>How can I help? If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one. If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one. If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them. If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.
>How many Channels do we need? All of them. but mostly those who are Cred Forums related.
Alright. I'll be very in and out today, some stuff has come up and its either deal with it now or wait for it to get worse so I'm ding it now
James Collins
Have a nice Sunday /CTG/
Jordan Watson
Why must I be on the other side of the earth?
Sebastian Garcia
teennick r34 when?
Jaxson Price
Check the booru user, there should be a lot of it.
Brayden Cooper
Toony never takes off the box, even when eating
>Dinner Table
>Everyone is eating
>Right next to her is Boomerang
>"Listen. Toony. You have to take off the box and eat your food, you can't just NOT eat, all of us Turners eat, and are perfectly well be-
>Foxy and Stoner and tearing into food. They are sloppy and a mess is getting everywhere
>...You know what I mean Toony. You gotta eat.
>Toony looks down at her plate. Its a burger.
>She looks around, with the exception of Stoner and Foy, everyone is looking right at her
>She sighs.
>She picks it up,
>Everyone is dead-eyed on Toony
>She lifts it t words her Box
>Everyone moves closer on the edge of their seas
>This is it
>She bring it up to her eyehole and shoves to food item into it, making staisn around her box, but its iside, and she quickly moves her hands to be under her box
>She begins eating, box stilll on
>Massive Groan with a few Boo's
>Toony never takes this box off
>No matter what.
Charles James
There's a R34 of her in the booru...
Jose Lopez
at this point i'm pretty sure that Toonami-tan only eats Pringles
Sebastian Davis
Dudeee, that's adorable
Gabriel Watson
You know? I figured it would be something like this scene, but with others Turners
She was born in it, molded with it - just like a symbiote
Landon Nelson
I don't know if we ever agreed on the Story behind the Box.
>We had one where it went agaisnt the Lore where CN was Toony's Mom and Tonny's Dad was Tom from Toonmai
>In that one she had to wear the box or her parents would get in trouble
>We had one I wrote where Sy-Fy was recovering from her accident and as getting used to full sentences again. She was hanging out with Toony and said she could build Toony a mech and theoreticlly in her old Sci-Fi life she could. But now that she's crippled she can't so she made a Cardboard Box with Lights on the inside and the Markings on the side. Toony Loved it and vowed to never take it off.
Lincoln Martinez
Well, that was kinda unexpected, but I like it
Andrew Walker
the last one with SyFy sounds adorable to be honest, just imagine SyFy writing all those texts on Toony's box back when she was Sci-Fi, it's part of her legacy
Tyler Jones
At some point, this is going to end up happening.
Henry Murphy
>Redstone finds the Channel-tans >He want answers >Someone finds their origin >Cred Forums >Not even Redstone has the courage to fight those monsters > Cred Forums was right again
Luke Jones
YOU want the truth? you can't handle the truth!
Jose Bell
I guess, she just loves that box
Angel Baker
Yeah,Not even ancient druid alchemy can defeat the unified force of meme magic. Hail lord Kek. Also some body Photoshop this over the lewd parts of , gotta keep the joke running.
Robert Harris
I do not think anyone would dare to sue another person with this as their only evidence
Christopher James
If anything, I imagine they would search for every lewd pic of Viacom That would be one crazy court room
Gavin Nelson
>Once again Toony-tan gets all our love >Being Toonami-tan is nothing but suffering >How long until she hits yandere stage?
Kayden Richardson
Oh dear lord, just imagine the horror...
Aiden Flores
>Redstone calls Vi in his office one early morning >Viacom has no idea what going on, everything seems normal, his stocks are up >Surprisingly high, actually. It hasn't been like that in ages >The employees are acting odd around him too, some of them blushing or giving him thumbs up as he walks past >He's in his boss' office and now he feels less like an employee and more like an errant kid >Especially with Sumner glaring at him like that Redstone: "Do you know why I called you here?" Vi: "No, why?" >Redstone just shakes his head and turns on a television >And on the screen is a reporter talking about leaked pics of someone important >Soon a cropped picture of himself shows up, making sure to hide the naughty bits *Reporter 1: "Sumner or Viacom itself hasn't made a statement about the leaked pictures, but we're to sure to hear an answer from them soon enough. Tom, any last words?" *Reporter 2: "Well, even though VIACOM isn't the biggest mass media company anymore, it still has something to be proud about. Now with the weather." >Vi is mortified. He thought he only sent that picture to N@N, how is it on the news? Vi: "Slow news day, huh?" >Vi is laughing nervously and sinking further in his chair. Redstone: "I got the call from Rupert, he was nice enough to warn me a few hours ahead of time. Apparently, there was a mass text sent out yesterday to nearly every major news network has it. And guess what, those little bastards love sex scandals." >Every news network has aired this. CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, FOX even CBS Vi: "What should we do?" Redstone: "You're going out there tomorrow and are going to apologize for your indecent behavior. Then, you're going to the shareholder meeting next week and apologize to them. Now get the hell out of my office, I don't want to see your face the rest of the week." >Vi just nods and gets out of there and goes straight to his apartment
Part 1
Carter Anderson
>Viacom just covering his face with both hands while Redstone presents the "evidence"
She isn't a loli, she's a super-ultra high-tech mecha
Xavier Ortiz
I need second part now please
Levi Rogers
Alright, so this is a rough for a half-way revision half-way player 2 outfit for TeenNick.
I added The N logo on her right hand. I figure she used to cover it with makeup with cloves shortly after transitioning to TeenNick, like she tries doing with her dyed hair that still shows roots. After a few years, she gets more comfortable in embracing her old roots. Especially when Viacom gives her the Noggin app and time with Nick Jr.
Jonathan Hughes
>CN is Finn >Disney is Minnie
and Nick... ???
Thomas Flores
Oh right I forgot
Evan Carter
tho was just a different outfit not a revision, i like her regular clothes :(
Jordan Thompson
Looking good, Euw!
I really like the concept for her logo, its an interesanting idea
Bentley Bennett
William Flores
Is that a sweater, right? It looks good, good luck with the rest
Parker King
I love a good sex scandal.
Dominic Morales
The last thread people were requesting seeing Teennick and Nick Mom with more clothes, these aren't going to erase her own outfit. Also, yes having "The N" logo on her hand IS a revision, even if it's not a major one.
I'm a bit torn over whether to keep it simplified or add the "The" to it.
Open shoulder sweater, yeah.
Ryder King
... why
Eli Barnes
oh nice tho it was big change, sorry
Cooper Williams
Part 2
>It's even worse on the streets, he's getting catcalls and women and men are throwing themselves at him >He makes it to his apartment and shuts and locks the door >Vi finally makes it to bed and crawls under the sheets >He wishes he could hide in here for the rest of his life and just watches the news cycle in horror and embarrassment >A few hours later N@N walks past the door, she has the keys to his apartment, and find's Vi looking at the View >She knows what happened, TBS told her everything, and she came here as soon as she could >She sits next to him, watching four harpies talk shit about her husband and she shuts the TV off angrily N@N: "Vi, look at me, you didn't do anything wrong. Mistakes happen to the best of us." >She grabs his face and kisses his nose Vi: "My reputation is ruined, advertisers are probably dropping my channels as I speak and my kids are seeing their father's naked body on TV thanks to a bunch of newscasters who have no journalism left in their bodies." N@N: "Listen to me, everything will be ok. Do you remember that episode of Family Guy-" Vi: "I'm going to stop you right there. I don't watch Fox's shitty shows, not even he does." N@N: "Well, the moral of the story was, you need to accept things happen and if you dwell on them and fear them, they will hurt you. Accept the mistake happened and move on from it. Then it can't hurt you." Vi: "Wow, that's a pretty insightful episode." N@N: "It was, now c'mon. Cheer up, it's not the end of the world." >She then climbs on Vi's lap and removes his tie N@N: "Plus, we have the rest of the day to ourselves. Lets see what the news has been abuzz about."
Henry Walker
Because Vi is sexy and you know it
David Stewart
The time is coming, soon Toonami-tan will reveal her true nature, an unstoppable force!
Nolan Brooks
>I don't watch Fox's shitty shows
So that's why we never see them together
Ryan Rivera
Nothing can stop Toonami Tan
Aaron Diaz
My headcanon is that the tans have their logo somewhere in their bodies, you know like birthmarks or tattoos
In this case Noggin was her original logo so it's like a birthmark and the 'Teen Nick' logo would be a tattoo
Eli Garcia
You're making me want to draw something, but if I do I'm afraid it'll become lore and I don't want that.
Michael White
Julian White
This is a good lore my dear fellow, always good to see more of the human side of Vi
Jonathan Morales
do it! follow your dreams!
Zachary Ortiz
Yo TB, welcome back
Wyatt Watson
Oh, they hang out. Doing illegal stuff together. They just don't watch Animation Domination all that much. Especially Fox himself, they keep making fun of him all the time and the less that can be said about the Simpsons, the better.
It sounds interesting, you should do it. Just remember to say it is a concept, not lore.
Jack Moore
Awaken my Bot!
By the way TB, remember next month JoJo in Toonami!
Jackson Ross
will the kek la kek spammer aim his memes towards JoJo
Lincoln Gonzalez
They are partners in crime, but pretend they hate each other to avoid any suspicion of their relationship
Kevin Wilson
Evan Howard
There is nothing to fear, just do it
Julian Morris
Here's a little sketch of CBBC and Cbeebies. Honesty, they deserve some attention.
I personally think they're both BBC's daughters. CBBC is 12-year-old while Cbeebies is only 3. Their age really fits to their show line-up.
I only know that Cbeebies has well-know preschool shows like Teletubies, but I chcecked few times CBBC's list of shows, it has cartoons like Danger Mouse and Arthur and some teen drama/sitcom shows like Dance Academy, Sadie J or So Awkward.
Justin Myers
Adorable work, Perla
Blake Nelson
CBBC is actually a good channel with one of the best shows ever
G4 is slightly more pathetic since he's really wimpy about it
Have G4 almost break down in tears only for UPN to grab him by the collar and tell him to stop being such a pussy At least he has friends, family and a place to call home
Brayden Anderson
Be careful, memes are dangerous. They govern us, govern our life, they even elect our presidents.
Matthew Cruz
Oh damn Perla that's adorable, It would be nice to see them get along with other tiny-tans
Thomas Harris
UPN - The WB and G4 - Rooster Teeth
Alexander Diaz
I wish this were just a joke, but it's true... our world is really weird
This story isn't mine, but you might enjoy this as well. It has MTV2 in it. pastebin.com/MuYNP8xK
Are there more stories we're missing? I feel like there is.
Hudson Russell
not sure but f.a.g was working on a massive pastebin with all them
Jonathan Perry
She's SpongeBob, she's even holding his fishing net.
Dominic Watson
>Here lies Spike, he never scored
Cooper Walker
>pastebin.com/sAaXnWwn Oh shit man. Thanks. Second I have free time I'll put them into the Pastebin
I know we are missing one. I don't remeber what it was but I think it had something to do with the Viacom's and Eldrich. I'm not too sure though as I can't find it.
Beyond that there may be more large Greentexts I may have missed. I'm going through old threads and finding greentexts and adding them to the Pastebin so if there are any stragglers I'll find them there
>intro shows us each of the main three's houses with their company name somewhere on it
>SyFy is airing Bill and Teds Bogus Journey
>other characters would be in the background throughout the OP where the main 3 run through different scenes and brief moments of interaction with some of the characters they run into
sounds awful
Ayden Sanchez
It was awful
Aaron Clark
I've actually played that Danger Mouse game where you play as Danger Mouse and Penfold going through the level, kind of fun. What channel does Danger Mouse air on, anyhow? Definitely needs it's own channel-tan.
Julian Martin
i do know that when toonami came back you all went to Cred Forums only to get shitposted back to Cred Forums
Leo Morales
SyFy can be the delivery boy
Christian Powell
she's tiny so cute
Camden Rodriguez
I like this concept, but I want an episode with TeenNick as the host, talking shit about other channels and praising the superior Viacoms
Logan Carter
>What channel does Danger Mouse air on, anyhow? Besides CBBC that will air new episodes, right? I saw that the reboot series actually is aired on korean Disney Channel and asian Disney XD, and in Portugal on Biggs. In my country Poland is only on Netflix with awful polish dubbing.
Camden Rivera
someone banned me just because i posted a DBZ gif...
Brandon Bailey
I wanna do this
Though I dunno how to do gifs =/ as I work off an ipad pro. If anyone's got a tip for that? Otherwise I'll just do a still.
Juan Nelson
"praise the booty" was just a photo, not even animated so don't worry
Tyler Scott
I would love to do something with this idea, but my artstyle is inherently too depressing. I feel the TV show would be very colourful. I'll just wait for someone colourful to do it instead.
Grayson Clark
And then he grows more hands to cover his face better.
Eli Howard
Alrighty then!
Joshua Hernandez
You are kinda new here but man, she's really depressing
Benjamin Ward
It's "Teen Nick has a Podcast" Episode
>Teen Nick being the big patriot of Viacom she is reports all of the blunderings of Warner and Disney
>"Warner Drops Internet Provider America Online after it fails. Not surprised. If they had gone to A TRUE Company such as Viacom. They would have TRIPLED their income and have been partners with the best Company to be created.
>Sadly they chose to partner with Turner Sluts. Pathetic
>And in Unrelated news. Viacom decides to bring small Directors dreams come true by allowing them to film their movies while they fund them.
>You won't see that anywhere else. Not Disney and their corporate Vampires sucking creators dry and never sticking up for the little guy.
>...Fucking Sluts
I'd imagine the podcast would be very similar to something Along Alex Jones where he gets very energetic and screams whenever something gets to her personally.
Logan Carter
Coment just pop-up from nowhere
Hunter Sanchez
Josiah Wood
Do not underestimate your abilities, I think you could do a good job with it.
Jack Turner
Meanwhile Nick@Nite is getting wet
Joshua Young
I want a vocaroo of this lol
Wyatt Ross
You have no idea TB, those were dark times for all of us, fortunately all change with the return of Toonami
Angel Ross
now the ratings thread sucks with the shitty Home Movie bait posts and "Le One meme Man is killing Toonami KeLaKe Laughing.jpg"
Samuel Sanchez
CN is everywhere, that's cool
Zachary Brown
Jojo is our saviour, believe in the power MUDA MUDA MUDA!
Jordan Martin
According to wikipedia they're slogan is actually, "Are you CN what we're sayin'?"
Which is almost worse.
Jeremiah Bennett
If you wanna see shitty ratings threads check /asp/ whenever they talk about Raw v Smackdown.
Connor Morris
what's that
Benjamin Adams
>we're sayin'
how, it's a tv channel not a fucking radio station... for god's sake CN
Owen Richardson
Because you wouldn't be able to See what they're Sayin. You'd only be able to hear
Jace Jackson
Trust me, you do not want to know
Matthew Sanders
>watch as Hiro kills an entire board by allowing one sport in it
holy shit
Michael Clark
Hey, guys, CN Real actually happened.
Adrian Jones
goddamnt, it's true
Daniel Peterson
>spouting such heresy >999
What have you done
i say CN Real doesn't get a tan . It's best that we pretend it never happened
Lucas Stewart
is the /mlp/ of sports
Daniel Davis
it never happened, it's a legend! just a creepypaste for silly kids!
Jaxson Lewis
CNReal-tan is just a CN-tan cosplayer.
Anthony Evans
Neat, now imagine Nick2 helping her dear sister TeenNick with her podcast, she basically does all the hard work while TeenNick does nothing but talk, but hey.. at least the pay is good
Andrew Long
Look deep into your heart you know it's true. remember Andrew wk
Adam Phillips
It was all just a bad dream by CN herself, and none of her friends ever talk about it. If that phrase ever gets mentioned in earshot, she just goes in a catatonic state and stares at nothing, all while muttering "New Episodes of Level Up, only on CN."
Elijah Sullivan
Thinking about taking a shot at writing Teen Nick's break up with Stoner next week. Just wanna make sure I got it right: TN was Noggin,Foxxy was the original CN and Stoner was the original Toonami?
Colton Thomas
Before TeenNick she was The N, before the N she was Noggin
But the rest is fine, you got it right
Zachary Bailey
But she still fondly remembers Andrew WK pounding her ass
Josiah Lopez
>Level Up Wasn't that show got 2 seasons and ended on a cliffhanger? She wanted to impress Nick and Disney with the live-action phase back in 2012.
Matthew Morales
... okay i want show me!
Austin Butler
Timeline wise TeenNick was The N and Stoner was still [Adult Swim].
Julian Flores
What were the real shows, Out of Jimmy's head, Destroy Build Destroy,Level Up and that one ghost hunting show ?
Ian Thompson
If CN real we're a tan, she'd look like this. But with a latex mask that looks like face, as she wears her clothes and a white wig.
Easton Reed
Oh right. I forgot about them. I should do a comic about what CN did with these shows.
Landon Nelson
She failed, dishonor on her family, her channel, and even her website with those shitty games based on Level Up
Robert Long
Oh that sounds like fun
Ethan Hall
Like that, but with beady, Teddy bear eyes.
Xavier Harris
>Make a show about gamers >have the MC be ugly as fuck
i see what ya did there CN
Michael Howard
>Out of Jimmy's head
That was between 2007 and 2008
CN real was 2009
i think
Daniel Flores
Gabriel Cruz
alright, here you go
Elijah Ross
Jimmy's head was the source of this evil known as CN Real
Jayden Roberts
>CN was molested by Stuart Snyder and Andrew W.K., Forced to do holes in walls,They destroyed, built and destroyed her personal belongings, all while blasting The Bomb by pigeon john.
Andrew Perez
These names are horrible, I cant believe they were real shows
Luke Cox
Still, it didn't really air in CN Real as far as I know
Carter Wood
Andrew W.K. was the Dan "The man with the van and the master plan" Schneider of Cartoon Network
Revenge, you know, after years of seeing how CN slowly destroyed her beloved classics with pop culture and memes she finally found a way to do the same to CN and her shows.
Isaiah Hernandez
go get Cred Forums x to see spoilers
Chase Anderson
Hey that's really good Thank you
Jackson Wilson
Angel Robinson
cute ~
Benjamin Collins
>"Why so serious?"
Nicholas Martinez
a cute CUTE
Joshua Moore
Nice cbs trips
Noah Bell
CN Still does
>She doesn't understand that Boomerang hates what she is doing because Boomerang always gives a constant Supporting nature to her sisters
>Everynight Boomerang Tan looks over a balcony
>She sees the busy city below with the sound of car horns being lifted high and the building lights B righting the land
>She pulls out a cigarette
>She remembers all of her beloved classics
>She smiles a little bit
>She pulls out a lighter
>She remembers CN
Her smile fades
>She looks down at the city
>All of her shows. Their classic designs. They MADE the trends. They didn't chase them
>Thisr designs were pure and delicat and thought out well.
>Sharp and cut and produced to perfection
>CN comes to her mind
>She brings the lighter down as she has lit her cigerette
>All she does is chase trends. She DOENST know a GODAMN thing when it comes to GIVUNG A SHIT
>She's a Warner she should fucking act like one and KNOW WHEN NOT TO SCREW WITH PERFECRION
>Her angered frown is visible
>CN what a fucking Joke
>Her cigarette snaps
>she looks down
>the small part that's in her mouth is still burning
>The part that was bitten off falls to the city below
>Boomernag regains her composure
>She cleans her thoughts
>She takes a deep breath and walks back inside
>A Warner doesn't behave like she just did
>It's not good for the company image
>She closes the door
Parker Barnes
im not sure who are those girls but they look cute
Uuh, hopefully I'll wake up early enough to finish it off in the morning, before the thread closes, but right now I need to sleep.
G'night mates.
Brayden Rogers
don't worry, goodnight noir!
Dominic Reed
Night, Noir.
Chase Campbell
Aww, CBS looks adorable. In a formal kind of way.
Brody Nelson
It's also on Netflix in America. This makes me wanna see Netflix-tan trying to make a deal with CBBC-tan to get the rights to air Danger Mouse in other countries.
Jacob Campbell
The Turners are smarter than they look
Logan Howard
>Boomernag Nice story, so many feels in it.
Grayson Long
I love seeing the kiddie tans interact, always cute shit.
Benjamin Hill
I have no idea why but I find this very funny
Lincoln Gray
Farewell Noir, see ya next time
Nolan Campbell
Jaxon Scott
I wonder if the creator of this bumper have idea of how popular this ship is thanks to him, or her.
Isaac Foster
I blame her for The Hunchback of Notre-Dame 2
Carter Ross
She is nothing more than a victim, the real culprits are still free
Leo Powell
All she's told to do is make sequels
That's all she knows
Adam Morgan
old habits die hard
Gabriel Cook
Sounds like the perfect cast for Disney XD
Kevin Jackson
Another quick sketch while at work and a hijacked computer that's hooked up to the printer
Levi Hernandez
Jose Peterson
you are literally hacking a computer to post this... dunno but that sounds really cool
Adrian Adams
Nick-tan, right? cute
Alexander Jones
You have to admit she did a good job with the sequels of the Lion King
Ayden Jackson
no we got 4 computers at work and the one I am is hooked up to the printer so everyone kicks me off to print stuff
Hunter Thompson
If TeenNick has her own podcast that means that other channels too, SyFy probably just talk about conspiracies and strange theories
>Viacoms are demons >Disney created Jetix using the body of Fox Kids >CN's booty isn't REAL!
>She becomes a regular member and buys the next podcast as soon as possible
>One episode of the Podcast freaks her out
>"The Murdorus Bitch must be brought to justice! You all know who I'm talking about! Disney!"
>Jetix laughs
>She is the reason Fox Kids is dead! Disney has been developing a syrum to Wipe the memories of good and honest tans in order to make them whoever they want!
>Jetix has a look of confusion. This is diffrent to what she's used to on this podcast
>Jetix is scared
>Teen Nick goes into full detail
>Wothin the week Fox Kids vanished Jetex appears. The hair puffs at the end The fact that Disney legally acquired Fox Kids and then strangely did nothing with it
>Jetix freaks out. This makes too much sense
>She's part robot at this point so she digs deep enough into her brain and discovers the truth
>Cue the comic Jam made where Disney says "It's Just Buisness"
>She breaks down crying
>Leaves through the window
>She isn't seen for a while and future episodes reflect on the Disneys deal in with Jetix disappearance
Evan Hill
Jacob Taylor
That would just be USA when he's not focused on raslin.
Dylan Reed
I imagined him to be younger looking.
you mean Ritalin right?
William Ross
Here's a lewd, pals. I'll lurk for the rest of the thread.
Is it the original or stardust crusaders? cause i feel like if they show any at all, it should at least be chronologically correct
Brayden Evans
He was the best, user. now is a legend, literally not kidding he was the best "cartoon" channel back then.
Cameron Smith
I'm not sure but many sources claim that they are going to follow the chronological order.
Chase Brown
idk why this bothers me, it's something about nick...
Tyler Morris
Hey guys, got any requests ?
Jaxon Reyes
Disney XD working out and better servers to Cred Forums
Anthony Cruz
Discovery Kids and 4kids exploring the world
Anthony Price
Clothes swap of the main 3 tans.
Robert Green
CBS holding a pair of 3D glasses with a frown on her face? Since she only has one eye, it isn't going to work.
Nolan Hill
Disney and CN cheering up a sad Nick.
Logan Evans
Xavier Gray
Anything with Time Warner
Owen Diaz
Hudson Wood
oh god, remember when this was frequent when Hiro took over?
Like, almost every week we had to deal with Cred Forums going down
Juan Cox
A new lewd. It's more Spicy Grandma Y U Do Dis? Spike and G4 noooo...
Noah Scott
Since it's National Yoga Month, I request any four channels of your choice doing yoga poses.
Robert Garcia
Some lineart and lazy shading later.
Jaxon Jones
Benjamin Gomez
She's perfect! well done, Euw!
Gabriel Nelson
Pepperidge Farm Remembers at least now this happens less often.
Benjamin Adams
I love that sweater, she looks cute and sexy at the same time
Grayson Lewis
i believe this is the first time it's happened in 2016
Julian Martinez
a wise man once said; pussy is pussy
Noah Harris
CN is a bit more simple
Jaxson Johnson
I think I'll take a crack at it too. Although some of mine aren't all that clever.
Bentley Morgan
It's good to know I'm not going crazy.
Nathaniel Stewart
It looks much better than your previous sketch and now I can see her logo in the hand, I like it and seems like a good idea for her
Ryder Johnson
Hey, found a cool logo from Viacom. I'm sure they're not trying to hypnotize our youth or anything, I'm certain of it.
Brody Gray
how about some of the tans in a scooby-doo style mystery solving team. i don't really mind as to who but i feel like CN and at least one of the [AS]-tans would be essential
Wyatt Evans
Third time to be exact, April then July and now September
Michael Parker
The white hair was a great choice!
Gavin Ortiz
Honestly I really like the design of Kids WB but I never realized she had so many references in her attire and even in her pose, that's pretty interesting
Lucas Sanders
i'd say this final design is the better choice
>the collar is a W
i'v never noticed
Jason Johnson
>not mean to be pansexual
Did you see the tags, right? damn tumblr before saying "she is pansexual, omg she's pan" look at their goddamn logo...
Cute, Tom and Jerry parodies are the best but I wonder, Retro is both Tom and Jerry or whos who?
Angel Sanders
Owen White
is that their official logo?
Brandon Murphy
Talk about a PR nightmare, Vi just wanted to make something cool for people to enjoy. Too bad he forgot his eyes see much more differently than humans.
William Reed
Tyler Gutierrez
Colton Smith
Euwrecker drop the lewds m8
Austin Jackson
It's Viacom Velocity, which is their branding division.
I can't help but think Comedy Central is warning us about something. Make sure you use adblock.
Joseph Gomez
literally who manlets are wrasslin
Luis Jenkins
c'mon guys
Levi Green
>some dumbfucks on a shitty site give some background to the personification of a channel >some other dumbfucks on a shitty site give another background to the personification of a channel One in the same, lads. One in the same.
Ian Reyes
Retro plays both their roles. Just to mess with you.
Wyatt Ross
I knew it!
Justin James
Some highlights
I don't even know what being pansexual means
Logan Murphy
I know square heads and squiggle bodies are easy, mate, but do something else for a change.
Carson Allen
not about their background dude, but they just saw the colors and say "omg she's pansexual" because they have the same colors
Cameron Gonzalez
what's with forcing all these genders onto everything you have no part in
Grayson Nguyen
Is it odd I read them all in a valley girl voice?
Also they can't shit to the backstories since they don't come to the threads.
Brandon Ross
it's bait, ignore it
Nicholas Wood
Do we really have to waste our time arguing about/getting worked up over this?
No seriously, who cares about this? Let's end this great weekend nicely and not get worked up over some other sites opinions.
Logan Reed
Oh I didn't know her clothes were inspired by Pepper Ann
Tyler Bennett
To be fair, her beanie has the exact colors of the pansexual flag
And you know what Tumblr thinks about that
No one is really arguing (yet), but yeah, let's just forget it
Michael Reed
It's fine
They have their ideas we have ours. As long as they don't come on here or start telling us that we are wrong it's all right. Pansexual is something like. I like all genders. It's for dumb fucks that think there are more than two genders
Julian Howard
>Pale CN
Hmmmm, cute
Leo Taylor
>Viacom can actually brand someone just by using the interdimensional hellfire that's in his body's core.
Jacob Bell
Awesome geeze, it's starting get pretty cold again, I guess Disney XD will start her salt delivery service again.
Nicholas Johnson
trap cn
Logan Sullivan
Finally my waifu Teen Nick got new clothes!
Jack Gomez
It's ok Cred Forumsmblr, they're just characters. They can be anything you want them to be.
Carson Johnson
Get out of here scamp. Go run along and play with the other children.
Wyatt Fisher
da fuck was that
Brayden Edwards
Requesting The Disneys using money powered jetpacks.
Christopher Gomez
Disney XD being radical
Owen Peterson
Yeah sure, let's just ignore it
just imagine what would happen if CN saw all that. That would pretty funny
John Cruz
Thing is, dumb-fucks like screen-grabbing user here are always popping in on threads going "See? Tumblr. Am I right, folks?" It all the same shit, baby. Calm down.
Ryan Hall
Pansexual is when you like Men, Women, And transexuals don't know why it had to be it's own thing but ok.
Isaac Martin
What do the 3 main tans eat for diner?
Carson Baker
Brody Phillips
>Flat, and in capital letters.
Alright I get it she's flat, poor CN-tan...
Connor Hernandez
Nick? slime, no doubt
Ian Mitchell
I honestly thought that the first time i saw her and i was A.O.K. with it
Dominic Foster
Disney eats money.
Asher Robinson
Did Disney aswell
Owen Rivera
>just imagine what would happen if CN saw all that CN being the trendy bitch that she is(still love her anyways) would try to market it, poorly.
Nick would eat a combination of slime and the meat of whatever corporation her father killed that day and brought back for sustenance for the family.
CN and the TW family would be eating memes, current trends and Go-gurt(holy shit those commercials are everywhere on that channel).
Disney and her family would be eating money and quite possibly human flesh.
Ayden Gray
Most of the references are clearly recognizable, but that detail in the hat is completely new to me
Camden Martinez
Owen Cox
I would honestly love to see an animation with the tans, i think it would be really popular tho
Caleb Evans
Jace Wilson
True, but which network would we market it to? Who do we choose for this?
Colton Gray
>Disney:Probably a balanced meal with the finest ingredients. >CN:Probably Junk food or Fast food,Boomerang and Fox [as] with cook every now and then,they don't really wanna try toonami's japanese food. >Nick:A nice home cooked meal with love,and lots of butter. Mostly seafood.
James Martinez
>I wanted her to be CUTE
Don't worry, she is.
Ryan Gutierrez
Awww Yeah!
Thanks, Spoops!
Jackson Collins
Caught red-handed, you cur!
Adam Hughes
It's literally just CMYK color, without the Key part. It's a very normal color combo that is used many places, notably in printing, and also in the current CN color scheme. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK_color_model
I originally did these in my natural handwriting but I might be the only one that finds that legible.
Joseph King
Why the tattered dress?
William Evans
Oh shit you are back, this looks great man, good job
Angel Garcia
She's my fave
Joseph Cook
It seems to be imitating the the Buena Vista Disney castle logo.
Justin Collins
NBC should just be Fix-it-Felix with a page uniform.
Alexander Anderson
So is it canon now that if your under the Disney Branch some part of your clothing and or body must sparkle?
Jaxson Ramirez
tumblr ruins everything.
Jeremiah Cook
The CBS design really works for her. The muted and soft colors as well as the formal, yet comfortable, attire really give her the air of a professional that's been doing the job a long time. CBS never needed to be flashy, she just does her job right.
That looks to be the Walt Disney castle.
Eli Perez
Here's my AS references.
Camden Ward
This one is super clever and my favorite.
Ayden Wilson
>Eyes based on Frylock
That's kinda cool, Yoto
Evan Green
This is rad, now we just gotta wait for the servers part.
Elijah Evans
Foxy = Frylock
[as] = Master Shake
CN = Meatwad
Jose Gonzalez
Ryan Davis
His hair is a mountain, lol
Luis Gray
I know its old but trying again for some reason it's not letting me post
Fox kids tan like pic related
Luis White
Her glasses are the best part in her design, tbqh
Julian Rogers
Stop user,. now you're making me think about it. Do you know how hard it is to work when you're thinking about two personified companies? Surprisingly difficult. Especially when you work in retail.
But I would like to think they've had sex in at least every important room in their workplaces. They've probably even boned on Stephen Colbert's/Jon Stewart's desk.
Jack Russell
Damn Paramount is sexy, no homo
Eli Williams
Dang, can't stop thinking about Nick@Nite Viacom Lewds. >N@N finds an Eldritch Kama Sutra book >She begs him to try it out. >He reluctantly accepts. >Progressively get more kinky and shape shifty. >Some hard to describe on a blue board things happen. >Viacom is surprised after it, he did things he didn't even know he could do. >Nick@Nite is just in a puddle of goo, viajuice and post coital pleasure. >Incoherently babbling to go again and again. Damn you brain,working together with dick to distract me from jokes.
Tyler Jenkins
Oliver Martin
But he's just like a Hollywood producer user. He's going to be an ass to you and try to get you to do coke with him. And don't get him started on modern Hollywood, it will only end in tears.
Parker Green
I bet he says baby alot
Asher Hernandez
Turner is nothing but human Goofy, I love it
Dominic Hall
hey guise remember this
Kayden Gonzalez
Logan Ross
>Disney-tan >not D "cup"
why mio signore?
Josiah Smith
Brayden Reed
Colton Flores
>an Eldritch Kama Sutra book
You say what?
Christopher Hall
You know the show Kid Notorious? Well that's basically his life.
Jeremiah Brooks
CBS is cute, CUTE!!
Josiah Powell
>Progressively get more kinky and shape shifty >shape shifty I've been on /tg/ long enough to know where this is going. Keep going user.
Anthony Diaz
>dat sweat
Lord give me strength because that's my fetish
David Johnson
It was probably a chronicle of crazy sex demons or a book about monster mating habits, but when you've got one for a husband, I bet she got curious, and horny. It might have just been one of Toonami's "Love Magazines" she accidentally dropped.
Chase Evans
Teen Nick's hair looks brighter, is a new color? I think I like it
William Brooks
Boomerang reference. Nothing too complex here.
Fun Fact: Most Hanna Barbera characters wear a scarf, a tie, a bow tie, or a high colared shirt so that they could animate their heads on seperate cells.
Samuel Carter
who is this baby on the right
Henry Hall
It's a mystery!
Ryan Stewart
Daniel Cox
So is the hair black and white or is it black and shiny.
Charles Nguyen
>so that they could animate their heads on seperate cells.
That's very clever
Wyatt Brooks
It's that fucked up youtube channel, Finger Family Collection, or Collaboration, or something like that. Conglomerate, even.
Matthew Long
It's High contrast shiny black. it catches light real easy and shines accordingly.
Aiden Bennett
These are my favourite peeks behind the curtain.
Tyler Richardson
Starts out sensibly. >Some soft loving positions, massages. Gets to some more kinky things. >some size changings, light bondage,oils and things. The Dank shit >Pull an arm here, twist a leg there, and bam! tentacles, a lot of tentacles. Vi:Are you sure you wanna do this? It sounds kinda uncomfortable. N@N:it's too late now honey, we're going all the way with this great book, now stick that one here and the other one in my mouth,And it says to squeeze, not pull.
Brayden Davis
I like her style, reminds me of those classic films from 20s mixed with the bright colors of the new logo
Daniel Jones
Hanna Barbera managed to create economize aniation and cut corners in all the right places in order to make it a viable medium for television. The reason they were able to revolutionalize cartoon series on network television was because of all the ways they managed to make cartoons cheap and economical.
Hudson Rogers
is a reference, yes indeed
Owen Long
Turner Sluts in their prime
Jackson Reed
Boomy-tan = Best Girl
Justin Jackson
Vi asks 21st about how far he can go with this and that mangy fox says, all the way.
VI: "What?" 21st: "You can go full hog on this, just be careful."
CAPTCHA: Select all of the storefronts >One says Poundland Wow.
Jason Stewart
Also they hated Filmation
what should Hanna Barbera-tan look like, like Hanna and Barbera or a mixture of the two?
Joseph Perez
This is how I imagine the Turner family, none of them is a genius but they are good at business and that sort of things
Hudson Mitchell
requesting this but with 4kids
Asher Diaz
Goddamnit that creepy baby is cute... it doesn't make fucking sense!
Daniel Bailey
>CN >Real delet this
Michael Perry
Nah, but seriously thanks for this interesting fact, Yoto!
Kevin White
A corpse [\spoiler]
Jacob Scott
Levi Butler
I'd imagine Hanah Barbara would look like an old man
>60-70 Greaser Jacket with cool glasses. Fading white hair and Mustache
>Inside his coat is pictures of all the cartoons he's created and opens up his jacket ands asks
>"See sometin ya like?"
>he's got animation cells taped on the back of his jacket with price tags on them so people can know it's on sale
>He's a walking history book able to tell anybody what happened with animation between 60-70's .
Xavier Wilson
>this is true
I want to believe, Spoops...
Ian Brooks
OR here. Thank you very much drawfriend, wish you a wonderful week.
Connor Fisher
And that's why I hate em. Hanna Barbera are the kings of lazy animation for saving costs.
Tyler Nguyen
oops my bad I didn't read that part, but what do you mean by better servers to Cred Forums?
Angel Morales
>He had a strong rivalry with Filmation, as he would always boast about his cartoons being made in america
>hated DIC entertainment for his incredibly cheap, awful, "clearly ripping of anothe"r cartoons
>Him and The Walt Disney Company didn't interact often as Disney was looking towards live-action at the time
Charles Adams
it was joke, don't worry lol
Ethan Hill
>another week goes by with little to no Nicktoons-tan Life truly is suffering
Aiden Gutierrez
Aw man, I need me some of this, could someone request this on /aco/? My hands are tied at the moment. >Giant dicks and tentacles take her from every angle. >It's consensual and she loves it. At least the post coitus like the first user said.
Jackson Moore
user, if you want something done with her, then talk about her. That's how you get the tans you want done.
Brayden Jenkins
literally who?
Evan Nelson
He takes a note right outa Geroge Carlins book
>So my buddy Filmation died recently
>Good fuck him
>I had his email, Number and Home address all in my phone and on my notebook. Why? In case I wanted to fuck with the little stealer.
>Now...I gave him....2 days...Then I cross him outa my notebook. Feels good don't it? I did the same thing when Walt kicked the Dirt and I'm doing the same with film. Feels good. To have outlived another old rival
>Makes ya feel empowered ya know?
Ryder Nguyen
I do user I guess people just don't like her TB don't do this to me
Nicholas Parker
Hanna-Barbera is just good ol' Bill and Joe. That's the goof. This would just be character saturation. I wish I could find that post of that user making this same point, but smarter.
Jonathan Peterson
Hanna-Barbera never had a tan?
Evan Watson
Angel Taylor
Niet comrade TB
Lucas Martin
that's adorable!
Logan Stewart
>character saturation That was the gist of it, really. But basically, just ask yourself if, after a week, you'd still want to draw that character. If not, then don't bother. It was also pretty much directed at TB.
Tyler Green
No he didn't. It's just thinking on whether or not we should MAKE one. We have a lot of tans we made that barley et any art or stories so it makes you wonder what the point was
It's character saturation. I think we'd be fine with one but ultimately it would be the will of the thread to decide if they want to continue or not
I'd be fine either way
Elijah Brooks
Decided to redraw Newgrounds-tan
Logan Brooks
Not to doo-doo all over you, user. But there already was a re-design a while back. One that was practically unanimously accepted.
Colton Jackson
Oh ; v ;
Kayden Bailey
Oh damn, sorry user but we got a new redesign for her like two weeks ago, but thanks for your contribution!
Kevin Allen
Eh? I don't recall there being unanimous acceptance with that one. In fact, I recall some people saying it looked weird and even further off from what a Newgrounds-tan would be expected to look like.
Kevin Myers
This triggers me
Nolan Johnson
Not today, Satan Not today...
Isaiah Walker
At a certain point, they're going to have metaphysical sex. As in it's going to be a literal psychedelic mindfuck where during the process they will be connected through mind, body and spirit.
Caleb Butler
Which one?
The White CN or the number 4?
Henry White
I think it looks nice.
Stoner-Tan is so lazy she can't even hold up a sign.
Evan Reyes
Jaxon Green
I love them so much
Joshua Murphy
Matthew Anderson
I'm of course talking about the number 4, why is it like that?
Jacob Sanchez
Ã'll finish them some other time
So i don't like Dreamworks attire too much. I don't think it has enough of the Dream aspect in Dreamworks. I think Dreamworks would be the kind of character that would be tired a lot, sometimes half awake and often times mutter or slur a lot. Like, she often spends her days fishing from the moon, sometimes just sleeping up there.
Robert Lopez
She's evil!
Alexander Evans
But her actual design it's cute, TB
Michael Hernandez
Maybe one day little chump
Andrew Roberts
Austin Garcia
yeah, i know people like it but i kinda rushed on her design with the mindset that she needs to be tomboyish without thinking of anything else.
Eh, i guess we could just go with her having bed room eyes. She can keep her old design, just needs to look and act more tired
Isaiah Green
Brayden Morris
Jason Bell
That's adorable, Spoops. >There sure is a lot of room around the chest KEK
Asher Ross
>Dat CN-Disney
Mmmmm, I like it
Lincoln Russell
well, i'm done for the day, see ya'll next week.
>there sure is alot of room around the chest
Jonathan Clark
Cooper Bell
>She can keep her old design, just needs to look and act more tired
Yes please!
Adrian Richardson
Can I /r/ Netflix-tan dressed as Eva from Wakfu saying "Bonjourrrr, vous Berger gobbling amerifats!" To Bojack, Todd, and the dad from F is for Family?
Kevin Hill
G'nite TB
Gabriel Morgan
Why isn't there more art of him performing shenanigans?
Cameron Nelson
Oliver Reed
Landon Garcia
Nick looks to happy to be a princess!
>lot of room around the chest
Jacob Carter
I'm gonna Lurk the rest of the thread till archive. I've got sme stuff to work on and now I gotta work on making a few gifs.
Tonights be fun guys
Connor Wood
There should be more of him. He looks like such an adorable and friendly kind of guy. One you could go out and get a beer with.
Hopefully with it being CN's birthday next week, we'll get to see him act all fatherly and stuff.
Jordan Stewart
I feel bad for Nick-tan :(
Andrew Wright
Bye F.A.G
Mason Morris
Huh? Why?
Grayson Diaz
CBS would smoke a cigarette or cigar, if she's had a bad day.
Why, she looks happy and seems to have it all together.
Ethan Sanchez
>He surprises her by showing up as Captain Planet to her party and proceeds to 'fight'the pollution monster known as Viacom >she has no idea who he's supposed to be
Luke Ramirez
Because she feels pretty with that outfit but she's totally cute always
Adrian Wood
Shit, I need more of them like this
Jonathan Rivera
>it looked weird and even further off from what a Newgrounds-tan would be expected to look like. Apart from people posting about the need for more black and gold, I recall the opposite of that.
Landon Ramirez
Viacom: "I didn't agree to this." Time Warner/Turner: "Look, I really don't care, it's my daughter's birthday. So you're gonna be choked out. So, in the immortal words of Korra, you gotta deal with it." Vi: "...Fuck you."
>she has no idea who he's supposed to be Aww, now I'm sad. Hopefully TW has a marathon with all his children and watches it with them.
Quick question, do we call the personification of Time Warner who looks like Ted Turner, Time Warner or the human name Ted?
Connor Anderson
See ya next weekend, /CTG/!
Cooper Morgan
I alternate between just Turner and Time Warner
Joseph Diaz
>do we call the personification of Time Warner, "Time Warner", or something else? Come on, dawg. What thread are you on? What character are you asking about? Come on, dawg.
Aaron Bailey
Usually we call him "Turner" or Papa Turner
Jackson Bennett
>he's supposed to be >Aww, now I'm sad. Hopefully TW has a marathon with all his children and watches it with them. That sounds comfy as fuck
Ethan Evans
Just Turner.
Ted is his real name. Like Fox's real name is Dumont.
Lincoln Lopez
Nice greentext, user
Gavin Myers
Good night all
Brayden Davis
>That sounds comfy as fuck Then they watch Over the Garden Wall. Which is one of the best modern cartoon mini-series I've seen in years.
Jack Gomez
well its almost time for beddy byes this might have to be the last request to finish but hopefully I can deliver the rest next week!
Aiden Russell
Turner to his "peer" -tans, or TT to his friends. And Papa Turner to his family.
Henry Jackson
Eli Ross
Yes, perfect that's a good butt! Thank you, Spoops. Rest well.