I think MANMADE global warming is bullshit prove me wrong

I think MANMADE global warming is bullshit prove me wrong

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Alaska wheat and Siberian rice growing.

I think so too, man does ruin the natural world but he does not warm it, at least not yet is safe to say

just a scheme to make money, frighten a few people, push some policies, and promote the coming multi billion euro green industry


>MANMADE global warming is bullshit
No one can prove you wrong. But they can do is trot out cooked numbers and rigged computer models that fail again and again.

But since it's the leftist religion, it's hard to publicly denounce it.

Have you any proficiency in climate science or is this just your educated guess?

>CO2 is a gas that traps and prevents solar radiation from leaving earth
>the back of the worlds economy for the past 100+ years is based on carbon fuel
>more CO2 means more trapped solar radiation
>makes earth warmer

Human aren't the only source of carbon emission, but we're a significant source of it. Debate policy, and stop being retarded.

>falling for the coal meme

Worst emissions by far are from livestock methane.

should care more about all the plastic trash particles floating around the oceans desu

>prove a negative

This. It took millions of years to make oil and we're pumping 557,000 barrels per day. [1]
That's like a million gallons or 4 million liters for you Europoors, per fucking day. One thing or another is going to happen, we will see global warming is irrefutable or we will run out of oil, but you cannot burn that much oil and not make a fuckton of co2.
[1] energytrendsinsider.com/2014/07/10/world-sets-new-oil-production-and-consumption-records/

It's not just coal, all fossil and bio fuels contain carbon, some more than others. And yes, cows, I already stated that humans aren't the only source for carbon emission.


All processes lead to heat. This heat builds in the atmosphere.

I can't prove you wrong. I can point you at evidence you're wrong. How about read through this thread first?

Then read books on how climate on earth works and stfu

Methane is short lived compared to co2. Methane also breaks down into co2 and water in the atmosphere.

Great Barrier Reef has turned into Great Barrier Bleach.
We've killed it.

As far as I know, there are still great 'reserves' of fossil fuels, just they will be out of reach due to cost problems (it takes energy to extract energy source fuels). Until that happens, we and the rest of the planet can enjoy the 'wonders' of shale oil and gas.

>we and the rest of the planet can enjoy the 'wonders' of shale oil and gas.
You can bet your ass we're using it up as fast as possible.

Well, most of it radiates out to space, but what remains (increasingly) is still more than enough to destabilie climate patterns.
The other interesting thing, that the more complex global civilization grows, it's energy needs not only increase because the primary needs of it's parts to function, but increasing complexity means increasing entropy, as well (more processes).
How our civilization reacts?
By becoming even more complex...

There was a story in one of our major media outlets this week, about how the sugar industry (like CocaCola) had been, and is still, paying scientists to downplay the role sugar has on weight gain.

I have no doubt it's the same with climate change. Scientists get payed huge amounts to shill the global warming hoax. There was some story about how the insitute in the US, that monitors the polar ice, had been faking the numbers so that they would show a reduction in the icecap.

Safest bet there is, buddy.

Thats because we swim around its waters wearing sun cream, thats what kills it not climate change

>>I have no doubt it's the same with climate change. Scientists get payed huge amounts to shill the global warming hoax.
Isn't that the other way around?

Scientists like Bjorn Lomborg was paid by oil industry and conservative governments all over the world for his lies.
Now he retracted those lies, because he didn't want to be the clown in the history books.

And vineyards used to grow in Greenland and northern Canada. Shit changes homie.

Most things contain carbon. You contain carbon, nigga.

Starfish invasions are also responsible for this shoah

Are you high?
Big corporations have more reasons and money to shill about how global warming is a hoax than scientists to lie about how bad it is
The icecap IS melting incredibly fast.
Get these capitalist cocks out of your mouth I think they're messing with your brain

>Dump huge amounts of substances into the atmosphere
>Dump shittons of waste into the oceans
>Somehow this magically cant possibly have any buildup or negative effects


I-I-it-it's another one?

When did Cred Forums get some many followers of the Church of Climate Change?

A smaller scale example of this is Somalia. The lack of government for decades made the waters there basically international bilge dumping grounds for supertankers.

We wuz fishermen and sheeeiit. Now pirates.


>"global warming is a MYTH! It's all just a liberal hoax"

years later
>"okay so maybe the planets getting warmer but IT' NOT MANMADE!

keep telling yourself that and come back in a few years when you're ready to admit the truth

I think many of us are ambivalent about climate change due to the staggering hypocrisy and demands of the elites while they reduce not one iota of their own consumption.

What many of us do agree on is that the world is less beautiful with pollution, and a less moral place with vapid consumerism.

I... I don't like this kind of shoah.

I want a colourful Multi Culti coral systems.
I don't want White Supremacy coral systems ;_;

It's both ways.

Stupidly-rich people on both sides, betting on both sides, while paying scientists to tip the odds in their favor.

Climate science is really really bad science. If I had the same predictive powers at my job and fucked it up as spectacularly and consistently as those boneheads, I would have been fired long ago.

Wtf I hate lighters now

garbage patch is invisible to the eye when you're in it. It's not like a big, ugly floating island or a big, nasty piece of flotsam. It's a general area where a human handful of tiny plastic bits can be scooped with a fishing net if you trawl for 4+ miles. It's weird, but it's not the alarm bell you might imagine.

reefs and shit are much more resilient to acidity and climate change than you think. Try running a large saltwater aquarium some time and increase the acidity by 2% and watch how few of your fish and reef actually die. Something else is responsible for nuking the GBR and spending your time bitching about carbon dioxide is not going to solve this case, Scooby.

I agree we should reduce pollution and seek cleaner energy but just for water and air quality. Climate change has existed every second of our earth's 6 billion years. Many don't remember, but back in the 60's and 70's all the scientists were worried about "global cooling". Then in the 90's it became "global warming". Now they've changed it to "global climate change" to cover their ass. The problem with climate change is science shouldn't have heretics. If you don't believe in man made climate change you're a "denier". Man made climate change is a meme only retards fall for. Still cleaner air and water is a good thing. We need to be good stewards of the earth.

What do you have to back up your claim, shitbag?
Do you even know anything about the history of climate changes on earth?
If you did, you'd know this is not natural

You seriously sound like a literal idiot to anyone with the most basic scientific knowledge

Okay. what's your control for determining that the heating of the earth isn't natural? Do you have a spare earth laying around that never had people on it? The earth also used to be a molten rock. Is that natural? I'm sure it was hotter than hell. Also there used to be vineyards in Greenland and northern Canada. When Greenland was named, it was green. You're clearly liberal, so I know history is your enemy. But look up global cooling in the 70's. I know you won't, so go pick up your dead from the latest cultural enrichment.

>Climate science is really really bad science.
t. Dipshit full of hubris that thinks the world's problems would be fixed if only everyone shared his original, nuanced opinions.

Agree completely. I'm old enough to remember the "new ice age" headlines in the mid to late 80's.
Your point about heretics is spot on - any time the scientific establishment uses terms like "deniers", I begin to feel quite a bit of unease, no matter the topic.
In many ways, the history of science is a history of "heresy".

That's why I despise things like carbon cap and trade, especially on western nations when China and India spew just as much, if not more, and will NEVER follow such treaties. Hell, the elites bank on that fact- it's why they moved manufacturing there.

The hypocrisy of those same elites then demanding struggling middle class Americans, Canadians, Europeans etc to reuse yogurt cups and live in cucksheds while they have 40,000sq ft palaces? Yeah, no.

That's what the elites don't fucking get. Stop fucking lecturing and attempting to punish, and instead start incentivizing.

I hate going outside and huffing diesel fumes, burning chemical smells and all that. I hate seeing oceans and forests destroyed, and littering is ghetto tier triggering for me.

It's all about aesthetics and positive environments. Also, the constant use of plastics and pollution has created the low test nu male. I have zero doubt that will be confirmed completely one day by science.

It's nice to see an rationalizing patriot. I share your sentiment completely. We should use cleaner energy and processes simply to make our lives better. Keep doing the lords (or whatever diety you subscribe to) work.

Yet again, we could undo two years of global carbon dioxide production every year, at less cost than what we paid to fight WWII, using technology that has been around since the Norman Borlaug's Green Revolution, and is in fact being used and maintained right now for other purposes, so we wouldn't even have to build any new infrastructure to support it.

We don't, because climatologists don't actually want to solve the problem, they just want to scare people into giving them more money.

Check your facts. Cap and trade is worth billions. As is clean energy. As are gas taxes. Etc. Global warming is a massive business friend.

You as well. In some ways I think the climate change "debate" is the ultimate red herring political distraction issue.
Gay marriage was rendered moot by Supreme Court. Gun control is even a dying issue, despite what media would have you believe.

Climate change is genius because it can't be resolved and has so many shades of gray.
To me, the best response by the right should be, "most of us aren't scientists, don't know, etc, but we want a nice place to live for our children. Let's incentivize cleaner living."

For example: if climate change truly is the crisis Obama and Co. Believe it to be (which it very well might be, again, not a scientist here), why have they not signed treaties amongst voluntary signatory nations guaranteeing, for example, continuing reduced tax rates based on how much cleaner your company gets.
Perhaps even offer an incentive such as "first company to the cleanest energy source that's efficient, scalable, Etc gets tax free status for ever. "

Seems like that would be a pretty good start, and neither side can find anything to bitch about, right?

That's what tells me it's designed to be a wedge issue.

you obviously have zero knowledge on the subject.

I don't love enforced rationing, but I will concede this point: our fat asses might benefit from a few less calories for a couple years.

Are you completely self-unaware? Climate scientists are the ones preaching that everyone must bow to their bullshit whims or humanity is doomed.

>rest of the solar system is heating up
Historic temperature calculations are 90% bullshit and you should know it. Meanwhile, actual, OBSERVABLE data shows that it's not just earth warming up. It screams "bullshit"

Why not just pump/filter the water with a few freighters? Surely any fish or marine animals that die will be worth cleaning this shit up.

James Delingpole already proved you right so you don't have to kek

>I don't understand something, therefore it's bullshit

You're going to lose your shit when you read about Milankovitch Cycles

This says more than enough.

Oil won't go away entirely for a long time, the cost will keep rising like you said but because it so useful as fuel for planes and the miltary ect.

At some point it becomes economic to set up nuclear powered desalination plants, which could remove CO2 from ocean water which in turn can be processed into hydrocarbon based fuels and products. By lowering the concentration of CO2 in the sea you naturally get the concentration in the atmosphere to lowers as more dissolves into the sea.

It's going to be long time before battery and fuel cell technologies are good enough to take over from fossil fuels so we are going to need new ways harvest or generate energy.

And I'm supposed to take your word over an entire community of people who are not only smarter than you, but more informed about this subject? Would you trust a plumber to diagnose your illness instead of a doctor? Would you allow a retail clerk to wire your house instead of an electrician? Maybe you would, because you're a miserable idiot.

>methane breaks down into CO2 therefore it is less bad than releasing straight CO2
you are retarded