Serious question

Serious question

Is Priest's Deathstroke the first time you've ever found the character entertaining, in comics?

Like, most of the times I've read his appearances he either comes off as a sad joke (what kind of hardcore military badass gets chumped by a team half made up of sidekicks, half made up of angsty teens?) or a shallow omnicompetent uber badass like some Coldsteel the Hedegg shit

But the current run of Deathstroke has given him an interesting supporting cast (that he has shitty relationships with) and are a fun throwback to paramilitary hijinx comics from the 90s.

I mean, maybe I missed the books he was good in before, but this is the first time I've actually liked the character outside of the Teen Titans cartoon where he was a cross between Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader, and a child molester

Definitely the most I've ever been interested in the character.

I liked him in YJ and Slade was cool. Otherwise yes.

They say this cat Priest is a bad mother.

>Is Priest's Deathstroke the first time you've ever found the character entertaining, in comics?

No, Deathstroke the Terminator by Marv Wolfman, Steve Erwin, and other artists is still my favorite thing with the character.

Also the issues Steve Grant wrote are good too

I'm big on the Wolfman.

Shut your mouth

He's a complicated man, but no one understands him but his bus.

Why does he look like Jimi Hendrix

This series was shit though. Slade with a code of honor and a conscience is fucking boring. Wolfman was always trying to turn him into a Wolverine clone.

The Priest run and the first 7 or so issues of the New 52 run are the best things featuring the character.

People shit on the Tony S. Daniel run but the Godkiller storyline was a lot of fun as well even though they essentially turned Slade into the Garth Ennis version of Nick Fury.

>villains should be one-dimensional
No thanks.

Slade's definitely better the more one dimensional he is. I've always thought of him as the DC equivalent to the Lee Van Cleef character from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. He should never be more complicated than that.


deathstroke was never interesting. there's not a single aspect of him with any more depth than coldsteel the hedgehog

Cool story, bro.

I only like him when he's having fucked up relationships with his kids.

Trying to make slade out to be some honorable anti-hero cheapens the character to me.

There are more kinds of complexity than moral ambiguity. You can have a genuinely good character that's three dimensional and a genuinely evil character.

You mean your brain cannot process it?

>There are more kinds of complexity than moral ambiguity.
Give me a list.

>Like, most of the times I've read his appearances he either comes off as a sad joke (what kind of hardcore military badass gets chumped by a team half made up of sidekicks, half made up of angsty teens?) or a shallow omnicompetent uber badass like some Coldsteel the Hedegg shit
He's a hardcore military badass going up against a team that includes the daughter of the devil, a superpowered space princess, the fastest teen alive, and the boy wonder himself. In the 80s. You know, pre-Batgod, when being a basic human going toe to toe with these people was impressive in its own right.

how about the most obvious of complexities, a conflict of interest/cognitive dissonance.