Supergirl 2x01 Sneak Peak with John Williams' score

That's not Superman.
Superman would never throw away a tie.
He's poor as fuck.

Superman isn't poor. If he wanted a tie he could just save someone's life and ask them to buy him a 5 dollar tie as a reward.

what are you on about.

Tyer looks like George Reeve's supes who always runs prior to take off.

Man, I fucking love this music.

Superman is very poor. He has a reporter's salary, if he has a salary at all. I think he works on commission, per article. He wouldn't have any time to be super if he had to work a full time job. He's also in debt with his mom and dad. Never quite paid them back for the bus fare from Smallville.

William's score is the best and most iconic theme, that has ever been writen for a cape character. It's epic, heroic and inspiring. No matter how many years will pass, this theme will define the supehero genre for ever.

He's fucking Superman. He can buy the materials to make a tie and use his super speed to make one in like a minute. I mean, what? This all you have to think about? How Superman gets his ties on a reporter's salary?

>Superman is poor
nigga has a sweet farm, an exclusive antartica mancave filled with all kinds of valuable shit and lives in one of the most expensive cities on the DCU.
Yeah no, Supes is fucking made of money and if he need some extra cash he just has to press a piece of coal really hard.

Yes. He cannot afford to throw away ties. Being frugal is part of his character, if you've never noticed.
It's also against what he stands for. Despite being an advocate for the capitalist American way, he also supports the plight of the common man and should not tolerate waste.

He probably went back and picked up his tie.
Or he knew a group of homeless men would go through that alley and find it.

He has valuable shit which is worthless in Clark's real life. Of course, he could make diamonds but he never would. He believes in hard work and in suffering for his ideals. Read his comics again. He is THE poor, working man. He doesn't even have a car.

chills, user. chills.


Besides doesn't look to be a tie, from those that cost a lot.

he doesn't NEED a car.

One, he lives in a city with, one assumes, tolerable public transport.


Are we still pretending the CW isn't shit?

The throwing away was added for cinematic effect and is completely out of character. He cannot afford many ties and cannot afford leaving them lying around. He packs his stuff up carefully and takes care of his clothes.

A tie found at the site of a Superman lift-off would imply that he, Superman, wears ties. Superman does not wear ties.

He doesn't even have red trunks. They're literally raping my childhood.

He is very, very, very committed to his Clark persona. It's his safety net.
He very, very seldom uses his powers to help Clark. It's like you've never paid attention to a single comic. He helps others, not himself. Clark has a hellish life.
He doesn't have a car because he can't afford one.

Try to think of it this way: what if Superman were shown to be living a luxurious life, a la Bruce Wayne? That wouldn't be him, irrespective of tights.That would be another person altogether, who happens to have super powers. It wouldn't be Superman.
Clark Kent is poor and does not throw away ties.

>ITT: Autist
Fucking hell.
Hiro, pls remove this place


the actor still looks sort of "off", but its amazing how the superman theme makes any Superman related scene instantly better.

>clumsy Kent
>dat score
>didnt wanna throw up watching this
Holy shit, I never thought Id be excited for Supergirl.

I hope he gets a spinoff