“The Knights Belligerent have a single rule to their Sword Law and it is this – killing is the first instinct of man, before breathe, or even thought. Therefore everything a man does, every single detail of his day, from sleeping to eating, should be an argument with himself on the restraint of said instinct. Naturally, they don’t tend to get along with each other very well.”
– Ampater, merchant prince
Kill Six Billion Demons
She kinda has a point.
Mottoms not looking so hot right now huh?
She's looking about 100.
What's she about to pull? There's no way she can kill Mottom now. Maybe shield the ship or zap it out of there?
And Mottom is really confident she can find another way to sustain herself before crumbling to dust which seems will happen within an hour.
Ally got PLOT ARMOR, so be ready for anything
Looks like she's turning into Akuma.
Annd the pipe smoking demon she outdrank is here too !
What was his name already ?
>There's no way she can kill Mottom now
>The Key of kings is glowing
She chose king.
she's gonna buy like ten seconds and she'll turn to dust
My guess is that her key will have just enough juice to turn whatever Mottom is doing onto Mottom itself. It'd be oddly poetic for Mottom's demise to come from Mottom.
In the end Gluttony even consumes itself.
It has enough juice to do anything. Allison's probably not in the right mindset to use it to do anything major though.
God damn
very good
Prolly a her now, and it's like Hime Usagi or some really stupid bullshit.
White chain and Allison would make such a cute ship.
That guy eho suggested a love triangle between Allison are her white and dark flames has fucked me up.
Did anyone else notice the ship is really a masked demon? Considering items crumble when traveling through the void between gates having a living transport ship makes sense.
I thought it was just a decoration?
I think it's more of an insignia of some sort, y'know like pirate ships have mermaid points on their ships.
>crumbling to dust which seems will happen within an hour.
I don't think she'll die, she'll just go back to her real age (which I'm guessing is how she looked at the Demiurges meeting when she was 95% skeleton). I find it hard to believe Allison would be rid of her this easily.
Previously in the throne room her age seemed much more constant even if she did have snacks with her, and she aged relatively slowly until the tree was destroyed so either destroying it made the fruit less effective or more likely her belief that it would did. Which means that it's at least partially her own power keeping her alive and not just the fruit. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and she just aged at the pace that was the most dramatically interesting.
It could have something to do with how she uses her powers. I mean, key or not it has to strain the body and the mind.
It doesn't seem like it though. It was never hinted in any way that using the power has any strain on the person and while Mottom does seem to be using more than just her key, at least the way I'm reading it her text with red plants on it seems to be more like spells than anything else, it still wouldn't make much sense. She is old enough to not need any outside force to drain her to be like that.
Why not? She aged in between pages there. OR maybe it's just the dramatic tension as mentioned before.
Princess Mamoru Moonshine Jagermeister Jack Jacck Daniels Timothy Tim Bill Freddy Merceury Blueberry Luna Esquire
What ever happened to Cio? She used to be so chitinous and segmented.
Every page Mottom becomes more beef jerky
Guys I have bad news
Isn't that an effect of the coat of arms? It gives you many limbs?
But i aggree, i prefer the chitinous Cio.
That guy used to draw League of Legends comics back in the day. Is he the same guy? The art style looks familiar.
Dunno, but that is the name Abbadon goes by on Discord.
Obese futa porn too
Yes, it's the same guy.
Nice. I need to start reading this then. Guy had a pretty good sense of humor and art style in his LoL comics.
If you keep posting the discord, I will post the link ITT.
I posted one thing, calm down sunshine
Mottom's current form has a really cool Sith Lord aesthetic.
It's interesting you assume that when the more obvious conclusion is that it's just decoration or the head of a demon. It doesn't correspond correctly with any color. It's just wood.
She's using the red art. Cio can use it too.
Yes it's the coat of arms/demons have minor shapeshifting/Whatever don't worry about it
>using white discord
I doctored that picture
Nefelpitou asked if she was dead, and Abby stated she was alive
Doesn't look doctored to me
Long slow degeneration into fanservice
She's been redesigned with fuckability in mind for your pleasure.
Has anyone bought the book yet?
Many, and as far as I've heard, dissatisfied. Either it's too small or too dark and sometimes both.
Most people like it. I've heard only a few people with complaints.
Well hopefully mine turns alright. I snooped and found out my grillfriend ordered it for my birthday.
I just wanted to shift the discussion to something other than blue waifus.
It wasn't even about waifus. Does one nice image of Cio being posted bother you that much?
I want to fuck Princess Mamoru
But she's like one day old, user.
Vladok wasn't rebirthed or anything, just downgraded. Ah cripes, we're not going there now are we?
Princess coming back opened the floodgates.
Like how the fuck did Princess even get there?
I think it's more than that. Seen as how Vladok is essentially dead without the original mask.
I love it!!!
Nobody told her she couldn't
I'm not saying she couldn't. I'm more wondering how she managed to get a ship and reach everyone with such a tiny, inoffensive, cute body.
According to the QnA, ships might be powered by bound demons. Abby's not quite sure. The other idea was a dead angel, which would "Be very light"
Mottom is not going to die. At least not in this chapter.
Other snippits from the QnA
>Solomon David's chapter will be the tournament arc mentioned in previous QnAs. He hosts a giant tournament every year, and the winner gets to replace him as king. He wins every year, but wishes somebody could replace him.
>Solomon David also has lots of sons, all of which are physically older than him, and all of which are probably a disappointment.
>Nyave is now a main character and will be accompanying Allison on her journey. She is intended to serve as a mirror and contrast to Allison. Like Allison, she has no idea what's going on, unlike Allison, she thinks all this shit is totally awesome.
>It takes a few hours to complete a page. This question usually comes up every time, and devolves into making jokes about manga.
Most of the QnAs however are just talking about Berserk, JoJo, and French comics.
and dark souls, you missed dark souls
also hello everyone
Abbadon, I keep forgetting to ask. Is the All Yis Un thing intentonal, and will that be how Nyave pronounces Allison?
Our Dark God returns! How's your day going so far?
Hey man, you're pretty great. Also, were you leading up to something in the original comic with the schrodinger's cat bit?
yeah but hes lying tho
Yo I bought your comic. That entitles me to one answered question right?
How do you take your tea?
>Nyave is now a main character and will be accompanying Allison on her journey.
Main character is an exaggeration. More like groupie/moral support; she's not going to be very important. The idea was thrown around that she's now the Pink Ranger, and Abbadon went all "Oh dear, you're right", because the crew now has the right number of people.
I wonder if that means if Maya is the sixth ranger that is initially evil but later turns good.
It was probably her ship, Vladok was ebon af.
unreliable author
layla is alive
that would be me user
I ship them ot3
Pretty good, about to write some RPG stuff in a cafe
I'm sure it would have become an important character at some point. The original adventure was way more free form so I truly have no idea about some stuff
Black tea, milk, no sugar, like the queen intended
I never intended nyave to be a character actually, she sort of just showed up and I thought it'd be cool to have someone more clueless than Allison at this point in the story but also someone who was more optimistic, since all the main characters have a lot of baggage
>I'm sure it would have become an important character at some point.
You tease. Well, in any case I'm holding my breath for Gog-Agog's arc. Loving everything so far, gonna buy the book next payday.
I think I do too homie, but I also enjoy thw thrill of competion and a love triangle would be both corny and adorable.
Abbadon, I have one - just one, very important question.
Will there be /u/?
Yeah probably but not in the way you think
I'll take that as a yes.
By the way, there were several Berserk jokes about how now that the gang is getting on a ship, the story's never going to end.
>There's no way she can kill Mottom no-
This is awesome af and makes me want an animated version right now
I noticed that last week too. Reminds me of the Shushu posessed train used by the crew in Wakfu when they needed to travel across the World of 12 in the Wakfu manga. Such a fun concept.
There's one theory that she made herself look that way in order to become less attractive to Preem Nand while she was his slave. Blue devils are "able to shape their flesh" according to some of the liturgies.
when are you gonna publish the second volume?
Dropped, and I'm going to send your fat porn to every store you try to sell at to inform them of who you're working with.
Thank you for fucking with Cred Forums as to wether Layla is alive or dead. It has brought me much amusement. Have some shitty MS paint OC as payment.
>head's not floating too
Quick question. I remember looking back to the battle of Hell71 and reading about how the Prime Angel shells could be controlled as war engines by guilds when a demon possessed them. Is that the case with the Yamga? Because a flying demon-junk ship would be fun as hell.
Also thank you for making this, Saturdays and Wednesdays are always a little more fun!
i wonder if oscar is going to show up again and if he will play a big role in the plot
These are super rad!
If Image publishes it I imagine it'll be out same time next year. I'm finishing the actual material this weekend. I think the next book to get published (2) I'll make the values a little lighter. I hope to start the third book next week and I'm going to draw it in standard comic book size so it'll be a little larger and in taller proportions, which is going to get some getting used to on my part
Now that's dedication
It's a cool idea, not sure if I'll have room to explore it but I'd like to
Yeah, he'll be back for sure next book
That waggling is not suggestive enough. 0/10 see me after class
As long as it's cute i'll be satisfied
So volume one and three aren't going to be the same height? Why do you hate my bookcase?
I kinda wish we had a book headed protagonist, this dude's design is just so interesting.
That is because I am the undisputed master of MSPaint.
Hundreds of posts in and not one mention of those marvelous DSLs white chain is rocking.
Come on guys.
white chain is not for sex user
So what are we doing after class?
Remedial studies
Dick sucking is pure
Under certain conditions. I don't know who'd want to get their dick sucked by white chain anyway.
>super cold nuclear explosion with the texture of forged ash all over your dick
no thanks
Jesus fuck is Abaddon a feminist or something? Its like 50% of the offerings posted like in the OP talk shit about women being the best or men being unsuitable for certain things.
Its getting really annoying actually. Is anyone else noticing this? Im thinking KSBD has some anti male message going on.
>Stronk womyn of color
>Stronk womyn of color
>Stronk womyn Devil of color
>Stronk womyn Angel of color
>Stronk womyn beggar of color
>Stronk womyn who dont need no boyfriend
I think I may have mistaken what this tumblr comic was going to be about.
he's in the thread as we speak. Ask.
I see it as inversion of the standard tropes. It's not obnoxious so I don't see a problem with it, especially since we haven't seen anything like that actually happen. As far as I can tell it's just Meti and her teachings. If you want every character to have the same non offensive world view then maybe you belong on tumblr.
Just put it in one post instead of samefagging. Or at least wait a bit so you can pretend it's someone else.
Pretty sure they're using man as gender neutral - just like how "King" is gender neutral in this
Meti for instance also used man in her sword manual, despite the fact both her and her apprentice are women.
Whats your favorite Digimon!
Its been in some many offerings and every main character is a female. Its kinda getting old.
Meti being a women was alright. Now its every other offering saying something negative about men or how women are the best.
>It's not obnoxious
It wasnt until I noticed how much hes shoveling down everyones throats. Okay, we get it, women are cool. No need to keep hammering this shit in at every possible opportunity.
>Just put it in one post instead of samefagging.
I didnt notice that the main characters now have two more brown women in their party until after I posted. This comic is starting to feel like some rich white liberal womans power fantasy. Im starting to smell some nu marvel "muh patriarchy" shit.
Its sad cause I was really digging it right up until her tumblr friends showed up after the first bar fight scene.
I doubt it at this point.
stop bringing gender politics into KSBD
it's about royalty not about "muh womyn" or "muh tumblr"
Well, every main character being female was sort of a challenge to myself to make sure I wrote an actual female character in my comic.
As far as the lore stuff from the comic, it mostly just comes from Meti, and it's just the thinking of the day (when the lore section was written). At the present day people think that Meti was a total hack. I think this will come up in the comic pretty soon.
Stop whining like a faggot. It's a comic, it has mostly women as main characters. So what? Either read it for the story like most readers, read it for the waifus like the rest or stop crying like a little bitch and just stop reading it. If you don't like the text stories then don't read them. Normal people don't care about what comic has the most gender/race ratio and fantasy racism or sexism, especially when it's not even really there to begin with. Tumblr cares, so get your ass there and stop polluting Cred Forums.
>Well, every main character being female was sort of a challenge to myself to make sure I wrote an actual female character in my comic.
Bwuh? How does that work?
>Demiurges made up of 3 dudes, a mass of worms, a quadrupedal beast, and two actual girls
>Conquering king is a dude
>Metatron, Michael, and Juggs all represent themselves masculine as fuck
>All blue imps have female-like forms, but are not explicitly stated to be true to either sex (Number 5 is a masculine blue devil).
>Mottom plays the whole "boo-hoo battered wife" angle to be a universe-ending asshole, but the author uses the main character to call her out on her bullshit
>White chain "feels a little feminine" but gets insulted when allison says "look lady..."
>Aesma tough a female, is written as a horrible douchebag
Also I think I remember Abbadon writing something about how he was using this as an exercise in learning how to write good female characters, so he figured he'd spam away and eventually create one that works, or something like that. It's refreshing to see a piece of media also where the actions of a female character have consequences as well.
Remember the latest X-men movie and how everyone on Cred Forums complained that they cut the scene of the villain strangling Mystique because the studio didn't want to show a female being hurt? You won't be happy either way!
Also I'm aware there's practically no male characters in the comic. Not intentional, it just didn't come up when writing it. I'm also wary that quite a few of the characters have bad relationships to men, it's certainly not something I want the comic to be defined by and I'm hoping to rectify it with character development in the future.
Cio, for example, doesn't have a great record with men, but I'm not going to say that's a great thing or try and justify it, it just has to do with the kind of person she is/her character, she's kind of bad at relationships, and that's who she is.
Why do you need to challenge yourself?
Its not even a negative by itself but I see consistent stabs at men and a increasingly growing cast of brown women and it makes me confused.
Its ultimately your comic and its not like im trying to insult you, that would be silly and accomplish nothing. I should probably say that I think you are a talented individual.
But I dont know man. I think when you have like 10+ brown women as your main cast its kinda pushing it.
>Well, every main character being female was sort of a challenge to myself to make sure I wrote an actual female character in my comic.
You went pretty overboard
Also, I thought White Chain was a confused agendered tranny thing
>It's another "autist derails the thread with shitty social politics discussion" episode
>It's another "Faggot that can't handle anything on the internet that doesn't cater completely to their world view" episode
>make every character a stronk womyn of color
>Hope that you might get lucky and write a good one eventually
Women in popular fantasy media have a real dearth of things to do. Even a super 'badass' lady often doesn't really have an relevance or consequence to the story. I'm certainly guilty of this in my comic writing in the past. I just wanted to make sure that I had at least one real female character with some degree of actual complexity or depth, someone who actually had shit to do. So I made all the main characters female.
Don't know how successful I've been so far, but it's been a learning experience.
I think the complaint is that most of those male characters are antagonists, and thus consistently presented in a negative light, while the female main caste is presented positively
White Chain is literally LGBTQ+ m80. Gotta pander to those trannies.
If you just go with "i write it for the waifus" they will fuck off you know.
Hey Abbadon, when's the Gog-Agog arc? That thing mystifies me every update and I need closure
Well its good to know that I guessed right.
But yeah, you did go overboard. Making characters female just because you want females to do something relevant is artificial and probably why I got the feelings that I did.
Oh well.
Dunno man, I just thought it was important. I think representation is pretty damn important, especially in fantasy, which tends to be pretty same-y. I'm not trying to stab at men, so to speak, it's just the viewpoint of the characters in question. I hope as the comic goes on that people might see certain character's positions on gender as flaws or particular perspectives rather than as positive character traits.
I'll also mention there's a bunch of badass dudes coming up in the comic (Solomon, Oscar, Himself).
Thanks for the criticism by the way, as long as it's genuine I appreciate it. Sometimes it is important to examine these things. I do hate the shit out of tokenism, which I know is always something I'm skirting around.
Yeah white chain is kind of a special case
>I think when you have like 10+ brown women as your main cast its kinda pushing it.
What is this, like, reverse-SJWism? You're literally saying his comic is flawed because it has a lot of women, and a number of them are also dark skinned? In a setting with a MASSIVE multiverse, all connected to one location?
Are you an idiot?
I missed the last ting but I saw the shout-out to Thorsby's comics. Those are amazing, everyone should read them.
Yeah this is valid, and it's something I ran into. I think it'll be rectified in the long run thought. Zaid, for example, will be an actual character about 1/2 way through the comic and he's not really a bad guy at all, just awkward and unsure of himself like Allison, he and Allison end up becoming pretty good friends
>Women in popular fantasy media have a real dearth of things to do. Even a super 'badass' lady often doesn't really have an relevance or consequence to the story.
You know I hear this but it seems like every writer has been addressing this for like 30 years now. Half the main characters of WoT are female, GoT has several key female characters, Joe Abercrombie said much the same as yourself and made it a point to have female main characters in all of his books, even half the Witcher books follow Ciri while Geralt has comparatively boring adventures. Even not so popular fantasy books trend towards female MC, now, like the noble dead saga
And that's all not even touching female MCs in fantasy webcomics, many of which are written by women to begin with
Maybe this was a valid complaint at some point, but it doesn't seem like it's been an issue within my lifetime
>rescued from the multiverse and friendzoned
Truly the worst fate.
Desu I've been expecting this reaction pretty much since we got a little bit more info on White Chain. People can't see the other side of the argument, right? You bitch at X and don't realise it's just the opposite of the people you hate bitching at Y.
I dunno man, I've read some Harley Quinn recently (DC's top selling character) and boy let me tell you
Hey, what other comics are you reading?
Mainstream comics are and always will be a hellhole
Will we see Delicious again?
I just read Beauty (french comic), The Spire (can't remember author), and re-read all of Prophet. I also finally read Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 4
Calm down buddy. Your not ever reading my post.
My issue is that every offering seems to be stabbing at men while the cast just keeps growing but its all the same shit.
Yeah, a massive multiverse but its all filled with brown women and demons/angels that look like brown women.
I mean, Abby just said all the main characters are going to be female. I dont we will see any men join the main party.
>Dunno man, I just thought it was important. I think representation is pretty damn important
I mean, you're just representing brown women. You have plenty, almost a dozen brown females in the comic. I think you can ease off of that. I dont know how much you have to represent that particular group.
Honestly I hate to sound like a raving stormfront retard but ive seen this over and over again with other things that I love. Turn characters black or replace them with a woman.
>Thanks for the criticism by the way, as long as it's genuine I appreciate it.
I try. I havent complained until now but its kinda wearing on me.
>Sometimes it is important to examine these things.
What things exactly?
>. I do hate the shit out of tokenism
I think this is exactly what you are doing right now. Its not even a diverse comic, its just a bunch of brown women.
Capes are a much different beast than the fantasy genre. Capes are and will forever be controlled by antisocial grognards incapable of accepting even a modicum of change, howling "NOT MUH!" at the top of their lungs till the end of time
I grew up on Sabriel and the Mortal Engines quartet, so from like my youngest look at fantasy stuff I've never really seen this either. I have to go back or out of my way to find it.
They often feel forced though, they insert female characters just for the sake of inclusion. They're often a combination of fapbait and muh stronk wymyn which is off putting to both sides. As far as I'm concerned both have their places as long as the writer can pull it off and they fit the story. Plus you have the treatment men get in Meti's parts in pretty much every media, while they try to show their "inclusive strong" characters they still feel the need to point it out how unusual it if, which gets annoying very fast.
To get back to KSBD, I do see how there's a lot of female characters but since the story is still in relatively early stages and there are plenty of men in important though secondary roles it doesn't seem like a problem. I would rather read a good story with characters that might not be who I'd like to read about than read a fanfiction starring all the favourites and a shitty plot.
Did you not see the post where Abby said that Zaid will join the cast?
ngl I didn't even notice most of the main cast were female until it was pointed out to me. They just kinda fit in
The Spire is Si Spurrier and Jeff Stokely.
>To get back to KSBD, I do see how there's a lot of female characters but since the story is still in relatively early stages and there are plenty of men in important though secondary roles it doesn't seem like a problem. I would rather read a good story with characters that might not be who I'd like to read about than read a fanfiction starring all the favourites and a shitty plot.
This forever, user. It's like, doing something well is the most important thing.
I mean she is kind of like Pinocchio, right? Instead of her nose growing her body cracks.
>abbadon reads kerascoet
Does it really count as brown people when they're fantasy people of indeterminate ethnicities? It's always seemed strange to me to apply real world racial politics to things set in imaginary worlds. None of the proper analogies work when the setting's had a completely different history
Will you ever disable comments on your comic Abbadon?
Are your firearm designs more Eastern inspired? I've noticed Oscar had what appeared to be Tanegashima with a flintlock when he appeared.
Sabriel is the shit.
There's certainly lots of inclusive media out there, it's the kind I like to read, generally. I just look at the kinds of female characters and their roles in a lot of popular fantasy media like The Name of the Wind and groan a little bit (not to knock on Rothfuss or go into huge detail here, I love the hell out of that book)
These are the beautiful darkness guys, right?
will you ever at least remove the name section?
the fan angel names are giving me cancer
Its a narrative that will never go away because these people never look at the good examples, they always focus on the bad.
Forcing something into your creative work to fight a percieved real world imbalance is never a good idea and always feels like boring pandering.
Im just tired of hearing about how women arent equal or treated like men. Bull shit, they have been getting the same treatment for well over 30 years. Its time to put it to rest.
Again, you look at the worst examples and base your work off of that. It brings down your own art.
He said he will "rectify" that by making Zaid join the cast 1/2 through. I doubt he originally planned Zaid to join.
Abby has even admitted that this is a problem. It seems I am right here.
Partially. They are still based on existing cultures and are read by people who will see them in a certain way. Mostly it depends on the way it's written and how natural the characters feel in a setting.
yeah! that book fucked me up for real, but it's so good
The concept I had for oscar's getup was 'samurai with guns and a pimp coat', you'll notice he's got the rifles worn sword-style
nope, I think people get a kick out of them
I do get a little confused sometimes. What race is cio? Blue?
"Gender politics" type stuff aside, would you ever for strictly storytelling purposes, feel that introducing a male character to Allison's little gang would give the main cast some balance? How many characters do you think you'd be able to cram in as Allison's buddies before writing them all becomes too crowded?
Also White Chain strikes me less as a mentally ill tranny, and more as an otherworldly inorganic thing who wants to be a real boy. Like a forged ash super-cold nuclear explosion Pinocchio.
I was thinking about this a while back. The other characters in the story only referred to Pinocchio as a male while he was still a puppet because that's what his physical shape resembled. He was just a genderless object until the magical transformation happened. I feel like the same psychology can be applied to White Chain when it comes to form over function and ow our minds often struggle with delineating the two.
>Harley Quinn
Holy fuck. If you think that's bad, read Joker's Daughter.
>literally LGBTQ+ m80
more like literally LGBTQ+ m82
It seems to me that what a lot of people lose sight of in K6BD is that it's based largely off Dravidian, South Asian, Abrahamic, and Zoroastrian mythology. So naturally there's just gonna be a fuckload of people with darker skin tones.
Kvothe is a shit, Name of the Wind is shit
I think people are always going to write that and you'll never get around it, but you don't have to do it, which I feel is kind of where you're coming from? IDK. As an example I used to be super into Philip K. Dick and then one day you have this click moment and you realise PKD will pretty much always describe a female character's tits as soon as they are introduced (and in general, you can group his female characters in a couple of types).
It doesn't mean he's bad or uninteresting or you have to hate him, but it gives you a new perspective. And maybe if you come to write a sci-fi story or an amazing fantasy comic you don't do that.
If you like Sabriel and can spare time to read children's lit you might want to check out the Mortal Engines books. Hester Shaw is the main female character of them, and she is kind of amazing for a kid's novel character - it is an archetype that would much much more commonly be written as male.
>Also White Chain strikes me less as a mentally ill tranny, and more as an otherworldly inorganic thing who wants to be a real boy.
You just don't get it scotty, you just don't get it.
Thats why im calling them "brown people" and not Africans or some shit.
Hey Abby, I got a few questions for you. I dont know if you have already been asked so I apologize.
Is there an afterlife in KSBD? What is it like?
Is there a Grim Reaper in your universe? Some kind of being that administers death?
What factions do the Angels have? Do the Thorn knights want to kill everyone in Throne?
How is Allison going to fight against the seven? Shes like a 19 year old girl and they have eons of experience with magic and combat.
>Honestly I hate to sound like a raving stormfront retard
then you should stop saying racist shit and forming every around "OMG they're brown women!?!?"
problem solved
White Chain as a Pinnochio type figure is a totally fine and cool reading of the character
I know man! But I need to know what's behind that door!
That sorta begs a question...
How much has your plan for the comic changed since you started actually putting it out there?
If they relate to no real world ethnicity, then does it matter at all what color they are? They could be green or chalk white and change nothing. It's superficial.
>racist sexist islamophobe!
Literally pls go back to tumblr.
>Its a narrative that will never go away because these people never look at the good examples, they always focus on the bad.
>they have been getting the same treatment for well over 30 years.
You managed to contradict yourself in three sentences. Writers are shit, they also can't write women for shit unless they force them in, usually badly. Tumblr whining about it is obnoxious, that is true. Women are not treated equally by creators but if you want actual reason on how and ideas on how to fix it SJWs should be the last people you should listen to. And for someone who claims being tired of that you seem to like discussing and bringing it up a lot.
Shoulda just said you prefer drawing women Abbadon. There's tons of artists out there who draw only or mostly women.
The difficulty seems to happen when you have individuals who try to force culture to change overnight, not realizing that it takes a very long time for cultures and their psychological consequences to form and dissolve.
>mfw this whole conversation
why tho
>Also White Chain strikes me less as a mentally ill tranny, and more as an otherworldly inorganic thing who wants to be a real boy.
I thought that was the direction with White Chain, but the emphasis on "correct" gender pronouns and shit confuses me.
Based taste, Mortal Engines was the fucking shit.
Nobody really knows if there's an afterlife - there's certainly a soul, or soul flame, but that inevitably can be extinguished (if you're human or a servant). If your flame goes out, some people think you just disappear. But some believe there's a state beyond death. Others believe that nobody really exists in the first place, and reality is illusory, so it's sort of besides the point
I don't know if there's a Grim Reaper figure. I think there's a Tollsman who collects the dead from the battlefield and he's sort of an equally reviled and worshiped figure. I haven't really developed him much yet.
The angels have the Roots (White Chain), Petals (Delicious, etc, rogue angels) and the Thorns (who want to wipe out life in Throne). I might expand more on this midway through the next book
We'll see how Allison fights. It's surprising to me to think that so many people are big believers that Allison's going to mow through them like they're some sort of lineup of video game bosses
A little or a lot, depending on what we're talking about. I changed a bunch of stuff about particular characters (Maya, Cio), but I think the basic structure of the plot remained the same pretty much from the beginning.
>You managed to contradict yourself in three sentences.
No, I didnt. Just think about it for a second. Not every single writer is going to write them well of course but that doesnt mean women are being "put down" or some shit. It just means the guy is a shit writer. Both male and female characters have bad examples, it doesnt mean the writer is a sexist.
You have many examples of good female characters and oddly enough, their gender is not very important in many of those examples.
Maybe at one point women were treated as badly in fantasy (and I doubt they ever were) but currently they are treated as well as the men are.
I said "brown". As a white guy with brown hair and blue eyes I have more color than black or brown people do.
you go back to tumblr you obviously want a safe space where no one disagrees with you.
I hear they're big on that.
You keep saying I should go to tumblr and you dont seem to have the intelligene to come up with a better response. This is a boring conversation. I think im done talking with you.
Wait a second, this is the same as Kaz showing up in prequel threads without a trip. Why are we trusting this abbadon poster as if he's the actual author?
>but the emphasis on "correct" gender pronouns and shit confuses me
I get the feeling that that's sort of the point. I don't think White Chain himself even has that figured out. She seems just as confused as we are.
>It's surprising to me to think that so many people are big believers that Allison's going to mow through them like they're some sort of lineup of video game bosses
DOOM-style K6BD arcade game when? I'd but the fuck out of this.
top kek it was just a joke man, calm down
>We'll see how Allison fights. It's surprising to me to think that so many people are big believers that Allison's going to mow through them like they're some sort of lineup of video game bosses
Well, you shoudlnt be surprised. Its how these things normally go.
I dont know what you have in mind but im expecting a massive DBZ style battle.
Since you're featuring modern firearms a bit more, I'd suggest learning how they and their ammunition work. For example, on one page you depicted a bullet being cut in half and I noticed a few flaws.
1. The projectile had no rifling grooves
2. It appeared to be entirely made of copper with a lead tip
The way rifling works is the bullet engages the grooves of the rifling as it's being fired out the barrel which imparts spin. This leaves marks on the projectile. Generally modern ammunition is copper jacketed, meaning the jacket is drawn over a lead core. This is because a purely lead projectile would leave behind lead flakes in the rifling due to the velocities that it's propelled.
Sorry for sperging out on you, I guess it goes with any niche hobby. If you want to learn more I've seen people ask /k/ to give them firearms information for their fictional works.
Cause he doesn't trip.
>They often feel forced though, they insert female characters just for the sake of inclusion.
In the Case of WoT and GoT at least, the stories would not work otherwise. WoT is entirely about gender politics and cannot exist without the female MCs, and GoT uses the uniquely female social positions to develop it's characters; they wouldn't make sense as men.
He is a fool
I mean if you really want me to get on a trip I will but it hasn't been a big deal so far
I'm going to have at least one giant ass DBZ style battle don't worry
Yeah this was a coloring error, and I will fix it at some point. Didn't realize about the rifling grooves though, thanks!
An example of a fired bullet
You should keep better track of the posts your samefagging in.
It's not about a single writer, it's about the majority. And it's as much, if not more about the fact that despite claiming that women are equal they are not written as such, with individual exceptions. You are using individual examples of female characters as proof of equal treatment while using specific examples within this comic as proof that men are not treated equally in it.
How about we agree to disagree and switch to discussing the actual comic we're all here for instead of gender politics? Unless that's all that matters to you in which case why are you even here.
WoT has totally infuriating female characters, albeit only marginally more infuriating than the male characters.
*tugs braid*
>on the internet, nobody knows you're a Gunwitch
His cadence and writing style is very distinct and consistent.
*smooths skirt*
Well that's just your opinion
There's only a few WoT females I find infuriating and that's mostly Egwene and Cadsuane.
That's because the author liked difficult women apparently. I bet his wife nagged him into an early grave.
>Joe Abercrombie
Mah niggah, mah niggah.
Hype for Prophet Earth War finale!
I stopped reading WoT about the sixth book because it had what I've come to call 'Robert Jordan Syndrome', where you have 2 cool characters and spend a chapter a piece on them in a 30 chapter book where you add 20 new side characters nobody cares about
hey it's super cool that you come here to talk to us. Cred Forums got me into the comic and now I'm buying the print volumes whenever they come out.
and /k/ is good people for being accurate about weapons
I think the middle books are kind of indeterminable anyway. You said what you're reading comics, what are you reading books-wise?
Question about the vines, does Mottom put them between individual muscles for additional creepiness, which would also explain how Allison can still move?
I'm struggling through book five myself. I find I don't really like anybody, and Egwene/Nynaeve are becoming increasingly intolerable.
Also Matt is a shit.
A lot of Murakami at the moment. I think Norwegian Wood is one of my all time favorite books.
I also read Ancillary Sword/Justice by Anne Lecke and dropped it totally after the second book because it was painful how little happened
Some of my favorite chapters with Mat are in the later books, unfortunately it's also filled with boring as shit chapters with inconsequential characters.
The nice thing about it being done is that you can skim and know that you don't have to wait.
Me, I started reading those books when three of them were out...
I love Mottom's look in the 3rd panel. She looks like an angry wet rooster from hell.
Do you read other webcomics?
Ingsvald go home, nobody cares about your shitty OC that made it into the comic under "cannon fodder" tier
Yup. I fucking love it.
Is Layla dead or isn't she?
I love Unsounded. I also really enjoyed Paranatural but haven't read it since the train arc. I tried to get into Stand Still, Say Silent, but there's a weird lack of tension and a very slow pace to that comic that doesn't exactly hook me in. There's plenty of others I can't really think of off the top of my head.
>I tried to get into Stand Still, Say Silent, but there's a weird lack of tension and a very slow pace to that comic that doesn't exactly hook me in.
Right? It's like this horrible mutant future but everyone is cute and you rapidly lose all sense of threat. It's not fair that a comic with TRAINSAW is like that.
holy shit are you me
except that I also read Vattu, which is fantastic.
Water Tribe and Digger are completed fantasy comic that were also great
It's really more of a slice of life with horror elements than it is a horror comic, isn't it
Hi, Abbadon.
yeah, I remember there being hints of a larger plot with the magic and finding the cure, but I just ended up no longer checking it so I don't know if anything ever came of that.
I check it every day, but mostly because I have way too much time on my hands and I've nothing better to do.
SSSS is that way because it's about the "pure Nordic race reclaiming the earth from the filth that lost it" rather than a classic zombie story; even the monster design is supposed to signify "unclean" races. Everything to expect from a basement dwelling fem-neo-nazi.
Evan Dahm's works are great but I feel bad giving him site traffic with how much of an awful person he is. It's actually hard to understand how he can write such good stories with the views he had, you'd expect there to be bleed.
Do note; Vattu is a great example of a culturally and physically diverse female-centered cast.
Uh, can you source the awfulness of both of these people?
Abbadon, can you tell me how you come up with such a fuckhuge amount of unique character designs? Like, do you have a certain method of coming up with them? Teach me your ways.
Dahm is easy, just dig through his Twitter for a bit, he's a typical loony liberal.
SSSS is a bit harder because the author tried to sanitize things after realizing a story about ethnic cleansing wouldn't go over too well if it was outright stated to be that, but you can still see it pretty easily in the comic itself.
fucking kek
>Friendzoned by the girl who rescued you
Man thats impressive if you think about it.
you know what? dont worry too much about that stuff if you say that this is not what you want the comic to be defined by then i believe you, write the story that you want
Read online or pick up in trade? New reader.
Probably because Allison is going to become a magical flawless butch lesbian like the future pictures and Cio's fanfiction indicates
going to write this in cio's fic now brb
Read online, then pick up the trade if you think it's worth it.
Abbadon, NO
ive found the best way to read it is once a month, you dont think about it too much and when you do you have a nice amount of pages to get through but not too many that is tedious
Webcomic artists never think about page size for their first comic.
Hey Abbadon, How did Maya get the burns on the side of her face?
>I didnt notice that the main characters now have two more brown women in their party
>feel that introducing a male character to Allison's little gang would give the main cast some balance
The cast is already balanced. Why does not having a man throw off the balance? It's like writing for children's shows were there has to be at least one girl on the team. It's dumb.
is this same user who did the 'Mottom's Booty Dance" gif a while back?
If so:
It's okay, man. I have to force myself to come up with male characters because I like drawing ladies so much. I don't think it's a big deal.
Probably fell asleep in some hot noodles
Can we all just unanimously agree to just enjoy the comic and whatever fun stuff ABADDON (Glorious is he) just hands out.
>enjoying things
Got mine from Amazon, the art is darker than I expected, but to be honest, it kinda looks better that way.
Gives it a different 'vibe' than the online version.
"Different" is not always "worse."
>I'm not saying she couldn't. I'm more wondering how she managed to get a ship and reach everyone with such a tiny, inoffensive, cute body.
Dude, for reals, we saw her hanging out with the Pursuers as they were gathering up to come after Allison.
She just fell in with the crowd, looked inoffensive and small, and let them lead her back to her 'mom'.
Heck, this is even in-line with the demon she once was. Vladok seemed to like hiding his true power, so being sneaky should be super easy now that that same flame has been re-named into a sneaky blue.
Princess Blueberry seems to have some skillz, and makes a nice foil to Cio.
Do I feel some romance in the air?
Maybe I do!
>The Spire
>fucking Prophet
That's exactly why I asked.
>princess referring to Allison as Mom
that's fucking cute
"being Meti's apprentice" could probably account for almost any scarring
>There's one theory that she made herself look that way in order to become less attractive to Preem Nand while she was his slave. Blue devils are "able to shape their flesh" according to some of the liturgies.
This is my thought on it, Cio was doing her best to stay out of Preem Nand's sights and 'uglied herself allll up'.
I'm not actually sure! Probably in her war years.
When she was first apprenticed to Meti, Meti asked her to make some noodles for her. Being without experience in cooking noodles, she made some subpar college-freshman-ramen-tier shit. Meti took one sniff, chucked the burning broth in her face and said she wouldn't be able to teach her how to cut until she knew how to cook up some decent noodles.
Abbadon, use this one
it's the best
I only noticed her looking like that when she was wearing the coat of arms. Maybe the act of sprouting new arms has a side effect?
Please stop adding "adventuring pals" long before you reach the sad state that Muira's Berserk is currently in.
Brief moments back in Allison's Earth would be a nice occasional treat, to break up all the Wonderland bizarreness, and keep it in contrast.
Never give up practicing drawing hands and feet, til you're as good at it as your expression work!
I'm sorry to say that I'll have to wait years for that eventual Hardcover collection, Image made your TPB way too damn small and way too damn short. The little damn thing hides between my Unsounded and Daisy Kutter trades, I can't justify $15 for another pamphlet.
>Probably because Allison is going to become a magical flawless butch lesbian like the future pictures and Cio's fanfiction indicates
i hate you so much
and now she's trying to attract allison
>also, she is sorta hot
how many physical volumes do you think the comic will eventually reach if all goes according to plan?
>Probably because Allison is going to become a magical flawless butch lesbian like the future pictures and Cio's fanfiction indicates
user, you beautiful fuck, good going.
>and now she's trying to attract allison
>>also, she is sorta hot
Meeting Allison is like stumbling across the President's Daughter who also has The Football.
Yer goddamn right Cio is gonna make a play.
Sadly, it seems like Allison's shining soul is causing the little blue one to get all funny feeling in her blood pump.
Pic related. See if you can spot the KSBD trade!
I don't really know! The first print sold out which was rad. I don't know how the second is doing but I'll hear in November.
Thanks for the advice, and sorry you're dissatisfied with the print, I understand your concerns with it.
It was literally just an unconscious design shift on my part. These things happen when you draw characters over a 3+ year period, unfortunately, haha
Goddammit Satan, stop reveling in the tears of Humanity!
>I see consistent stabs at men and a increasingly growing cast of brown women and it makes me confused.
That about sums it up
I know maybe you don't want to talk about finances but broadly how does that out for you, financially? What's you post-Image sellout like compared to before?
At some point I am expecting a big gothic hardcover of the entire thing, yo.
My greatest problem with the print is that the combination of dark colors and the small size of panels completely ruins any of the busy scenes full of characters, reducing them to to Sergio Aragones border sketches.
But I won't belabor the point any further.
THIS, something that actually shows off the detail!
I don't know I think the cast is pretty cool.
The cast is fine, it's refreshing to see a space opera or fantasy treatment where everyone isn't fucking British.
Isn't Abbadon British?
>Please stop adding "adventuring pals" long before you reach the sad state that Muira's Berserk is currently in.
>Implying they're not all feelsbait for Eclipse 2.0
Shoot the ebon demon untill it dies
Maybe that's why, actual British people prolly lack the need for "wise and charming" wizards and space commanders to be SO FUCKING BRITISH all the time.
>Sadly, it seems like Allison's shining soul is causing the little blue one to get all funny feeling in her blood pump.
the story has only just begun my friend. there's time yet
>Implying they're not all feelsbait for Eclipse 2.0
Yes, but I actually LIKED some of the Band of the Hawk, whereas the I keep thinking "Man, when are we finally going to rape this bunch to death?"
All this "Dungeons and Dragons cartoon with extra-added Loli" shit has been terrible.
>I also really enjoyed Paranatural but haven't read it since the train arc.
Well... I hope you still like it after you get caught up.
This is total bullshit.
Sadly, this isn't even Guts' entire entourage, 3 of them are off-panel.
But it's entirely representative of what the story has turned into.
I think the stabbing's been pretty equal across all genders (male, female, teacup) for the last chapter or so.
Yo, Abby. I know the answer is no but have you ever read the web serial Worm? Your super powered people idea where there are specific powers like someone who can go unnoticed by others is a lot of what Worm is all about and there's a character with that very power and other similar ones in the story. I think you might like it. Seems you're able to read a lot of dense shit at once so maybe try Worm.
I miss them
made her more monstrous and unique, instead of just being a blue-faced waifu
I haven't, but I'll definitely check it out.
I'll probably bring it back a bit, but something else is going to be going on next chapter with Cio that's going to get pretty crazy. Won't spoil much.
I am sort of British, I've lived stateside for years (I think 16?). I still drink too much tea and pronounce the word 'herbal' the correct way though
Abbadon, answer this question
>Yo, Abby. I know the answer is no but have you ever read the web serial Worm?
Yeah Abaddon, if you have not read it you should give it a go. Seems like it aligns with your tastes pretty well.
(pls pls pls, abby fanart of worm, pls pls pls....)
You mentioned on twitter about print errors, have those been fixed? Will those carry over to Image's digital edition?
You mentioned print errors on twitter, will those be corrected in Image's digital edition as well?
I meant his confusion
I've mentioned Worm to Abby on twitter before. I definitely think he'd like it.
>Allison goes full Guts entourage
>it's just blue devil waifus
>50 of them
>all with sorority-drink-based names mixed with words you'd name a small purse dog
Abbadon could probably think up a sick Grue but it would be a really long time before he got to that part.
>it's a "the female protagonist undergoes a painful and difficult development and then cuts her hair to signify it" episode
what did he meme by this?
nah but seriously she looks cute af
The Abhorsen Trilogy fucking rules. My friend who always has the best taste in obscure shit recommended that to me.
And one of my two favorite web comic authors is a fan of it. Top tier taste, Abby.
Do you read Unsounded? I think you and Ashley Cope are absolutely top of the heap in terms of of art quality, character design, story pacing, world building, professionalism, community involvement, and update regularity. Although (no offense) Ms. Cope is the queen of innovative panel layout.
MIGHT BE, MIGHT NOT BE, probably not how Nyave says it though
It's fixed for the second printing, not sure about digital
None taken, Ashley puts a shit ton of work into Unsounded and there's like 900 pages of it and it's incredibly, incredibly good. I think it can be pretty oblique at times but it was such a great read when I went through it a year or two ago.
still messing with this haircut
I really like the hair when its around ear length, but i saw the pictures of 'guts alison' and thought it was a bit much. You still working on that too?
Lmao bumping for this
>Guts Allison
>Remembers Eclipse
It frightens me how it's easily achievable in this setting.
>Abbadon could probably think up a sick Grue but it would be a really long time before he got to that part.
Abby draws Bonesaw
Abby draws Old Man Defiant
Abby draws Skitter as the Warlord of Brockton Bay
Abby draws Parian
Abby draws Gregor the Snail
Abby draws Trainwreck
Abby draws fucking Marquis!
Jesus, the list goes on and on and fucking on of the incredible things!
(sigh) It is good to dream
Hey abbadon, I remember in the previous SA webcomics thread you implied that Cio was a heavily redesigned oskar. So I guess that meant that you weren't (technically) originally intending to have oskar in the comic?
That's true, but I needed a cool gangster devil so he showed up again anyway
We'll see when I get there in like 2 years
Ah. I assumed Allison would warp back right after this fight due to the bandages. And how she must be in intense pain right about now. I really like the idea of Allison popping back and forth to Earth and freaking her roommates out each time. Ignore my headcanon though do what you want.
You're judging SSSS's author way too harshly. I'm a bit disappointed that the cast is all completely Nordic almost to the point of caricature, myself, but your appraisal of it is simply ignorant. The basis for the cast's lack of racial diversity makes sense in the context of them being the descendants of the largely non-urban, post-apocalyptic survivors of already ethnically homogeneous nations; I wouldn't expect an individual of foreign descent in this setting any more than I would expect more than a handful (at the very most) amongst a rural post-apocalyptic Japanese community, even though I would personally appreciate the perspective of the rare minority person in a setting like this. Trolls aren't a symbol of "unclean races", either; they're depicted as alien, but natural animals that represent a different world, and she even goes so far as to portray them somewhat sympathetically, especially when the horrible, pale, predator ghosts arc is reached. And how can you call her a fem-neo-nazi when she's obviously fond of nontraditional gender roles and sexualities?
You should have realized he was bullshiting as soon as he was trying to say it was some bullshit about ethnic cleansing.
The year is 2040
Casca is healed
Entourage is trimmed down to 4
Plot almost goes forward until they step back on to the boat....
Love your armor design in particular Abbadon, you bring a really unique and varied shape and style to even your throwaway characters, what's your process for developing clothes/armor? also your zingers are great
Minor spoilers
I'm sorry to ruin this for you, but he said that won't happen. It's a "you can't always go home" thing
Never any good art of Hester. Hate the pictures that make her look pretty-ugly and not pretty ugly.
Oh a scale of 1 - 10 how dead is Layla?
Do you moderate the comments yourself still? Do you read them?
That wasn't even me, though! I haven't been in these threads in ages.
So wait, what were the print errors in the 1st print? I have the first print, might want to grab the 2nd if it's anything major. If it's just the colors are too dark I actually like it that way, so I'll just stick with #1 if that's the case.
Wait, so what were the print errors in the 1st print? I have a 1st print copy but I haven't noticed anything. Is it just the pages being too dark, or is it something else, like a few typos? If it's the former, I'm keeping a hold of the first print because I actually really love the darkness of the pages, unlike many anons here.
God fucking damn it, it didn't show up for 18 minutes and then it just shows up out of the blue after I repost. What the fuck, Cred Forums.
>Casca is healed
>Immediately betrays Guts
>Hops onto Griffith's magic dick
>Becomes retarded again
>>Aesma tough a female, is written as a horrible douchebag
don't fucking talk shit about my aesma motherfucker
>All this "Dungeons and Dragons cartoon with extra-added Loli" shit has been terrible.
I'm just happy that Guts is actually getting some sleep and human interaction. If ever there was a character that needed it, it's him.
I do, but some of them are so ridiculous I don't have time to read them unfortunately. I fucking love it.
like a 3.3
think about a theme I want to design characters around. The core theme for the ball scene for example, was like 18th century French dandies. Then I just googled a shit ton. I also use a lot of imagery that I run into and think is really cool or inspiring. I love Japanese shrines for example, so that made it into a bunch of my visual design
there's a couple of bits of text without any speech bubbles. They're not noticeable at all, surprisingly. Me and about 4 people at Image all missed them.
Berserk's foray into high fantasy/uncomfortable underage character has been a pretty big part of me putting it down for the last like 5 years or so. I'll pick it up and finish it at some point though. It's a ridiculously good comic.
>like a 3.3
>On a scale of 1 - 10 how dead is Layla?
abaddon how do you feel about kazerad and prequel?
Surely the plot will be that Casca and Guts' ghost child which visits them now will be tied to Griffith's own lifeforce, because he reincarnated through the horrible foetus thing. Guts would then have to choose between Casca's happiness/mental security and killing Griffith. I could even see a Skull Knight ending where he is unable to find a solution but is able to survive and possibly influence it the next time around.
I actually comment as a dumb character I made for playing the RPG, so you have a twofer there.
Did you at least read the one with the donut? You should read that one.
Have you spoken a lot with Brandon or other Image guys just casually?
Also, a couple of places where this happened.
is cio gay for the main chick. if so when shipping happening
I think Cio is, she did mention that Allison is "kinda hot".
what kind of mythological/religious stuff have you been reading to come up with all the fluff you chuck in beneath the comics? im especially a fan of meti's sword manual, it's really good. do you come from a background of studying that kind of stuff? you seem to nail the tone of "myth" or parable really well while giving your own spin on it
Also is it just me or does it seem like mottom needs to consciously focus on not aging, and is aging rapidly now that she is completely having an existential crisis?
Allison doesn't really have loved ones though. Certainly no Griffith
>im especially a fan of meti's sword manual
Meti's Sword Manual is extremely heavily influenced by the Book of Five Rings, by Miyamoto Musashi.
Her character is also based off Diogenes, an alcoholic philosopher who lived in a barrel
I could think of one.
>Task has been achieved and everyone celebrates.
>Cio and Ally are now an official ship, Zaid has been thrown elsewhere.
>They share a kiss on top of the mountain of corpses (or something) from victory.
>Allison's eyes widen all of a sudden.
>"Tha was a fool when we first met, tha still is in the end."
>Cio rips the King of Keys from Allison's head, leaving her paralyzed/crazy.
>She then turns into an Ebon and runs away, White Chain takes the role of protagonist.
>Title Drop for the next book: Kill Six Billion Demons More
Did she ever tell Incubus to get out of her sunlight?
That's good! Did you send it to Abbadon?
I think she is older than his rulership
Mathangi was supposed to have been in the war with Incubus, and she was just a girl when Meti was 108 and ready to go butcher people til she dropped.
Maybe ZOSS though
Why would I do that?
I didn't notice he was in the thread when I wrote that, I figured he would like fanart.
I got really pissed off with The Wise Man's Fear for a whole bunch of reasons but it's pretty fun in places. Fucking hate the "love interest" though.
man should update his cat comic!
Yeah, I went out for drinks with a bunch of the Image guys once. Brandon is a super, super cool dude, and it was way more casual than I was expecting
Ah damn! Sorry to see. I think that's just a general printing error which might happen once in a while, not much I can do about it unfortunately.
Musashi's Book of Five Rings was a huge influence on Meti's Sword manual. It's a real manual of bushido/sword philosophy
I can't tell if Rothfuss is writing a genuine 'this guy is so bad with woman that it's painful' character or if he literally thinks Kvothe has a good romance going on. I kind of want to pretend it's the former
Like "I can't tell" but then "I want to pretend" - you know. Didn't you read his Hobbit movie = girl you crushed on in HS who turned into a slut metaphor?
i just ordered your book cause i like your artstyle.
Also any advice for a beginner. where should i start and is learning one thing bad without basic
So an elric saga ending?
I could dig it.
Does he use them in a special way, the rifles?
you misunderstand, being a horrible douchebag IS what makes her extremely adorable
Holy fug, thanks for sharing m8
>Yes, but I actually LIKED some of the Band of the Hawk
I can't see how. Outside of the trinity, the rest of them were threadbare developed at best. Serpico's a better character than any of them.