In the event of, say, a full scale alien invasion, how prepared do you think this planet's defenses would be?

In the event of, say, a full scale alien invasion, how prepared do you think this planet's defenses would be?

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This planet's defenses can barely hold out from destroying itself. We'd be fucked.

Depends on what kind, the classic bigheads that come in flying saucers, Ork and Tyranid invasions or immigration?

Let's just say it would be something like a... big... spaceship... gang...

not prepared at all because capitalism has humans practicing genocide on each other to have united and prepared ahead of time

unless for some reason we can make mirror armor and it actually reflects laser beams

Not prepared at all. There's not a country in the world that could really keep from getting fucked if, say, Russia went rogue. Russia doesn't have nearly the technology or firepower a spacefaring alien army would have. It would be interstellar rape.


Under rated episode

If I were an alien, I wouldn't mess with us, just gas us, or germ us from a distance. It wouldn't take but a precursory examinations of our broadcasts to show them we are a bat-shit crazy species capable of nuking even ourselves to stop them.

>try to fit in with human pig meats
>take some unnecessaryorgans of theirs
>they get mad
What do Cred Forums?

So true.

Fill the the filthy worms' planet's core with snack food, of course.


Not prepared.

That being said, we've covered our planet in so many weapons and redundant logistical systems that following the initial invasion, it'll be basically impossible for the ayys to stop the counteroffensive. Unless their invasion is like a billion strong, they're gonna get their asses kicked off Earth.

Then they'll hit us with an asteroid and we'll all die.

Step 1: impose a treaty with all superpowers to initiate a plan called Operation Eternal Liberation.
2: Should an extraterrestrial party invade earth with no diplomatic intentions, construct a giant country wide orbital defense grid. Across each nation
Step 3: in the event of said invasion, each nation is to halt any or all current activities to aid in the repel effort.
4: assaulting this defense grid in any way is considered an act of war.

I suppose it's good that there is no invasion and absolutely no aliens at all.

Ender's Game went over this pretty thoroughly. Actually I think it was Ender's Shadow, whatever.

Planets are too big and attackers can come from any direction in 3D space. All it takes is one ship (or missile) to get through to do massive damage to a population center. Remember what damage two airplanes were able to do to NYC? They weren't even armed. Imagine if they had a bunch of missiles to shoot. Imagine if they had sci-fi weaponry. Imagine if they were a cold war era ICBM. Imagine if that could happen anywhere on earth, coming from any direction in space.

The only possible defense against a planetary invasion is a preemptive strike.

We've got nukes. If we think there's any harm in aliens coming in (which will most likely be the first thought on our minds), each country will break international treaties and try to blow the spacemen out of the sky with the biggest bombs they've got. That will lead to frenzied peace talks, that will most likely break down and leave us decimated, at each other's throats, and at the will of whatever the aliens have in store for us.

probably has a better explanation on hand.

I like to think that the ones who will do the invading is us.

jet fuel can't melt steel beams, user.

depends on how many aliens and how advanced

Most of Earth's armies are very ground based. If we're talking spaceships swooping in hell from above, we'd be underclassed.

We'd probably hold our own once they leave said ships, to a point, but the panic and destruction of the initial strike would probably fuck us up royally.


I mean. If they stay out of range of the nukes, they ought to be fine.

But i want to show them personally that im not a dork. I even used mind control to make my teacher in the entrails of one of her students, but the children flasheads said mrs bitters does that weekly.

Anyone who wouldn't want their planets core put in danger by replacing it with delicious food don't deserve to be visited. Savages, that's what they must be!!

>the invaders try to look at our tech
>the horrible organization makes them fuck right off
It'll save our asses

We got Popeye

So basically we get buttfucked by our own incompetence, sounds about right

>Aliens land discretely deep inside the ocean.
>Set up deep sea bases that humans can't reach and probably won't detect.
>Build up forces by mining the local planet and setting up logistic routes to every landmass.
>Take out all sattelites with EMP. Human's ability to organize takes a massive blow.
>Bomb planet from orbit where humans can't reach you. Even if they see you coming they can't do shit.
>Major military bases are taken out easily with the exceptions of the ones build underground or in mountains.
>After bombardment aliens invade from the sea and get a foothold on land.
>Humans fight back with infantry, artillery, and nukes to some effect. But the spaceships and deep sea bases are virtually unreachable or too hard to locate in the chaos, so no real blows can be made against the invaders.
>Biological warfare is impossible against the aliens in the small time span we have to dissect them and engineer diseases against their completely alien physique.
>Chemical warfare is likely not effective for above reasons in the first place and too imprecise to be of much help.
>Humanity is overwhelmed by the initial surprise attack, the attacks that come from everywhere at any time, the destruction of weapon depots, the destructions of our communication network and military bases and the inability to effectively strike back against the invaders.
>Aliens send diplomatic message where they can basically ask anything from us in exchange for peace.
>A lot of leaders will sign these treaties to avoid genocide.
>Aliens get even more of a foothold on the planet and acces to resources.
>Leaders that didn't sign the treaties are even more fucked, either give up or die.
>Earth is defeated after a few years of preperation and a few weeks/months of war.

Aliens realize that earth is too far away from their homeplanet to be of any use and the whole idea of invading seems kinda silly in hindsight. Their economy collapses. Glorious capitalist humans take back planet.

And then the Fire Nation attacks...

If something comes to visit us and they have the technology to travel long distance in space, we're 100% fucked, guaranteed.

You should play Space Empires, OP.

>throw asteroid at earth at 1% the speed of C
>swoop in to fuck up the survivors
Thank god for the femi paradox.

>Nations doing all of this without getting at each other's throats for the pettiest reason

I personally like to believe that it's got something to do with the Prime Directive. Who knows, time will tell.

You either have gimped aliens like in Footfall or Turtledove's World War where aliens are basically retards with a slight tech advantage, or you get something like Greg Bear's the forge of God where Earth gets one shotted before it even realizes there's a problem

Emprah pls.

Our diseases would kill them as soon as they exposed themselves to the elements.

But what if they also bring a really nasty disease?, i mean it work in both ways you know.

Definitely prepared to stomp some x-rays.

Biochemical barriers would prevent that. Hell, we can't get most diseases animals have on our own planet.

it depends really did the aliens over/underestimate us? Is there commander any good?

Look at fucking vietnam The world superpower who was objectively better in almost every conceivable way still lost.

It really just depends on circumstance.