That Catatonian website removed all of the old episodes and added four new ones to take their place. There are still around 40 episodes left, but I'm not sure if this show has the legs for people to wait the months it'll take for them all to be rotated in.
If you missed the thread last week, the show is about a group of kids who try to stop a plant-alien from taking over the world. The alien is disguised as the girl in the image I posted.
Unfortunately, the fourth video was immediately flagged by an Israeli network and blocked in 248 countries. Somebody else will have to nab it if they want it to be added to the mega.
Hi Jack, great to see you already managed to get the episodes. I saw yesterday and the day before that that the catalan website removed the episodes and I've waiting for it to add new ones. What do you mean the last one was flagged? You couldn't grab it or you couldn't upload it?
Ian Barnes
I'm gonna try
Cameron Butler
That memory one was listed as the final episode on the site. Barring a season two, which I imagine is unlikely at this point, the show won't have a definitive ending.
It was flagged when I uploaded it. It could only be viewed in Israel. So I deleted it from the channel.
Ayden Morris
Then upload it to Mega.
And yes, I just watched Forget Yourself and it was a good episode, but it was like any other episode. So I guess we won't have an ending, just like Invader Zim.
By the way, the episodes in the catalan site weren't geo-blocked this time?
If it shows up. They're uploading them in order, but they seem to be skipping some here-and-there. Based on the ones we had last week, and then this week, they skipped over "A Day In The Life Of Teresa", which is one I really wanted to watch. I suspect the next batch of episodes will loop around to episode one.
Jeremiah Torres
That might take a while. If around two weeks we have 4 to 6 episodes and we are in the final ones, it could take from two to three months to get that one. That is, if we get them in order, last time we got skipped episodes (36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46).
Jackson Kelly
I very much doubt this thread will last as long as the first one. The appeal of it being new has faded, and there's no more search since we've already searched. The few new episodes that were uploaded were already found.
Still, I like this show. Hope it at least lasts until tonight.
Gabriel Long
Is there no way to get the non English ones in English?
Samuel Johnson
>the fourth video was immediately flagged by an Israeli network and blocked in 248 countries
was the show insinuating that cauliflower was never entitled to the broccoli's patch
Robert Brooks
The only source for English episodes we have is an official Catalan website that uploads episodes completely at random. Sometimes they upload episodes two days in a row, other times it's a few weeks between them. Thankfully, they upload 3-4 at a time.
Benjamin Gray
I tried to decode the Kemii language to see if there are any hidden messages in those texts. I used the kemii that appear in the title card of every episode (I don't have a J yet). Unfortunately, I tried to compare it with some texts in-show and they don't match. I got one that matched, but when I tried to read it I got nothing readable and some words are repeated, so they probably wrote those at random.
Not yet, we have to wait until that website rotates the episodes and hope to upload the ones we are missing. We will probably get them all someday, but it will take some time.
John Johnson
There's no reason for the text to be gibberish when they already have a language made. If I had to guess, they translate the title cards for different language versions, but don't bother to change the in-episode text. It's probably written in Malaysian Kemii or something.
Levi Cruz
John Diaz
Nice. Glad the new episodes are having an impact. I just wish they did more with her in that episode. She sort of vanished for a bit once they started focusing on the bees.
Can't help but wonder if the episode would have been better if it were backwards. If her losing her memory made her forget her cover, and she started freaking out about being on a strange planet. Conventional wisdom would indicate that she would remember her true self over her fake self.
Isaiah Long
Nice. I like that style.
Brandon Young
Alright. And one more question. I'm really interested in this but I want to know something before jumping in.
Is this like Kid vs Kat where the alien is some unkillable unstoppable super smart asshole who wins 90% of the time and makes the human's life hell? Constantly shitting on the dynamic because it's skewed way too much in his favour and he's also a huge dick? Because fuck that.
Or is it like Invader Zim where the win loss ratio is better but it's also super depressing? Because while Invader Zim was often the good executed Billy and Mandy type depressing, it would often go over into the super forced Rick and Morty type depressing for seemingly no reason. And I cant be bothered with that either.
Xavier Campbell
Of the episodes we've had, I don't think Teresa has won once. Unless you count the times where she was forced to work with the humans to stop a bigger problem.
Her losing streak isn't as depressing since she's really more of a scout than anything. Her experiments are designed to make it easier for the invasion to happen, but she's not expected to conquer Earth all by herself. At the end of every episode, she requests in an increasingly frustrated manner that they just go ahead and invade, but they don't. So she keeps studying humans and trying to use their weaknesses against them.
Caleb Barnes
More like Invader Zim. Teresa's plans almost always work but are foiled in the end. Teresa is not an asshole, but rather an almost emotionless alien whose main objetive is to inform her leaders about human life so they can invade the Earth. Is not a depressing show, but rather a cute and funny one. Just don't think much about it.
Kevin Sullivan
Well that makes me a lot more interested. Also like the visual of the character firing her reports into the sky as the conclusion of every episode. Also like seeing well done cartoons not from America/Japan/Canada/France
Kevin Taylor
The best episodes are usually the ones that force a lot of interaction between Teresa and the main characters, but they aren't nearly as plentiful as they should be. Mutant Squirrel and Robot Arm are probably the series' high points, from what we've seen so far.
Brody Wright
Luke Davis
Penny has decent taste in techno loops.
Logan Walker
I'm not big on the character designs outside the main two but the backgrounds look amazing.
Jackson Lewis
I still find it odd that this was made in my country. Our local cgi cartoons are boring and safe as fuck.
Grayson Nguyen
This loli looks like shes into femdom.
Daniel Gutierrez
>mega But they have that shitty download limit thing now
Kevin Jackson
She has tentacles.
John Morales
You know what pisses me off about this shot? It shows that they can show that room without getting the giant pumpkin in-frame. They had no excuse for it in the origin episode.
Mason Walker
That does seem like the ones that would be the best
Robert Watson
Luke Reyes
What the fuck's going on with the Malaysian theme?
Ok but does anyone know how to not get that download limit thing?
Oliver Gomez
Interesting to see Teresa act like a little sister a little in Forget Yourself
Jace Baker
I just watched Unhappy Halloween and I really liked. Specially I liked to know more about the kemii. Apparently the kemii are all pumpkin-shaped except for certain ones, like Teresa and Goliath, whom the kemii call "The Commander". The lower-range kemii seems to not have the ability to use tentacles, but they can fly.
Carson Ortiz
She called the pumpkins Kamuun. I'm a bit confused what the exact relationship between them and the Kemii are. Are they the same species, but different castes? Does homeworld have multiple pumpkin-themed species in alliance with each other? Did the Kemii genetically engineer them like all of the other plant monsters in the show?
Luke Rogers
Grayson Flores
Part of me wants to assume Kamunn are the same species but just a different race.
Charles Williams
The YouTube episodes I posted don't even have 20 views. Guess there wasn't much demand for them. I'll keep looking for the episodes and making these threads when applicable, though.
Jacob Howard
Please do. This show is severely underrated.
Nicholas Hill
>this show got a Hebrew dub >Invader ZIM didn't kikes BTFO themselves
Jordan Jones
Why would she free the nerd? She doesn't care for these people. She just had to free one of them because she was stuck in a cage with them.
Jack White
I will watch them later but I couldnt at the time. Though, this thread just as 19 posters. Keep fighting the good fight though. I'm interested.
Jonathan Phillips
There was a nuclear bomb in his cell.
Angel Lopez
It's an obscure-ass cartoon that's only aired in a few random European and Asian countries. It's a miracle we found out it exists in the first place. Of course there's not going to be much demand.
At the end of the day, it's still important that it's available to those who do. This show's pretty fun, but runs an extremely high risk of evaporating off the face of the Earth in a year or two. Once we get every episode, we can toss it up on MySpleen where it'll stay in circulation. They're pretty big on archiving obscure shit.
Landon Wilson
The seem like a lower class, but I'm thinking maybe a race that they also took over and found could blend in well on earth
Angel Clark
I don't watch them in YouTube, I copy the link and download it. I believe more people do this, so the people who has watched it is a little higher than the views it shows to you.
Lucas Mitchell
Sorry for being off-topic, but I really want to tell this to someone. Someone who doesn't know me. I've been living with depression for some years. The source of it is that I can't find a job. I speak four languages, but apparently that's not good enough because I almost always get rejected. I went to a psychiatrist who gave me some antidepressant but they didn't work, mostly because my problem can't be solved with a pill to make you happier. The psychiatrist agreed and I just stopped seeing him. A couple weeks ago I applied to a company that needed a report assistant. According to the description it was something that I could do and they payed well and had some benefits. The first step was a technical test and I thought I was awful in it, so I gave up any hope. But last wednesday they called me because they wanted an interview with me. I asked about the test and they said everyone bring terrible tests, and mine was one of the less bad. So they made me personality tests and talked with me to get to know me. It went so great I thought they were going to hire me. They told me they were going to call me on friday or monday, not after. So far they haven't call and work time should have ended one hour ago. Now I don't know what I'm going to do, probably just keep looking until another place call me to reject me again. Sorry and thanks for reading.
user, signing off. Please kill me soon.
Oliver Baker
Why not try for an online job? Like at Upwork or something.
Also, watch an episode, its chill and could cheer you up
Jason Parker
I hope one of bastards is compiling all the full episodes into a mega, this series is low budget as shit but it doesn't deserve to die out just yet.
Joseph Adams
I'm going to check Upwork just to know what it is. I've literally never heard of it.
And I already watched all the english episodes, but there are a few hebrew ones I haven't watched. I'll watch one now. I know one of those episodes is the one that has Teresa dancing as in but I don't know which one. Well, I'll have some fun find it out which one is it.
Noah Ward
The only people that really seem interested (or even know of it) these days are us, as in the people in this thread right now. Give it time, maybe a kisscartoon mirror upload, and it could see a surge in popularity. This ain't no Viacom network show so it ain't gonna be pushing even the thousands in an instant.
Jace Scott
see Did you even read the thread?
Isaiah Turner
Yeah, managing to grab all 52 episodes would probably let it qualify for hosting on streaming sites. It'll just take a while with this spontaneous schedule.
Brody Clark
>Emotionless girl briefly develops valley girl-ish tendencies I'm having flashbacks to Evangelion: ReDeath
Andrew Flores
If they say they're going to call by a certain time or day and then don't, just give them a call. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in work that they just forget to do some things.
Thomas Phillips
I don't think that's the case. They had some other applicants and they only had 3 vacants. So if they didn't call is because they just chose other people. I'm still going to call them tomorrow to know why.
Robert Hall
That memory episode was one of the best ones yet. Shame her new personality and budding friendship weren't the whole focus. It always feels like they're trying to cram too many plot threads into episodes. An 11-minute cartoon doesn't need a B plot.
Kayden Bailey
Just a site where you can do random jobs based on your skills. Ranging from data entry to design to pretty much everything.
I've only seen on of the episodes but I'm liking it so far. Is Teresa implied to be an adult in a kid's body because I got that vybe
Henry Taylor
She is an alien of unknown age disguised as a child to infiltrate into a human family.
Luke Morales
I guess age works different for an alien in the first place
Bentley Turner
I think she's made off-hand references to being thousands of years old a few times.
Jordan Morris
Yes, in Crazy in Love she told Goliath to stop chasing that squirrel because he was 1000 times its age.
Dylan Scott
Well, those four episodes on the site were already removed. Makes little sense, but they added in a bunch of other ones. Many of them, we've already seen, but there are a few new English ones.
>Unless it's a kiwi fruit with a learning disability I almost feel bad for laughing
Samuel Perez
Something else I've noticed - the videos all have ads, and some of them actually play without a proxy. Maybe they've noticed the increase in traffic? This is the soap opera one and it fully works.
I love how both sides seem equally competent. She needs a new partner and hops to it, and they hear and try to stop it. And they can intercept calls and all that.
These shows always look better in the 2D concept art. Not that PR looks bad, but this is so fucking great
Jeremiah Perry
So are there any other forced teamwork episodes than the mutated squirrel and the robot arm episodes?
Hope it works out for ya.
Kayden White
There are others. At least one. But it's not available anywhere.
Chase Thompson
She did refer to wanting to be a Queen, even though the book said King and Goliath wanted to be King. So I think that claim from the last thread that she was actually a male alien can be debunked.
Nathaniel Watson
What is its name, if you know?
Luke Jones
Well I mean, Squirrel age isnt really human age. How long do squirrels generally live?
Charles Davis
The Spy Who Hated Me
> Team Alien and the Kemii both want to stop a local construction project, but Teresa can’t bring herself to help her enemies. So she creates the shadowy Agent X, to leak valuable “inside information” to gullible Pixel.
Kayden White
That's weird, but it's great! No 720p though? If you can, try to get the first three ones if those are better than the ones we have.
Charles Rodriguez
Thanks! Hope that gets shown so it can be put on mega soon.
Caleb Rivera
Nobody cares.
Robert Clark
>that art style and animation
John Moore
It's a Malaysian cartoon and it's still better than anything you have ever made. Go fuck yourself, buddy.
Hudson Murphy
You just wanna fuck the girl. That's the only reason any of you give a shit about the show.
Nicholas Jenkins
What's troubling you, user? Wanna talk about it?
Noah Foster
Don't judge a book by its cover. The show is good despite how it looks. This escene right here is fucking hilarious.
Jayden Evans
>projecting I'm loving this thread because it's one of the few with no waifufagging
Dylan Harris
I could download it and it looks fine, not 720p though. I'll try to download more and upload them to the mega archive.
Bentley Phillips
Are the youtube ones going on Mega? Because My Youtube downloader seems to be kaput and I never use those other websites
Julian Jackson
I still can't fathom why they added those four episodes and then changed them so suddenly.
Luke Allen
Yes, I will upload everything new posted here. That is to say: - Saving Goliath - Kemii Rodor - River of Esmeralda - Lights, Camera, Invasion (currently downloading) I'll try to download more episodes later. Also, I couldn't download The League of Unpopular Scientists in english, but I'll try to upload it in catalan.
To download from youtube you can use and to download from the catalan site I'm using flashgot (I need to be able to see the video).
David Lopez
I just use Flash Video Downloader which works with 90% of websites.
Ayden Evans
Try to grab that episode anyway. This website is such a goddamn diceroll that nobody knows how long it'll stay up.
Oliver Garcia
Notice that this rotation reset back to episode 1-3, and none of them have region locks. It's possible that the sudden rotation was because they noticed a bizarre influx of foreign IPs and decided to throw us a bone by switching episodes faster so that the new audience would be able to start from the beginning of the series.
Owen Bell
Went to the first episode. Eyes Closed Friday.
Seems a bit surprising that they'd skip the intros and start right in the middle of the conflict. After seeing 3 so far, now it almost feels like they're too good at stopping her desu. Though in the Halloween one, they were technically completely overpowered, and just got lucky.
Still liked it. It shifts between human stupidity making them almost lose and human goodness making them win. Also the theme song is so fucking stupid but I love it
Camden James
Here's splooge
Brayden Carter
>Also the theme song is so fucking stupid but I love it Honestly, I really like it too. It's got a lot of energy and "It's their duty to cancel the Pumpkin Reports" has a lot of punch to it given how awkward the rest of the lyrics are.
Although it's obvious that the Spanish version is the original.
Dominic Garcia
I mean its so cheesy, the singing is often so odd and it has the "interject with talking" thing I hate, but the beat is great and it's goofy enough for me to not mind at all.
Brandon James
Lights, Camera, Invasion has been successfully downloaded and will be uploaded to the archive probably tomorrow morning. Now I'm downloading Crazy in Love, Indecision wasn't available.
Jacob Cruz
They were planted by "The Ancient Ones" on Earth countless years ago. Maybe these "Ancient ones leave these creatures behind so the future invasions can have an attack from within whatever civilization they're conquering.
Gavin Ortiz
>the clock that Teresa broke in the chicken episode is still broken I got a laugh out of that.
Jose Howard
I really liked Goliath trying to take control of the invasion when Teresa was preoccupied with the telenovas. It's hard to tell whether or not he gives a shit about the invasion most of the time.
Ryan Murphy
Is there anyone from Spain here that could help us grab the unavailable episodes?
>Teresa BS-ing their translations >It all just turned out to be Squirrels scratches in the end Got a few good laughs out of me
Gavin Howard
Do you have the soap opera episode on Youtube?
Can't seem to find it in this thread but people are talking about it.
Adam Rogers
>How dare you prove your worth! Now I have to put up with you! Pretty good episode, though the parents should really have some concern after seeing Goliath punch a wrecking ball.
This is from a MIPJUNIOR magazine that came out today. They're still trying to sell the show, but I admit, it feels like going to E3 with a video game that came out last year. I guess they don't have anything new to show, but sadly, nothing here implies a second season.
Brandon Moore
"They want to conquer the world... and nobody cares." How self-aware.
Lincoln James
>They want to conquer the world... and nobody cares!!
The most unintentionally appropriate tagline ever.
Julian Young
I made a Violet image
Evan Hall
Surprising. She's been largely ignored so far.
Ryan Reed
It looks nice
So there's zero hope?
Joshua Perry
This is actually adorable. They're right in that all the talk so far seems to be on the 3 siblings and nobody else
Dylan Perez
Good morning pumpkin bros!
Great. Thanks. I'm downloading them and soon they'll be in the archive. By the way, the league of unpopular scientists is the episode where Teresa dances and I wanted to know the context.
It loos nice. Somebody had to give her some love. Teresa has too much.
Camden Stewart
Good to know. The webm that I made before was taken from one of the YouTube clips. Weird how their movement was slowed down in it. Can't help but think her dance was cuter when it was slower because it seemed more robotic.
Brody Watson
I feel like drawing someone too. I like everyone but Pixel.
Jonathan Flores
I can't blame you there, since Pixel's a piece of shit. It'd be like making fanart of Snarf, or sexy pinups of The Phantom Pain Huey Emmerich.
Isaiah Martinez
Even Pixel's dad is pretty cool, he's just the obligatory goof but not as entertaining.
Cameron Sanders
Really cute.
Nathaniel Reed
I like Pixel. Plus, he has good taste in women.
Jackson Cooper
Nothing will happen if I make a Mega account and download with those right? There's no downside?
Eli Rivera
Why would there be? I don't remember what is like to not have a Mega account, but doesn't it allow you to download it anyway?
Nicholas Perry
Yeah but I got the bandwith thing Ive seen people talk about now. I was wondering if it would check what people download to stop piracy or some shit. Wouldnt want to jeopardize this because unlike the say, FoP Season 10 or Harvey Beaks Mega, I cant just go to Kisscartoon or whatever to watch this if the Mega goes down.
Jace Harris
The bandwith issue will remain even if you have a Mega account. You would need a paid Mega account to bypass that. And no, nothing will happen if you download it all now and this cartoon is not popular enough to jeopardize its distribution through a Mega. Also, if anything happens to the Mega, we can always upload it again. I don't think I'm the only one with everything found here.
Gavin Stewart
Eyes Closed Friday is now in the archive. I have nowhere to go today, so I'll probably upload what I had missing. I still don't have a better version of Fear Itself. Also, we have 19 english episodes. It's great how much we've obtained of a lost series.
Brandon Lopez
Poor Detention...
Jaxson Rogers
Brandon Foster
It isn't technically lost, since it's still airing on television in some countries. Just at very high risk of becoming so.
Alexander Watson
>It's their duty to cancel the Pumpkin Reports They have literally never done this though
Grayson Sanders
>paid Mega Account oh, those god damn fucks. Guess I'm boned
Landon Richardson
Code Lyoko looking motherfucker.
Owen Peterson
No, see. Their duty is to cancel the reports by putting a stop to the invasion altogether. It's their long-term goal.
Nathan Watson
They sort of do. They don't stop the actual reports themselves, but they continuously thwart Teresa's research so that she never has anything effective to report. What better way to stop the invasion than to have Teresa constantly reporting >Dear commander >Nothing fucking works. >Sincerely, Loom
Colton King
Curiously, in the pilot Teresa was "RAN-XT-99" and Goliath was "LOOM-AN-208". I have no idea why their names got switched like that in the final series.
Logan Gonzalez
I suppose that makes sense
That too. I'd say that if they think it's taking too long they'd just send more people, but the show seems to be painting them as people who could actually lose if they just try to attack all Leeroy Jenkins like.
They constantly want to do things without people seeing and wouldnt invade with the possibility of one person seeing them touch down
It's actually interesting to see this because it realistically is between Theresa and the kids as to whether this succeeds or not
Chase Young
I watched the pilot again and they didn't say their names. Where did you see that?
Carter Bennett
Which reminds me, damn that Pilot was off. If I saw that first I definitely would have watched. The voices were so off and the music was obnoxious.
Adrian Long
It's not from the pilot, but an early pre-release blurb from when the series was first greenlight: >Planet Kemii’s plan to swallow the Earth starts a long time ago when they throw several space probes to observe us. Now, they have decided to send two spy agents, the methodic RAN-XT-99 and the uncontrollable LOOM-AN-208, for a direct evaluation. Settled in the city of Cucurtown metamorphosed into humans under the covered identities of the adopted harmless kids Teresa and Goliath Green, now they have to collect, analyze and evaluate earthlings’ peculiarities and daily report them to make the imminent Kemii invasion possible and soon.
Colton Bell
Hey, the catalan site went 404 on me just now, is anyone else with the same problem?
Maybe they realized Loom was more accurate for the female one and Ran more for the guy one.
Austin Jones
The site is still up, but some of the videos are 404ing. I don't think they know how to react to people actually wanting to watch their videos.
Liam Ward
The site as a whole is having trouble. A few minutes ago, the entire kid's section of the site was down.
Justin Watson
Hmmm. Hope it ends up okay
Anthony Butler
Oh nice another thread. I'm the guy who tried to commission Samson to do a picture of Teresa, he never replied, so rip the dream.
Ayden Ramirez
Asher Myers
Zachary Sanchez
Still wonder how her disguise works. Her body seems fully functional and she got mad when Goliath tried to look up her nose in one episode. If it were just a mask or something, I'm not so sure she would have taken such offense.
Josiah Bennett
It's probably not like a mask and more like she can transform into that for some reason. So that's actually her hair, skin and such but its just not her true natural form
Ryan Foster
in the pilot (haven't watched much but I really enjoyed what I saw) Max tried to take out her disguise and, after failing,Teresa simply responded "We have a zipper you know?" and then proceeds to terrorize him showing off how she and Goliath are really made, but there's a descretion shot and we the audience can't see it.
So no, I don't think that's her real boby but a costume of sorts.
Robert Ward
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I guess it's just tight fitting, and if you look up the nose hole you can see her actual nose
Levi Ward
She's been around food a lot, but I can't recall if she actually ate anything in those scenes. The cooking episode did have her take one bite.
Where did she get those eyeballs?
Hudson Johnson
We need to make a reference sheet of her so we can get drawfags on this
There's already official reference sheets for most of the characters.
Christopher Young
Jace Thomas
Yeah, but things shift between pilots and main shows all the time. Like how Vicky had a younger brother in FoP. And in this the names are switched anyways
Cooper Gray
Laura got that booty tho.
Noah Gomez
I need the max one as well plz
It's boring when the only character to get art is the girl
Dominic Brown
Thx I like these sheets since you can also see the frame for the body I underneath the clothes
John Thomas
Or it's just inconsistent based on whatever would be funniest at the time.
Parker Cooper
Unfortunately, Max and Violet don't have sheets like that, at least not on that site. They still have pose and expression sheets like everybody else though.
Nathan Hernandez
Oh, that still looks pretty good. Even though the stuff like full 2D art and seeing the body shape is pretty great. Fascinating to see production stuff for a cartoon. Also realising that all 3D cartoons probably have 2D art like this
Joseph Diaz
Jordan Harris
In one of the episodes we just got, Teresa calls Goliath a hologram-head or something like that.
Noah Diaz
This would look so much better if it was 2D animated.
Adam Reed
Jack Johnson
I agree. The most noticeable is Max, whose flat head looks so much better in 2D than 3D.
Would probably have less dynamic scenes though
Hudson Morris
Fuck, that looks great. This outline-less art is god tier. I want to learn how to art like that
The dad in the van looks evil though
Nathan Thompson
Looks like some kind of flash/vector art to me. I can't quite remember what it's called, but I recognize the traits. I'm most familiar with it through the work of one mad.scientist, a spectacularly NSFW artist who's been doing stuff like it for years.
Pic related it not necessarily the best example, but it shows off what he does and is also one of the few that I can safely post.
Chase Baker
That's a shame, I wouldnt be able to do that
Jacob Fisher
Or you could just do normal lineart and do color layers in photoshop/gimp, then delete the line art, for roughly the same effect.
Vectors get you the unnaturally crisp edges and shapes, though. I wouldn't know very much, though. My own experience is still pretty much just sketching and doodle.s
Andrew Ortiz
I colour by just using the pen tool on a layer below the lineart and it wouldnt be perfect
Or if I do that fill with color thing, there'd be spaces between the colours.
Nathaniel Perez
So tell me about LOOM?
Ian Thomas
>Earlier today, eyewitnesses reported seeing middle-aged Simon Sillicon driving in his van stalking a 12-year-old girl >Simon, once respected for his exceptional advances in computer technology, was shunned by the scientific community years ago for his increasingly erratic behavior and questionable grip on reality >"He's always watching me," says honor student Teresa Green, "I don't know why he has so much interest in a normal human girl like me." >While attempting to locate Mr. Sillicon for questioning, police discovered that he had been regularly meeting with a group of children in a hidden underground bunker >The bunker was found to contain a large amount of monitoring equipment and multiple video recordings of Teresa >The children, all of whom seem to have developed a similar obsession with Teresa, have been taken in for counseling >At this current time, Simon Sillicon is being held in police custody for further questioning
William Fisher
Extra laughs because even though this is a kids show, I can conceivably see her do this based on her character.
Samuel Rivera
Hunter Powell
Amazing kek. Saved.
Hunter Murphy
>All according to keiku
Lucas Parker
This was the plan all along. The whole show was leading up to this.
Caleb Ross
I can't argue with that.
I mean he's not terrible but probably the weakest character. Him or Goliath, who's wacky behavior sometimes gets distracting. I know its a kids show though so I can't be too hard on them
Connor Jackson
Goliath is actually an interesting character when he's not being used for silly humor (which, admittedly, isn't often). He can be very pragmatic when he needs to be.
Justin Stewart
What makes you say that? I do think it's interesting to gauge how much he cares about the invasion, rather than how much he just likes living on earth
Blake Gray
alien bump
Chase Thompson
Benjamin Hernandez
Oliver Cooper
Charles Hughes
she needs to get these dirty clothes off now
Tyler Sullivan
I want to see the episode that was based on.
>Solar flares have blocked the Kemiis’ communication with the mothership, so Teresa and Goliath decide to go on vacation until things are back to normal. Convinced the aliens’ inactivity is a trick, Max and Team Alien go on high alert, which requires using their most powerful, most untested weapon.
Jose Nguyen
I love this show's plots
Daniel Cox
I notice Indecision still isn't in the archives.
Blake Gomez
This makes me realise that this show is kind of sad. The main characters are constantly in battle and it probably takes up most of their time
Kayden Bennett
We have seen them do other things. In one episode, Teresa went into Max's room and he was playing a video game with his friends. There's probably a lot of downtime where they're just doing their own things.
Elijah Hall
That one is heavy and my internet isn't the fastest. Now I'm uploading The Maltese Chicken and then I'll upload Indecision.
Julian White
It probably is silly to think that Teresa has a new plan every day
Easton Taylor
In Progress Report she mentioned she has been 482 days on Earth.
Nathaniel Phillips
Didn't she say Kemii days? Not sure how long that is compared to Earth's.
Christopher Sanders
No, she said she was there for one Kemi Year, so I assume it's just longer that an Earth year.
Owen Cruz
Jason Long
I could see this happening if the show was more serious. Like some 2 part episode.
Zachary Sanders
Doing something
Unsure what to put in the Max drawing though, since he doesn't have any signature weapons or anything
Liam Barnes
The closest "signature" thing he has is his guitar. Was featured prominently in the pilot and showed up in a number of episodes.
Aaron Turner
I was thinking that but that means drawing a guitar in photoshop using a mouse and I'm laaaaaaaazy
Jaxon Reyes
Nothing like mein kampf before bed.
Jason Ross
I think Teresa may look like Palmon but with tentacles instead of legs and a pair of noodle arm-tentacles, specially because of the shape of her head and the eyes...
Jayden Jenkins
Should it be alarming that the little girl can project massive tentacles from her ass?
Thomas Price
No, she's a plant alien
Easton Mitchell
Even so, it's a pretty thick tentacle compared to her superiors.
Ethan Jenkins
Oh, alright. Having a giant writhing vine projecting from her ass is a lot better.
Nolan Nelson
She's probably a dindunuffin pumpkin.
Joshua Davis
So does Goliath honestly.
We technically don't know where its coming from
Hunter Thompson
They do refer to her as "uncontrollable" She's probably unusually physically superior to most of her kind.
It would make sense, since you'd have to be qualified to head off an invasion. She seems much more in contact/organized with her people compared to Zim or Kat
Lucas Ross
Maybe females are superior like sexual dimorphism or something.
Landon Nguyen
If that was typical for a female they probably wouldn't bother to label her uncontrollable.
Bentley Lewis
Maybe females are rare like irken females from Invader Zim.
Sebastian Diaz
Loom and Ran are literally the only two aliens that we actually know the gender of. As far as we know, the incompetent aliens that she reports to could also be female.
Nathan Johnson
She's probably strong and her superiors only out-rank her, but they're weak fools.
We do know that the whole race won't invade without things being right for them. Hell, delivering a giant robot was too risky if it meant people saw them and their cover blown.
Hudson Cook
Is it possible her entire race consists of the like maybe couple of dozen or so we've actually seen (Assuming there's only 2 people per ship, and we've seen about 6 ships)
It'd make sense why they're so scared of invading despite clearly having better tech
Eli Foster
I guess is possible Loom, along with her leaders, are only conquerers and they travel through the galaxy studying and then invading planets while their home planet is far away.
Xavier Rogers
I mean, in the recap episode she mentions that complaining about them in the Pumpkin Report would lead to her working on some backwater moon or something, and she has to request things rather than demand it, so they still have authority. And its likely this isn't their first conquering. Though nothing implies they have many though.
I do think thier hesitation to just invade willy nilly means that I hey don't think their tech is enough to overpower earth. They're looking for a weak spot to slip in more undetected.
David Thompson
They did state that the Kemii want to enslave the human race and use them as gardeners. It might not just be to grow more pumpkin tech, it's actually possible that they need to repopulate their species and can't do it themselves for some reason, at least not efficiently. Maybe they don't have access to a planet that supports plantlife as readily as Earth, so it takes far more resources to grow anything elsewhere.
Mason Fisher
She also picked the town that she did because it had particularly good soil. It is important to her.
Jack Murphy
>This discussion on a literal Malaysian cartoon aimed at five year olds Not even judging, I'm impressed, this thread is better than most on Cred Forums
Alexander Miller
I recall Jelly Jamm threads being pretty similar.
John Cox
I think it's a Spanish cartoon that worked along a Malaysian studio.
Lincoln Campbell
Yeah, they talk about soil quality a lot.
The best shows to discuss are shows that dont have an overarching plot but plenty of background lore.
Also, too much of Cred Forums is waifus, company wars or shitposting so it's nice to have a chill thread where people actually want to talk about the show and characters
John Gray
The description for Monster Grow implies Teresa gets doused with some high-grade fertilizer that causes her to grow bigger than a house. I wonder what other plant characteristics she has.
Eli Gonzalez
>grow bigger than a house dammit, and I was trying to not go all waifu on the show
which reminds me, that show has an elder god tier art style
Jordan Morales
The actor alien completely lost his shit when Simon burst through the door with a fake sword. As Teresa puts it, her people are cowards. Although a big part of that is probably because the only thing they know about humanity comes from Teresa's weekly "I'm getting my ass kicked down here. Please invade soon".
Henry Nguyen
I would question how her disguise grew with her, but in this show, I'm pretty sure everybody will see how big she is and not think anything is weird about it. I doubt they would be clever enough to somehow come up with a way that nobody in town sees her.
Xavier Diaz
Michael Russell
There's an interesting balance going on between the characters' competencies and victories.
Almost every episode ends with Team Alien winning, and humiliating the Kemii. But at the end of the day, nobody will suspect the extraterrestrials, the protagonists will be seen as tinfoil-hat nutcases, and there's the looming I'm sorry threat of full-scale invasion (whose results would be unpredictable, but it's a definite possibility).
And on a similar note: while most humans are dumb as bricks, the protagonists and the Flash kid seem pretty quick to catch onto anything going on. They even have a token non-idiotic parent; that seems fresh for this type of setting, somehow.
The whole thing allows for a situation where both sides are capable of failure and it's sometimes hard to make out a clear underdog.
Angel Phillips
>I would question how her disguise grew with her Probably her clothing is not fabric, but a special plant-based type of clothing. In other words, her clothing is part of her body and it grew with her to the size it needs to be.
Hudson Brooks
There's also the fact that a few of the wins are due to Teresa messing up, but realistically, rather than Team Alien just being better all the time. It's a good dynamic and makes the battle beleivable.
You're right in that nobody seems to be at a clear advantage currently. And yeah, the kid's reputations are destroyed. I remember in River of Esmerellda where the girl mentions that everyone is going to hate them when they save the day
Which is why despite being a kids show, I actually enjoy this more than the two other alien scout imminent invasion shows mentioned in the thread
Nathan Lewis
Aiden Wilson
Is up now. Also, I'm deleting the non-english episodes when we get the english one. Hopefully, one day the folder won't have to be separated by language.
David Howard
Thank you for doing the Lord's work, user.
Dylan Taylor
I am glad that this thread is doing well, not just in posts, but in posters. The first thread hit 101 posters before it died. We're at 65. There will always be diminishing returns, but I'm glad it's just not a dozen people in a thread keeping it alive.
We'll probably hit that mark eventually. But still. I'm glad it's vibrant.
Brayden Hall
Even if we get to a spuzen posters, it will always be more people who were interested enough to watch a few episodes and talk about it
Brayden Nguyen
Maybe some people got interested last thread and now are just interested in getting the new episodes and then leave until more new episodes appear.
Robert Morris
True. I'm here for new episodes but I also like the discussion
This is the same video they have in their YouTube account.
Nathan Torres
Is it? The one I found on YouTube was much shorter, but maybe that was a different one.
Ryan Torres
I just compared them. The Youtube one rotates for less time and shows in-show those characters while the Vimeo one just rotates the characters for more time, but they show the same models in the same order.
Joseph Wood
Joseph Rogers
Shameless Bump-kin report
Adrian Diaz
If this was on disney XD you faggots would be complaining about how shitty it is
Sebastian Long
Disney XD is a curse.
Lucas Clark
This is pretty much on the same tier as Ruby Gloom or something. It's just a chill kids show with a nice premise
Christian Thompson
There would still be people defending it. We know how it looks and nobody says it's great, but we found we like the plot, the humor, the MC and the rest of the cast.
James Price
Lincoln Cruz
This seems more like a early morning Nick show. Disney XD is more about action.
Angel Bennett
Not him, but to me, because any worth wild animated show on that channel like, Randy Cunningham, Wonder Over Yonder, Motorcity only gets like 1-2 seasons, about zero advertisement/marketing and some terrible scheduling.
Charles Stewart
This is true. I'm a little worried of Milo's Murphy's Law, which is perfect so far
Nolan Cook
Yeah actually. Like the 2pm Nick shows
Actually, this isn't so far off from say, Alvin and the Chipmunks. But without the shoehorned songs and annoying voices.
And our main characters aren't fucking assholes like Alvin and every girl chipmunk
Elijah Nguyen
Hopefully they'll treat it nice since it's by the guys who did P&F
Hunter Martin
You know she's not actually a cute little girl, right? Y'all motherfuckers wanna fuck a pumpkin.
Jaxson Baker
But P&F was treated terrible. We had one episode every one or two months.
Camden Gomez
We all want to be friends with a pumpkin
Kayden Rogers
>Y'all motherfuckers wanna fuck a pumpkin. Sounds good to me.
Jaxson Walker
Damn, the drawings look much more lively then the 3d models.
Zachary Moore
>We like the humor
What humor?
Jordan Phillips
For example:
Jose Harris
Dude, the entire Telenovella episode was fucking great
>I cant possibly have multiple personalities...and neither can I
Evan Cook
Well, finally watching Robot Arm, let's do this
Brandon Campbell
>But P&F was treated terrible. We had one episode every one or two months. Really? Must not remember that since I stopped paying attention to P&F at somepoint
Josiah Bennett
Yeah, season 4 lasted three years with only 35 episodes.
John Hughes
>season 4 lasted three years with only 35 episodes Holy shit really?
Logan Diaz
Yes, it was hard to be a P&F fan. At least most episodes were worth the wait, but Disney promoted them so bad almost nobody knew about the new episodes. Many times we had threads like "There was a new episode and we didn't have a thread for it" then that thread lasted like 10 days.
Blake Roberts
Oh, man, that's worse than Gravity Falls
Leo Perry
I'd rather hug than fug
Jose Hill
And it was pretty great. I agree that we need more maximum interaction episodes. It's the show at its best
Andrew Young
Why the fuck would she talk up the humans so highly in her report in this episode?
Noah Barnes
Not all reports need to be "all humans are stupid". Her leaders didn't help and humans did, saying "even they were braver than you" is a way to pressure them into invading soon, but also maybe because she was kinda grateful.
Isaiah Clark
That makes sense. Though with how big of a pair of cowards the squadron leasers seem to be, it would probably have the opposite effect
Sometimes I feel Teresa and Team Alien are the only ones that REALLY care about the battle, as the other humans don't know (besides that little kid) and the aliens seem to not mind not bothering to invade
Not that I mind, I actually like that interpretation
Ian Diaz
Maybe Teresa actually is one of the only aliens who cares about invading other planets, and the Kemii sent her off to "report" on the planet in order to get rid of her.
Jayden Miller
I wonder if others like Teresa exist among the rest of her species. Like it would be interesting to have a new invader just as intelligent as Teresa and is assigned to help due to how much a problem Team Alien can be and help Teresa accomplish her mission. Maybe have a feud with Goliath. Actually, I could write a fanfiction but I'm not that good at writing and the show is too obscure.
Dylan Gutierrez
Well, there seems to be people who WANT to invade, but they're too cowardly enough to do it and it probably wouldnt matter to them if they failed.
The two other guys we see seem to enjoy just chilling out above Earth.
Benjamin Bell
Like the Tallest did with Zim but why would they provide her tech that is fully functional? They could give her broken shit and leave her stranded on Earth to rot away. That would be interesting but it's just doesn't make sense.
Ryder Lopez
>Teresa uses a rare Euterpium meteor to turn everyone in Cucurtown into carefree singing slave-gardeners, but her plot backfires when she and Goliath come under the meteor’s powerful singing-dancing influence themselves.
Do you think she still sounds unemotional while singing? I want to see this episode, and I normally hate musicals.
>After Pixel describes an alien abduction he “remembers” from two years ago, Teresa radios for an immediate pickup from Earth. The aliens whom Pixel says are returning this week are Teresa and Goliath’s mortal enemies the Flamulards, who make the Kemii look like tame rabbits.
That one could be interesting as well. Seeing Teresa scared and wanting to retreat.
Austin Garcia
Wow, that makes Pumpkin Reports' animation look like a goddamn work of art.
Benjamin Cooper
Yeah, the communicate too often for that to be the case
I like how they arent infallible
>retread of Lost City of Kemi Rodor I hope not
Benjamin Williams
I just saw these episodes and
I'm actually enjoying invader zim light
John Miller
It's good. Invader Zim is better but as far as purely looking at the base premise, I think this was done better because the more equal dynamics between good and bad guys
Ryan Price
>Open video expecting some grade B singing >Just sort of Monotone but not entirely grating The animation of the characters mouth moving didn't help either.
Lincoln Jenkins
Wouldn't Teresa sing sort of monotone? I thought it was apt.
Gavin Morris
Yeah it would fit for Teresa, but on that character it was just sort of, I honestly don't know what to say. Part of me also wants to say the VA has probably gotten slightly better at singing since then.
Carter Long
We don't have a context, maybe she is supposed to sound like that. Please.
Landon Price
Yes. It's intentionally off-key.
Levi Morales
In the Telenova episode, we saw Goliath actively trying to get Teresa to signal the invasion, then do it himself once he got the recorder. He apparently wants to see the Earth invaded, too. He's just dumb.
Nathan Cook
Oh thank god
Dominic Parker
I think he didnt care, but knows Teresa wanted to do it and couldnt, so he tried to do it for her
Nathan Reyes
>just dumb He's hollow.
Ethan Rodriguez
Would you say, Like a pumpkin?
Jacob White
Gourds are hollow, not pumpkins
Ayden Walker
Well Teresa called Goliath a hollow shell.
Liam Nguyen
And there goes my joke
Joseph Walker
This, they almost have a uncanny valley look, which is ironic for something being so stylized. Also there's just something so off with the color that doesn't make anything standout, I don't know if it has something to do with the lighting.
Daniel Price
Alexander Phillips
It only comes across in some characters desu. Pixel looks off but his dad is fine. Teresa and Violet look alright but Max looks a little off. Both parents look fine but lady cop doesn't, etc
Sebastian White
He has a brain, though. He pulls it out of his mouth in one episode.
Aiden Howard
That sounds so "cartoon"
Adam Sanders
Well, it was a nice thread. I thought it was going to die a couple days ago but some anons, myself included, just don't want to let it go. Anyway, this is my last bump and I hope to see you all again when more episodes appear. user, signing off. Please invade soon.
Lucas Morris
Yeah, I'd have to say a lot of characters don't convert well from 2D to 3D.
Nathan Long
Same. At this point the discussion was full and we were having regular new episodes, but at this point I feel like stopping until the next batch
cute tag at the end
Yep. Pretty much that
Cameron Bell
The only way we'll keep going is if we start waifuposting, and I have a feeling October 1st and onward will have all the waifuposting we could ever need.
Brody Miller
Nice quads, and I'd hate if this thread was filled with waifuposting.
Jacob Cook
Saw this on the booru. Don't recall seeing it posted anywhere. Where's it from?