The swastika above the baby

>The swastika above the baby.

Kelly does it again!

Other urls found in this thread:

god bless that man

and god bless america

that's pretty funny and all, but isnt Kelly supposed to be conservative?

Kelly rails against things that affect him personally. He's conservative when it suits him.

Jesus christ I fucking hate political comics

He's had comics about how bad child support was before. Kelly has lore.

not all conservatives are pro life user

Kelly is a satire of political cartoonists.

You realize this is satire, right?

I know, but his comics usually satire conservative views


He's more like a libertarian- less religious and more "whatever directly affects me".

His comics satarize a conservative male, who's conservative whenever it suits him and forgets his ideals whenever it's convenient.

>t. No talent punk with an axe to grind

Or this

Every thread.


The only thing I fear more than getting a girl pregnant and having to raise a child is getting a girl pregnant and her killing my child before its even born.

How did that woman give birth to the entirety of Cred Forums

ITT: Liberals that just don't get it.

Shut the fuck up, I'm tired of everything being called "satire" It's literally "I was only pretending to be retarded haha" but in a different form.

That's like Controversy 101.

You realize this man makes comics for the Onion, right?

That baby has that woman's eyes
Did she impregnate the honest-fertile man's woman (no ring, not wife, and, most importantly, not written 'wife' on her) with lesbian science?

he often switches between conservative to "old man yells at cloud" modes

obviously I know its satire, if I didn't I wouldn't have found it funny

never go full retard

I want an innocent pizza lover shirt

They're probably Europeans,


Kelly is that you? You prankster.

You realize through the magic of the internet, getting a t-shirt made with a slogan of your choice is cheap and easy.

>not recognizing Kelly
>not knowing the Onion
how old are you

I seriously want to know

this is actually a conservative point.
The image is parodying how the modern feminist and liberals and general devalue the life of fetuses and infants and basically view them as parasites that the woman has the right to "expel" from her body.

Kelly is very obviously a parody, but this specific toon seems to have a consevative stance.

And then the baby is out and turns into a real, extrasomatic parasite.

I dunno what side Kelly is lampooning at, honestly.

Kelly is making a strange thing called a "joke" here.

I'm glad I'll never be this triggered over nothing.

The Onion isn't satire, it's future telling.

Kelly is a self-entitled cry baby. His only ideals are his immediate satisfaction.

t. Nagging Ex-Wife

Kelly's an asshole
thats the whole point

t. foreigner

No. You're stupid.

How the fuck do I filter these assholes now?

fuck. Have they shown the NX yet?

>The advocacy of abortion is a conservative stance
Abortion is a liberal stance, but the way he's saying abortion should be legal is a conservative stance because it focuses on why the father is inconvenienced

Is being a deadbeat dad really a conservative stance?

You could have just said yes, what you described is exactly what a conservative is

From my experience, yes

That's retarded, you're retarded.

Can somebody crop and edit the HEH HEH HEH woman so she has a sidecut and we can make that a new anti-tumblr reaction image

Why can't you do it?



>Wants to make an anti-left image out of an anti-right comic
Do you know what irony means yet

It's only about as ironic as the anti-right comic ironically portraying the anti-abortionist as the bad guy

Pepe was once a nice frog until the deplorables got a hold of him. The alt-right never learns.

Some conservatives are pro life until they might have an unexpected bundle of headaches coming down the road.


haha YES. YES,


have fun Cred Forums


More pls.

Why is everybody so hellbent on being 'anti-tumblr'? You realize the site has a growing right base, right? You can find dozens of "young conservative" blogs.

It's also not far from the truth, though from the wrong perspective

You're being naive, user. You know nobody here actually goes to Tumblr, they don't know what it's like, they just think they do.


seeing if this is better and more closer

Like all conservatives, Kelly is fine with abortions when it would affect him.



The joke is that Kelly is a sad old man who holds incoherent beliefs so long as they suit him.

What's the difference?

I liked Kelly until I found out he was right-wing

Like..why? WHY????

>holds incoherent beliefs so long as they suit him.
Sounds like the average American voter to me.



counter-intuitive, but false. The average American voter doesn't form his own beliefs on all topics; in fact, he isn't aware of them, so he chooses from two ready-made sets of opinions.

Yes, but he hates children.

levar always gets me


Did he need to label them?

First time reading political cartoons?

Say hi to Minnie

only when it's funny

It is literally satire of bad political cartoons, drawn (by a woman, btw) for the satire site The Onion. Not a copout excuse, but the whole point.

Kelly's comics really lost their appeal to me once I found out he doesn't look anything like the guy he draws himself to be in the comics.

It really ruins the entire series for me knowing its' some fedora-wearing 25-something faggot drawing these.

Kelly is done by a dude

Post pics? It wouldn't really matter to me. The Behind the Pen guy really sticks in my mind.

Looks like some faggot who you'd run into outside a starbucks as he yells at you for being a white cis male.

he looks pretty normal, I think user is just an autismo about beards

>There are people in this thread who actually think this man who makes these cartoons actually holds beliefs and doesn't shitpost 24/7 and get paid to do so.

t. Ward Sutton

This photo gives him that look
but this one looks fine.

It probably the feel of the first photo that gives him the ARE YOU KIDDING ME look. Also that smile in the first is creepy as hell.

He's smiling in the same way on the second photo though, its definitely the lighting that makes it look creepy. Does the guy even have a bottom row of teeth?

>I dunno what side Kelly is lampooning at, honestly.
Kelly's "opinions" change based on whatever happens to him at a given time. For the most part, he's conservative, but will flip flop whenever something upsets or inconveniences him. In this case, since we know he has marital and alimony problems, he's probably lamenting his wife not getting an abortion when she could have, as the child's existence inconveniences him.

This is why Cred Forums is going to be deleted. Our Meme magic is weak and our wizards few, all we have is you retards you will take shit as a steak sandwich.

It doesn't take a clavoirant to predict Israel getting it's GNP in US arms whenever they can make a case for being upset.

he's not a woman, dipshit

Anyone who bought his comic collection was disappointed, that it was missing bunch of strips?