Does anyone else have their own Bojack in their life?

Does anyone else have their own Bojack in their life?

>tfw it's a family member and you're stuck with him unless he kills himself, which sucks

we're all bojack here anonymous

I don't want to be anymore.


I have Bojack's asshole tendencies and none of his success - wow!

>he isn't Bojack
I bet you love life you disgusting piece of shit

>depression became so common on Cred Forums/this generation that a contrarian counterculture developed

Maybe that's okay if they're less depressed?

people keep acting like depression is 'increasing' and that it's common amongst intelligent, thoughtful people
it hasnt occurred to any of them that things are legitimately getting worse, and the more you think the more you realize it

It's the smaller lines that stick with me.

-Family is a sinkhole, and you were right to get out when you had the chance.
>But every time I come back here-
>So don't come back here!

The show is difficult because some of the lines are true but come out of the mouths of unreliable people.

things were never good. You're not a special snowflake, or somehow magically more aware of how shit everything is than the rest of the planet.

You're just worse at coping with the shitfest that is life than other people.

That's what depression is.

i'm the bojack of my family

I might be more of an Herb than a Bojack. I don't keep up that attitude Bojack has most of the time, but I'm pretty much in a situation where I'm being shunned by people around me. Thankfully don't have the cancer that Herb suffered from.

After the news I got today, I want to Bojack for a bit.

Nope, I have the pleasure of dealing with this shit though.

Spoken like someone whose never read a book older than 50 years.

Shit was always terrible, people were always depressed. Or at least, the people smart and /or rich enough to write.

Speak for yourself.

nah, im totally a peanutbutter

i look happy, but theres some shit deep down

I'm very close to snapping my elderly childhood cat's fucking neck for pissing and shitting all over my fucking apartment, if that counts.

Literally half of America thinks that handing more power to corporations is a good idea. The same corporations that are turning America into a third world country. These are not happy times. Maybe you should look into the statistics of how living standards are going down, because you don't seem very aware.

Maybe you should, because Quality of Life Index has trended upwards since, you know, always.

Not the person you replied to, but I'm a fucking literature major, and your point is irrelevant.

Sure we're not in the dark ages, but have you seen this election? It is a fucking farce. Trump is a pawn of Hilary, he's always just been a shitty real estate agent and a tv celebrity. She bought the office. Look at what happened at the DNC.

We are starting to feel the effects of global climat change right now. Not in a couple years, right now. Every month in 2016, as well as 2014 and 2015 has broken heat index records. Every month for the past three years has been the HOTTEST month on record, and we in La niƱa now baby. Flood and droughts are creating a whole new class of refugees, not even considering war. Let's not talk about the horrifying rate at which organisms are going extinct right now. Did you know we're in the sixth great extinction, on par with meteor strikes?

Speaking of war, have you noticed America is just in an eternal background noise war now? You read 1984? Have you noticed how socially unacceptable it is to breath a bad word about the military? (lol this related to Bojack) This is fucking horrifying. For multiple generations now we have been destroying communities in the middle east for the benefit of Shell and BP, but "support or troops" right? Isis and these terrorist cells are the response of traditional, religious communities watching invaders destroy their children, families, and way of life in order to make some scratch and destroy our atmosphere a little faster.

Not that there hasnt been periods or darkness in human history before, but you have to admit user these are unusually pessimistic times.

Good thing I have the internet for cartoons, comics, and books.

There's someone I know who thinks themselves to be a "bojack." He always romanticizes his depression, and it's just fucking pitiful.

I'm diagnosed with depression, too, and I know people deal with it differently, but this guy's stance on life just fucking sucks. I hate seeing it, he always tries to take every conversation to why his suffering is the worst and how no-one else comes close, and how he is just this tortured soul. Lashes out at people, and does a good job of alienating what could be friends. There's just something really fucking childish about it that irks me.

It'll eat him up dude. If you let your depression control you like that, even if it's not very severe, things will get a lot worse.

I know this from personal experience. A really bad, ~700ml acid trip conpletely changed my perspective on my own problems.

Now that I think about it, my older brother is kinda like that. Difference circumstances but yeah he's a rundown, lonely man with his dreams crushed long ago. I can't help him though, he's past his thirties and I got my own shit to figure out. I don't like hanging out with him because something from his past always surafces and the mood just gets really awkward. I asked him a couple of times what would he think about visiting a psychiatrist but he just deflects it each time. It's really difficult with him.

I'm really sorry that I don't know what the fuck to do bro. But it's not really for me to figure that out for you either. I'm sorry.

Yep. Almost happened to me. Which is why it bothers me so much. I understand though, I think. I rejected help and wallowed in my own piss, too. I was in love with my depression, really. I took me a while to realize it's not the end of things, and there's better, I suppose more "true," more efficient ways to go about your life.

In regards to the personal experience bit you threw on there. The same happened to me. Bad trip and all.

This is actually, statistically the best the world has ever been.

There are no wars in the Western Hemisphere. the global living standard is at an all time high, murder rates are down across most of the world. Between the EM drive has passing another round of tests and Elon Musk's mars plan its likely we'll get of Earth and have permanent settle on Mars or even deeper space in our life time.

Yeah the Middle East is fucked, but they're essentially cramming 500 years of Western style social and government experimentalism into 100. People tend to forget that half the middle east is actually pretty good right now. Isiis is not a response of traditional religious communities. Most of Isis comes from radicalized middle class people from Iraq, with a healthy portion being lower middle class people from abroad. Everyone seems to forget that ISIS first targets were their former Al-Qaeda buddies in the Levant, where the US doesn't have a strong presence aside from Israel.

Yeah the election is fucked, but this stuff tends to move in 100 yearish cycles. We'll come out of this and go back into again and again. The press might be ratings-hungry tards but at least freedom of the press and speech is at a global all time high, helped in part by twitter and similar stuff.

You can talk all the shit you want about the military outside of a red state user.

These can be pessimistic times, but if your view is pessimism rather cautious optimism you have been dooped by all the corporations and people that get money from making you feel scared. Your viewpoint is incredibly small minded, and a lot the stuff your saying is not a revelation to anyone here. Read a book on the topic or surf JSTOR for some articles rather than trying squeeze some water form the stone of your lit degree.

i'm sorry annabel

My autistic 29 year old brother.

Nah, I'm a Zelda.