>CW's Flash started with Eobard Thawne fucking up the timeline by killing Nora Allen. The whole of the series has taken place in that altered timeline where Nora is dead.

>One of the first things they established was that in the main timeline Barry becomes the Flash when he is older and more emotionally prepared; he also is married to Iris. They also establish that the particle accelerator goes off much later in a much more controlled fashion. Eobard takes over Dr Wells, sets off the reactor explosion, flash gets his powers early, etc., etc.

>At the end of season 1 Flash finally learns how to travel through time and go back to save his mum but he and everyone else are petrified by the metaphysical implications (their timeline will no longer exist) and he ends up chickening out.

>In season 2 he travels through time a lot, and in certain cases he fucks up and "time travels wrong" which makes 2 of himself and causes time wraiths to come after him.

>There's an unexplained line in the episode where he gets trapped in the speed force that they gave him a great opportunity which he squandered, and they specify they aren't talking about giving him his powers (it's talking about righting the timeline)

>At the end of season 2 after saving the multiverse, getting the girl, and completing his character arc, Barry goes back in time and saves his mother as the him from season 1 fades out of existence.

>It's a perfect ending to the series which they're about to ruin on Oct 4 with season 3 and Flashpoint.


I think it's been established that Barry is a major fuck-up. This is nothing new.

I don't care about your shitty blog post.

The only thing I didn't like about S2 was the villain. I think time travel shenanigans are perfect because it's a show about the fucking Flash.

Honestly, if they got rid of villain of the week shit, and made a decent season villain, the show would be pretty damn great. I found some S2 Flash episodes more enjoyable than some episodes of S2 Daredevil and I certainly enjoyed it more than Jessica Jones.



CW Barry is a fucking idiot who acts on impulse and emotion more than logic and analysis.

He's more Bart with Wally's villains than Barry.

Yeah I always thought saving his mother would put everything back to where it was in the future newspaper article before Thawne interfered.

Barry should be able to change the timeline and leave it that way as he is forced to live the consequences, like Cisco being a gang member in Detroit instead of a scientist and Caitlin becoming Killer Frost. Maybe even have Emil Hamilton take over Star Labs so E1 Wells is a failure or something.

Why isn't Barry the flash in the new timeline? Shouldn't he be the flash anyway, since before Thawne interfered Barry was destined to be the flash?

These things don't get to end. Decay is part of the package.

JWS should be the Flash, he also had better costume 20 years ago.

The problem is that long arcs will inevitably run into pacing and tension issues when trying to fill a set amount of episodes. Jessica Jones was pretty bad about that. Then you've got the problem of narrative overexposure. Just because the villain is enacting a plot doesn't mean that anything will happen on a regular schedule. Having your hero and villain tangle every week starts raising questions about competency in your hero, and the logic and capacity of your villain. Villain of the week episodes allow for a sense of chronological progression, offer a breather for the audience, and help create a sense of verisimilitude in the worldbuilding.

I think that they really should consider running a few two or three episode miniarcs as well.

On a related note, Arrow really needs to switch to a half season arc format.

In the original timeline, he becomes Flash much later. Thawne speed it up so without him to speed it up he isnt the flash during the time hes living.

Still dont understand how Wally is Flash tho.

I'd think the explanation will be the same as comic Flashpoint. Barry "changed time like an amateur" and his actions affected things in a ton of weird unpredictable ways.

>but you didn't choose to save JFK, or keep Hitler in art school, you chose to save your mommy. And I'm the bad guy?
I fucking love Eobard.

No way. This is one of the few shows where I like the villain of the week format. Focusing on just one villain for twenty three episodes would get old fast.

The perfect asshole

Man, I wonder how much satisfaction he get from saying it wasn't him this time, because he made ruining Barry's life his fucking hobby slash side project.

I don't think a guy whose backstory is basically "stole a time machine then became a supervillain" has any room for the moral high ground.

>stole a time machine

do you even read comics? also Eobard is bascially insane and thinks it is hos destiny to torment the Flash.

All I'm saying is that when your life revolves around Kool-Aid Man'ing your way through space-time while trying to murder a man's loved ones you don't get to be smug.

>JWS should be the Flash

he is Jay Garrick now

that's pretty much the point. he's so smug because all his touture over the years made Barry snap and go back in time to save his mom. Flashpoint is basically Thawne winning

>Flashpoint is basically Thawne winning

Nah, Thawne can't win by virtue of negating his own win as a condition of his existence. Either the Flash can exist and Thawne will lose or Flash cannot exist and Thawne can't win. Thawne's only winning move is not to play, but by doing so he removes the game from existence.

as long as barry suffers thawne wins

IIRC he doesn't become the Flash until 2020 in the original timeline

I'm agreeing with you just wanted to add Flash and RF are locked in a time loop. If Flash stayed in the Flashpoint universe, RF would fade away as soon as Barry forgot everything (as per the preview trailer). It's in RF's interest to make Barry go back to the normal universe. Also Barry at this point is the biggest timeline changer etc than Zoom was, so the wraiths gotta be mad.


The show has established numerous times that when a timeline is reset, it's gone forever. Any attempts to change it, even to correct it, will only cause more unpredictable changes. That's why Barry chose not to reset it in the season 1 finale. It wouldn't have recreated the prime timeline before Thawne changed everything.

It wasn't me Barry!
>it wasn't me all along