Strong Female Protagonist

She fucking did it Cred Forums!

The SJW Superman, who half a comic ago was supporting safe-spaces for mutants, is now literally forcing a guy to use his boosting powers on pain of death.

It's full fascism time.

The best part is, earlier there was a professor (who all the fans thought was an asshole) who told her that her special snowflake ideology amounted to dictatorship, as she'd have to force others to go along with it for it to work.

And everyone thought he was an asshole.

And now here we are.

My sides are in orbit. I can't wait for the comments to show up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Eh, her getting angry and making bad decisions with her powers has been a thing, and I'm glad it's still there, instead of being swept under the rug with the whole shelter thing.

Yeah, but at this point I just want to sell "Gurwa was Right" t-shirts.

I'm just hoping at some point some one literally beats some sense into her. Like an other person with powers like hers or someone who nullifies other peoples powers.
She really needs to be brought down a peg, and someone needs to break her rose color glasses.

i hope he kills himself, just to spite her, just as a big fuck you takes a pen and jam it right into his neck just so she has to realize he did it so she couldn't exploit him against his will
sure the comic will go on with their fucking circlejerk support group saying he was a shit for not using his powers to help others but that was his choice and she chose to be a fucking fascist with her ideals

I mean. Is this playing straight? Like, in a good manner? Otherwise, sounds like it's just portraying the character going down the slippery slope of moral degeneracy. Not even following this comic anymore since I dropped it a long time ago, so I wouldn't know if the writing actually has any self-awareness to it.

Wtf is this

when we were growing up we were told that violence was never the answer.
girls have a different point of view.

>I'm going to drop you off in the middle of the atlantic ocean
What did xir mean by this?

This comic has been shit since day 1. Literally. Go back and read the first few pages. It's set guessed it... an Occupy Wallstreet protest! Yes, the thing that was going to change the world, but only ended up being a Woodstock-y hobby for upper middle class crybabies.

If you want to make this interesting, you're going to have to argue how this related to comics. personally, I see the main character as a compelling villain in a supers comic. There's that /tg/ screencap about the guy who plays a Goon-esque blue collar wroker/thief with no superpowers that exposes the hypocrisy of a bunch of Mary Sue heroes. No idea if it actually ever happened, but it's a good lesson in superhero morality. This fits right into that. This character is constantly skirting the edges of supervillainy, justifying her lack of a moral code by "teaching others lessons". I believe, for instance, she let a superpowered murderer walk because said murderer killed rapists. Or "rapists".

That's the problem with the comic. It buys into its own bullshit, so you never know what's intentionally in a grey area, and with what the author 100% agrees. It's almost brilliant in how totalitarian the main character is, while still convincing herself that she's the good guy. But I fear it might just be entirely SJW propaganda that has gone full Asay, meaning that to outsiders, it actually looks like a well-reasoned standpoint because the author assumes their own extremism is also present in the readers.

>she let a superpowered murderer walk
She didn't. The murderer could do illusions, and she basically pulled a fast one and got away. Allison never really resolved how she feels about all of that, anyway. She's also pretty clearly putting her actions in the 'eh, not the worst idea, but also not what I feel is a sustainably non-terrible choice'. Same with what happened to Feral.

Yeah, sorry, then I got that wrong. It's not the best-written comic out there, mind you. I don't actively read it, given that the whole Occupy hullabaloo at the start had me vomit in my mouth a little. I mean, if you tell me at the start "this is going to be aggressive, strawmanning ideological propaganda", I tend to not stick around. Even Escape From Terra was more subtle than this. And that's a Libertarian comic in space that looks like it's from the 50's.

It doesn't help that the main character is enormously unlikable, and that virtually everyone in this is written like a stereotype of themselves. I don't like the fucking right wingers, either, because they are written like cunts. Everyone is written like cunts. If I lived in that world, I'd actively campaign to put all supers down, because they all seem like a bunch of dangerous cunts.

>not even raping him for some good wank material
What a shit comic.

But then Mary would have to slit her throat and then the comic would end.

Or did she only care about male rapists?

I honestly think Patrick is the protagonist we deserve. He found a global conspiracy trying to keep the human race down, and has dedicated his life to killing the shit out of it. He gave up his supervillain life and put himself at the mercy of his worst enemy to fight it. He tried to take down the US Government because of the shit they pulled, and almost succeeded at it.

Patrick is the hero we need.

Wait, hold on, are you all posting ironically or something?

The guy she's threatening to murder is RICH and WHITE. He's lucky if she doesn't just kill him anyway on general principle!

Strong Female Protagonist. Basically, a story about a superheroine who quit her heroics because she didn't feel she was doing the right thing.

At this point in the story, she's met a guy who has the superpower to amplify others' superpowers. Because it doesn't work on himself, he just wants to live a quiet life.

This nigga needs to drop in and kick her off her high horse

Why is she trying to force him to use his powers?

She wants to be stronger, even though she's basically the strongest hero in this setting.

so her x-men can have an edge over the baddies.

>Or did she only care about male rapists?
Judging by the comic, yes.

So basicly, because the comic doesn't hand hold you on who the good/bad guy is, its pretentious shit?

This is why we can't have subtle things anymore.

Men can't get raped you CIS SCUM

Because using them in the correct way could save millions or billions of lives. Boost the healing supers, boost ones that can make power, boost an inventor, etc.

Can't they just choose to be trans and instantly make it rape now that they are women?

>this comic
they just literally had a rich white male love interest seem complacent and uncaring about his underpaid illegal gardeners working overtime. Like 6 pages of the comic just her giving him shit and him saying all the stereotypical evil rich asshole lines

It's poorly writte and has terrible characters. It's pretentious because it goes for the ennui of the main character, but to observers it looks clear-cut, and very petty. She seems to have no personal journey or growth in terms of character. She's just as much of a volatile bitch who's way too invested in her own politics as she was in page one. Which is, again, bad writing.

I suspect anyone who likes this comic does so because they already agree with the protagonist on some level.

So...this is a story about a villain with good intentions, right?

Is that where this is going? Because besides SFP, we haven't really met many people who would benefit from having stronger powers.

The entire clinic group would probably suffer.
Warewolf dude gonna get hairier?
That leaves Iron Woman and ex Lex.

I now want to see him go back after this and boost the ones who suffer to feel even more pain.

He could also be out there boosting villains for shit and giggles
I'd say there's nothing wrong with him wanting to chill at home and sit on his powers.

when i say baddies, i don't mean superbaddies, i mean anyone who isn't checking their privilege on the reg.

He should boost an inventor into creating a boosting device and split the profits 50/50.
And bitchslap the inventor anytime he mentions releasing to the world for free.

>There's that /tg/ screencap about the guy who plays a Goon-esque blue collar wroker/thief with no superpowers that exposes the hypocrisy of a bunch of Mary Sue heroes.
is this the cap you're looking for?

Not him, but I think it's more about needing to know about the author's intent. We can all come up with our own interpretations and what we're "supposed" to see using rational logic and what the story has presented to us to see, but if it turns out that what we saw was unintentional (as some people here believe, like the user you're replying to when he said "the author assumes their own extremism is also present in the readers."; what other people here think seems like an attempt to portray how irrational the character is, the author may believe it to be fine or at least within the bounds of reason), then how are we supposed to know what the actual situation is supposed to be?

That's why foreshadowing, adding details to hint towards certain conclusions, is key to storytelling. It's not about hinting to the reader/viewer what the conclusion may be (although that can be the case for actual mystery stories that encourage audience participation), since sometimes it can be very obvious. It's about confirming that, yes, the author knows what they're writing and how i

rich guy and power boost guy are the same guy

>the author knows what they're writing and how i
How it appears to their audience.

That and the difference between hero and villain is often quite nebulous in the heat of the moment.

And we had another white guy spell out how she is full of shit weeks ago. And another who pointed out how Alice is all fluff and that the real world changers are getting shafted.

Not all white men are good. Shocker.

I have to ask how could you not agree with the protagonist principles? Methods? Means? Hell no those have been retarded at points. But her core values are pretty much superman good guy ones.

But I can respect those points. For me I'm not looking too deep in this comic and it isn't mind numbing offensive. Although I have to agree I doubt the writer will have Alice get her "o shit pro was right" moment in desirable matter.

>privileges amplifies

And those two white guys were portrayed as wrong assholes

It fucks me up how much worse the artist has gotten since page fucking 1. I actually think the story's kind of interesting, but just these... fucking weird, oblong, muffin-faced mutant characters and their noodle-limbs is just too fucking much.

no, it's always been a SJW circlejerk of a webcomic. allison is a fucking spoiled self righteous asshole and the writer uses her as a self insert to crush the patriarchy.

This seems like bullshit

The character is a Mary Sue playing out the authors revenge fantasies while parading as a hero everyone loves, except the evil white males of course.

oddly, being /tg/, it's one of the more believable stories, without a ton of natural 20's and unbelievable story prompts or npcs who are dumb as shit.

Fair point.

But the prof's game proved majority of people would act in their self interest. Shit this very page is proving him right.How was Lex jr. a wrong asshole? He just turned down sfp's advances.

Did they not check his privilege hard enough? Or perhaps they should have become her robins?

i just want to say, ive never read this book, but seeing this page out of context, are you sure the girl isnt a villain? cause thats villain dialogue.

spoiled asshole self adsorbed SJW womyn SHERO!! against evil men. all the men are manlets, evil, or OMGSEXISTCISPIG!!

She's doing evil stuff to a man so it doesn't count as evil because men aren't real people.

Mm. Still, an entertaining read. I now remember why I first started going to /tg/.

Yeah, that's the one.

It's extremely hard to tell what the author is going for.

Like, the end of the section with the college professor has a transition that very clearly shows the protagonist exaggerating things while missing his point. This can only mean they know the protag is in the wrong on SOME level and are slowly heading towards her realization or the author is just mindlessly parroting real life experiences without analyzing them.

That's what I felt too, before I stopped reading.

>That's the problem with the comic. It buys into its own bullshit, so you never know what's intentionally in a grey area, and with what the author 100% agrees. It's almost brilliant in how totalitarian the main character is, while still convincing herself that she's the good guy. But I fear it might just be entirely SJW propaganda that has gone full Asay, meaning that to outsiders, it actually looks like a well-reasoned standpoint because the author assumes their own extremism is also present in the readers.

I don't think the author agrees with the protagonist, but they show the mindset so well that it's hard to tell. That's what I like about the comic.

In this current scene, for example, Alison is definitely in the moral wrong. Not just that, but she's wrong in a way that retroactively makes this douchebag have a point about choice. But the comic still shows it from her point of view without strawmanning her into a naive idiot.

this is a lie, if you think this then you haven't been reading the comic.
do you actually think gurwa literally predicting this was just some accidental coincidence?

i think they are just parroting the same old bullshit, since there were all these TRIGGER WARNINGS!!! before the noble euthanazation of those evil rapist cismales.

Principles are all well and good, but they are just principles. Everyone has good principles. Even ISIS fucks think they're literally ushering in paradise on Earth, or cleansing the Earth of worthless non-believers so the rest of the world can live in Dar-es-Islam, the age of peace.

Now, I haven't read a lot of the comic, but I find her to be a hothead who uses too much "the ends hallow the means" logic. I can see that she's treating the strawman Libertarian the way he thinks it's politically OK to act, but it means the main character drops her own virtue to do so. And they're HIS powers, right? He can do what the fuck he wants with them. No-one is forcing her into the military so she can drop bombs and then fly down to mop up the survivors, turning every military action into a 100% guaranteed success. It looks like it's intended as an asshole getting his comeupance, but it winds up looking like a hypocrite dropping her own values when it's convenient, but not living according to them when it's not.

So yes, her core values are pretty much Superman good guy ones. But one of the central character traits of Superman -as far as I can tell, I'm not an expert- is that he has a strict moral code that he MUST adhere to, because he's so damn powerful. The dude doesn't live in the Fortress of Solitude for nothing. At least, that's Superman at his best.

None of that is present in this character, though. It's just her bumbling through SJW values with her superpowers. And the proof of the pudding is in eating it. Having values is all well and good, but how you put them into practice is what counts. Her dropping them to drag this guy onto her mission informs her as an untrustworthy person. And not a very smart one. It works now, but they're going to hate you forever. Just like the typical SJW, she excludes heaps of people from her "all-inclusive" utopian ideal.

Those murders were not portrayed in a good light, the murderer was not portrayed as a good person. It was heavily implied that her actions lead to the death of an innocent man at the end of the chapter.

Out of curiosity, who was in the right when her and her professor locked horns? She's a female but white, but he's a person of colour but male.

i stopped reading when the cyborg teacher woman arc happened. she was an asshole and holier than thou even for a spoiled young adult. maybe she acts that way becasue she has never had to worry about having her asskicked by someone for being a fucking douchebag, but it was men are badwrong. every single male besides the father was shown as an evil asshole. even the teacher she had fired because she didnt like him.

>someone is right in a thought experiment
that's not the point

You know I've noticed a lot of the tumblytard comics and those who pander to them writing this arc. We have Marvel making Carol into Ms. Reich with the Inhumans and although rebirth's trying to fix it and it's been around for a while but Injustice Supes (especially nuInjustice).

Now the funny thing is that before we say boogeyman Cred Forums, this is the exact type of bullshit we rag about Cred Forumstards wanting, sans the aryan brojobs and Gas the Kikes!

Knowing that SJWs have no self-awareness they have finally become the buzzword they screamed to the heavens. In trying to stop the evil "trolls" of the internet with their tolerance or uppity bullshit they've just Hippie Hitlers.

I don't know whether to feel violated because this is insultingly retarded to read or vindicated that we finally get to see both the radical left and right agree that they both want to be Hitler V2, gassed up and goosestepping.

The dude has perfect control over his strength and can pass all for human, usually lives in Metropolis and has a normal job. The Fortress of Solitude only comes up when he needs to think deeply about issues or he needs something from there. (Since he stashes a lot of things there, like Batman with his batcave, and also kryptonian tech.)

Of all the words
Of tongue and pen
The saddest are these:
>Cred Forums was right, again.

i honestly have no idea what your talking about, but i want to ask something. What on earth does your gender or color have to do with being right? What I'm a "oppressed" and your "privileged" so i automatically win if we ever disagree? Is that what your saying? Or were they arguing over who has it worse? Cause them it may be relevant, but in pretty much any other situation i really feel like that doesn't matter at all.

>men are badwrong. every single male besides the father was shown as an evil asshole.
what the actual fuck are you talking about?
Fireguy was an asshole but not evil, they clearly showed over and over again that he had good intentions
Pintsize is neither evil nor an asshole, just childish and kinda dumb
Batguy is more SJW than her dad
British teleporter was an opposing viewpoint that actually made more sense than her

Allison is not shown to be a perfect person
Almost no one in the comic is shown to fall into either category of good or evil
Your reading analysis needs to go beyond 4th grade level.

>creating an incentive structure

Yeah, lol, no.

The _full_ incentive structure she's creating for him now is a balance between "die now" and "kill her" depending on contextual feasibility of the latter.

"Die now" because if he accedes, he has demonstrated vulnerability to blackmail by someone who is practically impossible to stop from blackmailing him again, meaning that his accession would create an incentive substructure of "repeatedly blackmail me up to the point where I am equivocal between death and the total amount of suffering from blackmail", at which point the preferable course is arguably to die on the spot rather than die later (or experience death-equivalent suffering) in order to minimize the gain to a hostile.

Presumably I don't have to explain the latter.

People never seem to think through what an incentive _structure_ would actually look like in the long term. The term almost always seems to get used by overly wordy thugs making a threat. Just say "threat", dammit.

And that's my nitpick for the day.

>or the author is just mindlessly parroting real life experiences without analyzing them.

My money's on this with the way they write

Well the art looks awful, why are you guys even bothering with this if the writing is (according to this thread) pretty bad too?

If it was done well I would agree, but even if we assume intent the writer bit off more than they can chew.

In stories like these you want an element of doubt or rationalization as it both acts as a flag to make the reader question what happens and gives a human edge to the events. SFP does a pretty bad job of establishing personality and Ali doesn't really come together, resulting in a muddled narrative.

Even putting that aside the pacing is awful, the situations are too blunt for their own good, the artwork doesn't compliment the just isn't very good. The only way I can see it is a lofty goal that they just aren't competent enough to execute or (less likely) a crazy person's unaware ramblings.

The point is, it's a symbol for Superman's inherent uniqueness. He is always alone among men, not because he's an alien, but because he has superpowers.

This comic lacks such an insight, and goes for the opposite: The main character identifies so fiercely with the plight of others that she becomes a horrible person in the pursuit of justice.

You assume the audience of "Strong Female Protagonist" cares about innocence when it comes to men.

Oh please please please tell her to just kill you

Take the high road in the name of your principles

"Then just drop me in the ocean, I would rather die than betray my principles and just allow myself to basically be RAPED by you"

If the creator is seriously inept, this will end with Allison's plan working out, proving that her methods do work.

You are on Cred Forumsmblr of all places and don't know of oppression olympics or the heirarchy of prviledge?

Even if it's done by another man?

wow ebin memes bro those feminists sure are all men-hating dick stompers go make me a sandwich bitch LOL that'll show 'em


What would Cred Forums do if you had this chick's powers?
I would fly around for a bit then become a neet hermit as soon as "mysterious flying girl" hits the news because I don't want to be famous.

the writing isn't bad, Cred Forums just doesn't understand that a character can be morally ambiguous even if a square box doesn't appear and tell them this is the case.

They actually think Gurwa calling Allison a tyrant was a coincidence and not foreshadowing.

...that's a woman?

This is obviously supposed to be a bad thing though. Allison has always had a pretty fascist streak.
Why do you fuckers all have such persecution complexes though?

>is now literally forcing a guy to use his boosting powers on pain of death.

Gonna need more context than this. Are they fighting someone?

you are actually retarded
of course it's going to work, this path always works because people are going to act to prevent their death, but that isn't how people do things because it's morally wrong.

The professor bafflingly never hinted at or acknowledged the point of the game: there's more to life than "pass or fail."

I fully expect her to come back to him at the end of the chapter where the blisteringly obvious solution of not playing at all is presented. Failing that, she'll switch colors because the writer is dumb.

>shhhh quiet down sweetheart *licks lips* let's not turn this whole "me forcibly using your body" into a murder

Someone should really comment how rapey this is

wow ebin memes bro all feminists are definitely the same and from tumblr there is no spectrum of crazy they're all as stupid as the femitheist


Okay, I have a bit of a long question.

This seems to be one of those situations where I see a possible endgame, then work backwards move by move and wind up thinking "uh oh".

If he gives in, this risks establishing a terrible precedent where she might come by and slap him up for superboosts at any time, right? Not like he's in a position to refuse, and it gets easier to abuse people like that after the first time.

Which, one move back, means that his plan immediately after this little flight should be to figure out how to crush her by any means possible: State's Evidence or superpowered mercenaries or whatever, just as long as she gets removed from play - otherwise he's little more than a dead man walking to be constantly extorted.

But that in turn means that *her* plan should be to drop him in the Atlantic Ocean afterwards *anyway*, otherwise she'll have an enemy for life with superpowers on call, who now has no reason to play fair --

-- which means he should cooperate why, again, if he's going to be dropped in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean either way?
Other than because he's a bit character just here to move the plot, of course.

There's not that much context, but apparently she needs it to save the world somehow.
He doesn't want to do it because he thinks it puts him in too much danger, and he never liked having his powers anyway because they're not cool enough.

Why is she bullying the treeman?

>Spending several pages to (poorly) explain why the protag's methods don't work only to go "no it totally does lol"
>Not inept writing

People who end up here are usually the type persecute by Normies in daily life

Is this actually a girl? Looks like a boy

I actually have no idea what her idea is.
Her whole thing is "I'm thinking about the BIG picture" so it probably isn't to help someone she just met at the convention to look normal unless that's meant to be a proof-of-concept for a larger plan, but I can't think of any characters she's met who have a power that could significantly help with the project she's working on.

pen and again don't rhyme.

I would fly to DC and sell my services to the guvmint

No contract of course, a simple quid pro quo, I do the thing, you pay in cash

Then I would go on to rip some government pointed heads off and set my senpai up for life

Yeah I mean it's not we just saw them do something like organize a letter writing campaign to try and prevent a male student from returning to Brown after he was suspended without any defense to an accusation of sexual misconduct.

No, they are the champions of innocence until proven guilty.

Kek, I just commented "Gurwa was right" and it was immediately deleted.


Rape is sexual assault+power a straight white male can only be sexually assaulted never raped

Dumb as fuck.

You wouldn't be the first super to sell yourself to the gubmint, and they'd almost certainly find a way to turn your powers off.

>bafflingly never hinted at or acknowledged the point of the game: there's more to life than "pass or fail."
are you stupid? that has nothing to do with the thought experiment. pass/fail is a placeholder for any powerful incentive or goal as it is the most powerful incentive that he can easily control as the professor.

Who is Gurwa?

This could either mean they don't want you to spoil it or they legitimately think this is a good thing.

Even in deleting comments the motives are unclear. What a mysterious webcomic.

A professor in a past chapter who pretty much called her ideology one of a tyrant/dictator.

>Spending several pages to (poorly) explain why the protag's methods don't work
what the fuck are you talking about? nowhere did anyone say it wouldn't work, just that it's wrong and also she couldn't come up with an idea that would do enough good to justify it.

But Superman isn't alone, not only are there hordes of people with superpowers on DC Earth, what about his fellow kryptonians like Supergirl who have the exact same powers?

oh, EVERY person on the planet who calls themselves a feminist participated in that campaign? that's really interesting, there must have been quite a few letters.

What sort of backwards English-speaking country are you from where again is pronounced "uh-gayne"

Are YOU retarded? It's one of the oldest games in the book: Option A is guaranteed success with cooperation and guaranteed failure without, Option B is guaranteed success for only some.

The answer you're supposed to realize is you can just not play the game. This shit is literally ancient.

Not him but they do, it's a slant but it works

Isn't she basically superman?

And if Snowden could escape the fed I'm pretty sure I could too if push comes to shove

Either way, I can rethink my morals so it's not like I would object to most requests, I just want cash and they can provide it

And what would they ask anyway? Kill some islamist bastard? Disarm Gaza? Protect the POTUS? Take out a problematic politician? Become a propaganda piece? I have no ethical objection to any of that

And I'm guessing he was depicted as a bad guy?

Most of those stories are.

What sort of backwards country are we from where they don't use near rhyme?


He never says you have to play, just that you can instantly pass or fail.

It wasn't deleted, the comments are all moderated. they have to be manually approved, so they never show up until like a day after the comic releases because the author DGAF.

Which is why I posted here, because fuck that shit.

>fly out into space
>explore the solar system

We'll see what I'll do after that. Should keep me busy for a while.

Whoops, forgot the pic.

And the protagonist acts like he's a douche while it's made pretty clear that he's just trying to make her think.

>you can just not play the game
"You are forced"
"You are forced"
you illiterate moron

She's not morally bankrupt enough to actually kill him. The bigger problem is that her mind-reading, not-boyfriend, ex-supervillain-turned-corporate friend would have zero qualms about destroying the man's life to leave him in a position of permanent exploitation. Which is what he did with the robot chick.

Nah, it's not aimed at him. She's just a little nuts.

>the writing isn't bad.
Yes it is. The whole superheroes can't actually change the world is dumb, Allison thinking she can make more of a difference by going to college is dumb, this whole comic is pretentious and not as clever as it likes to think.

Are you really pulling a #NotAllFeminists?
Holy fuck is that hypocritical.

No, shithead, I gave literally the first news search I got. Do I need to start listing every example? Does mattress girl and the UVA rape hoax ring a bell?

what's his face has to play and his only option is failure

Ah, you would think that, but you see, he was non-white.

You should have seen the comments. How do you tapdance between 'He's opressing my special snowflake' and 'but muh privilege.

>literally the #notallX argument

The funniest part is that feminists HATED this argument when they were reminded not all men are rapists.

>Do I need to start listing every example?
yes, actually, because your point is that EVERY feminist is crazy, thus you need to prove that
is crazy.

"A lot of feminists are crazy" doesn't mean jack-shit.

>Good author

Character will eventually get checked and shown that they're flat out going against everything they stand for.

>What we expect

Characters has a o darn moment with no real consequences because the victim is too scared and the character herself is too far up her ass.

Author never challenges this again.



I think that leaves the logic mostly intact, though - even if it's just "life destroyed and permanently exploited" rather than "outright killed", he's got nothing to lose because he's going down either way. So what's her threatpoint?

So, what happens when the main character depicted here is confronted by all of the people who she was mean to, and they shoot her down?

Yes, he's forced to put up black...

If he plays. This is the implicit qualifier. Participation is never declared mandatory, he's just choosing tricky wording.

Seriously, have you never taken a Philo or Ethics course? This isn't difficult. But then again, you're seriously implying that a professor who is producing a THOUGHT EXPERIMENT is unconditionally failing a random student as a means to make a different student buckle to his personal ideology. Not only does that not gel with how he is presented throughout the scene, but it makes absolutely no sense.

But hey, thanks for affirming that the stupidity shown by the class actually exists in real life.

It's honest to god tumblr speak. Be thankful they can't use clapping emoji things

Where does the professor say you have to put a stone down?

Unlike Snowden you're not some IT drone with a briefcase full of state secrets to hand over to Russia and China for protection after spending months plotting your espionage.

That he never realizes that the best move is to not play.

Even the most cruel predator gets bored if you go limp.

>the writing isn't bad
It is. A deep examination of the implications of superheroes and super powers on the world isn't such a bad idea. But all this comic does is beat you over the head with preachy wordy speeches and half baked arguments. Its basically an internet argument stretched out into a whole comic.

You forgot your hand clapping emojis.

She's invulnerable.

>implying this would carry any weight with the administration
>implying you can't just remove your stones or refuse to pick them up

It's just a shitty philosophical experiment with no bearing on real life. It's like that typical Cred Forums response to the Tram Dilemma. You can ALWAYS choose not the play the fucking game, until you're howling at the moon at 4 AM for shits and giggles.

You could force your sweaty sack onto the prof's face, if you really wanted to, and ask him which colour your stones are.

>The story needs to have a clear point and a satisfying conclusion, the reader should have nothing to think about once the story is over as everything was wrapped up in a neat little bow and the author told him what is right and wrong

Do you think Ozymandias was right or do you think Alan Moore is retarded for not punishing him for murdering innocents at the end of Watchmen?

>You think this is comparable to Watchmen?
Yes, in that it uses the fictional concept of a superhero to present the reader with a moral quandry. Not necessarily in terms of quality of art and storytelling, but they still both seek to present the reader with superhero characters and then do the opposite of the typical hero story and lead the reader to contemplate something instead.

Similar to how people call Miller's Batman a facist, even though that seems to be exactly what they want from their heroes these days.

He said to place a stone and then reveal.

Also, isn't this game basically the prisoner's dilemma but there's literally no reason not to place Black once he explains the Overlord rule?

No, I'm just an invulnerable dude that can fly and shoot eye lasers

I totally see your point

He doesn't. He says the kid is forced to place a black stone instead of white but never actually makes it a rule that the game must be played.

Nor does he say you can't change your answer later, hence why he encourages Ali to continue coming to class.

Anyone who thinks he's just failing those two has an extremely self-centered mindset.

>"A lot of feminists are crazy" doesn't mean jack-shit.
Wow, really? The tendencies of a majority of a group and the prominent individuals they elevate doesn't mean anything?
So let's just be clear with what you are saying. If there's one good feminist in the world I can't say feminists are fucking nuts?

mercenary work. rob a bank, retire comfy at 25.

Utterly invulnerable?

Then you merely need to put her inside of something she cannot break, and leave it somewhere no one will go looking.

Unnecessary back up question, is she also immortal?

Superhero 'deconstructions' are usually pretty shitty

>Do you think Ozymandias was right or do you think Alan Moore is retarded for not punishing him for murdering innocents at the end of Watchmen?

Did you miss that part at the very end where he asks Dr. Manhattan if he did the right thing in the end, and the Doc says "nothing ever ends," and he just sorta stands there looking haunted and full of doubt about what he did?

>SFP is on the same level as Watchmen

Yeah, OK, whatever you say, user.

The major difference is that he doesn't know about Patrick.

>implying you can't just remove your stones or refuse to pick them up
But user, I implied that the entire point of the experiment is to not play.

You'd be correct about the hot head argument. I do not know how much you've read, but it has been brought up by other characters that her methods of trying to solve the worlds problems are naive and unobtainable. Her approach even before this has been "solve all the world's problems by doing a one two punch". Something Superman knows can't work.

From everything I remember, Alice isn't supposed to be perfect. She is the superman of her world who wants superman ideas but has teen moral delimas. In her mind everything will run perfectly smooth if people just act good, stick together, and follow her lead.

This guy is an asshole, he doesn't deserve whats happening to him. I haven't even read the author's bio so can't comment on if she intends Alice to get out of this innocently or not. Hopefully the Author is good/fair/balance/etc enough to have their be ramifications to full on assaulting someone. Even if its this guy getting kidnapped and turned into a vilean's bitch because Alice failed.

It's literally trying to teach college students that not every situation is black and white

I don't see how that could be any more obvious

>unconditionally failing a random student as a means to make a different student buckle to his personal ideology.
no, he's presenting her with the situation so that she'll think about what it really means if she is to take her axiom to the ultimate extremes.

The axiom "everyone should work together for the best possible solution" isn't challenged by a game where you can say "the people who do not benefit from the majority acting selfishly can simply refuse to participate" because that contest can very easily be more important than taking a philosophy course.

>He said to place a stone and then reveal.
Yeah, he did.
Doesn't mean you have to, because it wasn't a rule. It's a semantics game.

And yes, it is the Prisoner's Dillemas with a free out, and yes it's very silly that only the protag picked black given that we're told like half the students got confused.

She needs liquid nitrogen and a buzzsaw to get a haircut, so pretty invulnerable, yeah.
Also people generally still like her because she used to be a superhero, even though she admits herself that quite a few people died.
She might be immortal. There was this one other chick that had really fast regeneration, and it was speculated she might live for a very long time.

Not any move than superheroes played straight. Capestories are a played out genre that has nothing to offer anymore.

"you are forced to put up a black stone"
that means he is forced to put up the black stone

>If there's one good feminist in the world I can't say feminists are fucking nuts?

Not the person you're replying to, but under the stipulation that you're talking about literally every feminist ever the answer is still no.

The only thing the person you were originally talking to was trying to get across is #NotAllFeminists or whatever--declaring something categorically about everyone in that category is just not a thing

If you guys disagree with them, why don't you respond to the argument instead of attacking the way they're presenting it? What you're doing right now isn't anything outside of trying to reestablish an echo chamber

That's not really invulnerable then.

Your jugular vein isn't much more difficult to cut than hair, so if you use liquid nitrogen and a buzz saw, you could probably cut her throat.

She is vulnerable. She can be killed.

She can be beaten.

he didn't even establish that a majority of feminists are crazy, only a lot.

user give up that argument. We've gone full Cred Forumsumbler now where any male being shown doing something wrong = all men are evil.

Truly we are the tumbler.

I'd donate to this comic just for this line.

>feminists push the "bowl of M&Ms" argument
>Conservatives starting pushing the same argument
>feminists chimp out and say the argument is stuoid


>It specifically means this very certain interpretation.
You could take not playing the stone as "not every situation calls for your direct action, sometimes you must seek alternatives."
Or the removal could be symbolic of taking out a problematic aspect in the scenario.
Or it could be a cautionary tale about gambling.

It's a symbolic exercise, of course it doesn't work if you personally extrapolate a very specific, contradictory meaning.

you think you're supposed to win an ethics game by looking at semantics?

I don't think Moore could've made it any clearer that Ozy was wrong and his plan would amount to nothing without literally spelling it out

Because they're twisting the argument into a black-and-white thing after being extremely butthurt that someone would imply that there are feminists out there who are not only nuts but also prominent and well-regarded among feminists in general. You also forget that they themselves brought up feminism while responding to a comment that criticizes the intended audience of this comic.

TLDR it's not actually worth responding to their flimsy and idiotic argument

I can't believe someone was so stupid as to compare this to the actually uplifting awesomeness that is Flex Mentallo.

>I would never presume to make myself the boss of you.

except you would, infact, you presume to be his conqueror, as we see in OP.

this character epitomizes the Authortarian Leftist, the "Social Justice warrior", of our age, you WILL do good or I WILL Kill you, and unless you KEEP doing what I want I will TORTURE you to death.

What page does this happen on? There's a lot more comic from when I originally stopped reading

OTOH, he doesn't know either that she's not morally bankrupt enough to kill him, does he?

Doesn't a solution where everyone isn't working together, but rather finding their own path to success directly oppose the axiom of universal cooperation?

Treeman is freak/mutant who got powers young and became that. Became vilean and killed bunch of people.

That particular moment is them bonding in his prison. Only noteworthy thing about him is that he can cut Alice.

The "hero" has connections. Mainly if the government had to choose between pissing her off and making life inconvenient for the rich guy. Rich guy gonna get fucked.

Right now the gov is so desperate to have a counter for her that all they have is her hair clippings, family, and probably shards of Treeguy.

Considering ethics is partially about having an understanding of your situation so as to have the clarity with which to make decisions on morality in the first place? Yes.

You're literally arguing that the solution to a game that has existed for centuries just doesn't count because you say so.

If he did know that, it would basically remove the threat.

If she's not ballsy enough to kill him, I don't see how she could justify torturing him to herself.

No shit, the dude with cancer and the invisible serial killer both hurt her.

There is one comment about how this is literally rape

It is buried under upvoted "this is badass yay" and "ambiguously approve" comments

Make it end

Remember hen Superheroes use to be Fun?
Remember when Superheroes use to be inspire us?
Remember when Superheroes use to be likable?
Remember when Superheroes didn't kill or torture people?
Remember when SuperHEROES were heroes?
Now all Superheroes to be unlikable assholes. They have be jerks. They have to be edgy and gritty.

What happened, Cred Forums?

Just say Feminism instead of feminists.

Then its not "feminists are crazy" but "feminism is for crazies".

Not all crazy people wear straightjackets, but straightjackets are for the mentally insane.

I don't read this comic.

I'm mostly just asking questions to try to garner understanding without sending them views

Because they're not Goku.

He is forced to put up a black stone only if he chooses to put up a stone, which was never stated to be mandatory

It shows how very far the group is from working together (in some situations) and he also asks some classmates to explain why they acted selfishly at the expense of one person. The group working together would be in the best interests of the group, but acting as a group is still unfeasible.
also, gurwa's line from the very next page: "Disprove axiom? Who disproves the axiom? Not me! The whole point of an axiom is to be unprovable!"
the whole class is from one straight section starting here

But then if he doesn't put up a stone, the teacher can invent another rule which fucks him.

In a circumstance where a rule has not been invented, do not force the invention of a rule unless you are prepared for things to get worse.

the classic version of this game is the prisoner's dilemma
how exactly does a prisoner choose to not play the game when he can't communicate with his partner who has the option of ratting him out?

Yeah there's no reason to not place black
unless you're an idiot who wasn't paying attention to the rules, which was apparently 90% of the class
or you're a dick for no reason
or you're afraid that at least 1 person is going to screw it up and don't want to risk yourself for others' benfit

Remember when Superman used to be a dick?

Your golden age never was anywhere in the past. You can only go forwards and build it in the future.

I'm gonna need a little more than that if I'm gonna get mad about it, user

I think it's time for you to accept that the other guy is right and you're wrong.

Possibly, she does hang around a murderous ex-villain whose personal philosophy is straight out of a cyberpunk megacorp.

Unless she's conceptually invulnerable like that chick from Worm, then all you'd really need is a taser or aerosolized anesthetic.

Gurwa is fucking awesome

Scroll back through this post. I'm the one who first brought up the not needing everything spelled out.

However, it still isn't good story telling if their isn't some sort of fallout that comes out of this. Unlike watchmen, this is a web comic meant to go on for an unspecific amount of time. If it becomes apparent that Alice's actions have no negative consequences then the story will turn into a giant SJW circle jerk leaving people unsatisfied.

And also you missed the whole point of the end as spelled out by . The reader is left thinking the ending was only a short term solution.

>unless you're an idiot who wasn't paying attention to the rules, which was apparently 90% of the class
>or you're a dick for no reason
>or you're afraid that at least 1 person is going to screw it up and don't want to risk yourself for others' benfit
exactly, you'd have to be retarded to pick black unless you don't believe the stakes are real (in which case you have no reason to pick black or white or do anything at all).

Regardless, my point is that "the people who do not benefit from the majority acting selfishly can simply refuse to participate" is no more valid of a reading than "people can reach greater success by independent operation." Throwing away the stone is a valid criticism of her idea.

I really like these threads because it shows how a lot of Cred Forums is either quite literally blind or so dead inside that this is the only time they can exercise their empathy. So many people up in arms about how rich white guys are mistreated in this comic

Read the tvtropes page. She's practically invulnerable, which is not the same as completely invulnerable.

If you've been in college for one semester, you already know you can just file a complaint and get a free A while the professor gets canned for not teaching the class properly.

>No argument, just "no ur wrong"
user, please.

>if their isn't some sort of fallout that comes out of this.
ok? i'm sure there will be some upsetting things that happen. he probably won't be happy, other characters he has to interact with may be disturbed by his distress, it's not like the ending is on the very next page.

I just want to vandalize it, actually.

Minor shit like misspelling words.

Making explanations unclaer.

You know.

Conceptually invulnerable?

Point is, even if she's intended to as a flawed character, she's poorly written. She's abrasive and unlikable. She's a bit two-dimensional, because literally everything I've seen about her and what she feels strongly about revolves around her politics.

It reminds me of that comic where someone infiltrated the KKK and tried to convince everyone he's legit by talking about how much he hates niggers all the time, and they consider that to be weird. If we're talking about fallible superheroes, I'd find it much more believable if she'd use her powers pettily, for personal reasons.

I think the comic just kind of falters in its point. She didn't want to be a hero anymore, but all I'm ever seeing is superheroics in jeans and hoodies. And we can't get an insight into "normal person with superpowers" because everyone knows who she is.

What kind of shitty class can the teacher give you instant A anyway? That's the only thing unfair here.

he probably won't get canned if he has tenure, but this

but if he's really influential, you'll probably just get the F wiped from your record only to take it again under a different professor

oh hey I found this in there

if the author isn't aware of the protagonist's extreme hypocrisy then they're just an idiot

Can't Gurwa just be the main character?

but for the purposes of a thought experiment you should at least pretend you think the stakes are real and act accordingly to see how it plays out and contemplate the hypothetical consequences.

Can't get much worse than straight failure, because that's the highest authority he has.

Besides, risk aversion is contrary to engaging storytelling.

Honestly, why would anyone show up to that class after that?
Not just her, because if she got an auto F, everyone else got an auto A

The main villain of issue 5 is literally a chubby invisible chick who exclusively murders rapists. And she wasn't redeemed at the end or anything either, she was pretty crazy.
I'm honestly not sure how many people in this thread have actually read this whole thing if they think it's somehow advocating Dworkinist thought. Allison's very obviously in the wrong here.

If you're not a child you can anticipate that he's going to start the next class by apologizing to the students for making them the victims of a deception, and handing out the syllabus detailing all the coursework required to pass the course, because no fucking college professor is going to arbitrarily change it to a pass/fail course just to make a point.

Of course, that's assuming that the author of the comic isn't thick as fuck so that may be reaching

A person like this needs to go up against a Superman/Captain Marvel (Shazam) Character. Someone who is genuinely a decent person who is just trying to help and can't wrap their head around her thinking at all but is on her level enough that she can't just brush them off.

I wonder how she would react to someone like that.

Some people still think college is about learning and not paying 10's of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that helps you get your first real job.

Not many, but they exist.

you mean "rapists"
She was basically Crucifixion of the accused personified

The other kryptonians don't really count since he's just naturalized enough that he seems weird to the other kryptonians. He's be like some 5th generation chinese-American trying to fit in at Beijing.

Wasn't the whole point that he wasn't actually passing or failing anyone? Are people really taking the experiment literally?

B-but he still said that anyone that actually win can just not come because they already pass and got an A. It's just that those who fail doesn't actually fail because he's not that evil.

She'd probably be angry at them for not doing more to stop the world's real problems, like she did with her old teammate.


I dunno, I might have just cut the class the second some boy tried to antagonize the professor and he said 'hey you fail if you put up a stone'.

"Yeah fuck this, I'm going to the Dean's Office and Captain's Masting this shit before either of you fuckers fuck this up for me."

the only really stupid part is that in this scenario is that there's nothing stopping them from discussing things with eachother, he even asks if they all understand the rules before starting

That and the fact that the automatic grades were apparently actually real, except for the guy who had no choice.

At the end of class he tells the guy that he won't actually get a failing grade.
Then he tells her that she doesn't have any reason to come to class anymore since he's failing her anyway.


could you literally just fucking, like............NOT!?!??! ugh just go back to Cred Forums already ugh I cant even right now ugh

You've posted this like three times now dude.
If you don't want to have an actual discussion just leave.

I agree, you should go back where you came from

>** like you're in yahoo chat rps
Calm down there I nearly felt your pink eyes smoldering from across the tavern before you tried to T1 combat my ass.

the guy who was forced to fail is the only one who we know has to treat it like a normal class.
for weird courses at some universities, a professor with tenure could probably get away with this unless Allison complained (no one else in the class would do this). But if Allison complained that would mean she regrets her decision to have acted for the benefit of the group at the risk of punishment to herself and also have to deal with the whole "but I don't want special treatment!" thing again.

I really hope people don't read this and think he's actually going to unconditionally fail her no matter what.

That would take some extreme social retardation.

Yeah, he's provoking emotional reactions in an attempt to get his students to consider what he said. He's employing sarcasm and facetiousness to achieve that goal.

Yeah, the guy you're responding to really is extremely socially retarded.

Even funnier considering in the very same page he literally talks about pushing her buttons.

There's also the fact that we're meant to believe there are no other stupid white knights in a college class.
And that this entire scenario is far simpler and less engaging than it really should be.

>We're arguing about the pebble game again.

I don't need fucking Kaiji, but some kind of twist, anything to make it interesting, would have been appreciated.

What is Superman Peace on Earth?
He literally gives it all a try and gives up because humans are pretty much shit to each other outside the west.

>an entire comic of Gurwa terrorizing and mentally breaking students in the name of education
I would pay money.

You've already proven yourself selectively unable to read, so why would I present you with arguments that you would simply ignore?

But then how would they react to the argument that heroes shouldn't be there to solve every problem. That people need to solve the real problems for themselves. That you can't force the real problems away? Heroes aren't supposed to be their caregivers or leaders but the ones who rise to the occasion in the most dire circumstance?

I know it's not fair to expect you to know the answer to this but the character bugs me from what I've seen of her and just wanted to bounce my personal understanding of Superman's philosophy off them.

>the west
Oh so only white westerners can get along is that what you are saying?

This art is SO GOOD

How could there be a worse consequence than completely failing? The whole point of the thought experiment is to get you to question the black/white moral dichotomy. It's a first-class Philosophy 101 thought experiment for college freshmen, he's not expecting them to know the answer, he just wants to challenge their teenage high school thinking

Somebody should storytime that one fan comic about an old deranged Superman. Allison would probably identify with it.

>outside the west
Except the problem he tries to fix isn't as much of a problem in the west so that's not really relevant

I just assumed he was joking because she's easy to rile up.

The one where he's Santa Claus and destroys Earth?

Considering the resistance he meets outside the west, yes.
There, warlords steal the food for their soldiers, mad dictators nuke the spot he landed on to deliver food, along with the stockpile and rival nations attack each others over said food.


Essentially existence cannot be negated or impeded.

Her friend Paladin is literally trying to change the world for the better only to be completely screwed over by Patrick and Alison's response is basically, "and that's terrible." On a related note, biodynamic minors no longer count under statutory rape laws.

I'm ok without that thanks. That comic was terrible.

Can I get some context for someone who isn't a tumblrite that reads SJW webcomics?

Because with great power comes great responsibility. That's why she's so mad at the guy in OP's post, because he refuses to help anyone but himself.
She knows she can't force away the real problems, that's why she stopped superheroing and went to college, to find a way to really help people.
Also, a lot of places in the world are already in the most dire circumstances. Since nobody seems to step up and do something about it, she sees it as her responsibility.

This is what The Boyz should have been, fucking Ennis and his need to shoehorn fucking gross out humor and edginess into everything.

Extremists are more similar to each other than they are to moderates; they have basically the same beliefs that radical action justifies the outcome, that their belief is absolutely undeniably 100% correct, that they are the good guys set against the world. The only difference is who the target is. It's not at all uncommon for someone on the extreme radical left to suddenly switch to the extreme radical right, and vice versa- because besides thinking the other is the absolute enemy and worst scum of the earth, they're essentially the exact same type of people.

read the thread, you lazy pigshit.

Read the OP

>horseshoe theory
oh piss off
>It's not at all uncommon for someone on the extreme radical left to suddenly switch to the extreme radical right
Examples please.

>You've already proven yourself selectively unable to read
Give me one example and I'll concede the point. Just one.

Not my disagreeing with a point, not you disagreeing with my argument. Give me an example where I was "selectively unable to read."

But her ways about it just seem to be Superman from Injustice.

Tenure doesn't work like that.

But user, that's fucking retarded. You might as well say "The Allies and the Axis were more similar to each other than they were to WW2 pacifists; they had basically the same beliefs that going out and shooting the other side was fine". What does this horseshoe get us, exactly?

Is that why "if you kill me you'll be just like me" is such a big trope in stories?

They're seriously mad that there are solutions outside of those presented directly to them, it's pretty funny.

She's just used to getting her way and being invulnerable. This whole thing will backfire on her and she'll learn another lesson.

I've been reading the Dynamorph Conference Arc, and I can tell one thing for sure right now:

The main character is this comic's problem.

She's shit. I want to read about these other characters, even while they are having SJW conferences. But the moment the focus goes back to Alice, all the depth is removed from the comic. The part where she goes to the guy in the OP's mansion is in the middle of the conference part. It's boring, two-dimensional tripe. Both these people are unbelievable as characters. He is written like a stereotypical bad guy libertarian asshole, one with no social filter, no less. She looks like an idiot just for dating him, really. Like, how do you not find out about the views of someone who is so goddamn frank about themwhile you are dating them?

It's just stupid.

I want to read more about Fish Lady and the others.

Fuck off

Well, just for one, that Ian Miles Cheong guy notable from the GG fiasco seems to flip flop a lot- he started as a neo nazi prick, then switched to KILL CIS WHITE MALES when gamergate came around, and has apparently swapped back into 'fuck the lefties' mode lately.

Most examples aren't going to be that public or obvious- most public figures aren't radical extremists. If you actually look at a radical group though, they'll be stuffed with members who used to root for the exact opposite team but then switched over for reasons, because it's easier than just chilling out and fundamentally changing their personality type.

>implying the Boys wasn't fantastic as is
shit taste detected

Not all stories are about the hero...

>neo nazi
Something isn't right here

>tumblr stereotypes are on the extreme left
wew lad
>I-I don't have actual examples, but there's a ton of them, t-trust me!

You realize Ian Miles Cheong is one (1) person, correct?

I'm having a hard time with this. Maybe I'd understand better if I read this although it doesn't look very fun to read but is her being invulnerable why she acts like she can do whatever she wants? Like was she not raised properly?
You treat others how you want to be treated. You help people not for anything but simply because it's what you should do. People will see things differently than you. Sometimes you will be wronged but that doesn't mean you need to wrong others.

It's basic shit why is she such a bully? Like whatever page where she's talking about killing people. She seems like a psycho.

It's almost like a protagonist is either meant to be interesting or serve as a facilitator for interesting things, but this one is neither.

>how do you not find out about the views of someone who is so goddamn frank about themwhile you are dating them?
it lasted literally two dates and the second was a complete disaster.

You don't think asian NatSocs exist?

Oh look, people who are impressed by Ennis lazy, heavy-handed, shlock full of false depth. Run along now, go back to Jerking yourselves off over crossed.

Shes an SJW

Her parents are really nice actually. It's just that people generally don't say no to there, and most of the problems she's faced so far she could actually solve by punching through them.
She even says how she's absolutely killed people by accident, but the government doesn't go after her because they literally can't. There's no prison they could put her in, so they don't even try.

It's called horseshoe theory, not circular theory, you mongs. The theory is that ideologies have more in common as you approach extremism, not that ideologies become the same when they reach extremism.

The most interesting concept this series ever brought up was that the vast majority of superpowered people are poor or impoverished and living outside of Western nations and it was an aside comment.

Jews fear the samurai.

Strictly speaking they're fascists, as Nazism is a specific category of fascism. Nazis just get all the attention.

And she's ok with that? She's ok that she's killed people? If she has this much power she should hold herself to a higher standard? Why is she saying that she deserves a medal for not killing people? I'm assuming she's having some kinda breakdown in that scene but still. Maybe I'm too much of a supermanfag but I can't wrap my head around her line of thought

>She seems like a psycho.
This side of her was shown once either before she knew she had powers or literally minutes before she got powers. She got pissed at another girl on the soccer team sucking at soccer and her Dad chastised her for being such a bitch about it. Directly afterwards her powers were revealed and she got shipped off to the government so she could form a supergroup and fight bad guys. She was like 14 and her Mom regrets letting her go.

>false depth
If the Boys has false depth then this comic and other capeshit must be as deep as puddle. The Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker arc was pretty great by itself. The Boys is just a fun romp with interesting characters and some pretty great foreshadowing. Also, I don't even like Crossed and this is coming from someone that's a huge fan of Ennis' work.

It's like she's written as a villain. A compelling villain with good reasons for their villainy, but a villain nonetheless. It's hard to sympathize with her, while I'm sympathizing with Fish Lady and Gender Switching Person within one page of them being present.

I mean, this guy is a prick, and he's deliberately written as a prick, but he actually has a fucking point. His power gives him zero agency, and he'd basically be the squishy tagging along in order to use him as a salt shaker for their superpowers. How secure would you feel, in that setting, as a normie who's just there to boost the world-ending powers of others?

And maybe the point is very well to be morally ambiguous. But it doesn't look like it, with him being written as Ayn Rand on steroids. And even if it is playing the long game with the protagonist being irrational, that doesn't make her compelling to read.

It just looks retarded that two people who do nothing but engage in their politics seem to either not know about each other's politics, or seem to lack the basic empathy that would tell them that the other might not care for their shit. In short, it looks like a badly written, artificially set up situation.

She's extremely results-focused. If she fails she looks to do better next time. No use crying over spilt milk and all that.

She literally saved the nation several times, you don't do that without finding a way to bury how sad you feel every time a single bystander dies.

She was having a breakdown yeah. 2 pages later she actually gets very Supermanny.
She also had a breakdown in the second issue when she found out she accidentally killed her teacher's husband once. She has quite a bit of breakdowns.

There is a reason why modern portrayals of Superman have him not being a superhero until he's already an adult. Alison started heroing in her early or pre-teen years, her primary social group was other young teen heroes, and only stopped being a superhero recently. Psychologically she's a bit messed up.

And she's also frustrated that she's forced to hold herself to a different standard constantly and constantly had to hear a bunch of supervillains whining about how life was unfair.

Crossed can actually be pretty good. As long as Ennis isn't writing it. I'd recommend the webcomic, Wish You Were Here. It's much less interested in the typical Crossed torture porn, and much more in the dynamic between characters trying to survive in this world, and their individual ways of looking at things.

>two people who do nothing but engage in their politics
it was literally one date, basically a single conversation between two people who don't seem to connect very often with others. Allison probably hadn't been on a real date literally ever.

>A compelling villain
I wish. The comic would be interesting then.

That is kind of the central conceit of Superman deconstructions. We kind of take it sight unseen that a Super-man would naturally have superiority, so the first thing people who write these deconstructions ask is "Says who?"

> he'd basically be the squishy tagging along in order to use him as a salt shaker for their superpowers.
Actually, I think OP's page implies it's a permanent boost. She says it'll only take about 4 hours in total.

Ha ha, it's funny because now she's forcing someone to do what she says and demanding respect just for being powerful!

What I'm saying is, they aren't written like real people. Even if it's one fucking date, if you're a hardcore Libertarian, do you just assume that the person you just picked up from a place that has fucking gender discussion groups is going to naturally be OK with you being what amounts to a political extremist from the other side of the spectrum?

No, you don't. Nobody does that. And that's my fucking point. He's carrying the Idiot Ball so that Alice can have some righteous anger at his expense. It's bad writing.

Stop reading this crap to laugh at it. Just ignore it. It just drives traffic and seriously, fuck this garbage.

Is he joking, or is he trying to teach her that grade doesn't matter if you learn. Keep coming to class and find out, or avoid the risk by dropping it on the first day when you still have time to get a refund and take something else.

I realize that it's horseshoe theory, not circular theory, you double mong. I stand by my question: What does not-circular theory get us, exactly? What generalization is useful to apply to Axis and Allies that way? (If there is no generalization, what makes it a "theory" rather than just commenting on how you dislike both commies and fascists?)

The guy just told the first guy he isn't going to fail.
At absolute worst he's only going to fail her if she refuses to find an alternative to the black stone (taking it back, changing it to white, etc).

And now she has to pay for being an ass to him. She didn't accept his personal opinions, tried to force him into boosting her, and soon enough she'll get fucked over even more.

>Talking about writing standards, especially with social interaction
>On Cred Forums
user, I don't know if you realize this, but people here tend to have...odd standards for writing.

The guy had no choice, actually failing him wouldn't be fair.
She willing opted into the F. Why shouldn't she have to live with the consequences of her choices

Maybe, but that still doesn't make me like them as characters. As I said, they're written like unlikable, shallow people. And not even real unlikable, shallow people, but fantasy unlikable, shallow people. And I find it irksome, because some of the supporting characters I've seen look entertaining enough to carry an entire goddamn arc, while I'm already snoring through one wall-of-text page where Alice opens her big goddamn mouth to pontificate on some subject I don't really care about.

Fuck, Rock Man was right. He doesn't need to listen to her whatchamacallitmorphic ass talk about shit she doesn't know about. Rock Man for president!

Axis and Allies are an erroneous application of the theory, you triple mong. They were a multitude of nation-states engaging in warfare for a variety of reasons so a comparison of political ideologies between two aggregates is going to be meaningless.

>Class about understanding the world is more than black and white.
>Failing a student for having preconceived notions on day one.
Not to mention you seriously think he would push her buttons just to say "lol sorry." How autistic can you be?

>hatereading webcomics religously

I don't get it. Same goes for you QC and DoA fags.

Why is everyone surprised? This is how Lefties operate.

If you followed the thread you'd know that no one actually reads SFP, just bitches about contextless panels.

Because college professors like to either see people learn or get to feel smug. Unconditionally failing her doesn't let him get either feeling because he has no way to string her along or make a meaningful impact on her given her current mindset. She's at a level of maturity where completely shutting her down after learning a lesson would just serve to make her LESS receptive to learning and thinking freely.

Reigen is way too based to be in this shitty comic.

I'm not sure if Allison is going to be depicted in the right when this is over, I don't think the author is THAT far down the horseshoe.

At the very least, a lot of the page's comments seem to think she's making a mistake.

Give me the (you)s

It's funny how some writers think you need to make people contemptible to prove your point.

Even ONE, sadly. Ishiguro was such a disappointment.

Damn good shit there.

I haven't read this comic. Previously all I'm familiar with is and a few other pages somebody posted on Cred Forums a few months ago. Everyone is freaking out and crying over what basically seemed to amount to a small misunderstanding. All I could think was that this seemed like some parody of tumblr over sensitivity taken to it's logical conclusion. But to learn the author is dead serious is both funny and sad to me. I hope people like this can find some security in their lives so they don't feel the need to burst into tears at the slightest offense.

As a character, SFP seems like she's heading towards a Plutonian situation.

Shit like this makes me think that the main issue of the comic is execution rather than content. This shows a deep amount of awareness while being a pretty neat idea in general. A trans-positive TERF.

It doesn't seem like the author is really picking a side though, especially if you read further on.
Goddammit, why do so many people have such strong on opinions on stuff they've never even watched/read?

>villain version of the World of Cardboard speech
>from the main character

I always forget how much of an asshole Alison actually is

I disagree, Ishiguro had flaws but he wasn't a totally irredeemable character. Just One's example of what happens when you have unwarranted self importance for your entire life.

What counts as a woman and what counts as trans are long-standing and large issues within the feminist and trans communities.

Reverse the genders in this and it would be preeeeeeeeetty problematic, don'tcha think ladies? I say don'tcha, don'tcha think girly girls? Eh, chicky poos?

I thought feminists and their ilk were all about personal choice and control over your own body and blah blah blah? This is awfully offensive if you ask me.

I meant that making him an ugly old man resembling a baby was way, way too easy. Nearly anything would be better, because that look just slams you over the head with the point.

reversing character genders to point out problematic scenarios is only ok when redrawing sexy women as hawkeye

abuse against men is not abuse, it's warranted

It's already problematic. Which is something we have been discussing just fine without you for the last 4 hours.

For the last time, Allison is obviously in the wrong here.

Honestly I only came into this thread because I though there was going to some hot twink on twink rape by looking at the OP.

A little dissappointed desu.

I can't argue there, it's kind of heavy handed. I still think the point he was making is a perfectly good one though.



Obviously. But it won't play out that way.

I dunno about you man but Hawkeye is pretty hot too, shit man. I'm just sayin'.

Don't know what this shit is but please tell me it's a webcomic. Please tell me that art didn't make it to print.

Yeah, and making it a cute girl wouldn't work because the parallels with Tatsumaki are easy to spot so it wouldn't be surprising, but nearly anything else would be better. If anything, making them attractive would help reinforce the point without being TOO blunt.

Why wouldn't it?
Literally the point of the comic is that the protagonist can't punch her way through her problems. The beginning of the issue even foreshadowed this exact situation.

Shitpost and masterbate.

>draw a boy
>call it a girl

The problem is her decisions are constantly presented as being right in the end.

I'm kind of curious what /lgbt/'s take on this would be, they always seem to call things the way they see them, pc culture be damned.

Legit one of the most interesting pages in the entire comic, and one of the things that makes me wish it were about these characters instead of our "strong female protagonist", who just isn't a very strong character at all.

This highlights the power of speculative fiction: By slightly altering the rules of reality, you open up a wealth of possibilities in terms of commentary on current day issues. And in the end, neither character is "wrong" from our pre-established political standpoints, by which in turn the page comments on them. It's just too bad that it's entirely tangential to the main story, and almost surely completely by accident.

Dear Lady is also kind of cute, despite being somewhat of a bigot.

Colour beats woman on the oppression totem.

"Super morally righteous character gets broken by the cruel realities of the world" is one of my favorite tropes. The shit with the professor makes this aces too, it's all falling into place perfectly.

I don't even read this comic, but picking it up from the arc starting from the professor's class is really good. Now, if the author turns around and paints Superfreckles as a hero after this then it's all for naught, but right now the moral dilemmas are very compelling. I'm interested to see where this goes.

Allison is a cute.

Well I don't go to /lgbt/ but I'm a fag and shit I don't know, I see a woman yelling at a space tranny about not being allowed in with the other trannies because he/she/whatever grows a dick when xe's scared and then she started crying then my eyes glazed over. Christ how do you people not get headaches reading this?

I limit myself to only reading it about once every six months when someone on Cred Forums posts a particularly retarded page.

There's going to need to be some cathartic payoff for this if it's to mean anything.
Alison NEEDS to be punished.

I'm guessing this is going to be an allegory about people sitting out or voting third party this election.

>I'm not looking too deep in this comic and it isn't mind numbing offensive
>lol just turn ur brain off and enjoy it
Go fuck yourself.

What I'm thinking will happen is that someone (maybe Patrick, since he's the one that told Allison about Max and he's a keikakumeister) will show up at Max's doorstep after all of this and offer to get revenge on Allison in exchange for a boost.
Max'll do it, and Allison is gonna get shit on when they fight later.

>comic made up of people who literally cannot even right now

every single page of this I see seems like a satire of identity politics because they're all equally ridiculous

weirdos walking on eggshells all the time, terrified of offending one another

His powers, his life, his choices.

What do you suppose the moral of said allegory will be?

>click the link
>About: SFP follows the adventures of a young middle-class American with super-strength, invincibility and a crippling sense of social injustice.
>crippling sense of social injustice

If not for based Gurwa, I would have just closed the page right then and there.

Deerchick didn't seem to care about offending anyone. Neither did professor Gurwa.
Why don't you try reading it first?

Nah that only applies to women not men

Fine, pick a simpler war and compare the aggressor, the defender, and the pacifist. Former two both shooting at each other, third one isn't. Now what does this horseshoe say that I should give a shit about?

Pacifists are just universal collaborators.

>This comic

It's like everyone on Tumblr had an unholy orgy and this is the spawn

she's not the one who wants a boost, the only problems she can't punch hard enough to solve are problems that can't actually be solved by punching.

This is the funniest shit I've seen all day.

>Class about understanding the world is more than black and white.
no, it isn't
it's about understanding how people define black and white
those are very different.

>College progressives get super powers

Now there's a horrifying thought.

someone post the pic with the fart gas girl

She says no one will see his face though. Is she gonna do it to someone secretly? The science chick maybe?

Hierarchy i understand, i mean i think its retarded, but i understand the idea of a hierarchy and that some people attempt to assign different genders and races places within one, but what on earth are Oppression Olympics?

For the love of god please tell me this is bait.

>not a fucking woman just because he can shapeshift into one
>This former man is not a real women

Fucking ouch, that's a tad rough on the ol' chop'n'swaps, isn't it? Sorry if any tranny had to read that.

He's obviously joking.

She could put a bag over his head.

I honestly have no idea what she's planning, I can't think of a single character she's met who would be capable of saving a lot of people if only their power were stronger. Roboticist girl is smart enough and the issue with their current project is just the time and effort it will take, no super power can really speed that up. The only thing the roboticist is really struggling right now is actually kind of a dangerous project that certainly wouldn't save lives in the immediate future (Intelligent, free-thinking robots)

I know you're baiting, but what the fuck is the point in coming up with these moronic pointless fucking distinctions.
>This man was raped

Who the fuck cares, the guy was hurt and is probably traumatized. You really wanna take attention away from that with your splitting hairs? If some bitch got raped would you be all over it trying to figure out the right word or would you try to show some fucking support? Christ I hate these people. Why can't they just choke on shit and fucking die

>Every day I don't kill a thousand people should get me a parade

Holy shit.

She's the hero? She's the righteous good guy?

The author needs to stop writing immediately.

Closest thing I can think of is she's taking him to organ girl to supercharge her powers to the point where she can generate all the organs she wants to donate without being in constant surgery/anesthesia. Probably won't work, but then we're headed down disappointment lane anyway.

what comic is this?


>Oh so only white westerners can get along is that what you are saying?
Look at all of Africa or the middle east, or parts of China, or most of South America.

The answer, of course, is yes.

Strong Female Protagonist

I'm not joking.

When did we re-write the definition of rape?It says so in the title dummy. Also checked.

>the writer is a philosophy major
And just like that, a weight has been lifted from me. Now I understand why SFP is written the way it is, and I can be free.

No she is not a hero. She is a protaganist.

More like we see a standard Mary-Sue character we've seen dozens of times in shitty webcomics, especially in mid 2000's. Trying to paint it as something else than it is shows you're from Tumblr and defensive as fuck about this comic.

If that authors power-fantasy suddenly turns into a villain, then hey you might have an interesting story there. But odds are judging from the rest of it, that all her friends will flock to her and defend how what she did was the right thing.

Old shitty webcomics like Dominic Deegan and its attempts to justify a rape comes to mind. Rape is not okay unless you're a friend of Dominic Deegan, the all-omnipotent Mary Sue who always knows everything.

See She's just a little ON THE EDGE.

That it's privileged and dumb to vote for anyone but our paragon of virtue Hillary Clinton

Wow, I haven't read this comic in years. I don't even remeber what made me drop it.

It's a decent page. I don't see a demonization of either side, and the fact that a horned girl is discussing gender politics with a scaly shapeshifter and a bat-thing(?) is irrealistic enough to provoke reflection without parroting current events. I agree with on it. It has some potential.

Btw, what's a dynamorphic supposed to be? People that transform when they use their powers ala Hulk (or Morstergirl from Invincible for a tranny example)?

That doesn't make sense either, even assuming her regeneration becomes instant that still only produces organs at the speed of which they can be removed by the doctors (a process that is also partially hindered by her regeneration trying to close the cuts) which is 'lives saved' on a much smaller scale than she's talking about.

I think it's probably something that hasn't been introduced yet, we simply have to wait until the next page.

>philosophy major

Unless you're intending on living in a pot and talking mad shit to fools like Diogenes then what the fuck do you major in philosophy for

This webcomic should be spreaded around as a PSA for what safe spaces really are and how fucking ridiculous they are as a concept. A bunch of sensitive little snowflakes having a competition with each other on who is the bigger victim.

Someone earlier said that the all the strong arguments other characters have against her viewpoints are lifted directly from her discussions in college, and I'm inclined to believe that.

You become a professor of philosophy, thus continuing the cycle.

>this is the only time they can exercise their empathy

That's a pretty bold claim. Care to back it up with some proof, sweetheart?

dynamorph is a term for any person supernaturally altered by whatever it is that altered kids.

You can also write pretentious webcomics.

>I mean. Is this playing straight? Like, in a good manner?

Allison is obviously supposed to be in the wrong here. Only an idiot would think the intent is anything but.

Power, user.

For instance, at WorldCon they enforced a rule at some panels that white people got to speak last. And the result of that was a hysterical tizzy that would have been funny if it weren't true: Some girl got upset that she was "misidentified" as white and got to speak last.

And just think about it. Situations like that benefit the commie bastards who roll with it, because it gives them free authority over the entire discussion. Are you white? Opinion discard. Black but not with them? Uncle Tom, opinion discarded. And so on and so forth.

>For instance, at WorldCon they enforced a rule at some panels that white people got to speak last.

What the fuck, thats not real. You're joking right?

I hope all those civil rights activists of the past die before they see segregation make a big comeback

You don't need a philosophy major for that. I could literally start today. And so could you.


The writer is a male.

What the fuck did i just read? I'm not trying to be insulting, i just don't understand. This went right over my head, i can't even begin to comprehend what they are getting at. Go ahead, call me whatever you like, i'm sure someone will come out of the woodworks to insult me for not being able to understand the giant Gordian knot that is political correctness and gender politics, just explain what the hell is going on. I'm so confused.

Just say you aren't white and if they question it they are bigots


Why are people spending this much time arguing about a tumblr comic? The female protagonist is ultimately right because her opponents are just ignorant, and while they may occasionally make a point or two they will ultimately always be fundamentally wrong, because privilege. Anything she does "wrong" will eventually be justified because she's theoretically punching up. A SJW comic with a bit of self awareness is still a SJW comic.

see the gist is that deer lady doesn't think space fish should be allowed in because xhe is a man sometimes.

>safe space
>genderfluid shit
>people cry of little shit

christ this is aweful

Scale person apparently shapeshifts between a man and a woman depending on their mood. He/she shapeshifted into a man in the middle of a discussion group for women, and Deergirl thinks he/she shouldn't be their anymore if that's the case, especially cuz there are other groups for him/her.

>posts a picture of a comic, a rant about said comic but not the name of the comic and expects everyone to know what the gay dicks they're talking about.
You're a stupid faggot and you deserve to read whatever shit you're shitting up the discussion with.

Is it satire?

deer person wanted to go to a support group for girls who have trouble dealing with looking different than other people
blue person showed up
blue person can switch between being a guy and a girl and spends about half their time as a guy
deer person thinks that means blue person counts as a guy and doesn't want guys at the thing
bat guy just wants people to stop being mad at eachother

I read it a while ago, and I can't find a source just now. I heard it around the time the Sad and Rabid Puppies scandal was doing the rounds. Those were the people who were disappointed and angry, respectively, that SJW themes were gaining ground in science fiction. They managed to turn the voting process around in favour of their preferred expression, and a lot of judges refused to vote. They did it in a legit way, mind you.

A few years before that there was the "RaceFail" of Elizabeth Bear, who was attacked over giving advice about writing non-white characters. On her blog. I was around for that.

So even if it's not, or not entirely, true, there's definitely a problem with SJWism in SF and Fantasy.

It's a scary idea. It's not even simple segregation, but segregation of thought.

Nobody knows. It might be, it might not be.

It's in the fucking subject you mong.

>deer lady makes group for lady monsters to talk about their feelings
>spacefish is a monster that has the power to change between male and female
>deer lady thinks spacefish should not be allowed in her group because it's only for girls and spacefish is a man sometimes
>the kicker is that transwomen are allowed in deer lady's room for girls

It's kind of a no-win scenario with no answer, since these kinds of problems haven't arisen in real life before.

My opinion is that spacefish should be allowed and deer lady is just being a cunt.

It's tongue in cheek, yeah.
The comics pretty much about how her superpowers are useless when trying to solve real problems, and how she's kind of a fascist sometimes, see OP.

It's more analytical than satire
here's a girl
she's the strongest
so she must be the protagonist, people even tell her as much
but it doesn't look like she's actually making the world a better place

>Reading the comments section for this page
>90-ish percent of the commenters are in full support for ends justifying the means, no matter the cost

I suppose I should have seen this coming.

>My opinion is that spacefish should be allowed and deer lady is just being a cunt.
do you think that because you think space fish has a point or just because deer lady is kindof being a bitch about it?
I think deer lady is right, she just needs to not be such a bitch at the sensitive-to-feelings convention

Oh Jesus it's like walking around a modern day college campus and every student is dressed as their fursona

>It's okay when WE do it

Ah, good old hypocritical liberals

No they're not, they're saying the exact opposite. Which comments are you reading?

most of them wish they could take off the costume and just look normal again, kind of the polar opposite of fursonas.

No, I think spacefish is right because deer lady is letting in transpeople. So you can go to the woman furry convention if you used to be a man, but not if you can go back to being a man? Theoretically any of them can go transition to being men at any time if they want to, does that mean nobody should be allowed in?

Not him, but in the light of the main talking point being their mutations, it's kind of ridiculous. Of course, we could give Space Fish some gender-related tests when xhe is female, and thus determine whether the change is merely external, or also internal. But that's still splitting hairs. The person in question experiences life as a female half the time, and there's no age limit in these meetings.

They also let the normie main character sit in. I think Deer Lady should relax a little. And give me a blowjob, because those horns are perfect handlebars, yeehaw!

I'm not the user you were responding to. And i'd like to preface this statement by saying that i'm not trying to be offensive or start an argument. I'm just trying to understand where your coming from. You say you think deer girl is correct in barring space fish tranny from her "safe space", why? Could you please elaborate? Also i have another question, and i don't mean this to be combative, but why be that sensitive? I mean really? Why? I admit i am not a member of any of the communities that typically look for "safe spaces", but i do encounter situations where people are different from me, and i do encounter situations where people say or do things that offend me. I do not start crying, freak out, or attempt to avoid those people. I deal with it. If i think it can work i talk it out calmly with them, if it's not that big a deal then i just suck it up and deal with it. Why all the hysteria? I just don't understand it.

if only this conversation was about sex.

dunno if this specifically is your's, but if it isn't your's is probably also there.

some people review comments responsibly, it's not always to silence different viewpoints.

I dropped this when she and the her telepathic boyfriend were debating how to destroy gender. After hearing the stories about the writer being a sort of silent SJW / non-conformist that secretly though everyone was sexist. 't was much for me to bear.

I think the entire point of this comic is that she Superman with anger issues.

> But I fear it might just be entirely SJW propaganda that has gone full Asay, meaning that to outsiders, it actually looks like a well-reasoned standpoint because the author assumes their own extremism is also present in the readers.

Pretty much. Back when I was reading everyone had at least one good point to make but it looked that the narrative like it could go full sjw at any second. I dropped it at what I though was the first sign of it.

And I love the debates this comics makes Cred Forums have. I gotta pick this up again

Fly around?

As great as her powers are, you can only destroy with them.

The kid's face in the last panel, top kek.


Here's a hint: It is.

A lot of them are legit furries. As in, animal people. There's one with a catman complaining people calls his ankles "backwards knees".

Which seems crazy. If I drew "catman" in the freak lottery, I'd be pretty goddamn grateful.

Deer girl doesnt have anyone with a penis in their "Only Gurlz Allowed"-club, otherwise shes going to get PTSD because shes so incredibly fragile and childish a person. Just like the rest of that group. The weird ugly reptile alien is the only one with any sense on that room, wondering why the fuck others keep crying about superficial nonexistent problems. Almost like they've never actually had any real hardships in their life.

That way its pretty realistic. Because SJWs and Tumblr is filled with people who have never had any real hardships in their lives, so they fabricate ones like "microaggressions". Guaranteed that if they wouldve been born to a very poor or abusive family, they wouldnt have the time to cry about mean words.

>it's literally called Strong Female Protagonist

I guess subtlety did die long ago anyway.