Sabrina Online

It's a new month and there's no new Sabrina Online.

It has really ended, after 20 years.

Welp, at least we know how things go later on.

That's 20 years too long

>ZZ is still doing porn

helluva body she has to take that much punishment over the years

She isn't, she's just producing/directing now.

She does keep fit though and doesn't mind posing for a few pictures.

>20 years
Oh fuck I'm old..

I'm relieved, yet at the same time, I expected it to have a lifespan roughly equivalent to Garfield in terms of longevity.

It's gonna be weird for a while, not having new strips every month to read through.

I already miss it, it was genuinely one of my favorites. Fuck guys like and their badwebcomicswiki friends, it was a nice little comic.

And it ends with her getting knocked up. Literally her egg being attacked by sperm.
Wouldn't expect anything less classy from a guy who gave up a promising job because lolmyamigas

Confirmed for not reading the comic. It's a callback to when Timmy's mom got pregnant back during the... first year of the comic?

And that doesn't make it any less lazy a way to end it

It needed to end though. It had pretty much become "Trasnformers Toys Adventures." I mean that's what got me to stop regularly checking updates.

It's a gag that's been done by who knows how many cartoons but it's horrible when a furry does it, amirite?

>from a guy who gave up a promising job because lolmyamigas

We've already asked him about this.

Thanks, Cred Forums. Good to know the code is still shit after 13 years.

That really blew my mind the first time I saw it. The Amiga job rumor is something I have heard since maybe the late 90s. That he was never asked is astonishing to me and really reinforces that one shouldn't trust sources so easily.

It revived my hopes in Cred Forums, being the only place that gets shit done.

Doesn't he feel emberassed as 50 something drawing this furry kiddy shit?

Does this seem kiddy to you?

>replying to it

Bitch had it coming, right?


Eh, I guess. It felt like Sabrina's mother being casually racist against RC was thrown in there just so she could be the "antagonist" of the arc. Sabrina finally telling her mother what her actual job was seemed kind of anticlimactic, too.

Why do people keep saying this? She's been racist since the first time Sabrina mentioned that he's a raccoon.

Who would simply PRETEND to read this comic?


Either way, on one hand, Endora was well written, in an antagonistic sense. She was meant to be the set in her ways, casually racist, but well meaning mother, and she was consistently characterized as such.

I will say that a future of combating with dementia is not one I'd wish on anybody, however. Not even Endora.

Seems aimed at 13 year olds.

I guess.

I like how Dad is looking at her tits while RC is focusing on her eyes.

his girlfriend is right next to him while the dad's wife isn't anywhere near him


seems this strip should be longer

>and by "flirt" I mean she tried to rape me. but don't worry, we workes it out. not by legal means, no, I was just going to quit and move on to something more respectable; but then I got my paycheck and holy cow was it well worth it to whore out my artistic abilities like the others whore out their bodies. but I don't get why you're hyperventilating, dad and Richard were ok with this when they came by the studio for a visit, even bonded while watching two of them fuck. but no worries, the was no love involved. just fucking. but their good people, they put fucking on hold when they looked over Tabatha when I brought her over, not like anything rubber off on her... Mom?



I didn't really waste my own time, but it still feels meaningless even though I accomplished everything I wanted to and more.

It's a regretful feeling, I think, it doesn't matter what the cause even is. It happens to everyone.

Damn. I wanted to knock that skunk up.

Why is zig zag such a slut?

>famous porn star
who knows


>even though I accomplished everything I wanted to and more.

Did you get the girl?

>i read it on the internet so it must be true

For all we know it could have been Eric himself setting up that whole convo from the start.

Wow. In the year 2000, it was fucking revolutionary to see a cute webcomic girl turn down pussy from an equally sexy lady character. Prolly cuz back then, only 13-year-old boys hopped up on Sailor Moon and late night Skinemax drew lesbians.

As one of the people involved that is not Eric: go fuck yourself.

Go to Encycloædia Dramatica if you're so desperate for furry lolcows.

I've noticed that in every webcomic thread there is a persistent someone claiming it's posted/shilled by the author and I'm starting to think it's the same idiot every time.

If you believe everything you read on the internet, especially here on Cred Forums, then I have a slightly used tower in Paris I'd like to sell to you. You could triple your investment on scrap metal alone!

He is doing good Zootopia comics so that's fair enough.

And where exactly did you read the rumor in the first place user?

Same thing can be applied to the rumors.

This, FFS.

could you not post cringy furfag shit please



no, she just works at a porn studio has the IT/web designer

Are Racoons blacks in this universe?

No, they're raccoons. Racism in fantasy settings is stronger than in real life since you actually have different species instead of just palate swapped humans. Real animals technically are racist towards other animal species. Lions will kill hyenas/cheetahs/other predator species/etc without eating them just to get rid of some competition for food.

There is only one question left. Does this mean he'll finally draw porn of Sabrina?

of course not!

I recently found out that something I've been fapping to since I got past the panda years ago was Zig-Zag.

>waspinator likes to watch.

20 long year journey and it ends.

I'm not mad that it ended, but perhaps a little sad.

For since this story has been told and done. I ask myself, where shall I go to now?

I wish Eric would do more porn with Sheila - she's the best.

Original Life

Its actually a realistic take.

Most racists, sexists, homophobes, people who accuse everyone else of being Communist, and so on are people connected to you in a way you can't just cut out, that you just noncommittally grunt at and pray internally aren't being overheard by others while you're in their presence.'re Bojack?

Its still revolutionary for a webcomic girl not to be revealed as bisexual or gay when approached by a lesbian character.

See Timmy's face in panel 3? You'll never know what it feels to be that happy.

you mean all that cock he can smell from her having been titty fucked majority of her life? no thanks

IIRC, she is only 5 years older than Sabrina. Even then, do you believe she never takes a bath or is it just a bad joke about "used goods"?

I refer to things I buy at yard sales as "used goods". it would be better to compare a hookers' tits to, say, an open pack of bonbons being sold by a hobo who admits to having pulled them outa the trash and also may have licked them and let his friends lick them but don't worry he totally washed them off.