in this issue Frank ends up in an insane asylum and finally gets the psychological help he needs from trained mental health professionals.... nah just kidding he kills everyone
The Punisher 005 storytime
if I've learned anything from video games you really shouldn't kill a guard mid radio conversation
>collecting faces in a comic drawn by Steve Dillon
looks like they had quite the face off
note how Dillon can also only draw one kind of gas mask in all his work
>captcha: sierra franks
looks like someone learned about guns backfiring from sin city
In his defense, It looks like he got better
u wot m8s
I'm assuming the Face character is self-deprecating humor on Dillan's part, he probably knows about our maymay
I enjoyed this issue, but the plot of thus run so far has been abysmal. Say what you want about depth, but even the older ones driven purely by plot tended be tight.
the action is pretty cool, but I think the lack of inner monologue for Frank totally kills the pacing and plot development
It worked for Solid Frank. But that run had something happening or least worthy of raising an eyebrow.
Face kind of reminds me of how Jason Aaron wrote Bullseye in MAX, total psychopath who's mostly in it for the thrill
Dillon actually swiped a Bullseye page he did in MAX for The reveal of Face's collection. It was the same shit eating grin.
yeah, also it worked well there since Frank was characterized as some sort of monk of violence who purposefully dehumanized himself into a force of nature, here he's more of a natural killing machine like in MAX, and you need some narration to make him more than just a walking plot device when he's depicted like that
no crossovers planned yet apparently
the end!
oh yeah, although with Dillon you never know when he's reusing art or just being him lmao
So Frank is officially going middle East?
now adays Frank is a vet of the war on terror remember, it'll probably be a flashback to Iraq or something
Would Frank really someone to dose everyone with super coke, or am I being too literal?
if it was a building full of criminals he would, not innocent people though