Christian Cartoons Are Horrifying

Recently discovered The Adventures of Donkey Olley, a Christian cartoon following the adventures of Olley, a meek and devout donkey whose faith in the Lord cannot be shaken.

After watching just a few episodes, I've seen Donkey Olley get tied up and tossed in a well, get attacked by hyenas, get beaten bloody with a whip, seen a man get stoned to death, and just for the lolz, Donkey Olley had to carry Jesus's corpse on his back. What the actual fuck is wrong with Christians?

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>What the actual fuck is wrong with Christians?

Two things, in this particular instance:

1.) Christian entertainment aimed towards younger audiences is meant to indoctrinate said audiences with "Biblical values".
2.) Unfortunately, those "values" often translate to "life is suffering but if you can power through it you might meet God once you die".

What do you expect from a group of people that believe you will be horribly burned forever if your not forced to "love" their god.

Post the song.

You know the one

I think Christian cartoons are especially whack, because they come from people who looked at "normal cartoons" and thought "Bugs Bunny is making my kids gay" so youre only left with the most extreme screwballs, who tend to have no grasp of quality

They're all so horrifying...

Isn't VeggieTales Christian? I don't remember that one being fucked up.

I think you're right. I was never super into Veggie Tales, so I'm not certain on the levels of fucked-up-itude on that one. I recall watching it once at a friend's house and finding it vaguely strange (a tomato preaching to me about morals) but not anywhere near this bad.

I truly despise you for exposing me to this, OP.

This cant be real

Can anyone link me some particularly fucked up scenes? You guys kinda sparked my curiosity about this.


There's at least one good Judeo-Christian animation.

King of Dreams was good too.

There's so many things wrong with this but I think what stuck out to me the most was why the fuck did the donkeys have human faces that's horrifying

Yeah that's an accurate depiction of Christianity

VeggieTales is one of the few Christian cartoons I know of that doesn't get overly preachy.

That and it's legitimately entertaining for kids.

That reminds me, is this mess uploaded anywhere?

Pic related is the best Christian show, prove me wrong

Try this one

There should be some sort of restriction on who is allowed to use animation software.

Christians see cartoons as a tool to spread their message about Christ too kids. They don't care about the quality of the art itself as long as the message is promoted. It's a shame because I remember Paw Tales being talked about on Cred Forums.

Why is it considered taboo to tell kids that the world is a bad place?

I wouldn't say it was inherently christian but there's that kind of bizarre one with the lambs and you basically see some legit sex stuff go down in it

I'm pretty sure I saw that uploaded on a porn site if we're talking about the same one. Demon lambs and judas and all that stuff?

well you want to maintain some level of innocence so kids can hope for a better tomorrow and think "it'll be worthwhile waking up" but in general a lot of more conservative types believe in an illusory past version of the world that never existed. One that was better than the one today, more virtuous and pure and completely fail to realize that dumb trick has been used to sell bad decisions since language was invented.

Not like progressive movements are that different, they just sell bad decisions with a promise of a better tomorrow.

Watch the fedora.

you've gotta wonder how anyone can fail so hard at character design, like nobody along the way of this production mentioned how horrifying they all look?

every ideology out there is selling you something, usually against your best interests. Pretending otherwise is foolish.

I know the dude who made FNAF makes or used to make CGI christian films as well. Are any one of these itt his?

No. None of them have towering abominable robots covered in drills and spikes and wires and shit.

It isn't. The key is doing it well and because you want to tell them that, not that they have to repent for their sins and love the very person who supposedly MADE the world bad.

Yeah it is, they're not crazy though. Plus kids actually enjoy it.

>why don't they go away

Indisputable proof that we live in a godless universe.



The western world is probably one of the only cultures that shelters their children in commercialism until something happens irl to make somebody's life come crashing down without being prepared for it. Kids aren't stupid. In Japan, cartoons like Naruto, Bleach, and DBZ have violence, cursing, and explore themes like childhood abandonment, and those are all aimed at children, and they seem fine.

I'm just saying that kids should be aware that the world isn't a friendly place, nor will it probably ever be, so they can prepare for it.

How did God make the world bad?

high quality shit there, yes sir-ree

>How did God make the world bad?

Oh boy. I really shouldn't be doing this here, we should be talking about cartoons, not religion.

Buuuut... Christian theology establishes god as the omniscient creator of the Universe. The Universe is full of evil and suffering, most of it completely unintentional. Therefore god created the Universe knowing it would be full of evil and suffering. Being all powerful, it could also have made it NOT full of evil and suffering but chose not to. That is rather straight froward, it really is logic 101. Please don't bait further.

>What the actual fuck is wrong with Christians?
I, for one, blame romefags.

most of the evil that happens on Earth is a result of humans failing to resist bad emotions, not God. God gave people free will, as we would just be robots otherwise and that would make life pretty shallow as a result.

Christian Rome fucked it up big time.

>naruto, bleach, and dbz prepare children for the real world

okay, nice try

No, it really isn't, most of suffering happening on Earth is caused by random shit that humans have absolutely no control over.

Did you know Ollie had a song about not being a pedo? Because that totally happened for some bizarre reason.

that guy has a surprisingly good singing voice. And the whole song is surprisingly catchy.

HOW??? How is this a thing? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!


>Their own theme song hates them and tells them to fuck off

I think that's the official theme for this board!

Thank you for reminding me this existed OP

Whaaaaaat the fuuuuuck.

>when the song starts playing
This is gold.

Also, how fucking bored would the guys in the colloseum have to be to watch a bunch of donkies get eaten?

I guess watching women get raped by Mandrills loses it's novelty after a while.


It's not taboo. You just need to be smart about it.
You don't go up to a eight year old and show them pictures of a gruesome murder scene where body parts are thrown all over the room. That's just not the smart way to handle this shit.

>The dev was so aware of the Souldozer meme that he became a secret boss in FNAF World

>paheal links

Okey user, I'll bite. Don't disappoint me. I'm expecting some sick shit.

Judas & Jesus, a German short. Pretty great animation for an independent production.


I'm worried about absent-mindedly humming this in a public place

I got you

>tfw raised in a Christian household
It didn't take long for me to realize how much of a scam it was. Embarrased the hell out of them when I said in a loud voice NO when my grandma tried to make me get "saved" when the guy asks "Will there be one?"

Got you covered.

>Mary pulling a hell-spawn tadpole from her vagina and then it grows into a black satanic hydra she then rides while being penetrated into the moonlit night
What did I just watch, and am I on a list for doing so?

As far as I remember God gave us Eden, a literal paradise on Earth, but Adam and Eve fucked up and since then the human race has had to deal with the forces of nature.

Eden is lost forever but if you get baptized you get the chance of going to Heaven when you die.

What the fuck did I just watch

That's how it goes. And all for a stupid apple.

In all seriousness though, the Old Testament is pretty brutal and then Jesus kinda tried to make shit better afterwards IIRC.

But I never read the entire thing.

That's the one.

I mean, sure, if you assume the fairy tale that can't possibly be literal, to be literally true, then yes, all the evil in the world is a result of an action of a single woman, 6000 years ago.

Which happens to be contrary to what we observe in the world, as if you look closely, the majority, like 99% of suffering in the world is caused by things completely disassociated with human actions.

It is very human-centric to assume that everything is a consequence of your actions, but it really isn't. You can't in any way predict or affect the majority of events that will dramatically affect your life.

28 seconds in and im already laughing hysterically

Souldozer is the best Freddy.

The fact that souldozer dozes souls would imply he's not a fedora, yes? Can't doze something that doesn't exist.

What the fuck is the storyline here?

That was pretty good.
Thanks amigo

I dig it

>like 99% of suffering in the world is caused by things completely disassociated with human actions.

Wut. I'm not that other user, but no, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one. Most human suffering and pain is caused by human actions, directly or indirectly.

That was one shitty dance

That fucking comment section... Both children and adults actually like this shit?


Why does he look like he's into it?

Reminder you can order up to 24 DVDS of this shit at one time for free.


What dance?

Shipping included?

That seems to be more about not abusing children with violence, given the context.

That part in the club

Since little girls are off limits, then I guess little boys will have to do for this guy

>Supremacy of the Cybermen image suddenly

Hello, fellow /who/re.

OP here. Glad I'm not the only one scarred by Donkey Ollie. There's something strangely fascinating about the show. I feel like I'm sticking a fork in an electrical outlet, and I just never learn my lesson and do it over and over. I think I'm eventually going to watch the entire series just through morbid curiosity.

At first, it's terrifying.

But then it gets really, really boring.

Veggietales is Christian, but it's not in your face with it

Propaganda is always unnerving and strange, and all Christian media is propaganda.

Speaking of strange christian cartoons.

user, that's not a dance

She wasn't "dancing" with that sheep, user. Come sit on my knee, let me tell you about the birds and the bees.

Oh thank heaven it wasn't just me thinking that.

Yeah, the Old Testament was pretty crazy.

As a Catholic person I find it so weird fundies have an issue with children's media but have no qualms about showing their kids parts of the Bible that aren't meant for kids, considering there's lots of heavy shit like murder and rape in there.

If I wanted to introduce my children to the Bible I'd probably show them this one version that my aunt gave me when I was like 5 years-old which is just a compilation of the teachings of Jesus.

It was an appropriate image, never seen what it's from though.

It isn't a taboo thing to do, but it's not really a good thing to straight up tell kids, "THE WORLD IS A SHITHOLE AND YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE SOME DAY." It's even worse if you tell them that there's a magic old dude in the sky whom you must love the right way or else he will toss you into a pit of fire after you die and force you to stay there forever.

Like I said, Christian entertainment is meant to indoctrinate kids, and often, it's meant to indoctrinate a belief system based on suffering with a healthy dollop of self-judgment/self-loathing. "YOU DID THIS THING, NOW GOD DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANY MORE, ENJOY HELL!"

Go watch Jesus Camp. That shit will show you how fucked up it is to indoctrinate kids with that kind of bullshit - and how fucked up the people who do the indoctrination really are.

Watching VeggieTales was the only good thing about going to Bible Camp as a kid.

See I can respect that. The best part of Christianity is the stuff about being neighborly and decent to people, while also not being a petty dick in your thoughts if you can help it. Don't know how much of that actually makes up the religion as a whole, I wasn't raised religious so I have little experience.

Speaking personally, my parents always emphasized treating other people right, because only God can judge. It's not our place to judge others, but to simply try and shine some of God's love in everything we do.

Holy shit this brainwashing is legit making me mad

holy shit that kid just threw away his friend's toy

fucking christians

The Old Testament is what you can call the "fire and brimstone" book. It's practically all about how God hates humanity for basically not being His bitch. Then again, He's not much better in the New Testament, either.

Funny thing is, people like to go on and on about Satan being the ultimate evil, but Satan's actual direct kill count in the Bible is far, far, far lower than God's - and of Satan's victims, only one WASN'T basically a contract job where God was the contracting party. (If God didn't personally ask Satan to kill Job's family and servants, He at least condoned it by refusing to stop Satan's murder spree, so God may well have killed Job's family and servants Himself.)

>implying jehovah's witnesses aren't a cult in disguise

goddamn christians

>people who don't take money

Yeah, whatever you say pal.

Well, it's more that the people who make this shit are usually prosperity gospel preaching dipshits. Prosperity gospel is essentially "Good things happen to good people" taken at face value. So, if your neighbor's house burnt down, it wasn't an accident but God punishing him for being unfaithful. Basically trains you to be a sociopath and is the reason the South sucks so fucking much.

Old Testament God was a total prick.

The Reboot (New Testament) God was way more mellow since He now had a kid.

But that ending though, holy shit, talk about out of nowhere.

It makes up the religion as a whole almost completely, fambulance.

The problem is that nowadays there's so many intolerant faggots that give us a bad name.

And another big problem is the gross misinterpretation of Jesus' teachings. Many fundies are attached to Christianism/Catholicism in-name only at this point, most would rather listen to their local priest than what the Bible or the Pope has to say, and this has led to a very warped sense of what is or isn't right. Fundies are basically cult followers.

All these edgelords that act like God is this evil magic man in the sky are just basing their opinion on what fundies constantly shout and scream about God never loving you again if you don't do what you want them to do. If God hated you, you'd be dead already.

>All these edgelords that act like God is this evil magic man in the sky are just basing their opinion on what fundies constantly shout and scream about God never loving you again if you don't do what you want them to do.

In fairness, most of those fundies probably base their beliefs on the Old Testament, since that's the book where God basically decides, over and over and over again, that humanity keeps pissing Him off by not doing every last little thing he says.

(Speaking of which: ain't it funny how God created people, but it was ultimately the serpent - often believed to be Satan - that gave them free will via tempting Eve to eat the apple?)

Don't forget this one.

Well that and really crazy american churches just seem to gather a lot of attention around the globe.

But perhaps that's just me as a non-burger.

Yeah, and I think it's an issue honestly. If you read the New Testament you'll often see Jesus outright contradicting lots of the stuff written in the Old Testament. You'd think that'd make them listen to the literal son of God instead, but no.

>but it was ultimately the serpent - often believed to be Satan - that gave them free will via tempting Eve to eat the apple?
Except not really. Adam and Eve already had free will. Temptation =/= free will. If anything, eating the forbidden fruit was a lack of willpower.

> If Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's only children, how did they make more babies?

> Did they make babies with their mother, or with each other?

The problem is that fundies make up a massive portion of the US, way way more than the average person realizes, as much as 20-30% of the entire population. Generally speaking they're invisible, because they keep to their own space; online, through their media and physically grouping up together in large communities, and the majority don't really interact with the outside world. That makes it really easy to underestimate how many there are. But they're there. For a long time, they actually had political power, and they shat their insanity all over the rest of the country in the guise of the republican party. It's been years and they're basically irrelevant again because the right has more or less dumped their asses, but a lot of people are still sore over the experience.

>TFW I'm not even American
>My aunt is a fucking fundie

She didn't even reply to my birthday message because I didn't include "thank God" in it. >:(

>what the actual fuck is wrong with Christians
What makes a show Good (as in entertaining) is not the same as what makes a show Good (as in morally).

These things don't usually have huge budgets, so no matter how good or bad their intentions, they usually fall flat on their face.

VeggieTales is top-tier. They managed to buck the trend somehow.

>not Fundies

>And another big problem is the gross misinterpretation of Jesus' teachings. Many fundies are attached to Christianism/Catholicism in-name only at this point, most would rather listen to their local priest than what the Bible or the Pope has to say, and this has led to a very warped sense of what is or isn't right. Fundies are basically cult followers.

I'm strictly atheist, but I'm pretty sure that if Jesus of Nazareth the man met some of these jokers, he would grab a table and divebomb them with it, forget just kicking them over. I mean, "prosperity gospel", what the everloving fuck, how do you get there from a religion whose primary prophet straight up says being rich is a temptation to do bad shit, go and give the money you don't need you little prick.

This show is fantastic, shame they ran out of money before they could complete the snake's story arc.

>they're basically irrelevant again

IN AMERICA, maybe. They still get shitloads of play in foreign countries. Anti-LGBT fundies love going to African and convincing the various governments over there to pass laws outlawing homosexuality (Uganda's anti-LGBT laws had, at one point, a fucking death penalty provision).

My ultrachristian grandparents used to get Clubhouse magazine for me and I remember it used to have ads for that show.

I remember it was Clubhouse that ran an article on how to prove to other kids that the earth wasn't more than 6000 years old and/or dinosaurs didn't exist, and I could refute every point and that's when I stopped trusting religion

>I'm pretty sure that if Jesus of Nazareth the man met some of these jokers, he would grab a table and divebomb them with it, forget just kicking them over.

I'd pay good goddamned money to see that.

>TFW you're Catholic but still believe in evolution and dinosaurs
They're God's gift to men

Just watch the old Superbook, Flying House and In the Beginning: The Bible Stories.

It's cash.

>What makes a show Good (as in entertaining) is not the same as what makes a show Good (as in morally).

It's also the fact that most of this stuff is just lame attempts to preach to the choir - not just kid's cartoons, but shit like God's Not Dead and "Christian rock" - so it doesn't matter if it's actually entertaining or well-made, so long as it's preachy as hell about Christ, God, suffering, yadda yadda yadda.

Cartman's whole get-rich-quick scheme with the Christian music scene in South Park kinda proves the point there - all the songs were just existing secular stuff, but with God tossed in so Christians would buy it in droves.

Pretty sure the Catholic orthodoxy and dogma is 100% on board with evolution. It's just American protestantism that is still on the creationist train.

And Mormons don't care because everyone was born dead.

Yeah man
dinos, man

That little girl isn't going to have any friends.

I still can't believe God's Not Dead got a sequel. I mean, fuck. Someone made a movie, a completely unironic and genuine movie, out of that "A jewish atheist communist college professor walks into a classroom with a good christian god-fearing student fresh out of the military" copypasta, and it got a fucking sequel.

There was this Christian show about 4 kids one of which father is fighting in the Jewish rebellion, another is a niece of the governor of the region and the last of which is the daughter of the baker dude. Which was pretty good they only showed one season on TV though. Didn't even know until years later that it was a complete series

you can say the best part of any religion is its moral values, pretty much every religion has some sort of positive morality to it.

Oh and also what about BIBLEMAN and all the other kids shows on the before it was cancelled seems to me you guys just found the worst of the worst and circle jeked around it

Who needs friends when you've got Jehovah?

Oh, it gets "better" - there's supposedly a God's Not Dead 3 coming out sooner or later.

Also! This article explains, in no uncertain terms, why Christian movies (and Christian media by extension) tends to suck more often than not:


>Jesus Camp
Man, fuck Charismatics

That shit is legitimately creepy. Praise time during mass is meant to be quiet and peaceful, but these people are all spazzing out and screaming.

When I was in Confirmation classes one of the events was to have an internal conversation with God and all. You know, feelsy stuff. One of my classmates was doing the Charismatic thing and was fucking spazzing out and had to be dragged outside.

Shit looks like they're being possesed by a demon or something.

idk man some of those veggietales were pretty blatant

>Shit looks like they're being possesed by a demon or something.

Which is ironic, given that they're supposed to be worshipping a supernatural deity.


I was at a hotel once just flipping channels before heading out, and came across what was blatantly an old-school anime about the Bible on one of those Christian networks. Blew my goddamn mind. Tatsunoko, man.


Go back to being life's bitch, Mr. Skullhead.

anime taught me some stories from the bible

Anime taught me that there's not a single problem you can't solve by punching it really fucking hard.

And God figuratively did that shit dozens of times in the Old Testament, so there you go.

>All these fedoras ITT

I've actually been conceptualizing a cartoon series that starts out as a face-value supernatural comedy, but slowly gets to where all of the "magic" is implied to be the results of esoteric Christianity and private revelation. I want the theme to be universal and not explicitly Christian, though.

That would be pretty nifty, actually. I'd probably watch it.

So like, the supernatural shenanigans are at the result of cults?

Sounds gay.

Does anyone else hate how most mainstream religions preach God as "peaceful" but they'll immediately delve into his horrific torture practices, especially for those in Hell? It just seems so hypocritical.

>"hi, I'm god, and I love you."

Screw that. If you're a god of love, show it and DON'T violently torture people until the end of time. Especially when people have less than a century's worth of life to live on the planet. Although I do love that there are certain religions that advocate a less hypocritical version of God, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses or buddhists. People hate them, but really at best they just do annoying stuff sometimes. Far better than advocating the genocide of infidels.

Read your greentext in Carl's voice and now I can't stop imagining God saying shit in Carl's voice.

>Yeah, uh, I'm gonna kill all your first born - TO-NITE!

>jehovah's witnesses
Oh fuck no no no man.

Buddhists are okay though.

>The donkey is thousands of years old



I don't know if I can trust that page. I've heard rumors of the JWs for years and decided to do alot of research. Several articles on that page are factually wrong. For example, it says that witnesses aren't allowed to have much interaction, but that's blatantly wrong. I believe that's true for people who were disfellowshipped, but that requires them to have done a criminal wrongdoing, on par with murder, adultery, or something REALLY bad. So the page is dubious IMO.

I'm not getting too into it, but let's just say there's this village that has been affected by the magic for so many generations that they just consider it a part of their everyday life. Another character, unbeknownst to them, wants to harness the same type of magic to bring about peace to the homeland she had to flee from as a child. Ultimately the second half of the show contains a lot of "magical girl battles" between the village chief's granddaughter and the all-female followers of the mystic. But again, I'm leaving out ridiculous amounts of information.

There would actually be a shitton of potential for gay ships, not gonna lie.

Okay, I did a little more research of my own and yes, they have to cut contact with family members who are disfellowshipped. That's an image from one of their newsletters.
>or something REALLY bad
Such as oral sex while married? Or getting a blood transfusion? Or smoking? Or a woman not screaming loudly enough while being raped to convince some old men she wasn't enjoying it?

I'm dubious about your definition of "REALLY bad", TB quite H.

Certain groups think we need to emulate the pain Jesus felt on the cross. Suffering is good for the soul shit. I don't get it either.

Which is dumb because Jesus already died on the cross for our sins. All he wanted us to do is just not be gigantic assholes.

>just not be gigantic assholes
Oh boy.

>if you don't worship me then i'm gonna to torture you for eternity

God doesn't seem like a nice guy. He has a huge ego and punishes people for petty shit.

Asking humans to not be gigantic assholes? For a supposedly omniscient deity dude seemed to have some unrealistic expectations.

For a supposedly omniscient deity, God sure did a bang-up job of preventing Adam and Eve from eating the apple.

He just really hated them (being a lonely non-entity and all while they got to fuck like horny monkeys) and needed an excuse to kick them out.

Being God is suffering.


Plesbiterianism was a mistake

yeah the various revivals in the 1800s gave America a really weird view of Christianity.


The big parties and splintering of churches into a million denominations. America was all "We just became a new country anything can happen!" and a bunch of people heard the voice of God and went out preaching.

Do you ever wonder if militant fundies will get accepted into Heaven or denied entrance?

Even their name makes it obvious what plebs they were.

Huh, the animation on this is pretty good.
Very expressive characters.


Jesus Christ, what the fuck.

So this is where Luanne got the idea for the Manger Babies.

This is what everyone gets wrong about Hell.

God gives you exactly what you want. Do you have knowledge of God's intent and love for you and don't want anything to do with him anyway? Then God lets you live without him.

That's what Hell is. Not guys in red spandex with pointed tails and pitchforks and fire. But the absence of God for eternity. It seems like a paradox, but because God loves us, he offers everyone the choice to deny him, instead of forcing you to love him.

The animation on this is okay for the 3d part and the voice-mixing is good. A waste to be honest.

Part of it is a consequence from the natural American spirit when it comes to entrepreneurship. People can read the Word of God for themselves and think that fact alone makes them qualified to interpret it in a vacuum without taking into account the tradition and context of the Bible.

That's what led to the Protestant divisions that became American Christianity.

As far as I'm concerned the JW's are just like any other Christian denomination in that some followers are great, and some are idiots or worse.

I will say that their leading group of presbyters and their Watchtower communication spreads outright lies about Catholics, but I don't hold that against Baptists or other Fundamentalists so eh. They're all various shades of heresy.

>Lucius, you have a problem.

I think we heard some clip from behind the scenes at the end.

>that requires them to have done a criminal wrongdoing, on par with murder, adultery, or something REALLY bad.
Not in practice, my sister's family got "kicked out, but not really. It's just that nobody will talk to you or acknowledge you!" because her husband joined the border patrol.

I don't know about the Jehovah's Witnesses, but I have some friends who left the Mormon church and were entirely disowned and cut off by their families.

You mean there was supposed to be more to the Stanza story arc??? I thought it just ended in tragedy! That episode stayed with me forever; it made me think about whether I might ruin a friendship by jumping to conclusions.

Part of me wants to crowdfund more episodes of this now, but another part is thinking that maybe the bleaker ending to that arc is a better lesson. What do we do, guys?

Yes. Current Year Man was right about these folks.

>Tell literal animals not to eat the thing that gives them intelligence
>Punish them for it

Nothing I guess, not sure the people who made it are still around even if they had the money.

I think the publisher put the episode up on Amazon before it they ran out of money and had to call it quits.

that makes it even worse

>Souldozer meme
How the fuck is that a meme you colossal retard, people just think he's cool as fuck

God was a wargod in a Near-East pantheon anyway. Him and El were conflated, then he ditched El's old flame, Asherah, and people just remember the monotheism meme.

>Implying anyone actually played Pilgrim's Progress
>Forgetting the Pray for Peace image that was circulating