What movie is worst? Amazing Spiderman 2, Thor 2, or the recent Fantastic Four?

What movie is worst? Amazing Spiderman 2, Thor 2, or the recent Fantastic Four?

These are the only ones of the recent comic movie fad that I haven't seen, are they worth watching at all?

Fantastic 4.

new fantastic four is the worst

it is not just bad, it is boring, and forgettable. there is no humor, the fights are terrible, the story is bad, the characters are as far as possible from their original

that last one might have been forgivable if they were likable, but they all come across as selfish and outright dumb

at least thor 2 and asm2 have pretty good special effects and fight scenes, and had some good humor, if nothing else

>humor is an indicator of quality


>Implying it isn't

That was the implication, yes.
Some of the greatest films of all time have almost no jokes in them.

and some of the greatest films of all time have lots of jokes in them whats your point?

autism levels are off the charts here.

fantastic 4 is god awful
its "holy shit" awful
as in
you will be saying that to yourself during several parts

spiderman 2 and thor 2 are both shit films but deserve one watch just so you can be mad
thor 2 is just underwhealming

My point is that humor does not correlate with quality.

humor sometimes does and sometimes does not correlate with quality. obviously.

Tranktastic is worse on a filmmaking level, but I would drink paint before watching ASM2 again. That movie feels nine hours long.

Thor 2 is just meh. There's a couple good fight scenes and there's some decent banter in there, it just feels like a big missed opportunity.

The Fantastic Four are all about fun family adventures and always have been, it'd be hard to stay accurate to that without jokes.

This is a dumb argument considering he never said the stupid movie was quality in the first place, he pretty much said he sucked but at least had some funny parts.

>tfw this movie is on par with most MCU movies

It's the best of the 3 FF movies, and it's dumb fun, just like he MCU.

a movie can be good without jokes but some movies need jokes and should be judged by the jokes quality...ya know like comedies. human emotions are hard i know.

lots of comics tend to be well..comical. so adapting stuff from comics should reflect that, i suppose you can make a gritty edgy version of something with no jokes but 9 times out of 10 if the source material has jokes include them and make em good or the quality of the movie is going to reflect this poorly.

I liked Electro

That's a humor centric movie, tho. Batman and Robin was reasonably funny at times, but that didn't save it. Spider-Man 3 had my theater laughing, but it was still horrible around all the humor.

Superhero films are not the greatest films of all time

Fantastic 4 has very obvious continuity errors because of the reshoots. Mara's hair literally changes color from scene to scene.

That alone makes it the worst.

Fantastic 4 is that kind of superhero movie you would think got left behind in the early 00s

Fan4Stic is the worst.

Thor: The Dark World is shit as a Thor film, but it's a perfectly fine "Friday night after work, got some pizza with my bros" movie.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a mixed bag. The costume, Peter, Gwen, and Aunt May's characterisation are great, Spidey's humour is great, the death scene is alright, but the villains are absolute garbage and the plot is a bit of a mess.

>the death scene is alright
I dunno, I thought it overdid trying to be emotional and ended up to be unintentionally hilarious.

>I thought it overdid trying to be emotional and ended up to be unintentionally hilarious.
That tends to make good death scenes.

Why is captain america on fire?

He's pretty hot.

Haven't seen ASM2, but Tranktastic was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Thor 2 was underwhelming, but it still had some good parts. Everything with Thor and Loki interacting, Asgard scenes, good special effects and a fun final battle were the pluses for me. The movie was unfortunately ruined by the shittastic villain and everything with Jane and her wacky sidekicks.

Roughly the first half/first half hour of F4antastic is good and then anything Reed is okay, the ends good but the rest is a mess, the final fight is terrible Doom is absolutely horrible.
I wish I could do as much coke as Trank did during filming.

Thor is just as disappointing and annoying as 1.

ASM has a lot of good parts and ideas but there's just too many of them. And there's the boring romance/relationship stuff in there.

Best to worst

Amazing Spiderman 2
>Bad in a lot of ways but it had decent moments. Electro should have had the focus as he was one of the strongest elements in the movie. That said the corporate meddling is obvious and spreads through the movie like a virus.

Thor 2
>Boring though I enjoyed the teleportation fight and how it dealt with Mjölnir

>Trash, pure trash.

Superhero films are not the greatest films of all time

and more importantly, simply taking humour out of them will do nothing to change that

>Amazing Spiderman 2
>Thor 2
>Fantastic Four
Fantastic ass

Fantastic ass as in ass so fantastic it's amazing they released it just to keep control of the IP. Maybe they got some kind of tax deductions out of it too.