What are some essential JSA stories/runs? I hear good things but I don't know much about them.
What are some essential JSA stories/runs? I hear good things but I don't know much about them
The one where Batman had to take on the entire fucking galaxy by himself because Mongul somehow developed the ability to brainwash all races of species with the exception of humans
Also Plastic Man tries to kill Luthor
Geoff Johns run beginning with James Robinson/Goyer's issues.
Virtue and Vice is excellent.
Try Google. That's where non-retarded people go to look up such information.
Oh, and when you're done, kill yourself.
These are both great. Virtue and Vice is an 80-page giant self-contained story that takes place during the Johns/Goyer run.
The Return of the JSA by James Robinson is a must
The early 90s book is short but awesome.
what's "JSA"?
Johnson-sucking assholes?
This. It's a shame that the team got wrecked so hard by Zero Hour, but it obliquely led to the Robinson-Johns-Goyer version which was awesome, and dealt with a lot of those legacies in a very respectful, well-done manner. So I can't complain about it too hard.
I hate Johns but if he did something right it was the JSA.
Until the Mary Marvel shit, to me this was his true crowning gem, more so the his work at GL.
Okay can someone tell me why someone is posting this same image and filename everywhere on this board? I don't get it in the least
Oh look, he's so edgy, everyone look... i bet he just failed out of first year art school...
No, he's just from Cred Forums.
>"We should invite casuals to shit up the board."
Seriously, just die. Cred Forums can only be improved if you were to jump off a cliff.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums you weeb faggot.
The Bronze Age All-Star Comics Gerry Conway run
The Goyer / Robinson / Johns JSA run
The Paul Levitz issues that intro Huntress and Power Girl are great (collected in 2 trades with Brian Bolland covers) and the 90s Mike Parobeck post-Crisis JSA stories are coming out in a collection soon.
The Last Days of the JS trade is coming out soon, and America vs JSA just dropped recently. Both great Roy Thomas stories. Hoping they're a prelude to Infinity Inc (JSA's kids) and All-Star Squadron (JSA during WWII) being collected.
tl;dr Pre-Crisis Earth-2 JSA is best JSA.
Do you really have no other defense for your inexcusable behavior than "GO BACK TO Cred Forums!!!!"? Because it's pretty weak.
This isn't a turf war thing, you fucking retard. The fact is, recommendations breed the perception that it's okay to come here and infect the place with one's ignorance of comics and cartoons, as well as generally shitposting , because Cred Forums has shown that it doesn't care to actually discuss comics and cartoons.
You idiots keep bitching that the board has become so bad, but it's your own damn fault for refusing to enforce any kind of basic standard. Tell these casuals to go fuck themselves, use their goddamned search engine, and educate themselves. It's really that simple to fix Cred Forums. Try it sometime.
The problem with Cred Forums is Cred Forums shit, not people asking for recommendations. Now why don't you go hump your love pillow you colossal faggot.
>giving anti-reccs guy (You)s
The Golden Age is good
STRONGLY disagree with Earth-2
otherwise solid list
should have JSA Convergence added to it though
It's absolutely recs that make this place shit. Why do you think all the Cred Forums-fags come here in the first place?
They come here to shitpost about movies you fucking dumbass.
Some of them do, yes. And you let them. All the "Cred Forums is love" meme does is make us look like a bunch of pushovers. And anytime someone tries to tell the shitposting casuals to fuck off, they make you stand down like a bitch with "Cred Forumsmblr".
Well it's time to say no. It's time to tell these idiots to fuck off and look for their own damn comics they pretend to be interested in. But you won't do that. Because you're afraid of being called names. Coward.
Jesus Christ dude, go back to fucking reddit. How new are you?
>because Cred Forums has shown that it doesn't care to actually discuss comics and cartoons.
You do realize there's people discussing comics RIGHT NOW in this thread right? That the fact that he asked for essential runs is gonna spark a conversation about the JSA comics, right?
Fucking retard
>That the fact that he asked for essential runs is gonna spark a conversation about the JSA comics, right?
That never happens though. Rec threads never lead to conversation, hell, I've seen instances of people specifically telling others who want discussion in rec threads to fuck off, that rec threads aren't for discussion.
So no, you can kiss my ass and go fuck yourself.
Been here since 2006. Don't you presume to tell me what's what, dipshit.