RoTS too, and yeah, they're still going to play all the movies again tomorrow
Sebastian Gray
I didn't watch season 1&2 except the Maul episode and Ezra ain't half bad as a fng.
Nicholas Phillips
really? he is coming off like prequel Anakin to me
Joshua Martin
Nathaniel Campbell
>everyone ignoring the Recon except this user Burn the thread.
Oliver Adams
>B-but I'm not done with the Padawan yet!
Bentley Hernandez
Only one I don't really care for is TPM because that retard and are you an angel? Otherwise I think TPM is pretty good, I love Star Wars period and something about Tattoine is comfy as fuck.
Was there a slave school or is Watto just a good mastuh?
Chase Price
Getting right back into Maul already? That's fast
Nolan Howard
>No coffee connoisseur Pablo this week Why live?
Colton James
>giving a shit about it
Easton Williams
Shh, user, we're busy talking about Thrawns' big blue tipped brush
John Gray
he is Filoni's waifu
Hudson Martinez
But not the one we need right now
Dylan Carter
I think ani taught himself, and TPM was eh ok to me
Landon Allen
recon is gay like you
Gavin Ross
To be fair, he had coffee when Andi was talking about the episode
Brandon Rivera
Filoni has bigger things to worry about. Didn't you hear he's been replaced as supervising director for Rebels? All the theories people have come up with and so far none of them hit the obvious.
That's right, Filoni is dealing with real marital problems after Tom Baker stole his wife from him. Tom's still got it!
Dylan Rogers
Even ironic jokes are meant to be funny.
Nathan Jones
I think we need to take a look at everyone who was murdered there in the last 6 months
Bentley Peterson
I'm the only bucket head am I? I can't stand the whole rebels except Chewie,Leia, and Han. I wish there was a series following the Storm Troops.
I really like the armor of The Empire.
Eli Butler
Hey now, the rest of us got over Seventh Sister's death last season. You guys need to stop dragging that corpse around. Just let her go already. She's really not smelling too fresh.
Ian Morales
How did you know I was into cock?
Nolan Butler
it's not a joke, you are gay
Landon Richardson
Who the fuck is Tom Baker?
Adrian Garcia
Noah Harris
I was referencing Dark Knight...
Brandon Collins
Kayden Williams
Christopher Reed
He's the one in the middle.
Ryder Evans
I always liked the Troopers more than the heroes. Pretty much everything in the Empire was better than the rebel shits. All the rebels ever end up doing is killing people just trying to do their jobs and blowing up infrastructure that will just fuck with even more innocent people.
Brody Sanders
SS is cute, CUTE! And very, very dead ;-;
Jordan Hernandez
>confirmed for not reading the 3-PO comic
Isaiah Miller
>Upend the light and the dark God damn it Filoni, not you too.
Christian Clark
I'm not that user, I'm right here
Camden Reyes
Hey Kojima! Also fuck 3PO he's just annoying overall.
Josiah Perry
>thinks there's a dash between 3 and P I want plebs to leave
Wyatt Foster
You're missing something good, your loss.
Joseph Lopez
I've read it but I still don't care for 3PO
Jason Brooks
If Liberace was running around Star Wars in just a thong and covered in glitter, C-3P0 would still be gayer than him.
Aiden Rodriguez
There is only one Star Wars character who is gayer than him.
And that is Kyle Katarn
Carson Edwards
Uncensored link now
Gavin Price
>Ezra's VA When did he become hot?
Jose Bailey
We better actually see blue faced Andi for the next Star Wars Show or I'm just done with Star Wars forever.
Brody Butler
He never did.
Carter Edwards
Dammit, SS-user, pull back now while you still have time.
Angel Green
That's racist, user.
David Scott
Hey now, Eights, she promised. Okay? I consider what is said during Rebels Recon to be sacred and an oral contract. She owes us now.
Caleb Green
When the fuck are they going to upload the galleries? I want to see all the trivia.
Cameron Sanchez
Jose Price
Mondays now
Ayden Williams
Fucking seriously? REEEEEEEEEEEE
Henry Myers
I wonder if any of Chopper's wah wahs were actually him going "I CAN HEAR YOU ASSHOLE"?
Liam Harris
Fucking perfect, thanks user.
Isaiah Martinez
>Who the fuck Yes, exactly.
Daniel Moore
Who indeed?
Jackson Baker
>thrawn checking out governor's pryce's tits
i'm not the only one who saw that, i know it.
John Perry
>thrawn aiming to dismantle the entire rebellion
I wonder how he'll be thwarted... they also make mention of him causing a ton of civilian casualties.
Liam Brown
>Cell 6609 Oh thank god they didn't go with another goddamn THX 1138 reference.
Sebastian Diaz
I wonder what Hondo will do with those ugnauts. Partners? Seems unlikely. New gang? Well at least their technical skills are pretty dope and they don't exactly care either way for whatever morally corrupt views their asshole bosses have.
Who am I kidding. He's selling them to Lando for profit. Classic Hondo.
Ayden Bailey
In Star Wars?
Angel Price
Didn't watch the new episode how hard does Ezra hit it ?
Daniel Brooks
>I know you can, you little metal faggot.
Elijah Hughes
Can't find the new ep anywhere pls help
Ayden Baker
Maybe Kallus does. Thrawn's biggest weakness is his own side.
So basically you cannot wait until someone draws a picture of a naked Pryce lounging in front of Thrawn and telling him to paint her like one of his Chiss girls?
William Diaz
what is wrong with you, faggot?
Adrian Gutierrez
Levi Cox
Speaking of Ugnauts Ultimate Star Wars actually gives an interesting backstory to Cloud City. Apparently some guy named Lord Ecclessis Figg of Corellia moved to the Anoat sector with 3 Ugnaut tribes. After the Ugnauts built the city he allowed them to live there with him and share in the profits gained by mining. Also the city is mainly used for gambling, spas, and nightlife when Lando takes over.
Evan Mitchell
Do you think we will ever get qt Luke in a Rebels-like cartoon?
Cooper Howard
he doesn't do anything interesting until ANH user.
Caleb Collins
We need post ANH episodes yesterday.
Grayson Walker
He kills womp rats.
"Womp rats" is what they call homosexuals on Tatooine.
Adam Kelly
Well, Rebels will go all the way to the battle of Jakku, so he's certainly around and kicking.
Bentley Reed
Star Wars and Star Wars threads really needs to get rid of all the faggots.
Noah King
>that spoiler user pls, Luke is too pure to do such a thing
Brayden Powell
William Young
Felt like Hera was pretty rough on Ezra. I mean she's lead some pretty shaky missions on less intel and they would have made the call to try for whatever bombers remained. Granted some of their shakiest stuff was in season 1 and now that they're part of Phoenix Squadron more is riding on them getting their shit right the first time.
Still she's team mom and she wants her son Ezra to do right by the Rebels and not half-ass his missions like his dad Kanan. She's just using some tough love hoping he'll learn a valuable lesson from all this. And of course she's ultimately right. Ezra should have risked contacting Hera before going off-mission because as we saw they wound up needing that carrier to show up in order to save the bombers and themselves. He especially should have told her the truth when she called in the middle of his revised mission thus negating any worry of the Empire being alerted to the call, which was already a moot point once the Empire was clearly aware of them anyway.
Justin Gutierrez
This is just the beginning!
Joseph Rodriguez
>posting of Cred Forums >not a faggot
Logan Brown
Another interesting fact from Ultimate Star Wars is apparently citizens of the Empire still get to take part in elections. The elections are rigged though but the Empire in concept works very similarly to the Republic where people still vote for senators and whatnot. This was probably one of the ways Palpatine eased people into the idea of the Empire.
Cooper Baker
I think you mean his sexually is too open to interpretation by the viewer. Hamill said so!
Samuel Perry
Hamill is too pure for this world.
Mason Green
I'm still waiting for the Ghost crew to realize that Hera cares more about her shitty rebellion than about them.
Jason Sullivan
Where do you think you are?
Ryder Russell
in a thread full of shit packers apparently
Ryder King
He sold them the Empire as making the galaxy more secure, not outright striping all their freedoms. Still took him twenty years to dump the Senate, and by that point he was relying on the Death Star to keep the local systems in line and obedient to the regional governors.
One of the reasons losing the Death Star was such a blow to the Empire. They didn't just lose their terror weapon they lost it at a time they could ill-afford the loss. They'd just fucked up the Senate, blown up Alderaan, and embarrassingly saw their own station kerploded. The Rebellion probably saw it's largest surge after that, only overshadowed by the outpouring of support after ROTJ. Of course by ESB it sounds like the Empire was back on top. The Alliance was never even a quarter as powerful or as public as the CIS. They just couldn't afford to be that bit a target.
Christopher Hall
Nice of you to join us
Noah Lopez
Pure? Time for my story. I was at fan expo and so was Hamill. Normal convention except for one thing, there was a chick chatting up Hamill wearing nothing but body paint. I saw everything. Cooch fluttering in the breeze. At the end of the day Hamill left with her. 90% sure they fucked.
Logan King
Landon Fisher
Their is more than enough room in her lekkued heart for both. After all, when Kanan was too busy moping around she wasn't upset that he was letting the Rebellion down, she was pushing him to reconcile with Ezra and reconnect with him.
Elijah Moore
Isaiah Bell
Hera is still a shit-tier waifu
Jack Hall
I can't delete the truth, user.
Dylan Cook
And when push comes to shove and it's better for the rebellion for her to leave them behind to die, she'll leave them. Because she's just like her father.
Landon Barnes
Hamill could rape ten babies in broad daylight and I'd still call him pure
Samuel Richardson
what if he raped your waifu ten times in broad daylight?
William King
This user gets it.
Michael Murphy
Most cons have a dress code that wouldn't allow that.
Juan Smith
>Thank you sir, it's been an honor
James Diaz
He is my waifu user.
it only makes it hotter
Tyler Jackson
What if he shot and killed your waifu?
Austin Sanders
This con had that! It just makes no sense.
Alexander Bell
I would join my waifu
Blake Morgan
Owen Brooks
Jan 24, 2016 - "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I'd still be pure" Hamill said.
Jaxon Fisher
That better not be the end of Ezra dark side shenanigans. Setting up this change in personality and running it back in the same episode would be lame as fuck.
Nathaniel Johnson
Shut up, Yoda. She still saved Kanan in the end rather than just honoring what he fought for.
Parker Davis
Why would you expect him to be in dark side mode 100% of the time just as he's dipping his toe into it?
Isaac Wright
He literally asks Kanan about the holocron seconds after 'apologizing' for using it. He's gonna steal it from the Bendu, and/or lead Maul to it, calling it now.
Jayden Kelly
That was 5 months ago? Ugh, I remember screen capping it.
Jaxson Allen
The Bendu would probably just give it to him, he seems to put more stock in personal choice than supposed corruption. Anyway, I agree that they'll probably keep it going, but that ending gave me weird vibes.
Brandon Brooks
I can't draw, but I'm fairly good at photoshopping. I need to find something to pass the time, any requests?
Jace Walker
>Ezra, the villagers? >Kill them all.
Aiden Harris
More lewd /ss/ edits. Preferably with Ezra in it. Please
Charles Adams
Samuel Barnes
Ok but that'll take time Any pic you want me to transform?
Charles Murphy
I have a few pictures, but if you are gonna make one, you should pick a picture you like for yourself.
Wyatt Allen
>Ezra will kill all the waifus SOMEONE MUST STOP HIM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE
Dominic Turner
My favorite part of the episode is despite Ezra living out his Anakin Skywalker dream of being a badass hero, the moment reality strikes back and things go to shit he starts crying for his daddy Kanan to save him.
I make it sound worse than it was, but it was still a nice touch capped off by them reuniting as a team in the end. Of course soon enough it'll all go to shit again. Thanks, Maul.
David Hernandez
Can you make these Maul pics with transparent backgrounds?
This one
Adrian Jackson
And this one
Bentley Howard
Pick your favorite one bud I aim to please
Charles Stewart
Next episode to be exact
Michael Sullivan
I used to scoff at the Ezra is Snoke theory but now it's starting to look more likely.
Thomas Perry
>implying. Now that he's back to sucking off Kanan's dick he'll be a good little Jedi. Kiddy shows aren't allowed to have complex characters or plotlines.
Xavier Thomas
It was never likely because they've said since day 1 that Snoke saw the fall of the Republic and Ezra was born the day the Empire was founded.
Jacob Green
To be fair, by the time he really broke down he was well and truly fucked. He had no way off a station HE was destroying.
Thomas Lopez
You'll need stronger bait than that
Nolan Anderson
Maul will constantly be trying to seduce Ezra back to him.
Ezra will continue his descent into darkness.
Luke Gutierrez
They've also confirmed Snoke isn't human
Adrian Bailey
Maybe he was born hours before the Empire was formed in the Senate, and Ezra's parents had it up on some holo-feed screens. He would have technically "seen" the fall of the Republic that way.
Try to edit out a few trees in the background and add the twin moons of lothal. Change her skin color, add facial markings and so on...please
Also this is just as cute as it is lewd
Evan Ramirez
don't be a fucking idiot, user.
Hunter Ramirez
Caleb Morgan
Anakin would have done the same thing and still found a way off, or even if he needed Kenobi (sometimes Ahsoka) to save him he still would have faced zero repercussions for his brash actions.
And then he STILL goes into bitch mode when he doesn't get a promotion to Master.
Hunter Green
You're opinion is quite odd, user Ymous, Cred Forums Poster. Why would a single episode indicate that a young man with a passion for freedom may grow into a world shattering tyrant?
Jaxon Torres
I'll get on it. Not sure how long it'll take but I'll get it done.
Austin Watson
the prequels were the worst thing to ever happen to Vader's character.
Before he was a bad ass Jedi that became an even more bad ass Sith Lord.
Now he's just a whiny child. spoiler]Like most Star Wars fans, HEY OH![/spoiler]
Nolan Jenkins
That surprised me, though I don't know why. After all, for all the action packed into the first trailer for season 2 that aired at Celebration, and the stuff after, was still largely limited to the first five or so episodes. The Return of the Clones, the new Inquisitors, etc. And then they'll hit us with later trailers that still blow us away. I love it.
Carter Young
Sweet! Thanks user.
Kayden Murphy
Thanks for these user.
Easton Lewis
Lost Stars really highlights what you're saying.
Nathan Johnson
Joshua Baker
Uh, no? Just because Ezra pedalled back a bit at the end doesn't mean he's not going to felve further into the Dark Side. It's you who has no idea of character development - people don't just immediately dive straight into things, they test the waters before taking the first step. When it's too cold, they flinch back, but as time goes on, they eventually make the plunge. People are at first afraid of things they don't understand or things that end up being scary to them.
This will be a gradual change and damning shift of his character. They can't just go full force right out the window.
Jack Anderson
Dude, just use ctrl-s so you don't fuck up your spoilers like a bitch.
As for Anakin, it actually is better considering it shows the worst of Sheev's influence. Anakin had a devil and angel on each shoulder. Obi-Wan was the angel preaching patience, tolerance, and humility. Sheev was the devil whispering that Anakin deserved more, that more was his due, and that others were jealous, fearful, and holding him back from what he was owed. Ever since he was a kid and he and Poppa Palpatine used to go clubbing together.
There was always a darkness in Anakin since he was a kid (most evident in the cut material where he beat the shit out of Greedo as a kid) but Sheev fed it, helped it grow despite the Jedi indoctrination.
Gavin Cruz
and it's just too bad that Lucas decided he should be a whiny faggot.
Isaiah Cox
Whiny faggots happen all the time. I mean look at you.
Don't worry, we'll get a new inquisitor! A super cute grill, too! And then she'll die in her introductory episode
Colton Phillips
That's a good gag right there. Using someone's words against them is brilliant. Except when you execute it like an eight grader poorly trying to impress the girl sitting across from him.
Andrew Watson
I used to be just as mad, but TCW helped there.
Elijah Lee
the problem with TCW is that Anakin is a completely different character there than in the movies.
Brayden King
I'm sure Kanan will send Ezra out to meet the Bendu for himself and the lionturtle will give him the holocron back
Tyler Evans
The sad thing is, this statement is quite accurate ;-; rip unintroduced feminky, you will be loved and missed once Filoni consumes your soul
Asher Cook
I really want Hondo to show up somewhere else, maybe even live-action. I could see him in the Han Solo movie.
Henry Parker
It's okay, user. She'll notice you one day. Actually I guarantee she already has but sadly she doesn't like what she sees.
You're looking at it wrong. He's the same person. It's the quality of the acting that is the bigger difference. Lanter could have sold Episode III Anakin.
Joshua Hall
>We'll never get a cute loli Inquisitor
Brandon Price
What are you, some kinda pedder ass?
Matthew Johnson
I think Ezra and Sabine interacted more in this episode than they have in basically the whole series, and most of it was negative. What do the writers have against giving Sabine a personality and inter-character relationships besides Hera?
Brody Perry
It's almost like she seemed to actively hate Ezra. It felt really weird to me.
Benjamin Evans
It's almost like Ezra was being a dumb faggot the whole episode and she was calling him out on his stupid choices or something.
Jose Long
You guys think Ashley and Pablo fuck?
Grayson Cooper
It's somewhat jarring to me because she's never given a fuck about him before this, so it seems weird that her comments are so actively venomous.
Hudson Torres
No. This is real life not a fanfic.
Gabriel Parker
it's not like he was making the teams life harder, making the mission more difficult, and putting them all in danger or anything.
Alexander Watson
Is there any information of what happened to Hondo between TCW and Rebels?
It's sad seeing him going from a succesful pirate warlord to a lonely conman.
Elijah Wood
>bratty little brother with scary powers and a sudden thirst for blood gets promoted and put in charge of multiple missions you're subordinated to
I think anyone would be more than mildly annoyed by this turn of events.
Levi Adams
>implying he'd want to fuck the cunt who constantly interrupts his coffee time
Kevin Bailey
kill yourselves
Luke Diaz
There's always a bit of truth in fanfics.
Ahsoka Tano said so, and she should know better than any of us!
Jaxson Ortiz
he wasn't a whiny faggot, you on the other hand are and deserve to die chocking on JJ's cock
Jaxon Murphy
Does all of Cred Forums speak in a congested sleep-deprived drawl?
Isaiah Johnson
only cock sucking faggots
Dylan Howard
Hera's getting too caught up in the Cham Effect, where being part of the 'bigger picture' is starting to take precedence over 'the good of the team' in priority. Her biggest gripe with her dad was his putting his cause before his family, and now she's starting to show signs of that same behavior in herself, bitching out her crew in public over mission protocol. Sato'd better stop giving her so much command responsibility or else she's going to reduce the Ghost crew into being just assets for the Rebellion's use and not even think twice about whether or not they're going to even want to be part of that kind of hierarchial institution.
Jose Morris
I I just think it's shitty that the first time we've seen her give a shit about Ezra, it's incredibly negative. I don't understand why they've been written them this way for the entirety of the show.
Oliver Barnes
because she's not his girlfriend, was not intended to be his girlfriend, and you're a retarded shipper.
Aiden Edwards
I don't ship Ezra and Zeb, but they have a normal relationship. Nobody on the Ghost has as little to say to each other as Ezra and Sabine, it's almost like they're taking care to make sure nobody ships them.
Aiden Cruz
She knows Ezra only had one waifu
Jacob Perez
Don't you ever fucking sleep you autistic shit?
Nathaniel Myers
They ARE part of something bigger and Hera always knew this more than the others. However she certainly doesn't spend the lives of her friends or allies cheaply. There is an old hatred against her that used to crop up about how she was throwing people recklessly at Kallus' blockade in season 2, costing them a cruiser and the (then current) Phoenix Leader, and all to stop a few dirty miners from starving to death. Nevermind that despite their losses Sato and the rest of Pheonix were committed to sending in the rest of their ships, and Kanan was even going to lead the next run personally. This wasn't something unique to Hera at all, since all of Phoenix (who were still alive) were behind their course of actions. And then there is the time a member of Phoenix was shot from behind and some very vocal people were pissed because Hera didn't apparently maneuver the Ghost to shield her, nevermind that this was more a matter of the rear gunners lapse than Hera's own.
Logan Jenkins
Go away, this is Season 3, you're no longer relevant.
Robert Barnes
If Hera was indeed as all-in as you suggest she'd have been proud of Ezra for risking everything, including his own life, for a few ships needed for the larger fight. Instead she was pissed and relieved him of his present command.
Adrian Ramirez
Scanon here. Just ordered the first 3 Adventures in Wild Space books. I should get them in around a week. I get paid again on October 3rd so I'll probably order the 4th Wild Space book, all the journals (Rey/Sabine/Ezra), and maybe a Rebels Visual Guide or two then.
Jayden Sanchez
Uh, no
The point to Anakin's character is that he was always stuck between a rock and a hard place. Rather than break through the rock lime Luke did, Anakin always took the hard place and ended up worse off for it.
If all you see to his character is whining, then you have no understanding of character at all.
Plus, the badass hero type you wanted from Obi-Wan's descriptions to Luke would have been utterly boring and unrelatable. Not to mention whenever Luke's complaints or bursts of anger were brought up, he was directly compared to Anakin, if in passing, but still. I much prefer what we got because it gave us more to work with compared to Luke who seems to look like he'll end up with relatively bland characterization again.
Noah Campbell
If the Rebels were a nation, they'd be the austro-hungarian empire at the start of WWI.
Camden Moore
Just because there was a point doesn't mean it was well executed.
Aiden Johnson
The funny thing is Anakin WAS badass, and yet flawed. He HAD to be flawed because that's what lead to his fall to the Dark Side. Although there are people who indeed are pissed that Anakin believes in the lies that the Jedi were evil and he was really doing the right and true thing all along. That he didn't just accept the coolness and awesome edginess of being Vader and I guess burned himself in lava just so he'd be assured his future samurai gimp suit. I'm mostly guessing on that last part, though. It's mostly that some people are pissed that Vader isn't sincere, he's a dupe. And yet he's both. He's a sincere dupe, and he has to be duped which his how Luke reverses his fall and saves Anakin.
Lords of the Sith is pretty good with Vader's psychology, especially in the opening chapters and his musing on how Yoda was so wrong about the Dark Side. He HAS drunk Sheev's Kool-Aid and become the Emperor's top bitch but he's nevertheless committed to it, fully, and so still powerful and yes badass and "kewl".
Charles Howard
Why the hell are there no torrents for this episode yet?
Kayden Brown
It was a pretty bad episode, so why bother
Wyatt Martinez
Because you haven't bothered to check earlier threads?
Gabriel Hill
>Lords of the Sith is pretty good with Vader's psychology, especially in the opening chapters and his musing on how Yoda was so wrong about the Dark Side. He HAS drunk Sheev's Kool-Aid and become the Emperor's top bitch but he's nevertheless committed to it, fully, and so still powerful and yes badass and "kewl". And it was amazing, much better balanced that post-ROTS EU Vader.
Matthew Russell
It was pretty underwhelming. Hope it picks up next week.
Jackson Watson
Only from a certain point of view i.e. nostalgia
Charles Martin
All I'm seeing are people saying there's no torrent.
Carson Cox
Ah, the nostalgia card. Classy.
Blake Russell
Why the fuck do you need a torrent when we gave you a mega link in HD? People really need to stop ignoring the Links in OP
Ethan Kelly
Does Star Wars really need a general?
Connor Cruz
It needs, no, demands a Grand Moff
Camden Reed
Nostalgia is a recognized force within the universe, similar to how quarks make you greedy for acquisition and loathe clothed females.
You, meanwhile, offer no concrete rebuttal. I hate to break it to you but the EU was all over the place in terms of both canon and quality. Forget the old ways, embrace the new paradigm.
Gabriel Bailey
There comes a point where you need to stop expecting to be spoonfed, and actually glean the details for yourself. It's quite literally in the narrative. Anakin is made to choose between hard lives throughout all three movies. The only difference is upon choosing, he believes it to be the better choice, only to come to doubtful conclusions later which end up guiding whatever choice he makes next.
Caleb Jones
Well there's two tv shows and several ongoing comic series, so if you think we should make a general for each of those, go right ahead.
Alexander Turner
>Well there's two tv shows Rebels and...what? >several ongoing comic series then you can talk about those when they come out.
These threads, even when you have the show on, have so little to talk about all you do is post censored porn and shitpost. Other generals are more productive and stay on topic better than you all when their stuff has been on hiatus for Goddamn years.
Jack Gomez
so the shuttle that Hondo stole is the one Han/Luke use in ROTJ right?
Parker Turner
This is like the twelfth Imperial shuttle they've stolen in this series alone, so odds Not really. Hell, last season Kanan even called attention to the fact that the Empire keeps losing their shuttles to the rebels, and this is pre-Alliance. I'm pretty sure the Tydirium wouldn't have been on the registry if it was lost in a known rebel incursion on a decommissioning facility and then used by a notorious pirate.
Josiah Flores
How would it have the access codes to land on Endor?
The first Death Star hasn't even blown up yet.
Carter Martin
>Rebels and...what? the lego show too
wrong model
John Cox
No. That shuttle is stolen in the book Moving Target.
Ayden Allen
make way for crappy oc memes, I'm going to see if this gets reposted in other threads
Colton Cook
>the lego show too Is that even getting a second season or was it a total one-off?
I'd love to get some more as long as they can keep up with the quality of crap like the Sheev museum. Some good shit.
Jack Morris
Don't wait for others to do it for you, do it yourself, like a True Meme Ninja™! Believe in your meme or it will never get strong! BELIEVE IT!
Dominic Walker
>I hate to break it to you but the EU was all over the place in terms of both canon and quality. Forget the old ways, embrace the new paradigm But that's exactly what I was doing? For someone wanting to impress with big words, you surely lack reading comprehension.
Levi Brown
its not a true meme unless another person saves it and posts it
Brandon Sullivan
Jesus, user, for as long as it took you to craft that reply you really got that backwards.
Parker Scott
If you aren't willing to grasp your anonymous nature and repost it yourself, your meme does not deserve to live.
Zachary Davis
Dumb question but is the MEGA download link legit
Jaxson Hughes
Which mega? The episode mega or any of the other megas? I mean they're all legit if you like gungan porn
Logan Price
No. It's just tons of dolphin porn.
Eli Stewart
In all the years I've been coming to this site I've never seen a link to actual dolphin porn. I'm disappointed.
Gavin Green
Jokes on them that's my fetish
Blake Long
>he doesn't fap to his sweet 500GB dolphin pussy stash every night
Gavin Jackson
There's two different posts and points in play, but I don't think you two were on the same page in terms of the EU. Just because the old EU varied doesn't make it all garbage, just as a story being canon or not doesn't make it better or worse. The old ways, as I see them, are to follow extremist paths, accepting all or nothing. But only a Sith thinks in absolutes. If more people were willing to look past the labels of Legends and Nu Canon and just express what they like, these threads would be a lot happier.
Ironically the Story Group, for as hated as they are by EU Purists for betraying the One True Canon, are the ones pushing for the introduction of old canon into the new. They're doing it right. We aren't, and that goes for Not Canonists and EU Purists alike.
Josiah Diaz
Clankers not welcome
David Powell
>not posting the Ratts Tyerell version
Seriously, he IS best pod racer. His fiery death brought shame to the game.