Be muslim

>be muslim
>Get 4 wives

How can infidels even compete?

get cucked four times


That sounds fun if you are a 14 year old virgin. For people who are actually married that sounds like hell.

Ach Kevin.

>having four women to complain and fight one-another
>having to mediate between them all the time
>constant jealousy and bickering
Yeah no

You can beat the shit out of your wifes in muslim countries.


What is this book and why you should read it.

Still, it's gonna be like a Real Housewives of Iraq in your living room to deal with...

Even in a scenario where you have 4 wi es you are still a cuck. If they give you lip just smack them. Don't try and mediate their petty girl fights. Perhaps you would be better suited as a slam piece for some afghan villagers.

you have to remember these are women who are raised to believe that this is right, and that absolute authority lies with their husband.

[spoiler]i have no numbers to prove this, but i imagine if you were to poll women all around the world 'are you satisfied with your life', that married arabic women would be among the highest

you are gonna get beaten the shit out of you from her borthers

>this guy doesn't treat his women like brainless baby making machines who will take accept both untrue compliments and a little bit of manhandling to be happy and content.


>babysit 4 wives?

By not being tied down with the bullshit hassle of having four fucking wives.

>yes its in Qrahrrrn

but they should stop when they are pregnant, they'd have fewer retarder births.

Kill yourself Ahmed

>be muslim
>get 4 hairy smelly sandniggreses

how can humans even compete?

>be me
>be 28
>be educated and rich
>have 4 wives simultaneously living in 4 different houses
>none of the wives are aware of each other's existence because they are barely half literate
>tfw i am expecting birth of two sons in the same month
>tfw my genes will rule the world

You can behead their brothers in the name of Allah and nobody would bat an eye.

>Be Mormon
>Not a filthy Muslim.
>Have 3 wives.

Hope you enjoy the drone strike sand nigger.

I actually heard this was pretty common for rich moolime to have like 3 or 4 hours with different wife and none know about the other so I believe you.

You are living the dream.

>sad genes
and a dozen kids means you cant educate them and give them your time like 2 kids in the west

Mate, I love her, but one wife is plenty

With a semi-automatic rifle and a 20+ IQ point advantage

there is a reason they cover them up with trash bags

I'd rather be uncircumcised than have four cows for wives... oh wait... fuck

Moslem "Men" don't need consent.

That is only a smart thing to do. I get my 4 virgins. That is enough for me in this life. They love me and respect me and the only thing they wish for the most is my presence around them. I am not a degenerate who partakes in adultery and all that bullshit. I haven't sinned or offended Allah in any way. I have got a pretty strong and healthy batch of offspring. I can afford to feed them well and educate them well. I am the king of my households and my children obey me. I couldn't be more content with my life overall.

They get 5 houses.

Each wife gets a house. They're basically niggers.


oh that's something most westerners don't understand but I know you treat your wifes as wife and not like back up whores. You doing great brother.

Yeah, might convert now you put it like that

Most are cousins anyways.

A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called "consanguinity") and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent.

Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen.

> Four divorces
> You owe 400% of your fortune now

Genius, Ahmed, pure genius.

(Besides, you won't be good enough for a Catholic in bed)

Such a beautiful culture.

We need more wives so we can have more kids so our kids can breed with our own kids.

I'm jelly as fuck desu.

>Cred Forums will have a problem with this because muh womyn


woman corrupts men, look Solomon, and he was the wisest man that will ever be

lol @ the mans smugness

lol even more at the girls smugness

this man knows what hes doin'


I don't think muslims get cucked by alimony desu and their women can't just divorce you like western womyn do.

This. We need more total wars on turd world shit holes.

Any anons with a biology background? Preferably virology. Experience with Zika and the common flu.

Whole lotta out-of-nowhere Islam shilling going on here.

Trolls? Raid? Paid? What's the deal?

>Trolls? Raid? Paid? What's the deal?


>>Get 4 wives
Oh great. Four times the bitching.

Logical to have families so large that you have your own offspring mating with your own offspring?

>bio warfare

Terrible idea m8. You infect one of these shitskins, a week later he gets on a boat to Greece. Even if you mined both the Mediterranean and every country worth saving in Europe, some of them would still slip through. It's just too dangerous.


That is fucking based desu.

Living the dream, unlike the cucks who fantasize about being Crusaders.

FFS Cred Forums really needs to stop turning t b h into desu

What's the point if they're all as ugly as in the pic

>a man killed by a woman can't get into heaven

Source? This just sounds like some kike propaganda, not a real Muslim belief.

Four shitskin fat bitches who probably don't even shave their vags and have unibrows.