Why was this allowed?

Why was this allowed?

its true tho

because in the 90s, they didnt have to pander to over protective soccermoms and lame censorship groups

Well they still had to worry about censors. They were just good at getting around them.

Ahhh the good old times of Tiny Toons ...

i realize S&P has weird, arbitrary rules sometimes, but you'd think putting the word "sex" on screen outside the context of a personal information form would be a hard limit

Because even 8 year olds wanted to fuck that skunk

yeah I know but I mean they didnt have to deal with mad mobs of parents who get everything censored because "MUH KIDS" and think the whole world should revolve around their stupid kids, unlike today where everyone is trying to protect kids from everything which is why kids today are spoiled fucking assholes

Because dog Latin is funny.

Semper ubi sub ubi.


Cuz animators knew, and censors agreed.


try to imagine this on today cartoons ...

mmm buster got a nice ass

I want to stroke that tail.. then lift it gently and slam my cock in his ass

Maybe she's a cool shunk and all that.



I want

Why was what allowed?

It's not rape when a girl does it.

>because in the 90s, they didnt have to pander to over protective soccermoms and lame censorship groups

t. underage



go back to bed kid, you werent even born yet

dumb faggot

>underage calling someone else "kid"



Being gay is a mental disease.



But they did. That's where the soccer mom craze started getting out of hand.

Okay, you're young, so I won't hold your ignorance against you, but you don't realise just how many kids weren't allowed to watch The Simpsons back in the 90's. Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, and others always pushed the limits of what was appropriate for a kid's show, and the Soccer Mom's were just as shitty, if not worse. Those "explicit content" stickers on CDs weren't always there, y'know. You can thank Tipper Gore for that bullshit.


ok well this thread seems to be the same 3 assholes trying to out meme each other, so im out.

Good, kill yourself you little faggot.

>ok well this thread seems to be the same 3 assholes trying to out meme each other, so im out.

Are you surprised?

The majority of Fifi fans are low-functioning autists at best. They're Sonic Fandom-tier.

no im not suprised. but its sad that every thread with fifi has to degrade into a battle of 12 year olds. for example this kid here

I thought you were "out", that implies you're leaving the thread.
Nice to see you stick to your word.

it appears you are still here as well, isnt it past your bed time junior? shouldnt mommy be tucking you into bed so that daddy can come rape your asshole when he comes home late from work?

>it appears you are still here as well
Yeah, but I didn't say I was leaving and then continued to get into an argument over the internet with some cunt.

>shouldnt mommy be tucking you into bed so that daddy can come rape your asshole when he comes home late from work?
Try to be edgier, please.
You reek of idiocy.
It's funny though, that can't happen because my parents have been dead for over a decade, lmao

Pink is my favorite color.
Pink I want to wrap you in rubber.

I remember them saying "sexy" in the Samurai Pizza Cats dub. Maybe censors consider it a synonym for "attractive" and not as bad as directly referencing horizontal poker

your parents are probably glad they are dead, so they dont have to put up with you anymore knowing you are some faggot trolling an image board

Thanks for getting edgier, user.
Made my day.

Seriously, could you show off how incredibly underaged/autistic you are any more?

Can't because that hair style is sooo outdated.

I remember when trolling involved making others fight each other for stupid shit, not doing the fighting yourself.

There were better days with new content and shit.
