Not necessarily a Hoodfag, but I'd say he's pivotal to the Batman's mythology, whether as RH or as Robin
Dominic Phillips
Sebastian Adams
Isaac Mitchell
Caleb Morris
this is very nice, although I'd prefer something else as the last panel. it actually makes him look defenseless
Oliver Myers
Justin Martinez
Brody Campbell
>Photoshopped Jane FosThor no
John Collins
Andrew Turner
Benjamin Hughes
Gabriel Diaz
Robert Adams
David Reed
Kayden Reyes
Eli Morales
Hunter Jones
Current Wallpaper
James Wilson
Connor Ross
Jackson Hughes
Joseph Hall
Brody Harris
Sebastian Morgan
Wyatt Cook
Aiden Sanchez
Brody Cook
Adam Perez
Cooper Harris
Easton Cox
Blake Walker
Joshua Carter
Grayson King
Easton James
Charles Turner
TAS didn't have Jason. Why should this wallpaper.
Owen Lee
Mason Reed
Colton Morgan
Matthew Edwards
Jonathan Green
Jacob Edwards
William Russell
Owen Richardson
Juan Turner
Xavier Ortiz
Liam Jackson
Charles Fisher
Owen Wood
Requesting actual good wallpapers, not shitty panel crops.
Jonathan Morgan
Noah Scott
Jace Thomas
Ryan Jackson
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Hudson Garcia
Liam Sanders
Stop posting you stupid tripfag. No one wants you here.
Ethan Sanchez
Liam Hughes
Tyler Rodriguez
wait what?
Brandon Rodriguez
Jacob Sullivan
Austin Watson
John Reed
How about some Marvel *and* DC wallpaper?
Jose Gutierrez
Julian Lewis
I miss Darwyn...
Cooper Wilson
Family outing!
Dylan Murphy
that would be awesome
Dominic Hernandez
That's some really bad art.
Hudson Price
Come back, we miss you Bob.
Jack Edwards
Bentley James
Holy shit, this was an episode of Superman TAS. I remember thinking it looked like a Kirby creature, but I suppose this proves it. Source?
Christian Stewart
Blake Parker
jojo shit right there
Ayden Lopez
Done myself from a spread in Issue no. 5 of the original New Gods series. Slightly modified for size from a good scan of the book.
Camden Rogers
Needs some cheesecake.
Connor Ross
Jackson Jackson
Bad bait-or, no dessert for you tonight! Now finish you Perez, then off to bed.
Wyatt Moore
Kevin Flores
This is one of my favourites
Lincoln Wilson
Camden King
Elijah Ward
Wyatt Ortiz
William Robinson
Colton Jones
Jayden Davis
You got a DC one, pal?
Robert Lewis
Parker Gomez
Requesting more F4
Daniel Wilson
Hudson Brooks
Sorry I couldn't find any Maybe someone else can
Jack Richardson
Landon Perry
Ethan Jackson
Nolan Phillips
Jonathan Long
Jayden Parker
Ian Morales
EVERY damn time this gets a chuckle, or at the very least a smile out of me.
Angel Bennett
Noah Myers
Carter Rivera
Jace Thompson
Jace Cox
Justin Barnes
Angel Howard
Evan Hernandez
Jayden Morris
Hrmm. Most of what I can find is bad enlargements of low-res art. Maybe I can make some for you myself later.
Elijah Long
Brandon Hall
More Steranko!
Jayden Allen
Oliver Mitchell
Andrew Barnes
Member when Harambe was on the Avengers?
Ian Cooper
dear God I love Alex Ross
Thomas Reyes
This is my favourite piece by Alex Ross.
Aiden Ramirez
What soulless wretch doesn't?
Colton Young
Evan Brooks
Austin Jackson
Jaxson Ramirez
Joseph Phillips
Grayson Cook
Took me forever to find a big, decent scan of this one I could work from.
Alexander Allen
my man
shame they don't make more of the Death iteration
Brandon Wilson
If you made the image than that's funny. If you found the image online then whoever did it has autism.
Gabriel Gutierrez
this makes me happy - what is it?
Alexander Taylor
Does anyone has some Darwyn Cooke?
Logan Sullivan
kek i found this online
Ayden Cooper
disregard i found big guy and rusty
Zachary Gomez
Jace Harris
Even in death he still protects humanity. I cri evrytiem
Owen Ross
Hudson Jackson
Anyone have a high-res version of this Marvel Universe 80s poster? its my favorite
Matthew Lewis
>thanos smiling not in the center or backround missed opportunity
John Morales
Caleb Mitchell
Kayden Gomez
Crime is doomed
Noah Ramirez
Luis Williams
Dominic Gonzalez
Wait wait wait. Scan? SCAN? Of the Kirby Omnibuses? Fucking where?
Hudson Long
Shut the fuck up faggot. At least I know he's been contributing.
Mason Walker
Semi OC (as i Microsoft Painted it), donut steel.
Adrian Gomez
I think you don't know what pivotal means, mate.
Elijah Clark
>posting fucking cropped panels in a wallpaper thread >contributing
No, he's taking up the image limit with useless trash. If you honestly like anything that he posted, kill yourself. And don't even fucking THINK about replying to me, mongrel.
Levi Morris
Kek. Sorry that a random contributing tripfag has gotten you so butthurt. Maybe this board isn't for you.
Connor Fisher
Kek. Sorry that a random tripfag contributing got you so butthurt. Maybe you should try a different board, huh buddy?
Oliver Perry
>tripfag >hating on a guy who storytimes now and then Fuck off.
Jose Rogers
A little something I threw together way back when. Maybe ya'll will enjoy it
Austin Thompson
My current pape
Chase Sanchez
Aaron Butler
>G.I. Joe >Badger >Punisher >Man-Thing >Swamp Thing >Archie
Anybody have any of these?
Eli Flores
I got you senpai
Blake Nguyen
Tyler Bailey
Jack Rodriguez
Jordan Watson
Ian Wright
Elijah Roberts
Gabriel Miller
Adrian Thompson
Josiah Murphy
Oliver Cruz
Luke Hill
My current pape for my phone
Doctor Strange variant cover
William Morales
Benjamin Watson
William Ross
Joseph Martin
Cooper Jones
Josiah Brown
Jordan Gutierrez
Isaiah Bennett
Anthony Brown
Christopher Cruz
Tyler Butler
David Sullivan
Christian Perry
Luis Scott
Aaron Martin
Benjamin Hall
Nicholas Clark
Connor Smith
Lincoln Garcia
Angel White
Joshua Martinez
Kayden Morgan
Benjamin Reyes
Jeremiah Kelly
Carson Cooper
Elijah Gray
Angel Cooper
Elijah Lewis
Ethan Murphy
Jack Ramirez
Grayson Robinson
Brandon Richardson
Robert Rivera
Josiah Parker
Brayden Bailey
Jose Baker
Anthony Mitchell
Isaac Myers
David Stewart
Ian Mitchell
Robert Kelly
Caleb Young
Josiah Long
Leo Hill
Wyatt Reed
Josiah Hernandez
Jace Reyes
Brody Peterson
Lucas Rodriguez
Who's the little girl sitting on Clayface supposed to be?
Samuel Sullivan
Asher Allen
Also Clayface
Ayden Johnson
Camden Russell
thats what I was thinking
Carter James
Hope I think
Josiah Ramirez
Thomas Barnes
Oliver Ramirez
Aiden Davis
Luis Murphy
Sebastian Rogers
Ethan Lee
Leo Gonzalez
Dominic Richardson
Camden Moore
Nicholas Brooks
Anyone got any Shaolin Cowboy stuff?
Adrian Taylor
Nolan Cruz
Jayden Cruz
Luke Barnes
Landon Campbell
Benjamin Bennett
Fuckin' nice.
Alexander Powell
This is excellent.
Andrew King
Hudson Sullivan
Ethan Ortiz
Elijah Fisher
The owner of my LCS has a framed signed poster of this in the shop.
Isaiah Campbell
Thanks user. I'll remember to share it.
Anthony Hall
Gavin Rodriguez
James Long
Austin Richardson
Juan Anderson
Daniel Gomez
Samuel Young
wtf is this?
Benjamin Flores
No fucking way.
I don't think she featured in a single issue of ANXM, and she didn't go to the JGS.
Lucas Cruz
Is that Black Bolt getting away with Black Adam's cape?
Dylan Edwards
Jonathan Robinson
Caleb Jones
house of m was awesome
Ryder Peterson
god i miss capullo...
Evan Baker
>lesbian >manspreading
Kevin Rodriguez
piv·ot·al (pĭv′ə-tl) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or serving as a pivot. 2. Being of vital or central importance; crucial