I've been wanting to do this for awhile because we need to get back to our roots here.
Boy's Club storytime
Other urls found in this thread:
Boys Club animated shorts when?
Get ready to catch the rarest pepes of them all!
>our roots
Dude, boy's club was never a very big thing in Cred Forums. It was always way bigger in Cred Forums than it was here.
>we need to get back to our roots here.
You do realize just because it's from a comic doesn't mean Cred Forums started the meme, right?
There are other kinds of wolves?
So what even was the demographic for Boy's Club? Stoners?
Yeah especially since the media blitz today where Pepe was deemed a hate symbol by the ADL. Fucking ridiculous.
It's the boy's club
It's the boy's club
Stale meme dough is a stale meme though.
Its the old Meg, Mogg, and Owl. Or Clementine.
Man, Pepe is really sad here
I predict big things for all these colourful characters... Except the frog
I need to get my hands on some acid.
I've always identified with Landwolf much more so than Pepe
Holy shit how can a comic be this comfy?
check what?
It's washingtongue for cheque.
I will continue with volume 2 after a short break
these dubs
Cheers OP
Because you want to relive your youth as a carefree stoner.
or you're an underage #ban
Thanks, OP. This is really fucking stupid.
Werewolf JONES
vol. 2
that's just like how we found my grandfather when he died
This one is my favourite
I remember like 6-7 years ago, joking with my friends about pulling your pants all the way down to pee.
Now its a symbol of hate.
I have contacted the authorities.
I have some colored reactions, including that, from an user who posted them last time this was storytimed. I'll dump them after vol 4
No, it isn't. Stop distorting the situation.
They're talking about Cred Forumstards using him in tweets and image macros (usually dressed up in nazi regalia or trumpified or whatever), not the actual comics themselves.
Blame the Cred Forumstards (and the /r9k/bots) for trying to make him into one to represent their own dumb shit, not the people just pointing out an actual thing that's happening.
Were any published in colour?
>Blame the Cred Forumstards
I blame you.
Not that i'm aware of, but I'm not up to date
I have a couple of dozen Boy's Club pages and variations on 'Feels good, man' in my HDD.
Fuck off.
>sometimes you gamble and lose
that goes right to my tombstone.
There's pepes of literally everything, why would i bitch that they make their own? Why is it so particular that they do it to brand all the fucking pepes "racist symbols"?
I think this is just the conceited, manipulative nature of these offended groups showing through when they just up and declare something harmless like a funny cartoon frog on the same level of the nazi banner, and the media dances to the tune when it reports it.
Oh, sorry, didn't know you were the authority on dank memes.
Digital version exists
Is this supposed to make sense?
My reaction to all feetfaggotry
I feel like my brain is rotting from reading this.
Some of these are absurd but I like them.
watch TMZ with a dash of Fox News and maybe some Jeff Dunham
it's not really a narrative, just one page jokes
this guy draws the worst pepe
are these edits or real?
Neither of those are really stoner comedy though. They're about pathetic futurless people who happen to do drugs because their lives are empty.
I don't know what the fuck this is though.
what is this guy supposed to be? he just looks like pepe with ears
vol. 3 after another short break
He's Brett.
Thanks for the dump.
This is actually really entertaining.
This storytime (and the recent hilarious ADL news) have inspired me to pick up the trade in a month or two when I have cash spare.
A friend and I have that as our codephrase for "I have accidentally shit myself, please help quickly extricate me from this social setting."
It hasn't come up yet, but we'll be ready.
>hilarious ADL news
what's this?
my mom decided to call so slow dump for awhile
ugh, I hate it when they do that
Anti-Defamation League banned Pepe
Oy vey
>yfw pepe existed 19 years ago before boy's club
isn't it ironic that pepe is now the most popular meme and that it's used as a platform by white supremacists to spread their propaganda.
Their entry on Pepe was actually pretty balanced. It specifically said most uses were innocent.
You figuratively just described stoner comedy.
Who would have thought such a simple comic could give birth to such chaos?
And thus a meme was born
The Ancient Egyptians foretold of it.
This one just breaks me.
To think this innocent frog would become the figure it is today.
Every panel here is gold.
please hold your reaction images till the end
Hard to think that Pepe turned into a white supremacy thing.
Yo, Boy's Time is in the new Humble Bundle if anyone cares for a dollar.
Pepe frog “Frogman”, baby!
I had no idea the sad Pepe image came from the comic too. I thought it was an edit of the 'feels good man' one.
Thread theme
>in the freezer
eyy that's really cool honestly
i'll be back with 4 after a break
Fuck that dumb ass frog and everyone who spams it on Cred Forums.
And this comic sucks.
Pepe was truly our guy
Matt knew it would happen one day.
Nice. You thought of Nutshack and I thought of the Loud House.
What did he mean by this
This seems like regular show
I like it
No Pepe! NO!
Are there more after 4?
This should be chopped up and reassembled as a banner.
damn perfectly shows good and bad high
>ADL recently declared that posting pepe is a hate crime
It's too big, you'd have to make it into a gif.
And then at the end when the wiener is touching Andy's head, that's when you have the "Cred Forums"
i like that idea
No, Poochi-I mean bird-dog killed Boy's club. ;_;
>tfw you will never be as baller as landwolf
Hi /f/.
Werewolf Jones > Landwolf
>actively try to turn a meme into an antisemitic hate symbol
>people notice what you're doing
Nobody could have seen that coming.
Remember kids, winners don't use drugs. This characters are only fictional.
Why didn't Brett get involved in the Trump memes?
Just look at that combover.
Oh man, this one actually made me laugh a little.
I mean, I've been enjoying these, but yeah, actual audible laughter.
That's all, hope you guys enjoyed.
i have some reaction images too
fucking shit i love Landwolf
are this real life based?
Parts are, don't know about all of it. That thing with the slim jim was real though.
from the last time this page was posted.
Stupid sexy Brett
Come back to me after an hour of MSNBC.
Is this the passion of Christ of memes?
Brett wtf
underage b&
Transcendental meditation
More like the Moulin Rouge musical
Guitar Wolf
Found a download from an archive
Is it true there was a rivalry between this comic and Meg, Mogg, and Owl?
This is the most disgusting page in all the volumes
Pretty sure there wasn't. Simon didn't even start putting MM&O on the internet until a year after the last issue of Boy's Club came out.
Thank you user
could it be that that comic inspired the forbidden one?
thanks for the storytime op
matt furie also did art for a flash game if anyone's interested
This is weird, on the first ones I felt like I was just getting dumber from reading, maybe because there was no point other than sowing farts, joints and vomit, but when they got a little more structured I was drawn in and sad when it was over.
>I don't know what the fuck this is though.
Dude, weed, lmao.
no it's a narrative...
I didn't know people actually unironically enjoyed this.
I agree with this guy
Other guy playing into the media's hype of "This frog is racist" and actually taking it seriously, going along with it, and even saying its right. When its clear the media is just sensationalizing some bullshit to deflect other shit.
This is a non-story, its a non-story when they're reporting on a meme. A meme with thousands of variations, but lets point to some variations and say that's what's wrong with the country.
And some people damn well eat it up, thinking that the news story is correct and go along with it rather than knowing its bulshit. Its because some people buy into it that we can't call the news out more on how bullshit this all is.
>no part of this publication can be reproduced
Why isn't Landwolf a meme? He's way cooler than Pepe.
you're daft
Landwolf is garbage, what an annoying douche.
Honest question: am I supposed to hate Landwolf? I kinda hate Landwolf.
that was pretty shitty DESU, but ty, liked mog meg and owl more
I wonder what Boy's Club creator guy thinks of Hillarys "Pepe is racist" thingy
Yeah, the best wolf
I don't get it
So Pepe is about 3 years old there, and that places him at what, about 24 in Boy's Club? So now hes in his late 20's or so and all his pals are probably either normies with a family, in prison or dead. No wonder hes a wreck now
>These images were not the same Pepe... this was Pepe with friends
>This version of Pepe was a normalfag
this is bullshit
pepe was literally intended to represent normalfaggotry
how come Cred Forums can appropriate pepe and fuck him up but no one else is allowed to?
i like you
He died for our sins.
>Only a few more days until obama destroys the internet
was 2016 a bad year?
Do you think Furie drew these while on acid listening to the respective bands??
this and the neverending story one remind me of Space Harrier
thank you op i really enjoyed this
we know for sure that landwolf is either in prison, in a crackhouse, or dead. No way that guy came back from the kinds of drugs he used
Not that similar. WWJ is pure chaos and incredibly destructive. Landwolf is about having fun
>Pepe in canon has green lips
>everyone draws him with brown lips
This annoys me.
double dubs for a sweet track, I sing that one too
this page is gold
nice, thanks for the link.
found another
same, a sensible story did a lot for the series.
something tells me that there wasn't much in the way of sensible stories to this series though. I doubt it could have made it another volume.
the fantagraphics collection is in colour
Dumb frogposters don't know pepe is from a comic
this is kind of hilariously dated now.
does anyone remember when Foxtrot made an 'all your base' comic?
no? nobody?
ahh. okay.
Are you storytiming a hate symbol?
I will storytime that once this thread is archived.
Nice trips of truth though.
Oh thank god he's coloured properly in this one.
>yfw Pepe becomes a normalfag and gets a girlfriend
Any of you dudes vibe on ween?
this is my favorite
obamas going to give the internet to the UN. This means countries will be able to censor things for the rest of the world and not just block websites they don't like. Imagine how bad websites like Wikipedia and YouTube are going to get now china can actually demand them to take down things the disagree with.
>the sad pepe image predates feels good man
Check'em. He's even pointing upwards.
A friend of mine told me whales evolved from wolves. Or the other way around maybe. I don't remember.
This is a huge misconception. ICANN only regulates domain names, they can't tell individual servers or sites what to do with their content.
Plus, ICANN isn't the only governing body who can run DNS servers. There exist private DNS servers literally all over the internet. ICANN is only the first-level of new DNS registration, but other servers can still host their own private domain schemes.
tl;dr: while it's worrying, it's hardly the end of the internet.
Fuck I love this one, it's so silly.
>first panel
how most people see pepe
>last panel
how the media sees pepe
Landwolf's my favourite of the bunch.
Landwolf is my fucking spirit animal
Iconic as fuck. It's still weird that Matt colors his lips green though
I don't get it
>*gangsta for alright
my sides
>September 2016 Pepe looking into the camera with a concerned expression
>Mommy's Good Boy gone bad
brett is literally me
What did he mean by this?
Oh god eww
For the love of God, someone PLEASE color this
We should bring back og Pepe as a countermeme
that fucking proto-pepe tho
>that "Trump will win" post
>playing Doom on PC
>'hey - close my door' without taking eyes off screen
Pepe has been compromised. We Brett now.
This is my favorite page
I still think images of original colour pepe would be better. Doing stoner things and generally being a relaxed dude instead of a socially reclused right-winger.
>mfw I've never seen this one before
Why has this one not been meme'd to death?
whales came from something that kinda looked like a wolf but wasn't even close to them.
Matt Furie updated this one recently.
So if I tattoo a pepe on my arm then I get prison cred.
Good. This site should follow suit and instantly ban anyone who posts that cancer frog and his cancer sad friend.
but I thought he hated the blue shirt
Praise Kek
Dumb frogposters don't care, a meme is a meme regardless of how it started.
It's far too late for that, it'll just be seen as a ripoff.
Common ancestor I think.
More like Matt Furry.
>Pepe is plastered all over the new neonazi recruitment material
Man, how years can change a frog.
Thank you user.
We need a Boys Club animated series
Nah, it'll be seen as a countermeme
it's late teen-early20s comics. Its all about the shit you do when you're old enough to get your hands on alc and drugs but not old enough to really be getting anywhere
Pepe is ironically the purest of the bunch
In the age of tor network stores, nothing is impossible!
Because Reddit came up with the concept of "stealing memes".
Remember when Andy totally beefed it?
*audience cheering and clapping*
Pepe creates Sans
Listening to this while reading
Good times
It was hot water instead of cold water
The fact there is an entry in the first place makes it less balanced.
Well, Regular show's ending so it could happen. someone see if Matt would be onboard with it
Is this JoJo?
I always thought sad frog was an edit from the feels good man.
I don't know what is real anymore.
It's sad to know there are anons in this world who have not shared the joy of hotdoggin.
it's rubbin your dick between a girl's asscheeks. Or dude. You know whatever. [/spoiler[
>food allegories
It's like this comics predicts Cred Forums page by page.
>Don't sweat the petty, pet the sweaty
>Hush, Bitch!
Holy fuck this had me dying for like 5 minutes.
kind of uninspired and low effort desu
haha, MEMES
Dance off
I hope
That sounds very stupid
that werewolf dick I tell you hwat
It's true, though. Whales were a land pack animal, with fingers and not hooves.
S-shit dude...
>likes talking on his cell
Cred Forums and /rk9/ have him pegged all wrong. Pepe is a normie.
For a website generally full of pretty intelligent people we get a fair number of absolute morons.
You know how scientists are, always making up crazy shit. One day the Earth is round, the next one Dinosaurs had feathers, then they invent some bullshit about vaccines being helpful, we'll end up believing we came from monkeys haha
Right? Like land creatures just turned into a fish! HAHAHA
>field card
somebody didnt understand yugioh. A card like that would be a continuous spell, not a field card.
Yes, the meme-versions of Pepe has always been extremely different from true Pepe. Furie even said that the one thing he hated about Pepe going full meme was that "sadfrog" was so far removed from who Pepe actually is.
what's the distinguishing feature between pepe and andy??
Andy is much more like a cool guy, with "sharp" remarks and wit. Pepe is a very chill, relaxed guy, appreciates alone time.
Furie sounds chill as hell.
Holy shit
Too cute for words?
It seems like this isn't obvious to people
Reading this made me think of that time of my life
It really captures that feeling
I dare say it's quite artful
I'll try working on it actually.
This, MMO and TTT/Habits are all really fucking good. Boys Club is the best at capturing this time in people's lives though
It made me feel young
Somehow made me actually recall what it was like, just living with your boys
Hey do you have any Pwr Msters? That shits the best.
That's fucking wonderful. Get rid of the lines , smooth speed and looping, and put landwolf in the middle and that's a wonderful banner.
This one is my favorite.
never read the entire thing before thanks OP.
also see:
>19 years before 2006
It's a kind of magic.
I never played Doom with only the keyboard.
More like One Piece.
This was a good thread.
I was supporting this before the presidential election.
Pepe is an absolute madman
>I don't know what spam is
Problem Solverz was a thing that existed
Fuck you
Wow. Those were awfully unfunny.
Fuck you, too
>actively try to turn a meme into an antisemitic hate symbol
Shitposting is against the rules.
Not really.
>hillary supporter
Wanna step the fuck back?
t. never did drugs all his life
Nice sort of dubs
I think you WANT me to beat the shit out of you
>Your loss
I like OG Pepe, his color scheme is more fever dreamish and interesting.
Are you manually tracing the lines?
Wolf Blitzer
I didn't make any of these.
Hilarious how Brett does a smug face way better than Pepe.
I never did drugs all my life and I still found it funny.
>In 2016, you know a gang is in the neighborhood if there's a rare pepe spray painted.
Just realized that the digital version has color lineart only; color changes with every book collected.