Say something nice about nuMarvel, Cred Forums

Say something nice about nuMarvel, Cred Forums.

Why is Gwenpool a thing???

I like the books I'm reading.

>gwenpool could've been just a silly little side book
>marketing shoves her everywhere

Disney will end this, right?

Squirrel Girl getting attention means I can jack off to way more porn of her.

The art can sometimes be good

They have some good books.

Carnage, Vision, Ultimates, New Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Spider-man 2099, and I like Venom: Spaceknight too

I like that they're trying to make some of the books be for kids. Moon Girl, Nova. There seems to be people in the project that are working against it though, like it's been spearheaded by one rouge creator.

I hate Civil War. It's a stupid idea. I didn't like Ultimates, it's edgy instead of competent. Fortunately, when they do this sort of thing, later writers have the sense to make a clean break. We may see a return to good comics, like Dr Strange.

They still haven't ruined Colossus.


I only read Kamala and Guriharu drawn shit.

>Carnage has been fucking great

>we have over 5 X-Books going at one time right now

>Gwenpool is underrated

>Uncanny Avengers Pymtron was pretty fucking sweet

>Todd fucking Zillar

>the sweet Squadron Supreme ongoing

>Hyperion had a great 6 issues

>Spider-Man and Deadpool by Joe Kelly

>the artwork in Moon Knight and OML

>Venom came back to Earth and found Mania

>oh, also Vision, Vision has been pretty good too

Why, no one of any importance about cares or reads comics.
Disney bougth the IPs, they could give fuck all about stupid pamphlets sold like Amway.

Is Doctor Strange the only character they haven't replaced (yet)?

Moon Knight is pretty good, based Stokoe in last issue.

Deadpool line book is one of better Marvel line, and that saying alot

Even Strange looks sick of this shit.

Forgot Spidey/Deadpool and the Deadpool comic.

Still not as big faggots as OP.

>that cover art
Please tell me this isn't a variant, this is just pure art

>It was a good idea to make the Spider-books into 1 relevant, often dobule-shipping Peter book and many spider-characters solos rather than 4 books about Peter.
>They grew a good writer like Duggan in-house from scratch
>Pushing Squadron Supreme again was a good idea
>Some of the newer, younger artists that came from the fanart and webcomic scene are actually decent
>Some of the legacy characters actually are great and make sense as legacies like Chulk, Kamala or hoepfully Nadia

Shockingly, all of the Deadpool ongoings are actually really solidly entertaining. When I think back a few years to when we had Deadpool by Daniel Way, Deadpool Corps with art by Liefeld and that abysmal Deadpool Team-Up book by a hodge-podge of C-list writers and artists and compare it to all three Deadpool books today, it's fucking night and day. A golden age for the character.

Uncanny Avengers is knocking it out of the park every month. So is Vision.

New Avengers is a little silly but fun and has a lot of heart.

Gwenpool is about four times more entertaining than it has any right to be given both its origins and its concept.

Extraordinary X-Men has a lot of cool shit, and I'm loving the redesigned, more-mature Colossus we're getting there, who looks like a more naturally-powerful dude than some sculpted Mr. Universe pretty-boy.

Vote Loki was a great book that totally flew under everyone's radar but had a lot of great ideas, including a discussion of how politicians craft these mythologies around themselves and invite their supporters to accept and embrace this mythology, not unlike a religion, and that they're not unlike gods in terms of how they're received by the public.

I'm enjoying the shit-stirring in the Steve Rogers Captain America book, which is a pretty daring direction to take the character.

I'm sure I'll start loving Uncanny X-Men the moment that Greg Land's bland artwork stops holding back Cullen Bunn's great scripts and characterization.

There's plenty of stuff to like out there, though I admit there's a fair bit of crap as well.

I don't blame Marvel. I blame disney, and that fat bald fuck.

It's great for girls like me. Plenty of female characters to read and DC's masculine, testosterone-laden heroes were way too triggering for me. I had to cancel all my DC Rebirth subscriptions even though they were really good, they were just stuck in that testosterone swamp.

>inb4 tumblrina sjw

They have more good books coming out than I can afford to have on my pull list, which is all that really matters, frankly.

goddamn I could go for a coke

Which ones are you planning on reading?
Nothing looks particularly appealing to me in NOW 2, but I had the same issues with ANAD.

I stopped reading comics more or less when I got interested in girls myself.
Only ones I still follow are the ones with cute/hot girls as MC.

Most comics must be fantastic for homos tho.

Do Disney cares about getting back the movie rights of X-Men and Spider-Man?

ms marvel is pretty cool

>They have more good books coming out than I can afford to have on my pull list

Shit man you must be homeless. Do you need food? some change? If you're using the comics to sleep under it would be cheaper to get a newspaper

They'll get it back eventually, those deals were made before they bought Marvel so it's neither here nor there.

Of course she's in a crossover, do you know how much better a book sells when it's part of a crossover! She'd be doing it for survival

>They'll get it back eventually

They won't get the X-Men back for a long time. Especially since Deadpool was more profitable for Fox than Civil War was for Disney

I like that the Great Lakes avengers are getting a book.

I don't think ass loads of crossovers are going to pull her out of the cancellation zone.

If you think girls wouldn't be into because you read comics, I'm sorry but that's not it. Most girls over 20 will like you regardless if you like nerdy shit or not if you

>are confident
>are socially competent
>are funny
>At least have a job or go to college

If you can talk about what you like and be confident about it, girls won't care WHAT you're into.

This is true.

Disney can't make a solo Hulk movie, there is also issues with Namor rights.

I think they don't care too much about F4.

I like FeMale's hair

>hur hurr homosexuality hurrr hurrr

Disney can wait.. or make a deal, why do you care about a movie company in a comics thread?
Disney has nothing to do with the way comics biz is run.

Who's the nigga cosplaying Blacktimus Prime?

The new Hulk is nice and Gwenpoole is alright. Miles is okay by me as well.

Bendis's adopted daughter. He also unintentionally named her after a porn parody of Iron Man 2.

Nah m8s, I just don't see the appeal of reading about muscle dudes when I'd rather look at girls instead.

It's like how Otaku would rather support moeshit than mecha or battle shonen.

It's helping me save money

>that image
>all those examples only mentioning Vision at the end

Lunella Lafayette a cute.

It gave us that.

>implying he also knew about the 2000 miniseries Avataars: Covenant of the Shield

>Say something nice about nuMarvel, Cred Forums.
No. It's an abomination.

Marvel Comics has died in my eyes. NuMarvel is a rotting male corpse, dressed in woman's clothing, on puppet strings.

So diverse and original. Surely these changes will produce new content with good story arcs and last a good 2.5 days. Super hero comics are so innovative and great.


It'll die and be remembered as one of those stupid phases that comic books went through that no one remembers fondly at least until it becomes kitsch.

You mean like Lightning Superman and Extreme Marvel?

Still much better than dc

I like Vision, Ultimates and Old Man Logan. The art in Moon Knight is very nice.

I guess that's about it.

When I'm reading it I know that you're out there, somewhere, crying into your cheetos.

The current state of Marvel has certainly saved me a whole lot of money.

I don't hate it as much as most anons. I'm actually looking forward to Riri, hopefully she'll be more fun like Kamala and not horribly written like Miles (I mean I like Miles but Bendis isn't doing a great job writing him).
Gwenpool is fun.
I'm not caught up on Deadpool and Spider-man but the few storytimes i've seen have been fun.

It made me search and discover great stuff from other companies.

1 white guy

Agreed. I'm enjoying more Non-big 2 Cape books. Valiant in particular

You know this is only one half of the poster?

I really only like Kamala because silly antics is what I enjoy most in a universe full of retarded edgelords.

I genuinely hope she doesn't get to the point where she's facing galactic-level threats because I enjoy the idea of someone who just fights things trying to interrupt their lives. I don't want her to ever become the victim of power creep because I feel the idea of power level or power creep is unnecessary in her run in order to have fun battles.

I literally don't care about any of the others. Nova is okay.

i could probably fap to futa gwenpool on a good day i guess

>I hate Civil War. It's a stupid idea.

You and everyone else with two eyes and a functioning brain.

I'm guessing Bendis' hair has burrowed into his scalp and laid eggs in his cranium to make Civil War 2 seem like an even passable idea with the story it currently has.

Nope can't say anything it's shit


I have never had more of a reason to root for the bad guys. I hope supervillains crush them into the dust.


I'm honestly okay with Laura being female Wolverine.
I'm not okay with her dating boring assfaggot Angel .

isn't that the new war machine girl?

They are succesfulling making people hate other races and women by ruining characters to meet qoutas, eventually they'll lose their positions and we can focus on making good comicbooks.

Nadia Pym is ok because noe one's gotten a chance to ruin her.
TAHulk is good.

Gwenpool is cute.
As long as Gurihiru is doing the art
also witnessed

Moon Knight. Ellis's run and current one both are good.

>It's like how Otaku would rather support moeshit than mecha or battle shonen.
But those people are literally bigger faggots than actual gay people.

In fact you sound like a homo with a hardcore case of the closets.
>Heh, how are you doing fellow straight people? I'm just busy having sex with my gee eff and reading comics about busty WOMEN. So hot, am I right? Say, does anyone have a PLAYBOY around? Me and my straight cock could sure use some good reading material, heh. Right fellas? By the way wouldn't it be funny if we took our cocks out to see who's bigger? Haha that'd be totally gay, right? Haha. Seriously though it'd be pretty funny, we should try it.

Who's the blonde animu chick on the left?

Why the fuck is Prowler in this? That character is old as fuck, he even was in 90s cartoon.

I genuinely like Chulk

I like the fact that they are at least trying to push D-listers instead of just creating minority legacy characters

Mosaic is the first minority character that is completely new and not just a legacy character and they seem to at least be trying to push him

Al Ewing, Mike Del Mundo and Javier Rodriguez and genuinely talented

She's from a series called Baccano

She's popular among cosplayers, apparently.

Because he's the protagonist of one of the new series that are starting next month
If the poster included the other half you would see Foolkiller and Slapstick too

They are giving Foolkiller a comic? Jesus, that's not gonna last. And Prowler just got killed and cloned, why the fuck is he getting a book?

Because this years Spidey event is about clones

I was somewhat looking forward to Prowler's series until I found out it was starting with a Clone Conspiracy tie-in and Hobie himself is now a clone.

And they think the event will somehow carry Prowler's book? It'll be cancelled after 5 issues tops.

>Dr. Strange is the only person who hasn't has hid gimmick stolen.

He, like Slapstick and Solo, is (was) one of Deadpool's Merc for Money and now Marvel is seeing if they can carry their own series
It will most likely fail, but I can't really blame Marvel for at least try to do something with their less important characters

His gimmick was stolen by a filthy female character of immigrant origin called Magik

When was the last time Magik actually done something magical? She just teleports shit, stabs people and whines.

All the time in Extraordinary X-Men, actually
She even has now a magical "little sister" character that seems on her way to bring something like a magical apocalypse or something like that

it sucks

>the art in the Moon Knight is very nice
That's the only thing I can say about it too.

I have been enjoying the Inhumans books. Ultimates is great and actually got to me to like Blue Marvel. Monster's unleashed is the first event I will be looking forward to in god knows how long. Vision is almost too good.

You suck

>i don't like gay stuff
>lololol closet fags!!!
Pls, Cred Forumsmblr, it's 2016, we can calm down with the agitprop, no one cares any more.
The action is all about trannies now.

>Kamala drawn extra cute without her "diversity quota" hook nose

At least Peter Parker is still Spider-Man and Wade Wilson is still Deadpool.

They care but they're never getting it back. They made a 50 mil superhero movie and made basically a billion dollars.

That is an amazing ROI.

Between insane home sales, deals they made for replay rights, merchandise, actual theater sales and everything else, Deadpool is a juggernaut in terms of sales right now.

Deadpool is also considered a mutant under Fox movie deal. I.E extending time that Fox holds the rights.

It's at least trying new things and not beholden to a status quo?

It's just unfortunate that most of the new is pretty meh

Gwenpool is their best series right now.

It's also better than anything DC is putting out

They do but not enough to drop serious dosh, they're happy to wait for a good deal

Gwenpool is super cute and I can't wait to buy the first volume in November and cover the pages with my semen.

Kamala is cool.

That's it.

Now having said all of this, wouldn't you say that Marvel gets a bit too much shit on here?

>they shit on characters people like
>people shit on them in return

Proportional shitting, user. If it was disproportionate, you might have something.

as a deadpool fan, I have very little to bitch about except remender being gone. So I don't bitch. Imagine being an X-men fan.

I mean... that's on fucking character, Thundra comes from a female-dominated future.

unless characters like that trigger the shit out of you

They tried. Good for them!

>Say something nice about nuMarvel, Cred Forums.

I bet that they don't have everyone tell Riri that she was the best Iron Man and that they may not have ever *really* liked him immediately after Tony kicks the bucket.

That puts them over DC.

>Reads Thor

Oh. I take that shit back.

Fuck off Cred Forums

I like Robbie Reyes, Ms Marvel was alright from what I remember, and Gwenpool is a stupid fucking concept but it somehow becomes entertaining. Thats about it


Most of the new lads are interesting enough characters and you're just some fat neo nazi neck-beard who's only crying about it because of muh white power.

I don't waste money on it.

It will end eventually.

Other than that...

Point taken.

You suck

lol equality is one white guy in OP Image

It will save me plenty of money for some time


This already canceled all my subs at my comic shop

Thanks Marvel for saving me money!

Deadpool surpass Spiderman at quality

No! i won't say something good about this crap there trying to give us.

At least im not paying for 90% of it.

Shit posters are going to shit post user, it's the nature of Cred Forums.

They beta test writers for DC.

Nice trips

At this point Vison doesn't even need to be mentioned, it's that good, I don't think a single person who lurks on Cred Forums can honestly say something bad about it.

Even All-Star Section Eight, Hard Travelling Heroez and their Doctor Eight Comics? You have to be kidding me. I enjoy what they've been writing with Kamala, it's in a pretty okay safe spot, but I'm not going to spout that it was better than Azzarello's WW run.

This is what Marvelcucks tell themselves

>At this point Vison doesn't even need to be mentioned
Yeah because it's cancelled.



If it were cancled it would have ended aburtly and without a conclusion (Black Knight, Illuminati, Journey into Mystery starring Lady Sif.) No, Vision is ending soon because King was hired to write one of the three characters that DC likes to market. I don't think Vision would be as good if it had more than 12 issues, the story has reached its end, no need to drag it out any further, it's like what happened with Superior Foes.

Kamala is cute

That's only half the poster you muppet

I like Kate Hawkeye.
Ms. America is pretty hot.
Cho Hulk is a fun read and unlike the other recent legacy characters, he actually makes sense.

But why do you want my opinion, I haven't actually bought a Marvel comic since OMD.

They're not using as much paper as they would if they were writing good comics. So it's better for the environment.


>A entire thread of faggots who don't read comics just here to cry about m-muh white male!!1!1

Don't you know white males are the most discriminated against group now?
Well according to whiney bitches on Cred Forums at least

Last night when the thread started it was good, then the underage posters woke up and started shitting the thread up.


Brother Voodoo was the Sorcerer Supreme for a spell, but then his book got cancelled and Bendis killed him.


Eh well. I got nothing.

I really hate dot noses.
"Normal" Nose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tumblr Nose >>>>>>>>>>> Sandnigger Nose >>>>>>> Shitty Animu Dot Nose

Remember that aweful 90s avengers cartoon that didnt have Cap, ironman and the hulk. And Pym was the leader of the group.

This feels exactly like that.

There's still Squadron Supreme.

She would've been a great Liz Allan, the popular girl who has a soft spot for him

The parts not being written/fuck over by Bendis are great.

I enjoy Chulk, Spider-Man and Moon Knight

Which is none?

>Superman Red
>Superman Blue

Fuck you for reminding me that happened.


I like ANAD Magneto,

what a shitty taste

It's not that bad these days, after all, they have yet to start pushing their liberal agenda.

Dîsney has butchered it slightly less than they did Står Wars.

The woman in the middle's Fallout power armor is pretty cool.

Deadpool is in an amazing place right now, and all his ongoings range from good to great

New Avengers is silly fun that has a diverse and likable cast of characters without getting too political.

Vision is absolutely amazing and unlike anything coming out of the Big Two right now. I'll gladly buy both trades

Kamala Khan is better than she has any right to be. This goes doubly for Gwenpool, who's book is entertaining, heartfelt, and yes, cute as fuck

I don't think deadpool has ever been in a better place honestly, it is really strange.

I thought there would be no X-Men brand books by now and there are.