Now even laughing at Family Guy jokes is "problematic".
Now even laughing at Family Guy jokes is "problematic"
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>Now even laughing at Family Guy jokes is "problematic".
Well yes, the Left always eats it's own.
Shit like this makes me glad I never went to college or university or anything like that.
I'd rather be a dumbfuck who knows his way around a computer than seek an education that means surrounding myself with the most obnoxious people in the world.
I don't even like Family Guy, but this made me cringe.
Fuck off. Why even brother bringing this garbage here?
It probably is.
>unironically linking to Reddit
Get the fuck out of here you stupid newfag
Keep your fucking reddit shit at reddit. You faggot.
Hello Tumblr
>haha those tumblrinas amirite
>d-do I f-fit in yet fellow 4channers?
Sorry if we're tumblr for not playing along with your mra personal army bullshit.
Family Guy isn't funny and fuck you for jumping to its defense.
I find this shallow and pedantic.
Laughing at Family Guy's jokes just means that you're a retard, user. It's rancid shitshow that tries to pass memes as humor and you should know better.
>insulting his sense of humor
Unless you only laugh when you're torturing little animals or something, there is literally nothing wrong with any sense of humor. You're the only retard here.
oh, fuck off
Pop culture references aren't jokes. They're not funny.
"Oh no! He posted a reddit thread! Better make fun of it without reading it!"
That's a whole lot of nothing in the end. The guy is just getting worried that a teacher gave him a (mildly inappropriate) morals lesson. There's no indication that it will go any further.
I'm more offended that Americans have college classes that have primary school tier assignments. "Describe what it is to be an American, here's a cartoon".
it's a stupid manchild that's annoyed he got in trouble for laughing in class and blames the feminism boogeyman
feminist boogeyman detected
It should, the show is raw dogshit.
>posting Reddit
I'm not clicking that
no u
Should've gone to a tech school.
Literally what the fuck are they learning there?
Communications is a joke major that is occupied by athletes with no goals in life but sports.
why don't men deserve rights?
He says he has a (mandatory) com class, not that it's his major.
I'm sure the teacher has a point
or not, this is most likely fake
In that case, I'm not sure how uniform universities are all across the US, but at least at mine we did have to take a basic Communications 100 class. It wasn't really about race though, it was more about how you speak to people, both verbally and nonverbally.
Even if it isn't fake, I don't really see the point in trying to instil specific morals into college students.
Not her job.
I think it was less about instilling morals and more about giving some context for a specific project.
That said, Family Guy is the dumbest way to do that.
>I'm not sure how uniform universities are all across the US
Not much afaik, but I'm not Murrikan.
Communication classes can vary wildly depending on a lot of things like university, major or teacher. Mine had emphasis on written communication, notably on the internet.
Too bad I had like 4 more com classes afterwards because they don't know what the fuck to do with that curriculum.
Well sure but (allegedly) she gave him a talk about how he should or shouldn't feel towards what he watched.
We have too little info on what the fuck that assignment was doing in a communications class to really know why this was the chosen topic.
Ya only gotta take sociology once, and even then there maybe substitute electives.
Sociology is interesting, it's good to know it so as to better dismiss it.
I remember my sociology teacher giving a speech about not misusing statistics to make them say what you want them to say... and then proceeding to misuse statistics just that way for a semester. Kind of an eye opener.
I'd be willing to bet he was being an asshole.
He already comes off as a douche on his story, imagine if it wasn't being told from his perspective.
Well I mean you see where he posts. Might aswell take Cred Forums posts seriously.