Abhuman character thread?
Cred Forums Abhumans
What's the sauce OP?
Henry the Duck's OC
sounds like he's planning a comic for her.
>sounds like he's planning a comic
That basically means never ever. Thanks.
I want to trigger that unicorn.
>This will never see a green light.
i want to take long baths with her
>"I'm not sure what's the difference between abhuman or furry, so I'll just play it safe."
She's still got a pussy though so it's ok with me.
So what Cred Forums related thing is she from?
Does this count?
I really need tones to draw more callie, like asap.
Where is the girl from the OP post from?
It's one of Herny's OCs, Priscilla.
An abhuman is a animal-like type of human.
An animal that walks around and talks like a human, but is decidedly not referred to as human species in a setting where humans exist, is just a furry.
Not enough abs.
I concur.
Post some buff abhumans my man
Better back story than most adventure time characters
40k sucks.
Monster Ranchers. Weatern made, animu style.
That just sounds like splitting hairs so people can jerk off to furries but not feel as guilty about it.
Monster Rancher is of japanese origin
Lucky for you Felinid is an Imperium approved strain of abhuman.
What episode? Actually looks okay but that's probably because the gif doesn't have Finn and Jake in it
There is absolutely no description of what the fuck felonies actually are. Considering that they are sanctioned abhumans, the mutations are probably minor. Like cat ears. If I ever make an IG army then everybody with their helmet off is going to get cat ears and nobody can stop me
Don't be a pedantic cunt, if you watched a dubbed anime on TV when you were a kid, and you're old enough to post on Cred Forums now, it's honorary Cred Forums.