Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So if Auman isn't even working for Nickelodeon anymore hasn't for half a year, why isn't he just spoiling literally everything?

Because of Non Disclosure Agreements. That shit is taken dead fucking seriously in the business/entertainment world and could ruin his chances of being hired by anyone else ever again if he breaks one.

Does that explain why TMNT is better now?

I think TMNT is close to ending production since season five is likely going to be the last one, and they've been working on it for well over a year.

We'll know if season five still has Auman's credits or not.

Hm. Cuz the second half of season 4 has been really good.

He is still the story editor for season 4.

Presumably season 5 will be better. Hopefully maybe with the original story editors.

well he is still there so that can't be because of him. probably something happened behind the scenes that we don't know about.

if he is spoiling shit I guess maybe the producers and directors had a creative or personal split with him and that is why he left.

Does anyone have that Super Shredder image he leaked?


when is the next ep coming one jesus fuck i need to see karai


>stop working for a tv show
>start spoiling the shit out of future episodes/seasons

>apply for a new job
>no one will hire you because you spoil shit

use your fucking head op

why would we want him employed? the guy is fucking cancer on every show he writes.

He does't look nearly as threatening as I thought he'd look.

Why is Nickelodeon so fucking retarded with its fucking hiatuses on this show? It's like, two episodes, then hiatus, another two, hiatus, announcement, EVEN MORE FUCKING HIATUS

Maybe they're doing a Gravity Falls and are milking it as much as they can, since it's one of their last watchable shows left.

>he's been working at another studio since April
Since April what?

From what I understand, even though the show is cheap it still takes a pretty long time to produce the episodes. It's either retarded hiatuses, a monthly schedule or an extra year between each season.

Pick your poison.

>even though the show is cheap

Really? I never got the impression. The CGI is surprisingly nice for TV budget.

Then again, it's easy to build-on and improve assets when you are on the air for five seasons.

Oh yeah, they've certainly built up assets over the years. Go back to season one, there's very little there.

But what about the spoilers he did spoil?

what did he spoil aside from super shredder who we all knew about?

They probably didn't want him to even reveal the design in the first place.

I think he posted screens of other episodes before they aired as well, and this was the last straw.