Lumberjanes #30 Storytime

Hey there gals and pals!

It's time for more outrageous adventures with your favorite hardcore lady types! I apologize for NOTHING!

Last time, the greek god Artemis, under the disguise of Diane, came back to camp to hunt down a gorgon as a fool's errand to appease Zeus. Shortly thereafter, her entire cabin is turned to stone and it's up to the other Lumberjanes to help save their friends. However, Mal and Ripley separated from the rest of the group and ended up landing right at the feet of the gorgon!

So let's get this adventure underway!

Other urls found in this thread:






















And that's it for this month, gals and pals!

Until next time, stay outrageous!

damn dude nice various shades of brown for those vaguely exotic skin tones what instantly appealing character design

bumping for interest and waifus

It's been a looong time since I saw someone on Cred Forums waifuing Lumberjanes.

aren't they basically middle aged female versions of the planeteers


Other races exist user!
It's 2016!

Molly a cute

Troubled cute.

Whats with the tumblr rednose ariel lookin girl?

Just had a big red splotch on her face since issue 1.

Or if you meant her attitude, her friend got turned to stone and she's helping a girl who turned a different friend to stone a while back.


I guess you could say camp is a good place to get stoned.