Who is this semen demon? Im pretty sure shes from wakfu, but have no leads on who she actually is.
Cred Forums character i dentification thread
MC of the DOFUS movie
stupid rich bitch
I really don't understand this. So, Cred Forums has a sticky that clearly states that the board is NOT to be used as a tech support line, yet the attitude of Cred Forums is basically that you HAVE to render assistance to every newfag who comes along with a stupid question? What a fat load. Every single other board on the site expects you to actually know stuff before posting, yet Cred Forums embraces the ignorant. That's just sad. Even for Cred Forums, that's just plain sad.
Bakara from Dofus
I can tell you don't actually browse Cred Forums
And I can tell that you don't read comics or watch cartoons, because if you did, this thread wouldn't exist.
How dare we want to share the things we enjoy with others and help people have fun.
Truly, this is the worst board.
You should checkout /vr/
Go to work safe request next time.
Lad, look at the number of IP's next time. I'm not OP.
Don't jump to misinformed conclusions, I don't even disagree with the points you make honestly, but if you spent just a little time on Cred Forums you'd realise that sticky is a load of bollocks and there are a bunch of tech support threads on Cred Forums. Every single other board does not expect you to know shit, whether that's a good or bad thing is a different matter
I'm not too big on spoonfeeding myself
Why is it so much to ask for people to know their shit before they come here? Dunno about you, but I can't see any good discussion coming out of holding some casual's hand for an hour trying to get them to understand decades of history or the finer details of a tv series.
If that sounds like fun to you, I almost feel sorry for you.
>Why is it so much to ask for people to know their shit before they come here?
Because that is too much to ask. Most people don't even know the full extent of the characters for Marvel or DC even if they're long time readers, and knowing every single caomic and carton out there is way too fucking much to ask. It's asinine to expect people to not be ignorant of things and want to know what they are when they see images, and even more asinine to act like like a stuck-up jackass about it.
> Dunno about you, but I can't see any good discussion coming out of holding some casual's hand for an hour trying to get them to understand decades of history or the finer details of a tv series.
...so discussing something with an outsider, AKA a fucking discussion that you have arbitrarily deemed not worthy of your time.
Great. Fuck off.
>If that sounds like fun to you, I almost feel sorry for you.
I'm not some empty shell of a person who thinks solely of themselves, so yeah, it is.
Because no one can know everything you fucking cunt
Here's the fun thing, I've only been reading comics for about, say, 5 years? I don't know everything, don't claim to. I don't harass people with stupid questions that will only annoy them to death. If I want to know something, I have this thing called the Internet, a vast repository of information which is a mere keyword away.
Making threads asking for recs or info is a pointless action, and a waste of everyone's time. Just look it up. It's that simple.
>harass people
>waste of people's time
>when you can easily choose to ignore the thread or not even click it
she's not the main character she's some brash cunt who makes everything go wrong, hates everyone and gets a dude killed
and then after she gets drunk
It's not a matter of ignoring the thread. The "Please spoonfeed me." threads' mere existence causes a whole slew of problems. Distracting from real discussion, inviting shitposting casuals, contributing to the board's poor reputation which only invites more shitposters, etc. This is a problem that we as a board need to deal with. We seriously need an attitude change or else the problem will only get worse.
>Distracting from real discussion,
Bullshit. It doesn't do anything to other threads.
>inviting shitposting casuals,
They've been here for a long goddamn time already. They always were.
>contributing to the board's poor reputation which only invites more shitposters, etc
Who gives a FUCK about the boards reputation when Cred Forums's reputation as a whole is already in the shitter? And Cred Forums is STILL held in better regard than Cred Forums, king of the whiny "BAAAAH NO SPOONFEEDING" babies.
>We seriously need an attitude change or else the problem will only get worse.
Yeah, we should really do something about whiny cunts like yourself who have nothing better to do than shit on other people with piss-poor logical fallacies.
there was a smug duck gif of her that i failed to save...any one wanna repost it?
>comes to other boards and chastises them for not having enough masturbatory MUH SEKRIT CLUBism
>user makes perfect sense
>OP defense force
Yes, because im supposed to know every facet of information of the entertainment industry, and i dare i not know a specific character and refuse to google her when i dont even know her name. Your a dickless faggot and nobody likes you, overtly autistic little shit.
I don't get people like you, who claim to value discussion yet shit on recs and new fans asking legitmate questions and not making bait threads. Or even worse, say they're the problem while ignoring the shitposters that pretend to read comics just to whine about oppressed they are or bait with shitty memes.
Let me guess, you're that "go back to Cred Forums" autist
because unlike Cred Forums this isn't neckbeard tech support so the occasional "who is this semen demon" does not equate to "how do i install linux" in neither quantity nor annoyance