What is the Cred Forumsnsensus on Steven Universe


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I used to enjoy it, but I feel it's losing steam already. I just don't care about most of the plots/characters anymore.

Gonna be bumping this thread with art. Feel free to discuss the show

I love the show, I know lots of other people who do. I also know tons who hate it. I don't think there is a consensus on it.



The newer episodes seem to be "too emotional"

3% of Cred Forums hates SU

>vocal minority shigdigy

We art posting?


Make that 5%.

It's a solid show with a very small handful of terrible what the fuck are they doing episodes.

That's pretty fucking good though. Over a hundred episodes and I can count all the bad ones on a single hand and even adding in 'meh' episodes the count doesn't go over ten. That's damn good for a children's cartoon.

I don't watch this show, I just masturbate to the white girl in it.

The only consensus that Cred Forums has about it is that it can't come to a consensus about it.

Sweet! I'll get the wallpaper ones out of the way first

I don't have a lot so I'm leaving it up to you once I run out


Where's the I used to really like it but it keeps getting weaker and weaker the past season.
I wonder did anybody leave the staff recently? Did Ian shift his focus to Turbo Lake Plaza?
Because the show feels like it's written only by women now.

>10 posters

Gee not rigged at all.

That lapass tho


>somebody has to post in a thread to vote in a strawpoll that can be accessed from the catalog



It's a literal Tumblr show. That's not even a meme. It's Tumblr from A to Z. What do you fags see in it?

Hot memes

You need to watch it to really understand. Tumblr stuff is only noticeable in the show on the most surface level. Once you ignore it and actually try to enjoy it like any other show your view on it changes completely

Amount of posters + amount of time that has passed since it was posted makes me very suspicious.

Love Letters
Sadie's Song
Beach City Drift
Last One Out of Beach City

Stuff like this

I feel like this poll may suffer from selection bias.

Please no lewdposting

Cred Forums is a fast board my man. 45 minutes is plenty of time for 50 people to vote

>Once you ignore it and actually try to enjoy it like any other show your view on it changes completely

That's wrong too because the plots/characters/artstyle/writing are all bad. No redeeming qualities.

I just wanted to know Cred Forumss opinion. Its right there at the top of the catalog for anyone to vote.

In my defence my thumbnails are hella small


Actually the plot/characters/writing are all fine.

You got me on the art style though. I would have prefered almost anything else


Pretty much.
Love Letters - Big pile of nothing
Sadies Song - Super uncomfortable to watch
Beach City Drift - out of character shit, bad metaphor, racing episode written by people who don't seem to have ever driven a car and possess knowledge only gleamed from watching anime.
Last One Out of Beach City - Really forced premise and out of left field terrible dialog.

I think there was another one I was thinking of though.

The upvotes went up by fifteen in five minutes, while the negatives are going up slowly. Come on. There's no way Cred Forums is THAT fast.



what does that mean?

Die hard Steven fans who jump into any thread with a Steven OP as fast and hard as possible?


Well obviously not LITERALLY anything. I do wish the show was less cartoony in its presentation though. I think more people would take it seriously

>this poll says that the majority of Cred Forums disagrees with me
>it must be rigged!

Means its a mystery user


Well I guess i'm not a gigantic fucking faggot, so I can enjoy things without trying to shove internet culture wars into everything.

I doubt that they're all on at the same time. How many posters are in an average Steven universe general thread?

>Show has gay characters
when will this shit meme end
Thats a shitty opinion you got there mate

>Last One Out of Beach City
negro, that episode was great


LOOOBC wasn't that bad
onion gang, on the other hand
>steven talks to himself for eleven minutes

With the subject matter it touches on being cartoony is probably what keeps it being a kid's show.


You could start a civil war over Cred Forums's opinions on SU.

/sug/ when its on Cred Forums is easily the fastest general I have ever been in. I don't go to many generals though so I don't know.

>less cartoony
it's a cartoon mate

but what does it meeaaan

It means I don't know

>no option for love it



>when will this shit meme end

Whenever the right becomes more mainstream again.

People on Cred Forums don't really have their own political opinions, they just see whatever is popular at the moment and go in the opposite direction.


I love this one


Its a good one, also I don't have much





I mean you're entirely right. The show is made entirely by people from Tumblr, but I don't really care that much because the show is still good. So basically,

Why is the moon in half?

Shit got fucked yo

Onion Gang was great!

I watched the whole series and I don't remember anything about the moon breaking.

Thats because you never saw the series drawn by some rando artist

Oh, your name must be... Shitpost!

I don't think Love Letters is that bad. Any Garnet episode is okay in my book

Creepy Onion episodes are always great and Soup was cute. CUTE.


73% holy fucking kek
seriously tough, we need more "not definitely /sug/" threads popping up


Go back to your fucking general.

Steven-Peridot fusion fucking when

Pretty good show
Cringy fanbase
Even cringier hatedom

Will we ever have a /su/ board?


hell nah the bismuth/jasper/rubies conflicts were 10/10. It only feels like that because we've got townie episodes for over a month the hiatuses are so long. I'd still rather watch something like Future Boy Zoltron tier than anything else on tv.

>Future Boy Zoltron
Please keep that garbage episode as far away from me as possible

Well yeah Pearl is best gem.



>77% "seen it, liked it"
>5% "seen it, don't like it"


So I take it you haven't watched it then

Why is this so sexy?

I liked it but it needs more cool sci-fi shit like we got in the Jailbreak episode and less feelsy shit like that Sadie's Song ep.

Jailbreak is still the GOAT episode for me.

>It's the episode where steven stretches during his birthday
>Can't stop seeing how badly connie's proportions are fucked up
Whoever is in charge of consistency needs to be fired. As well as whatever CN executive okayed the bullshit "bomb" style of airing seasons. I'm still catching up on season 3 god damn it

>not liking the episode where Buddy has a dramatic crush on Garnet
>not liking the gayest episode of the series

you, sir, are a clod

all of his yelling in season one irritated me to no end but i enjoy it a lot and mych more now that thats toned down

Is there any Muay thai Pearl(s)?

I don't think there's any consensus, as with any show or comic. Some people like it, some people don't. Some people love it, some people loathe it.

My main problem is that the 10 minute format combined with the terrible scheduling can lead to major frustration.

>Beach City Drift
This episode is always the one playing when I actually turn the TV on, for fuck's sake it's not good stop shoving it at me

It's lesbian jewish girl imagining herself as her real life jewish brother steven in a world where she is loved by female 'gems', and just to drive home the jewish angle she puts 'yellow stars' on characters.


Shes dating Ian, and has been for years. The gems represent her if anything.

The jews always have to put their noses into everything.



>77% of co likes su
Huh, I thought this board despised su

vocal minority and Cred Forums migrants that only come over in the evenings for the spicey shitposts.

Honest opinions here.

>Out of all the episodes, I can only remember around 5 of them I truly enjoyed.
>The setting is rather bland
>The antagonists have been done to death in various SciFi settings. Scary dogmatic aliens who steal resources from planets.
>The main 4 characters are actually pretty nice and solid. I like them
>The supporting cast are pretty forgettable.
>While written organically and seemingly acting pretty spot on with what some person being trapped by people she doesn't like. Lapis Lazuli is the worst character. Nothing but angst and unenjoyable moments from her
>The animation can be beautiful at times and obnoxiously simple at others
>The music is pretty nice.
>Some of the character arks are pretty well done, the only I didnt enjoy was again Lapis's
>The sexual undertones at some parts can be pretty clever and at other times unsubtle as fuck
>The fandom
>The fucking awful fandom
>All the fucking memes and references to other media really does make the cartoon feel like its just there to get people to go "LOL SONIC" "LOL ANIME" rather than actually being organic to the show

I honestly think its an ok show. It has good element and bad ones, but it always pisses me off how people call this a fantastic 10/10 show and then ignore all the actually issues with it.

And actually its 85% that like it if you calculate it all up.

Kek wills it.

Solid review, pretty objective as well.

>The setting is rather bland
I actually kinda agree with this, aside from when they go to cool magical gem places like the sea spire

It has some 10/10 episodes but it also has straight up 1/10 episodes which lowers the average to 7/10

Not nearly enough lore in regards to what Homeworld/Gem life is normally like.
>There are people who literally roleplay this shit without knowing anything about how regular gem culture is supposed to function
This triggers me as a writer

People are generally positive towards Steven Universe. I'd go so far as to say the majority of board-goers actively enjoy the show.

You'd never guess that from the content of the boards, mainly due to the fact that SU discussion is limited to the trash-heap "general" threads which any sane person avoids like the plague.


Give it another season or two. We still haven't even seen all the gems

Was I supposed to read Rose's lines in Carl's voice?

There's probably a selection bias because all of the people who dislike the show and aren't autists who get mad about things they don't like probably just hide SU threads or have a filter

Steven is a fucking baby now

Fuck off steven.

Am I the only one who got pissed off that Steven and Rose didnt go with Bismith's idea.

That would of fucking won them the war.

why would you even kill a bug for no reason
those little shits were doing it for fun



no it wouldn't
not only is aiming a drill directly at someone's gem more difficult (especially considering every gem has it somewhere different) the shards will still be alive and can just be turned into more grunts by Homeworld

I think it's a postmodern masterpiece.

There seems to be that big plot about the homeworld and the gem society and Steven's mom and a galactic war and stuff, but the show is actually about a fat Hispanic child who cries a lot, plays ukulele, hangs out with hipsters and solves relationship problems while nothing of the above gets any appreciable development or explanation and is kind of pushed to the background.

That just sounds like a fuck you to any fans wanting actual development.

Where's "I have seen it, but I don't care"?

Second option.

>I have not seen it, but I consider myself someone who enjoys it.

How is that possible?

Don't vote on the poll?

You have not watched the episodes themselves, but other related media, or discussions of said show.

Oh right, fans of the fandom.

Yeah or, the fags who like the idea of the character, but want nothing else about them beyond the concept.

Projection and sheit.

With all the fucking hate threads, I expected the results to ne different.

A loud minority user.

underrated double dubs

Cred Forums is tsundere for /sug/ga~

Thank you for checking, dubs be with you.

Goodnight Cred Forumsla's

>that garbage episode
You... havin' a bad day, user?


I don't think this is the right show for you

back to Cred Forums with you

Rebecca is bi

your opinion sucks


There are a lot of bad episodes and a lot of mediocre as well. I don't think it's bad but it's very much the most inconsistent show on right now.

I wish, there isn't enough physical war gems at all. If I could draw there'd be tons more martial art gems.

It really is terrible. I don't understand how anybody could like that episode

>77% in favour of the show






While I agree Beach City is rather bland, I think if it wasn't it would take away from cool spots like the Sea Spire.

It's like a smaller scale earth, a quaint little boring nowhere place; but that's filled with changing and (supposedly) interesting people.

Beach City is to Steven as Earth was to Rose.

>My mic wasn't working!

>I have not seen it, but I consider myself someone who enjoys it.

you can open the link from the catalog genius

There is nothing that you haven't directly experienced but still like? At least enjoy the concept of?

Makes just as much sense as not seeing it but NOT liking it anyway

That's not my beautiful waifu!

Its pointing at the small building between fish stew pizza and the t-shirt shop

I find vore and fang fetish art really neat even though I don't have the fetishes, but that's because I've seen the art and it's interesting.
Or do you mean like /ss/ jelly pit clown rape? Is that option there for people who love the porn but have never watched the show? Like with Shego x Kim Possible yuri?

Bare in mind that the results of this poll aren't so much going to be "Who among all of Cred Forums likes Steven Universe?" but more "Among Cred Forumsmrades who would bother opening a Steven Universe thread, how many of them like it?"

Tumblr has a lot of people on it, the ones who make tumblr "tumblr" actually are a minority, they just post a fuckin lot, work hard to encourage drama, and make sockpuppets because they're nuts. Most people just reblog art they like and stay well clear of any political/fan community shit

its no more difficult to find white power posts on there, though i think the staff makes some small token effort to curb what they consider to be hate speech (one of those troll 'SU edits' blogs got taken down, for example)

But was it a bigger waste of time than Garnet's Room? I wonder

>wanting to kill a bug for no reason
>not feeling bad for hurting people
>not feeling freaked out when an onion child wants you to feed a live mouse to a snake just before showing you him getting pushed out of his mother's vagina

you are one tough hombre

best gem

In the church overlook, two men fought. One dark haired man with a gun, and the other a ashen haired assassin with a sword. The former is struggling, due to getting ambushed. He's dodging when suddenly the tip of the sword grazes his cheek.


Steven falls on the ground, Lincoln is about to thrust his sword into Seven's left shoulder but he quickly sunk the gun barrel into Lincoln's right. Lincoln looks down at him, amused.

>"You should see yourself Steven. A ravenous beast who wanders, hunting for the blood of others."
>"I bled all that blood away."

Steven pulled on the trigger. Lincoln grabbing his shoulder in plain. Steven grins, but Lincoln grabs Steven's entire head in one steel grip. Squeezing, Lincoln smiles and throws Steven out of the largest stain glass window. But not before the half-gem throws a grenade. As Steven falls, Lincoln looks at the grenade in a panic.

It's fun to hate popular things even when you like them. after all, there are no two more damaging words in the English language than "good job".

>Close to 400 votes yet not even 100 posters in this thread alone

Yeah that's not suspicious at all.

So does that mean you have posted in every thread that had a strawpoll you voted in? I sure as hell haven't

Steven begins falling towards the ground. His life flashing before his eyes. How did he get here... How did he end up in a sword fight on holy ground? He remembered his childhood at Beach City. His father. The Gems. The Adventures they had.... All gone.

It then flashes. The war. His old friends and family getting massacred. Peridot and Jasper executing the Gems. Steven running away. Running into the wilderness. Never looking back. His dark eyes just look at the broken window.

A refugee camp this time. He's fighting to protect his food from the other boys. Someone jumps in with him. Ashen haired. Lincoln. The first time they met. Before he went mad. The image changes.

Steven is older. Entering a bar. The war is long over. The Great 5 having split up North America between them, the League of Nations powerless to stop them. There's a girl watching a pool game. Blonde haired, dark eyed. Familiar. Pleasant.

Then gun shots. Him and Lincoln were hitmen for Marcone. Yes. Guns, bullets, nameless people dead. Only targets to him, it was only a job nothing personal. Then it flashes to a rose in a puddle, Steven leaning up against a wall smoking.

The grenade goes off and the bell tower explodes, still falling even as the debris begins to fly all around him. Steven then sees himself walking down a rainy street, the blonde rushing to help him as he collapses in a puddle.

>"What a life."

Reminder that there isn't a single homosexual relationship in this show.

Ah. So Steven cucked Lincoln by either boning Lola or Lori, both of which he was involved with. Good on you Steven. Looks like the Apocalypse finally made you grow a pair.

All we are amounts to nothing

I would like to think if there were 400 votes there would at the very least be 150 - 200 posters rather than a measly 60.


Homo = same
Every gem relationship is HOMOsexual

You are right, that isn't suspicious, like, at all.

First post best post. A lot of people complain about S1, but I just don't see it. The show really feels like it took a right-hand turn tonally, and the characters/writing are much less interesting. I miss when Garnet had a personality.

> I have seen a few episodes, and I enjoyed what I saw.

That being said after Adventure Time and Gravity Falls I'm tired of being burned by cartoons with a promise of "it's for kids but slowly a mature plot develops" failing to deliver. And the fanbase scares me. Case in point that one girl who they bullied into suicide.

Mr Smiley and Mr Frowny

Only implied

Huh. So Steven actually did lose his virginity. A older Lola and Steven if he was actually cool... That's a interesting pairing. I'd ship it.

The girl didn't die, thankfully. I think she attempted it, but she survived. She was still heavily bullied and the fan base should be held accountable.

What do you mean "had"?

The thing is you can't stop pretending there can't be causalities or consequences in a war, which the show really ruins with The Cluster being simply talked down to.

Even the whole Bismuth and Jasper is really undercutting the emotional tragedy when Bismuth can be unbubbled at any time and Jasper is a thousand times less innocent than the Rubies or Bismuth.

>Can't keep pretending

>tfw hated SU autistically for a long time
>finally sat down and watched it
>it's bretty gud
>they even have anti-SJW comedians as voice actresses

hardest redpill i've ever swallowed was SU

> no Keep Beach City Weird, Garnet's Universe, and Rising Tides/Crashing Skies

>"it's for kids but slowly a mature plot develops"
Prepared to be disappointed. It has all the implications and build up of a mature plot but it's practically scared to follow through.

>Hating on Hoppy
>disliking Ronaldo

Jesus christ /sug/ get a fucking grip.

The cluster is literally one big ball of casualties, what do you think the whole exchange between Steven and the shards was about? They're already broken and possibly beyond repair, seems like kinds of sacrilegious to coldly kill off millions of them considering they used to be crystal gems and out of characacter for Steven

Like 75% of the creative team has been women since its inception.

It's the townie/lore issue. Between Lapis and Peridot and the second half of Summer of Steven we've had too much lore, and now we're feeling the collective townie bomb hangover.


>They're already broken and possibly beyond repair
Then they aren't millions then.
Until that episode, they were as significant and deserving as life as the cells that die when you clap your hands. They were just shown as horrific and incomprehensible beings where only mercy is the only thing they can do for it.

With even Garnet being scared and shocked on their very creation. But no,
In a 90s Don Bluth level of stupidity induced whimsy, they're just accepted and given reason as if the smaller beings were just retarded.

What about the whole corrupted gems then? Are they just not trying hard enough to feel happy? How does that help Steven understand any of his future trials with Homeworld?

It feels like a complete and total waste of an arc that only sets up Steven for complete emotional failure, and the show's hardly going fast enough to make that feel like any real payoff.

Oh, but the story doesen't end here.
Greg was dozing off in class again. He was a fairly poor student, lazier than a sloth, who wanted nothing more than to just go home and play video games every day. But his Mom screeched that he was, if nothing else, going to at least get-in her own words- his fucking High School Diploma. He was dark haired and light eyed, which he couldn't see in his mom.

His mom was blonde haired and dark eyed, but he did remember her mentioning that he resembled one of her sisters and to some extent, his father. But unlike his father, who had been pretty big boned judging by what his Mom said, Greg was really skinny. Tall and lanky at that.

Curly dark hair, steely blue eyes, and tall. He had assumed he would've been the pick at campus but nope. Everyone was after Jamal Tyrone, the local big shot Football Player. He sulked in his desk. He despised Jamal, a egotistical prick who just complained about virtually everything despite getting everything virtually handed to him.

In fact he sat in the front of the classroom, right next to Stephanie Chandles. The hottest girl in school. Greg was giving them the evil eye when suddenly-he noticed a figure floating outside through the window. There was then a terrible noise and darkness.

Onion was watching Lincoln's abomination at work in his penthouse sweet. Tugging on Ronaldo's collar who sat submissively by his side, wearing nothing but leather briefs. Sitting in his desk, Onion could not help but feel amused by the child's rampage. Effortlessly covering the room in blood. There was even almost a smile on his lips, but he was Onion.

He was never allowed to smile for that would be a display of weakness. Even when he sprouted in Ronaldo. But the spawn spared one of the students. Onion leaned forward. Interesting, he thought. Even his gimp was watching in interest.

As the Spawn left, Onion took a long look at the survivor. Dark Haired, his facial features somewhat familiar of someone he once knew... Onion knew he needed to have this boy. The Spawn of Sin spared him for a reason, and Onion wanted to know why.

Rubbing his chin. Onion tugged on Ronaldo's leash who immediately got to work. The vegetable had spent years making sure this one was properly house broken and trained after all.


Steven Universe would be amazing if Steven was replaced with Clarence.

So, outsider here, aside from knowing how immensely and worryingly popular this show is on Tumblr, I've really never payed attention to Steven Universe at all and I really don't know what it's really about.

With kids shows nowadays I have no idea what to expect, and I'm willing to chance it could be really, really good. Is it hugely character focused? That's the vibe I got from what little I saw.

Thanks for spoonfeeding me.

Greg woke up on the ground, seeing nothing but the dark. "Hello?.." He looked around his classroom. It was completely trashed, the windows were broken and letting in a light breeze, the desks were all overturned, and... The blood. Blood splotches all over the walls. Blood on the ceiling.

Blood, blood, blood. He looked on in horror at the mass of dead surrounding him, all students he shared class with. Bobby Coby, Bill Cosby, Stickmeaner, hell even lil' Ben Garrison were silent and still. Little pools of blood protruding from their lifeless cadavers. Greg could only sit still in shock but the worst was yet to come.

He looked ahead, seeing Stephanie's platinum blonde hair... He crawled forward in a daze. He couldn't believe any of this had happened, it couldn't be real! It couldn't be! It was all naught but a nightmare-but then he saw Stephanie's lifeless face.

Her mouth was open wide, her dark eyes still as marble, and splotches of her spray tan had been washed away by the blood. Greg wanted to scream-but then, someone kicked down the door. Federal Police! He thought! They've come to save me!

"Ayo, hol' up. You sayin's dis waz diz kid? Us Now undah arrest krakka!" Greg passed out in his own puke.

it's a weird concept but i actually don't disagree

Well, at least SOMEONE remembers Greg in this messed up world. Probably not Lola as it sounds like she's fucking pissed at Steven for leaving her, but at least Greg has a grandchild unintentionally named after him.

Please continue.

There's a lot of character focus, worldbuilding, and lore. The show is peeling back the layers on its history by inches.

Things start pretty slow though. Check out the first half-dozen episodes or so and see if it grabs you.

It spends a lot of time with the characters, more time than with actual plots, although those do exist. The meat of the series is discovering little tidbits of lore now and then, and discovering the gem's abilities only for them to pay off later down the road.

Personally I think its 12 minute runtime rather hurts its ability to properly pace itself for bigger plot developments, but they've shown that they can occasionally put two episodes together to make one big one when they really want to.

Going back to the characters, you're gonna find that there's a lot of emotion. Particularly sadness. With crying. Very often. Mostly crying. And you're going to find that they tend to spend time on the Townies (the non-powered, non-overall-plot-relevant characters), and a lot of folks feel that the townies tend to be the weaker part of the show, although honestly I find that it helps to make the show feel a little more grounded, as we are reminded that these people and their day-to-day lives, these are what our characters are struggling to protect, rather than just being given constant shots of heroism.

Each of the Gems is flawed. Considerably. A lot of time gets dedicated to resolving their issues and fleshing them out, with the end result of the viewer realizing that even the heroic aren't perfect, hell sometimes they're a lot more fucked deep down than you really expected.

Steven does a lot of growing as a character, being one of the worst characters early on to being a decent part of the cast later on, but some quirks about him will likely always bother you, one which he actually lampshades with "Why do I never ask follow-up questions!?"

Garnet's Universe was actually entertaining to watch, showcasing the best of Garnet's fighting aspect.

Love Letters was an awful episode. Bet most people don't even remember what the fuck that was about.

Lapis is weird. I feel like they definitely have some interesting backstory for her, but need to hold her back until more relevant HW/Rebellion lore comes to light.

Peridot got full episodes dedicated to her adapting to Earth and with each of the CG. I feel like easing her into the CG so early was inconsequential given her character being naive and inexperienced about the war and Earth.

I feel like the show got really, really heavy-handed with the "Love and Understanding" stuff in season 2. Recent episodes seem to be finally getting away from that, so it might recover.

That fucking rock concert episode was awful, though.

What rock concert episode?

>The supporting cast are pretty forgettable.
The supporting cast are excellent background characters to make the town feel alive. The problem with them comes from the show trying to flesh them out and doing entire episodes revolving around them. Jamie the Mailman is a good example. He was charming as fuck during his first appearance when he was just a playful mailman. He became a lot less interesting when they tried to do more with him.

>Love Letters was an awful episode. Bet most people don't even remember what the fuck that was about.

Straight males are bad, lesbians are good.

But Historical Friction redeemed Jamie, so that's okay.

The Mike Rotch playing music in somebody's garage episode.



That movie was fucking savage

Mr. Smiley is another good example. The show just doesn't seem to comprehend that not every character needs to get involved with drama at some point. Hell, Onion stopped being funny altogether once they tried to turn him into something other than a gag.

what, senpai i try to participate in every poll, and i post in like 1 in 10, and i like to consider myself fairly active on this board

but lets just say for this people post in 1/5 threads with a poll that they have taken that's only 60.

so it dosn't seem very odd to me

stay deluded


>Hating a show without having watched it
why are SU haters such retards?

>anti-SJW comedians

the show aint over yet

I've just started and am halfway through season 1. It's comfy, but only a couple episodes really stand out for me with the rest being meh teir or worse.

When does it get good?

>I have not seen it, but I consider myself someone who does not enjoy it

halfway through season 1

Seriously user?

Steven is quickly becoming a Gary Stu.

In season 1, he had external and internal conflicts and doubts about himself.

These days he's just the magic cureall for all the ails of his friends.

the bad episodes never go away, it's just a question of whether you're into the (gem) characters and story enough to endure them

Except lars

>Gary Stu
Opinion discarded

No, even Lars.

While he wasn't as successful with Lars as he would have liked to be, he still got off entirely consequence free.

He fucking mindraped Lars and forced him into actions against his will and his own fucking family supported STEVEN over Lars.

Considering Sugar wanted to have an episode devoted to the idea of consent, Steven seems to be entirely okay with forcing his will on someone else without their permission.

Uh, he still has all those. Did you not see Mindful Education?

People act the worst on lesbian

Women are unfit for leadership

So one fucking episode in pretty much the last 30 constitutes acceptable character development for the title character?

Mirror gem or maybe Monster Buddies

I like it for the most part but recently I'm getting tired of it.

Honestly just watch SU itself with minimal fandom interference (looking at tumblr, reddit, Cred Forums, etc.), you can make the best/your own judgment about the show

I really liked him failing to convince/save Ruby

Second half of Season 1 is the best part of the show.

Season 2 is okay, but not as good as Season 1.

Season 3 is great in terms of development for side characters, but Steven is fucking unbearable.

Tensions and possible civil war would have arose between the rebels If they went with bismuths plan

His conflicts addressed in that episode were based on things that happened towards the end of Season 3. I continue to doubt you watch the show at all.

It picks up the closer it gets to the end of season 1. Season 2 introduces a new character that you'll either love or will annoy the everloving hell out of you. Season 3 kind of sucks, but has a strong final stretch.

Watched it all. I just tend towards the small minority that think Steven is the shittiest character in the show with some of the worst development.

Literally every character in the show (aside from maybe Garnet, but that's another debate entirely) has had much more in depth looks at what makes them tick and had to face some of their inner demons.

Hell, half of the fucking human characters have more depth and introspection capability than Steven since Season 3, and they're pretty clearly meant to be throw away filler characters.

It constantly annoys me how protective some of the fanbase is of Steven and how they defend him even when he does something incredibly shitty that would cause a normal person to cut someone out of their life entirely, and yet it's treated like its somehow ok, because Steven.

Literally everyone will tell you that it gets gud on like the 25th episode of season one.

I still remember when the show came out and most of Cred Forums thought it was comfy or just plain boring but not the absolute disgust people have towards it now, nor the absolute love and fanaticism. The minute episode 25 came around the show blew up and controversies starting emerging (anyone remember Gemtlemen or whatever it was supposed to be?) and since then Cred Forums had a huge divide from it.

The pool would suggest otherwise.

Those are genderless gems

Was literally about to watch that episode before I decided to give the series a break. Fuck. Thanks for the info and history!

Is this show the echelon for gay chubby chaser masturbatory fuel now that one show is over?


Don't see how anything Steven's done can be considered worse than anything, say, Pearl, Amethyst, Ronaldo, or Sadie's done. No one considers any bad things they've done to be ok, but it can be seen what drives them to do what they've done. You just seem to choose to be a pessimist about it.

Finish Season 1.

If you're still not sold, you probably won't like it beyond that. Although, you should absolutely watch Mr. Greg in Season 2, since that's probably the best episode in the entire season.

No problem man.
>If you're still not sold, you probably won't like it beyond that. Although, you should absolutely watch Mr. Greg in Season 2, since that's probably the best episode in the entire season.
Mr. Greg is a very character development eccentric episode. If he hated season it wouldn't make sense to watch it since it means he didn't enjoy the character and their development to begin with.

It's like saying
>I know you don't like chocolate but try this chocolate, it's really good

I really get the reason they did this. I understand that they wanted Steven to be well-integrated into the group dynamic before they started touching upon that kind of material. I think the problem was that they didn't have any character arc for him to bridge "trying to get the group to take him seriously" and "Steven has to face the realities of the conflict he's in", so he was stagnant as a character during season 2-3. It was just poor writing, I think.

Steven dragged a completely innocent girl into incredibly dangerous circumstances, was directly responsible for the death of a sentient watermelon Steven, played and incredibly dangerous prank on and mindraped Lars, often completely ignores people who try to help him with disastrous consequences, and constantly emotionally manipulates those around him.

And he suffers no consequences for any of them and is often, in fact, rewarded for doing so.

Pearl, Amethyst, Ronaldo, and Sadie have all done horrible things, but they've all had to suffer consequences for their betrayal of other's trusts and their attempts at emotional manipulation.

>they even have anti-SJW comedians as voice actresses

That's my entire point though. Steven is fucking ripe with potential and it's constantly squandered.

The show is literally named and centered on him though. It's great that they want to use him to develop the other characters, but if you fail to develop your central character it drags down the rest of the show because everything is viewed through his eyes.

I've enjoyed it enough I'll at least stick it through Season 1.

I love the gems and the relationships developed so I just hope there's more of them and less "Steven is retarded, fucks everything up, zero learning or consequences" which seems to have been the theme for quite a few episodes and it's made him pretty unlikable.

While true, I find that most people who aren't enjoying the show generally don't enjoy it because they dislike Steven acting like a retard and not because they don't like the interpersonal relationships and development.

Mr. Greg is an amazing episode because it's ultimately NOT about Steven. His entire role is as a catalyst for two of the most interesting characters to actually interact and begin hashing out the problems they have with each other.

I'm catching up on the series now, after regularly watching it from the first half of S1 and onward. I stopped keeping up sometime around the ending of S2. In general, I really enjoy it, but I think the writing team is beginning to show some serious flaws, to the point where, now that it's been confirmed to run 5 seasons or so, I could see it dropping off seriously in quality. Sometimes you should just quit while you're ahead.

Can't speak from everyone else but while some absolute great stuff are being made like Mr. Greg, I do feel the writing for the show as a whole is also getting weaker.

Sugar had the show written out to Season 5, where it would end, before Season 1 even finished.

You act as if Steven never felt guilty for all that stuff, most of which happened by accident, compared to things the others did mostly for their own selfish reasons.

You can hardly compare what Steven does to the others because he's not as selfish.

It's an objectively bad show. Horrible pacing (literal 100 episodes of filler), horrible unlikeable characters with bad character designs (I'll admit the original 3 gems fusion forms were a little more creative than expected), medicore story that tries to be 2deep4u, bad story structure, etc.
I mean you can still love it, I don't care, just stop praising it like it's the second coming of Christ, you can like something and realize it has flaws.

Who gives a fuck if Steven feels guilty? That is the absolutely bare minimum he should be doing to illustrate that he isn't just an irredeemably awful human being?

He has committed actions that should have lasting impact on the individuals he has harmed.

Hell, in The New Lars he literally says, and I quote

"I better do my best to respect Lars' body and his privacy" and then proceeds to do the completely fucking opposite of that.

It's great that Steven recognizes that he done wrong, but a lot of the character recognize that they fucked up, try to make amends, and come to realize that not everything can magically be fixed by saying sorry.

Every gem relationship WAS homosexual.
Until Crystal Gems invented hetero.

Although I see your point I don't think that Cred Forums is that fanatical over it. It has a strong following, but everyone here recongizes its flaws. No one's claiming it's perfect, simply that they enjoy it and others are actually fighting over degrees of shittiness.. Who are you fighting against?

I don't know what you mean by him doing the opposite, but again, compared to other characters, Steven hasn't really done much that could be considered worth being reprimanded over, and if there is, he'd usually try to resolve it himself.

As in that entire episode is him disrespecting Lars' autonomy and privacy despite knowing he shouldn't.

Steven GENERALLY doesn't go out of his way to exploit others, but he sure is okay with doing so when the opportunity presents itself.

The point I'm making is that the other characters always handle Steven with kid's gloves. He constantly gets away with shit that they wouldn't tolerate from others. They react to him in unnatural ways that handwave away his offenses and completely negate the sort of emotional impact most people would be feeling for the offenses made against them.

Pearl wanted to fuse with Garnet and Garnet refused to talk to her for three fucking episodes. Steven nearly kills them, emotionally blackmails them, violates their autonomy, and countless other offenses and it's just handwaved away.

This is basically what got me into the show in the first place.
It had been so long since I had regularly watched a cartoon, and SU is what got me back in.
And now I've branched out to others too, So thanks, Sugar

Eeeehhh, it's a cartoon.

Yeah, see, you keep mentioning these "awful" things Steven has done, yet you don't seem to address them in the proper context they had within the show, making Steven sound worse than he actually is.

I kind of agree. I think the problem is that there's really no overhanging plot threads at the moment. I mean there's Yellow Diamond, sure, but that's not personal and it doesn't affect our main cast that much. Looking at their actual problems, they don't really have any right now.

>Peridot was neutralized and reformed
>Lapis and Jasper were unfused
>The Cluster was taken care of
>Jasper was bubbled
>The Rubies have basically been neutralized

We're going into this new season with nothing hanging over our heads, there are no real recurring villains left, and this is the first time that's happened since Season 1. It almost feels like the show has no direction at the moment. We're literally just waiting for Yellow Diamond to finally make a move.

That's your perspective.

To me, you're completely downplaying the nature of the bad things Steven has done and treating some extraordinary unacceptable and manipulative behavior as somehow okay.

>The board where SU's fanboys constantly leak out of both generals to post SU shit in other threads and boards doesn't hate SU
>The same fanboys that will rabidly defend the show no matter what's being said about it, be it the references MERE COINCIDENCE the lack of quality show at times IT WAS ON PURPOSE TO BE FUNNY or literally anything else IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT IT
Gee, it's almost like we have a problem here!

until homeworld aligned gems copied the idea behind the breaker. Suddenly things get a lot worse for the fewer numbered rebels than things already were.
I figure that Rose was also against them because breaking gems on a large scale would lead to a bigger push to take over and convert other worlds, which she kinda seems against

>People act the worst on lesbian
>Women are unfit for leadership

Because it's obvious that at this point either OP or another person has since reposted the poll elsewhere in order to skew the numbers into their favor, be it on this website or someplace else.
Not to mention that this is nothing more than a shadowthread masquerading as a board-wide vote in order for the SU fags to have their precious /sug/ back once more.

Didnt like the early premiere episodes

Steven was annoying as fuck and the slice of life shit is gay (I still skip any of them shitty human episodes without a gem or Greg or Lion or someone important)

But the show is magnificent and I dont even watch Tv that much besides stuff that really is that good. And the show is that good

I never said it was okay, just not as bad as you're making it, as you seem to portray Steven as some careless jackass who does terrible things with lasting consequences with very little remorse, when the opposite is true. But I suppose you'll just continue to see things in a more pessimistic way.

I'm not trying to say that everyone should hate and abhor Steven.

I'm saying that it's entirely reasonable that some of Steven's actions should have strained his relationships with the impacted characters more than they have, which is not at all.

>shattering gems
>not brainwashing them to join your side

General consensus is episodes up to 8-11 are more or less shit compared to the rest of the series.

It's unfortunate that people have and will continue to drop SU before seeing Giant Woman.

Besides the Lars thing, I'm not sure of these "actions" you speak of that may cause strains as what you usually suggest are things Steven's clearly done accidentally and often made up for.

Why do you keep bringing up STEVEN'S remorse or STEVEN'S guilt. That's the entire crux of the argument. Whenever Steven does something bad, the only one who seems to care is Steven, which is fucking dumb. The other characters have emotional agency as well. It shouldn't just be about what Steven is feeling, it should be about what Steven is feeling AND what the person he wronged is feeling too.

I've been saying this for months

It'a a good show when it wants to be.

I know the Townie episodes are there to show off Steven's human side, but really. The Townies are all boring. I really only like Greg and Vidalia's family sans Onion out of the humans.

What hurts the show most I think, is having every episode one note and always end up fixing the episode's issues in that episode.

You can bet Mindful Education/Steven's trauma will never be mentioned again. There's no real sense of consistency in this season, there's no overarching plot, and since we ended on fucking Onion and the Autismos, it leaves us on a sour note for months until we get a new episode in January.

What makes you think both are never acknowledged? Steven's been well-aware of how both sides are feeling, which is part of what motivates him to make things right.

I still almost dropped the series after Giant Woman. The episodes where we learn about something new or something actually fucking happens are amazing, but they are so few and far between it's been not all that fun trying to get through Season 1. I think it's worse after that point because the slice-of-life nonsense begins to get progressively more grating and frustrating as you realise another episode will go by with events that have no impact and that will never be referenced again. When you reach the high points the low points seem far lower.

>Last One Out of Beach City
Shatter yourself.

That episode was complete shit though.

Onion Gang wasn't fantastic, but it was pretty fucking cute.

There has never been a bad Onion focused episode.

>Pearl and Amethyst chillin together
>Bad episode
Clod taste detected

>Pearl and Amethyst chillin together
Nigga it was like 90% Pearl chasing some tumblrina in hopes of filling the void left in her heart by Rose. It was basically a reminder of "hey, Pearl still hasn't gotten over rose lol!"
>B-but muh types
Fuck off, there's having a type, and then there's chasing someone just because she happens to look just like your ex. It's fucking creepy.

It's perfectly normal specially if your going over your first meaningful relationships. Either way she'll become self-councious she's not Rose (she already acknowledge that fact but probably needs to understand it).

ok, fine, but focusing an entire episode around this is a mistake and ended up making the episode boring at best.

Maybe you're too young. It reminded me of those old movies about a group of misfits hitting the road to go to the big party.

Every scene inside the Dondai was pretty entertaining.

No, fuck you. Just because it reminds you of some fucking shit genre from the 90s doesn't mean it's good.
At least you're better than those fuckwits that compare the episode to FLCL.

I like Steven Universe, my only complaint is how much they push for an almost entirely female cast. I feel like Rebecca Sugar only made Steven male because of CN. If she could she would have probably changed steven into a girl instead. It's not that I don't hate the thought of a female cast but when she makes all the gems "women" and that they aren't any male gems beside Steven just feels...dumb. I know Gems don't have a sex but the show gives them a gender and all the voices are female actresses. Other than that I really enjoy the show.

>If she could she would have probably changed steven into a girl instead.
Steven was a boy even in the first pilot.
And I think gems being an all female race just kind of works. I mean if you can get over their neutral states being human in appearance, then I don't see how them being all female is much harder.

all the gems being women was a ripoff off the sailor moon rule where through the universe all senshi have to be women. I am sure that inspired the thought plus the gay couple as well.

Sugar looks like a genderqueer girl boy whatever the hell, so that explains why gems have no gender yet are all girls.

>telling me to go to tumblr
Oh the irony.
>spewing bait like a newfaggot
>oblivious to all the tumblrtards like you that overpraise the series, if anything only shitposts about gay space rocks
might wanna shave that wool over your eyes sheep, or return to your pigpen over at tumblr

I was in the mood to listen to some Disney songs when I realized that Meg from Hercules has the same voice actress as Rose.


feet :3

>tfw finally there is a show that's sorta set in my state

>no option for "It used to be good before the actual plot happened"

What makes you think that they didn't? Recall that rose shattered pink diamond. Also recall that Rose's sword can't shatter gems. She used something to shatter PD.

>Implying she didn't crush the gem with her bare hands.

Steven's a guy cause he's based on her brother

I also think it's because it's to show the benefits of a boy that is strongly influenced by and in touch with femininity. You always see stuff about tough girl characters having male mentors and trying to make it in strongly masculine environments surrounded by male characters, and they can be pretty cool, so here's the other side of the coin. A boy that's sensitive and emotional and not ashamed of it, and instead shows how it can be a positive thing and a strength. It wouldn't be special if he was a girl

I think the choice to make the gems an all "female" race is because she wanted to make a strongly feminine show that's actually interesting and cool to all kinds of people, but not preachy. If gems could be either "gender" it would be hard to maintain the dominant feminine vibe without it coming off as in-your-face girl power shit. Like, you'd wonder why it focuses so much on the girl gems and why they're the heroes and why the male gems aren't as important. But when it's an all-encompassing rule, you don't have to question it. They have the freedom to make all sorts of badass girl characters without having to worry about ever bringing a "boy vs. girl" dialogue into the show.

Most people don't tend to question the focus on male characters in a lot of stuff because it's the norm. But for the people that do question it, they force in those weak "girls can do anything you can do!" moments from the token girl characters, which are just kind of lame and annoying

This show is kinda trying to show an alternative view on gender and relationships, like yeah there can be relationships like that too and that gender is just an illusion. The gems act as the outsiders in this world, which is probably how the LGBT community see themselfs, the overall message is then, "we may look different but we aren't , we have the same problems and we share the same emotions".

Starting with the gems who are supposedly genderless(yet obviously girls/women) in different forms and colors, then there is fusion which seems like different kind of physical relationship that isn't of sexual nature. Yet the gems are at their core, not much different than humans, they have the same issues like inferiority complex or have the same experiences like getting over a past love.

Instead of making those who are different than the rest (Gems/LGBT) it just show kinda a level juvenile shallowness and I don't say this because its a cartoon for kids, the message of the struggles of being different has been done right before in the cartoon series hey Arnold! which did show real life problems in a realistic manner.

Of course SU being about alien gems, couldn't possibly realistic, yet its obvious, it is trying to mirror real life problems but at best its the characters who are mirrroring the issues of their creators.

Lets start with Garnet and her obvious narcissism, Garnet has allways been the know-it-all type character but also she literally loves herself, eventhough she is actually two gems, the character Garnet loves herself and cares about herself the most, as seen when she exposed the gems during the baseball match against the Rubies.

Pearl has like whole lot of issues, ain't gonna start about Rose but the resulting relationship with Steven has been nothing but fucked up, to the point where she almost got Steven killed, which Steven jokingly admitted two episodes ago.

Amethist obvious repressed inferiority complex appears every other episode. Lapis has kinda been used as the token character for all kinda of issues, the most obvious one being the abusive relationship episode, where she herself admitted she enjoyed torturing Jasper.

The issues bythemselfs aren't bad but it just shows how egoistic and egocentric they really are, as shown in most episodes about Pearl, specially the one where she tricks Garnet into several fusions. Yet when it comes to relationship with others, they are very distant, not only between them and the humans but also among themselfs, you can easely see how they could live without each other and if it wasn't for the missions or Steven, they would probably not see each other ever again. Of course they support each other when someone has a problem but this problem has to be very obvious or else they wouldn't notice and when the problem has been solved, they are done and go again their own way.

I like how at first it was the Gems teaching Steven about everything and taking care of him but now its more about Steven taking care of them and dealing with their issues, from a series that was supposed to teach us that its ok to be different, it has become something like a wishfullfillment/self-healing process for the characters/writers.

I wanted to see Steven grow as a person and become someone who can save the day. But the writers don't understand masculinity, so Steven comes off as a total baby instead of a boy on the cusp of puberty.

I didn't want to keep hearing about Pearl's "tfw no gf" problems.

>view on gender and relationships, like yeah there can be relationships like that too and that gender is just an illusion.

And people say this isn't a tumblr show. Laughable.

>Most people don't tend to question the focus on male characters in a lot of stuff because it's the norm. But for the people that do question it, they force in those weak "girls can do anything you can do!" moments from the token girl characters, which are just kind of lame and annoying
How many episodes of Gravity Falls was it? I feel there were at least two like this.

Voted that I enjoy it, but I'm really worried it might Gravity Falls-out; they're pretty clearly stalling for time as is with towny episodes.

desu I don't even really hate any of those episodes (especially not the last one because of the FLCL vibes), they're just kinda weird. Honestly my least favorite episodes are Onion ones.

>yfw Steven Universe takes place in the Sonic Adventure 2 universe

I have not seen it and I have no opinion on it. This poll is literally worthless.

>She was still heavily bullied and the fan base should be held accountable.
The WHOLE fanbase? That seems like overkill considering the main perpetrators got hit with the police.

Then why even click the link or enter the thread? For what point would you ever.

I have some bad news everyone....

I'm steven

>Needing to separate people who saw the whole thing from people who just saw a couple episodes
>Anything but two options like it and hate it

Loved the first season
It went down fast right after
Maybe the worst part is all the (totally non filler) episodes about shit you couldn't make me give a shit about if it came with free pizza

As usual the silent majority wins again.

>People who hate Steven universe don't open threads with a Steven universe thumbnail hence not voting
It's more like 3% of Steven universe fans hates Steven universe


As pointed out like 10 times in this thread, the straw poll is accessible from the catalog

How am I called if I want to have a kid and bail and not pay a single penny in the chart?

If you bother to read the text under a big Steven universe picture yes

>A bunch of lesbians and a single gay guy understanding masculinity
At least now we know what their concept of correct masculinity is
Pretty much more femenine than pearl

Like normal children do. Get over yourself.


Barely. They might as well have been childhood friends.

>959 voters
>80.5% like SU
>19.5% don't

>20% of Steven universe fans don't even like the show

That's not how the poll was worded, dumbdumb.

Steven is Siddhartha Gautama analog.


That's the polls voter base tho
Why don't we post the poll in a comics thread of you know somewhere people who don't like the show Kay see it too?
Glad to know there is a thousand active tumblr users in Cred Forums tho

>That's the polls voter base tho
Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

They aren't stalling. Onion Gang was shown out of order.

So what if I go survey people about gun control at a gun show and then claim wathever the results show its an appropriate representation of everyone's opinion?
Honestly tho 100o fucking tumblr universe fans, this shit should be banned, the pony show got banned for less

I would say that is sure evidence that they ARE stalling. Why wouldn't they play what normally would come next?

Your tears are delicious

Nice b8

>Cred Forums has almost 1000 people willing to care enough to vote
>this thread itself has 131 unique IPs

its a poll where anyone can vote over and over again... this is just desperate even by SUfag standards.

>implying you have to post in the thread to vote in the poll
Now you will say, "I was just pretending to be retarded"!

Because CN is run by drunken idiots. Hell, Syfy's famous for doing the same thing.

>reset IP
>reset IP

not to mention this poll is terrible structured, you only need a yes and no option, not several degrees of yes and no.

stay buttmad pedophile

>needs to come up with elaborate conspiracy theories because he needs a hatedom to justify his own dislike of the show
There are several problems I have with your approach to comics and cartoons.

>implying anyone would go to the effort for a mindless internet poll.
I think your tin foil hat's a bit too tight there pal.

>says the guy masturbating to a fat tween faggot with a microdick


Lol fuck off faggot.

You go to Cred Forums if it makes you so hard you slut.

Ikr? I really wish they'd also do more hand to hand combat, seems quite essential desu.

More Gem mommas with baby Stets!

Why thank you.

yea totally not some creepy diaperfag pedofaggotry at all

Dang, that's a sexy Pearl.

I wasn't talking you, and second, Pearl is cute, and the best maternal figure Steven ever had. I hope that I may have a wife that dedicated and loving to our children one day.

Though, she doesn't have to resemble the character, I like my women THICC but not taller than me anyway.

>That fucking rock concert episode was awful, though.
I'mma have to ask you to explain why it was bad, because I am super biased and that episode literally paralleled my life when it aired.


jasper > everything else

What even is Jasper's baseball name? Jasper already a believable male baseball name.

r8 OC editting

Butt seriously, holy shit, muh dik.

I need to rewatch that movie about the Rockford Peaches.

Makes more sense than what Lapis actually did.

Jordan? Jude?

The one with Rosie O'Donnell?


>The one with Rosie O'Donnell?
I don't remember. I think so. Tom Hanks is the coach.

A League of Their Own?

Yep, that's the one. Good movie.

i fap to space rock BBW

stop projecting user

you have no redeeming qualities

someone took time out of their day to make this autism image macros

Some people have a better sense of humor than you


Why don't we have /sug/ threads anymore? Did anything happened?

>It's gay as fuck
>Character's design is reddit-tier
>Character development last two episodes and then it's like nothing happened
>Muh feels
>Steve is a fucking mary sue

The show is on hiatus, so the threads are gone. Once the show returns the threads will come back.

Show is on hiatus. Cred Forums only allows generals if new episodes are currently airing

Fuck man, we need to fund Carl Universe

fuck you

I'd pay to see that., even if it was 5-10 minutes, and a fever dream Carl would have.

Oh user~

Cred Forums has been deceived by Rebecca Sugar's ideas.

You mean you can identify the image before you read the text?

I get the feeling you have never seen this show in your life

get a girl, rockfucker

I watched two seasons user.
Steven is a fucking mary sue.

Amythest pilot crossover selfcest when?

I wish fuccBoii.


I don't believe you.

Fuck, this needs to happen.

Let's ask adult swim, or hit them up on social media, show them the cap, or the thread, and numbers.

I don't care.
Why do I respond to dense anons like you? Fuck off, go out, get a life, talk to a real girl and try to stop touching yourself like your dad used to do with you.

>I am trying to shame you for what I do myself.
Where do you think you are faggot?

I would prefer gags to get shuffled aside over decaying and then being ironically mocked. In SU, every townie has a nasty side but they all warm up to Steven somehow. I think that's quite preferable to struggling to keep side characters hilariously odd.

>79% enjoy it
>21% do not enjoy it
>19% (4% of entire sample) of those that do not enjoy it have never watched a single episode and simply parrot the opinion of others
Huh. I was not expecting a spread that's this pro-Steven. Of course, this doesn't count the people who have simply filtered Steven Universe and avoided this thread entirely, nor those who simply ignored it when they saw it.

>I have not seen it, but I consider myself someone who enjoys it.

Huh? Is that like me with Umaru-chan, where I hate the show but I like the reactionimages?

If you want to, sure.

a fan?


OP here. I included it because I knew a "I have never seen it but I dislike it" would be a popular option. I wanted to even out the poll

I know this isn't a solid point at all but all i can say is, it's steven. even though has has shown alot of growing up, his mindset is still the same. he wants to do whats best for everyone but doesn't consider consequences and acts impulsively quite often and has barely ever been called out on it.

Peridot isn't just best gem. She's best cartoon character of the 2010's (So far)

m8 I don't think you're allowed to be this rational on the Internet, I'm sorry

Nobody important or talented.

True, but that really doesn't warrant every character getting it's own dramatic episode.

People always say the early Season 1 episodes are not as good as the actual show, but I disagree, they're pretty fun and enjoyable to watch despite being mostly 'filler" episodes.

The more recent filler episodes don't feel as fun to watch, they're either too emotional or depressing.

They still have some pretty good episodes like Bismuth or Last One out of Beach City, but it really is starting to feel tired

Oh, and the "filler" episodes that aren't too emotional are just flat out boring, I'm looking at you Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service!

i don't like it and i think only people in the LGBTQ community watch this show.

Explain your reasoning.

She's my favorite, but as of now, she's just a meme nugget

>the fan base should be held accountable

>a thing is very popular and has a large worldwide fanbase
>fans should be accountable for a thing some unknown asshole they've never been in any contact with pulled, because they happen to like the same thing

Okay, so if you like beer and Game of Thrones, do you think you should be held accountable for what some lowlife criminal on a different continent the existence of whom you've never even heard of does, if they happen to like beer and Game of Thrones? Liking the same thing creates some sort of international mutual co-responsibility over the actions of one another?

You're a retard m8

Of course not. The catalogue view, visible without accessing the thread, clearly asks for the opinion of everyone on Cred Forums and has the poll link accessible without entering the thread.

SU is a controversial show causing a lot of discussion, hubbub, tantrums and slapfights on Cred Forums, so it's very likely people will want to weigh in with their opinion, since people are asking for it, without actually bothering to post in or even enter the thread itself.


and here I was trying to find a reasonable post to reply to to bump the thread

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do

I watched like three or four episodes and wasn't a huge fan. Some say it gets better, and that's probably true, but it failed to hook me.

Also yeah, this poll seems massively biased. The only reason I even looked at the description is because there were two similar images near one another, and I had to do a double-take.

>Motherfucking implying

If that was true, then why do SU threads attract so many shitposters?

And your name is.... Mulignan!

>This thinly veiled /sug/

Nice one OP


Assuming you watched from the beginning, yeah the show is a slow burn starting off. The general consensus is that it takes till about episode 12 "Giant Woman" to really hook viewers.
I mean, if you're not entertained or whatever don't watch it. Just tryna let you know when the "1st milestone" is when people usually get interested in the show.

I usually don't mind the fluff though because I love all the characters and i like it when the show develops and expands on them. Exept Renaldo. Fuck Ronaldo, that cringe mother fucker.

Remember when people we're ripping on gen Zed for being obvious queer SJW tumblr bait?

I just realized SU is the biggest bait ever.

Whatever happened to that terrible thing, anyway?


Good show. kind of faggy

People take one look at the show and immediately label it SJW. It's literally the same as when SJWs take one look at shows with "sexy" female characters and such and label them sexist/racist/homophobic etc. without even watching them.

There's actually very little SJW stuff in this show, some people like to stretch aspects of the show to be SJW but they aren't. Only thing that comes close are the "lesbian" aliens which can't really be labelled as lesbians when they are technically just genderless rocks that all look feminine. Logically if all members of your species look like women then that's just what you have to be attracted to.

In my opinion there's too many moments in the show which are forced to be emotional when it doesn't call for it, steven cries too much and there are too many episodes with shit townie characters like lars. But overall I like the show, the concept of fusion and seeing different fusions is really cool, the lore is good, the gems have unique personalities (except lapis the stoic cunt)

Overall 8/10

>Last One Out of Beach City
>FLCL vibes

What the fuck?

So... what do we do now?

>That episode was complete shit though.

Do you like this show user?
Cause i dont think you do

This literally describes Reddit and Morty funnily enough.
>It's gay as fuck
>Character's design is tumblr-tier
>Character development last two episodes and then it's like nothing happened
>Muh feels
>Rick is a fucking mary sue

still posting?

The one where Pearl lezzes out with a grunge chick who looks like Stevens mom

Yes good, more Jaspearl(?)

it's garbage and steals the attention that better shows would deserve

I think everyone can agree the fights are terrible.

u wot

same. If that was an option on the strawpoll it would have been helpful.

i'll be honest man that specific fight scene wasn't very good it only really seemed like it because it was about bigass aliens fighting each other.

I don't think animation is this show's saving grace. Except for the time where that japanese guy helped out.

Muh nigga

Honestly season 4 has been a letdown so far, apart from ME. One of the only things I'm looking forward to see is
a) Jasperdemption and how Steven makes it happen
b) Jasper and Pearl interaction and eventually crying over PD together

I really don't give a shit about pointless townie episodes that aren't even amusing

People judge the show based on the external look of the characters and some vague shit about lesbians and tumblr they've heard, and it pisses them off that a show they've decided without watching is dreadful tumblr sjw shit is being popular in their precious Cred Forums

>I watched like three or four episodes and wasn't a huge fan. Some say it gets better, and that's probably true, but it failed to hook me.
Yeah I hated Steven for the first 8 or so episodes and probably would have dropped the show, but I was home with a fever and binged it through because I had nothing better to do.
The tone of the show changes and Steven stops being such a whiny little fuck-up retard. I'd say watch the first 10 or 12 episodes and then see if you feel at all like continuing, but 3 or 4 definitely won't give you a good feeling of what the show is like.

I remember I was doing it one day then I suddenly realized it was retarded and helped the girls telling the boys to fuck off

This poll is rigged so that "enjoyed" is always at 73%. I've seen it at various points and it's always like that, no matter how many people have voted. That's why it has over 1000 votes despite /sug/ never having that many posters.


Almost every single thread I see about Steven Universe (other that /sug/ ) is a negative one, but all of the people who make those threads hardly seem to have watched to show.

I fucking love this show, and the poll seems to be indicating that the people who hate on it just seem to be a vocal minority.

Steven Universe doesn't even have 10 fans. Don't kid yourself.

Have you considered that the more people vote, the harder it is to change the percentage?

Have you considered that the poll has been up for over 2 days?

Have you considered that I've been checking the poll since the beginning and was skeptical for all this time? I doubted it back when it had less than 100 votes and I was right. It's always at 73%, even though it would be retarded to believe the amount of votes.

Of course you're going to use this as evidence because you like SU, despite it so obviously being fake.

>10 fans
looks like you're missing a couple zeroes.


How do you even "rig" a Strawpoll?

>Of course you're going to use this as evidence because you like SU, despite it so obviously being fake.

>I would rather believe an impossibility than doubt the popularity of Steven Universe on one website


You can't. Capcha prevents bots so it's impossible right now

Surely you don't really believe that, come on

have a dynamic ip

>Was I suppose' ta read Rose's lahnes in Ca'l's voice eh somethin'?

That might allow you to vote multiple times, but what he said was that someone set up something to make it so the poll always stays at 73%.

Why would someone bother to vote multiple times in a straw poll on a tibetan pottery board about a cartoon?

>"Zami haters" apparently got doxxed
>One of them was apparently already on probation for something
>The same one openly talks about being on probation, being doxxed, telling Zami to kill herself, getting a court order over two accounts of "cyberstalk or some bs", missing the court date, and actually going to jail-if only for a short time-over this under what appears to be an account with their actual name and on a social media site that doesn't look like Tumblr-Facebook, I think?

Could someone recap the fallout of the Zami incident for me? I think I heard that there was some sort of repercussion for her stalkers, but I assumed they just got their Tumblr accounts banned or some other wrist slap. Didn't know things got this crazy on that side of things.

Probably discuss how winning the poll by a landslide somehow only further proves it's bad.

Nah, it's an exaggeration for meme purposes. I think that the amount of people on Cred Forums who like it is actually between 100 and 200, ie the average amount of people that will post in a thread. Also about the same amount as its detractors, more or less. That's precisely why I find this poll to be suspect.

Do you have any proof of this? Would you have proof or any similar objection if one of the negative options won by a landslide, or had maintained a consistent high percent of the votes?

I would have had proof if I had taken screenshots of it in its early form. Unfortunately I didn't think people would be so easily fooled.

>any similar objection if one of the negative options won by a landslide, or had maintained a consistent high percent of the votes?
I would because I care about truth and justice. I don't want a cheap victory using tricks and illusions. If it was maybe 2 or 300 voting positively it wouldn't be so suspicious, but 1000? Come on. Does that many people even go on Cred Forums, let alone care enough about SU to vote on a poll?

It's been a while, but I also think I heard one of them was some sort of sexual predator, I'm likely wrong though.

The show should do more shit like it did with Lapis, where a character's emotional issues are not magically dealt with within an entire eleven minute timespan and they have to actually take time to start feeling better. Watching Future Boy Zoltron or whatever pissed me off because Mr. Depression just got automatically better at the end of it, like every episode HAS to have a happy ending.

>Cred Forums has millions of users
>But I somehow doubt that 1000 visit THIS board
>Oh, if only I had taken pictures of evidence to prove my point!
People like SU, I think you need to learn to live with that.

I think you are projecting your dislike of the show on everyone else and then using that presumption to justify claiming any evidence to the contrary is a conspiracy.

Cred Forums has always been louder about what it doesn't like than what it likes, so I'm inclined to agree.

>No, you're just easily fooled.

The show is on hiatus right now, correct? So why hasn't this thread been deleted and SU fabs told to go back to /trash/?

This is why I dislike the show. You guys don't keep to one thread, constant topics over the smallest details in the show, and act like your show is the best thing ever where any criticism cannot be handled.


You are just a dude pretending everyone agrees with you and then pretending that means all evidence to the contrary is a conspiracy.

This just in, Cred Forums LIKES CARTOONS AND COMICS!

>popular shows produce more than one thread
How new are you? That's true of literally every popular show. TLOK produces multiple threads to this day and it has been off the air for years.

I'm not the guy who says it's rigged, I was just referencing how they claim that it's not their fault for not providing convincing reason to believe that the poll was rigged, but everyone else's fault for being "so easily fooled". Hence the meme arrow.

Discussion of the show isn't banned. Only the generals are, newfiend

I fucking hate Lapis and I think she's objectively the worst character in the show, even worse than Lars.

Then why aren't you posting the poll on Cred Forums and Cred Forums to skew it back into your side's favor?

>omg my show is so perfect only a small fraction of a board hates it!
I'd say 40% is a more realistion number.

this poll shows how some people are obsessed with thing the dislike

SO is connie's house not in Beach city?

No. In that winter episode they had to drive a significant distance to reach Connie's house. All we know it is commutable.

She lives the town over. It's why it took her so long to find out what happened during the return arc

>i have not seen it, but i consider myself someone who does not enjoy it
who even voted for this
why would they even admit this
why are those even an option and not just 'i haven't seen it'

is Cred Forums really so small that it's hard to believe that over 1000 people would vote on a poll
the poll's shit but don't convince yourself that it's a big conspiracy to get you down or whatever

There should've been an option for "I haven't seen the show and have no opinion about it, you fucks just need to stop making so many threads"

There's more to being a Mary Sue than just being really competent in your area of expertise. Also Mary Sue's don't usually turn entire planets into chronenburgs by accident, or attempt suicide because of their substance abuse problems

i like this explanation

You're talking as if the show is anywhere near complete.

>But the writers don't understand masculinity
They do and they also realize that it's shit and wouldn't count as "growing up". Only idiots (mostly dumb kids and "adults" such as Cred Forums posters) think being masculine is important.

What is even prepubescent masculinity? All I remember is that as 14-year old boys we acted like assholes to each other and did some really stupid unnecessary dangerous shit.

>The supporting cast are excellent background characters to make the town feel alive.

Too bad the town almost never feels "alive" because you rarely ever see characters who aren't relevant to the episode doing stuff.

>You always see stuff about tough girl characters having male mentors and trying to make it in strongly masculine environments surrounded by male characters, and they can be pretty cool, so here's the other side of the coin. A boy that's sensitive and emotional and not ashamed of it, and instead shows how it can be a positive thing and a strength. It wouldn't be special if he was a girl
This. Feminism got people to see girls doing "manly" things as ok, but most people (even most of the ones who claim to be feminists) don't realize it also goes the other way. It's just that girls had more social disadvantages, saying that boys have always been allowed to do anything is still sexist.


Though some people might disagree, the show invokes a pretty good trope reversal without feeling like it's forcing it down your throat. The writing can hit moments where the show forgets how to do subtlety, but in terms of Steven being a male who maintains a certain amount of feminine qualities, I'd say they do a pretty good job of it thanks to how the world is set up.

Yes, that is also my dream.
When you play an amazing RPG it would be a complete waste to just mull around town talking to the villagers, especially when there's thousands of years of lore rich world to explore.
The creators of the show have got to know that people want the gay rocks. I'm sick of watching Steven solve Onions friendship quests. All of the villagers in Beach City are shitty people and Steven seems to be the only person who wants to get to know them.

>tfw Jasper and Pearl have a conversation about the past, implying they've know each other before current events.
>both nostalgic for the glory days
>Jasper brushes the back of her hand against Pearls cheek

You know I think among all the crystal gems besides Steven/Rose, Pearl would be the one she'd hate the most due to her heavy involvement with Rose and potentially Pink Diamond's shattering.

I seriously see no redemption happening for Jasper.

I just want more lore on Gem society. I doubt the writers have actually thought most of this shit through, like why Gems are so militaristic that they HAVE to keep expanding to new planets and ripping all the resources out of them to make more soldiers with. What's even the point of the Cluster? Is there some other alien force out there that has the Diamonds scared shitless so they wanted a big dumb mutant fireball to launch at them?

If the Romans had conquered every country on earth, do you think they would have hesitated to keep militaristically conquering unclaimed territory?

It's possible there's something causing them to need to conquer, but it's not necessarily the only reasoning for how they act. The problem is the writers have said there aren't supposed to be villains, and conquering and draining resources thoughtlessly and needlessly is a fairly evil act.

>be race of biological crystaline beings
>create crystal androids that take a planets worth of resources to make but are super cool and immortal
>more than enough planets in the universe so original race gets gradually replaced by gems
>gems expand exponentially
>eventually run out of easily accessible resources
>begin drilling worlds that were before biological reserves like Earth
>Cluster needed to keep colonies in line in the wake of resource riots
Just my shot in the dark.

>When you play an amazing RPG it would be a complete waste to just mull around town talking to the villagers, especially when there's thousands of years of lore rich world to explore.
But how else were you going to build those Social Links.

Don't tell me you neglected the Social Links!

Trust me, you'll miss goofy Steven son enough.

It depends. If the characters were interesting enough like the denizens of Clocktown, I'd be all over in exploring their pasts. But if they were like the average NPC in Oblivion or Skyrim I would be ignoring their asses the entire time.

Social links are both fun and important. If you neglect those, I'm not sure why you're even playing Persona.

>that moment when you realize Pearl probably killed Aquaman, Elric, and Conan in the ancient past
>thus butterflying away Aqualad, the Louds, and Brock
>the bitch killed Brock
>she killed mah nigga

They rip all the nutrients right out of the planet just to make more of themselves while killing off all organic life. That's 100% evil and pointless since they're all immortal anyway.

The Romans conquered because they needed to keep giving land away to pay their citizen soldiers. Can you imagine some hapless legionairre getting 40 acres in Siberia? If they hadn't shit the bed republic wise they'd have just wound up inventing a better credit system to pay soldiers.

Gems landing on earth to unload junk imperial war bonds would have been kind of hilarious but it probably would have gone over kids' heads.

14 people vote "I haven't seen it but I consider myself someone who enjoys it".

It's nice to be popular with loonies.

>an overwhelming majority likes the show
I didn't expect that.

That's what I was trying to say. Sorry I have a habit of typing the way I talk, it doesn't always translate well without the inflections.

Funny, but that's not really what I was getting at, the Romans were probably a bad choice for the example. If any human country had the ability to freely take uncontested land after wiping out all forms of competing countries, they really wouldn't hesitate. Arguably even with other countries in the picture, it's pretty much what Europe did to the Americas. From the right perspective, it's free land. If you add in the fact that Homeworld has a inclination to use resources simply because they're there, there isn't much of a reason for them to not simply roll over whatever planet they see fit.

>Blue Diamond's ass
>Yellow and White Diamonds' thick quartz-bearing hips

>Pink diamond only controlled 1 planet when she got her shit pushed in
>And it was the one that rebelled against her
Life's tough for a new diamond

I cant be the only one that thinks Season 1 is the best, or at least better than 2, right?

to be honest, a lot of the hate the show gets comes from people that watch the show.

>Nothing happening: The season
It made for a good cartoon and was pretty comfy, but the second season just works better in my opinion.

The days have flown by, leaving me dazed, befuddled, and out of site. My existence, since the exile from my mother’s womb, has never experienced even the smallest granule of happiness. Joy does know me. contentness does not know me. laughter does not know me. I wish for my pain to be known among the world. I want to inflict my agony unto those who have wronged me. god has forsaken me, and I have forsaken him. until I release my demons, I shall stay here.

>All the fucking memes and references to other media really does make the cartoon feel like its just there to get people to go "LOL SONIC" "LOL ANIME" rather than actually being organic to the show

I can't really agree with you here. Shit like Gitaroo Man and a throwback to Ian JQ's old comic are not really things I think the average watcher would even recognise as a reference, and things like the Eva scene/name of Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service worked perfectly as parts of the show even without looking at what they were referencing.

I agree with you in most cases, but sometimes I honestly have wonder what the fuck they were thinking when they wrote the episodes.

Flagship and prime example of this is Beach City Drift. It seemed like the episode was thrown together as an excuse to do a lazy Initial D reference. The plot was sucked and relied on Steven acting OOC for the entire thing to even happen. If you had no idea it was meant to be an Initial D reference, I can imagine spending the entire episode wonder what the fuck was going on.

I always took it as the whole Kevin thing sticking out in his mind because it was a bad event that happened shortly after Stevonnie's formation, but that's a slightly lame justification.

I didn't pay much attention the first time, but after rewatching he does seem irrationally angry.

I honestly hate that episode, probably more than I should. I'm probably just really salty because it just had so much potential to go right and they just took every misstep they could possibly have taken to make it suck.

It could have been about Stevonnie being developed as their own character, wanting to personally disgrace Kevin, not because their components hated him, but because she was personally still salty about how Kevin acted in Alone Together, therefore characterizing Stevonnie away from just being a shared mouthpiece for Steven and Connie, but they chose to basically make the whole thing about Steven and Connie, killing any hope of Stevonnie actually being an individual.

They could have made the episode about Steven being affected by Connie's emotions while fused as Stevonnie, giving us an interesting and unique perspective on how emotions translate to the components of a fusion. Steven could have realized he was only angry because Connie was and the anger stuck to him after they unfused, making it an episode exploring fusion's emotions and how they tie to their components, but it was just about Steven and Connie wanting to fuck with Kevin for revenge.

Hell, at the very least, they could have reversed Steven and Connie's roles. Steven is the emotionally sensible one, Steven is the forgiving one, Steven is the one who represses his anger. Just look at The Test. Connie is the one who gets carried away, Connie is the one who lets her emotions control her. See Sworn to the Sword. At least if they had proper roles for their characters, the episode wouldn't have been terrible, but they were backwards for no reason.

I'm sorry to rant about all this at you, and I'm sorry if it comes off as combative, I just really hated that episode.

>I can't accept this poll showing a result I don't like
>I know, I'll just pull a number out of my ass instead

No, those are legit points. I'd consider it a "fun" episode (the racing was pretty baller, even if the Initial D reference was hamfisted), but I can't disagree with anything you've laid down here. I'd love to see Stevonnie get some actual development rather than just being Steven + Connie, but I don't think we're going to get that for a while if Mindful Education is anything to go by.

>I'm sorry to rant about all this at you, and I'm sorry if it comes off as combative
It's all cool dawg, just a conversation.

>If it was maybe 2 or 300 voting positively it wouldn't be so suspicious, but 1000? Come on. Does that many people even go on Cred Forums

Cred Forums currently, at THIS MOMENT, has
≈207 500 unique posters on it. There's probably more people checking it every day, after all not everyone is online at the same time.

This thread has been up since tuesday, that's several days time for people to pop in and vote.

You're a fucking idiot.

>Honestly believing a poll that has over 1000 votes in two days when there's not even that many individuals browsing Cred Forums at once

>the Eva scene
Are you talking about the "Congratulations" one? I just looked for NGE references on a search engine and most of what I found mostly seems to be just coincidence. I mean, if there's not something to make it clear how can you be sure? I did think about it when I saw the "Congratulations" scene in Steven Universe, but it's not like Evangelion invented the word or its usage. The music is almost convincing me though, but it may still not be enough.

The fact that I found someone claiming pic related, a background character from 3.0, is referenced in Rose's design makes me doubt it even more.

The entire beach scene of KPDS references the ending scene of End of Evangelion.

Here, have a shitty MSPaint crop.

>how can there be x amount of people over two days voting when there are not that amount of people simultaneously on at any particular second

user, you're being sad.
Again, Cred Forums has approx 27,700,000 unique visitors per month and currently 207 500 unique posters on it.

Where do you get your info on the amount of individuals browsing Cred Forums at any given time, by the way? Did you just decide that out of the 200k, only 1 k would ever go to Cred Forums? Do you think that only 0,5% of Cred Forums users would go to Cred Forums?

Oh, nice. I'm glad there's an actual one, and that's exactly what I was expecting actually.

I think "Congratulations!" probably is one as well - it's an iconic scene, after all.

Man, I do enjoy the references they put into this thing. Even the name Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service brings a smile to my face.

Jesus Christ I knew this board was full of faggots but fuck you guys are incurable.

Sorry to disappoint you.