Life ok up the upcoming Russian Parliament Elections

>Life ok up the upcoming Russian Parliament Elections
>See Communist Party as Second Place with 12M Votes

Why? Russia wtf r u doing?

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Gas yourself, kike

AT&T shill detected

Their "commies" are basically religious socialists, they also want to arm people what's surprising.

Live was great under communist rule.

You could eat whole week just with 50 cents.

Free education, transport, medicine no unemployment. Brand new car if you wer good worker and member of the party. Almost free travel and vacation.

For a normal decent worker it was a paradise. But for criminals, lazy and greedy people it was hell.

But muh privacy. You could own land, which was given freely to you by the state. As long as you do something with it.

Once a commie always a commie, only way to get rid of them is to holocaust them.

>Believes the communist lies
How about killing yourself?

Also "united russia" got only so much votes because putin. You can say "putin". He is a real clever men to fight off the western agents and influence. Without USA interfering putin would never be so powerfull.

You can say that all those votes are result of american foreign policy. CIA basicly brought him to power. Without them being aware of course

Antifa ins Gas

Your country is pretty much communist. On practical level.

EU is communism in construction.

The CP is pretty much a semi-trolling nationalist party there that just uses the old iconography to get the nostalgic octogenarian vote. Like if Trump started campaigning with pictures of Reagan everywhere.

No i lived in CCCP, it was fantastic. Then democracy came and we moved to the most similar country to CCCP, which is germany. It is pretty socialist but with higher inflation rates.
Iam not antifa, it is just bunch of rebelios kids like skinheads. Germans like to let out their frustration doesnt matter which side they belong. Wandalism is in the blood.

Stop mixing socialism with communism you fucking you idiot.

Do you have taxes on your land or property ? That means goverment owns it if you dont pay taxes.

This is communism.

Wait till you get 1000€ citizen money....Thats brutal communism.

You get welfare etc. Goverment is in control. Thats communism.

Germany is communist.

You cant own anything here. If you dont pay taxes, they take it away. How is it different then CCCP ?

>Do you have taxes on your land or property
There is property tax in almost every single country on this earth, even fucking USA. You have no idea what communism is dont you?

How is that different from any other country you dumb fuck, if you dont pay property tax in US they will take everything from you, is USA a communist state then?

"Education in Finland is an education system with no tuition fees and with fully subsidised meals served to full-time students."

Jesus christ, this is exactly what happend in CCCP.

Finnish are the most insane people on this board hating on communism while practicing on daily bases.

>Russian Election
>Not rigged

Vladimir is a cool guy. But there is no democracy in Russia. He wins by default.

Commit suicide.
t. Polak.

"CCCP did this then you must be communist lol fucking btfo'd you are commie"

CCCP put a man in space, so did USA, this makes USA communist.

CCCP manufactured cars (alltho shitty ones), so did France, France must be communist.

In monaco for example you dont have to. You buy it, you own it. Or saudi arabia almost no taxes. Thats is pure capitalism.

The goal of communism is to abolish private ownership. So the goverment basicly owns everything.

Thus if you dont pay, they take it away.

USA is a communist country. They have central bank, they get foodstamps. Watch here pls. Dont be ignorant. They use the word "democracy" and "capitalism" to hide their communist plans-

You really are retarded arent you, well thats normal for a commie. Now please off yourself.

Do you consider the fact that my parents first ate a banana after we gained independence?
Or that they wiped their assholes with newspaper because toilet paper was scarce?

forgot to write it after "independence"

No he doesnt because communism is good, we get free shit (and its literally shit). The products that you were able to buy under soviet rule were absolute garbage.

So tell why you have central bank ?

Why do you have income tax ? (eentho you dont have to according to your constitution)

Why do you have foodstamps ?

Why do you have a leader which is clearly an islamic communist ?(got it indoctrination by communist and islamic scholars)

Why do you have federal reserve ?

I'm not watching your brain wash video you fucking slime. You're a disgrace to your country and you should be hanged like the fucking traitor you are.

I havent eaten banana for 5 years. Their are plenty of food higher with magnesium then banana. I think you should it eat local food. And toilet paper it is just cultural thing, most people in peasant villages like you lived, used leafes. Muslims use water to clean ass. It is cultural thing. No high demant, like if politicians would worry that peasants/fishers cant wipe their ass with toilet paper would be a big problem lol.


Actually this video exposed communist goverment of USA and how communist subverted your country and won cold war by brainwashing and using gays and liberals.

90% of US dept is owned by china. You slowly becoming communist.

Hello communism.

I know. That's why I think you commies should all be hanged. It's only a matter of time before the communists start arming themselves. BLM is already on that path.

and its better now or what?
maybe only if you can afford it

>believing the (((communist))) lies
kill yourself
t. Russian immigrant

Nothing changes with that system, they are only doing it to reduce the amount of bureaucracy. Why do I even bother arguing with a commie, they never learn. See you on the day of the rope.

cyka blyat brat

I always knew those fucking russians are still nasty commies inside.

Man you really do big mental gymnastic so that you don't have to admit that you are becoming commie too and that its the best way of life

Topkek I read that wrong and thought you said your parents wiped their ass's with the banana peel because toilet paper was scarce

>arming themselfs

No we want to take away your guns. And sent everyone to gulag(femas) who disagree with us.

Communism will rule dude.

We will colonize mars and all other planets. We just need to create on world communist planet without nations and religions.

>Man you really do big mental gymnastic
Totaly agree. This guy is retard basicly.

Communism sucks hurr durr

Gibesmedats free money, free education and free food.

We are a socialist-democratic country and have been for the past 100 years, so are the other nordic countries, we still have more freedom of enterprise than the countries that people call "capitalist" (USA). Learn the difference before you start talking.

again mental gymnastitics... are you serious?
Nordic countries are exactly how russia was in the 70s, during the soviet golden era, all paid for and subsizied if you couldn afford it, all was paid for for you, exactly like now in your country

When you become jobless, the goverment provides for you. They slowly destroy physical money and turn it into electric one, after that. Their will be no money. Everyone works for eachother.

There is a large difference between "old world" and "new world" communism. The latter was the intended thing, the former descended into panslavic cryptofascism

yeah i know..
nordic countries have such a good life because their governments pay them for everything and they critiize communism LMAO!!!

I would say finland is the most communist country, because of the militarization. Norway would be 2, then sweden because of monarchy(which needs to go)

Does finland got a king ?

agreed with what you say

>does finland got a kind
nah they don't

In the 70's USSR had one of the worst financial crisis the failed state had ever faced so I dont know if you are trolling me or not.

lol thats pure communism. they dont even realize it. how sneaky is that ?

Yeah, our mandatory military service is because we are communist, not because of the bloodthirsty commies on the other side of the border.

Russian communism has absolutely nothing to do with American college communism tho.

Who told you this ? It was fantastic. Only under gorbachtov it went down the shitter and crashed during yeltzin.

you can't exactly compare soviet financial system with western financial system
they were still good enough to expand their space program and went to Venus, no one was in poverty

was finland ever to venus?

>not because of the bloodthirsty commies on the other side of the border.

LOL thats communist scaremongering to control you. USSR used the same tactic to keep the population in fear of "imperialist west". Your goverment uses the same communist tactic by pointing fingers at the "imperialistic russia".

Finland confirmed commieland.we might have world nr1 overall tax rate.everything is taxed. One thing that is good here is the vast open spaces without niggers

>was finland ever to venus?
HAHA only to swamps!

>Your goverment uses the same communist tactic by pointing fingers at the "imperialistic russia".
THIS x10000000

sad how no one realise this

Come on Russkis, quit being cucks and vote for based Zhirinovsky already and retake all rightful Russian clay.

YES read this manifesto here. nr 2

Even USSR themselves reported their NMP went down 2 fucking points in the 70's and those numbers were a total lie. CIA reported drop in GNP was 3, same as NMP.

>believing the (((communist))) lies.

>Do you have taxes on your land or property ? That means goverment owns it if you dont pay taxes.

Is feudalism communism?

Everthing is taxed. So what does it do ? Total control of the population...No privat ownership and collectivism.

How is that not communist ? it is insane!

I think the actions made by USSR speak more than a thousand words.

You support communism without actually realizing what communism is, fucking kill yourself already.

If Communism is so superior why did Soviet Union get BTFO by a bunch of Mongolian fishermen?

Feudalism means some privat person gives HIS OWN land to peasants which can use it to grow crop or animals. Like a duke or a knight. BUT this knight doesnt have to pay taxes, he owns it unless some other person comes and kills him.

How ever if the GOVERMENT taxes "your" land you pay for it and if you dont it takes it away. THAT is communism my friend.

please enlighten us about communism you hans

>you could own land

you lost me there ignorant fuck

he is right though
every family had a garantueed flat and owned a village dacha (house) in the countryside

Because finnland is and was more communist then soviets which didnt had such high taxes like finland, which is one of the communist manifasto to tax the population so hard.

Finland lost in the end, just like USA against bunch of ricefarmers.

>if democracy is so superior why did the US get BTFO by viet village farmers?
that argument is pointless

Goverment gave you land and put taxes on it. Just like in EU countries,

So it was the (((Anglos))) that invented true Communism huh?

>Taxes based on ownership of property were used in ancient times, but the modern tax has roots in feudal obligations owned to British and European kings or landlords. In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, British tax assessors used ownership or occupancy of property to estimate a taxpayer’s ability to pay. In time the tax came to be regarded as a tax on the property itself (in rem). In the United Kingdom the tax developed into a system of “rates” based on the annual (rental) value of property.

>The growth of the property tax in America was closely related to economic and political conditions on the frontier. In pre-commercial agricultural areas the property tax was a feasible source of local government revenue and equal taxation of wealth was consistent with the prevailing equalitarian ideology.

This is a good point, but it proofs only that communism is superior system this is why it won against american capitalist system.

most people only owned a shitty project flat ridden by cockroaches.

They had to stand in line like 4 hours just to buy a simple bread, meat was a luxury most people won't even see more than once a month. Most people wouldn't see a banana or orange in their whole life.

But the fear was the worst, the fear that you could dissapear any second without any form of trial or accusation. Just because your neighbour didn't liked you and accused you of uncommunist activities or because you happen to listen to the wrong radio.

You started with whataboutism lol pointing the lost of finland in winterwar agains soviets.

>why do you have X
Let me give you a hint

Constitutional Monarchy with Capitalism is best form of government

Thats bullshit. At least they didnt get bombed by muslims :)

be honest
is really everything better?

you pay 1100 bucks for a shitty one room in some criminal part, surrounded by our friendly people from the middle east

and you can barely afford to eat real food

at least in the past you could have non-GMO ridden food

you are naive and probably everything is paid for you by your parents


Your founding father fought british crown and won. Freedome to the people!

1 May 1776. 1 May is international worker days! Long live the communist proletariat!

Implying you can have communism with out a class war.

Protip: You literally can't.

Anything else is socialism.

YES totaly. It isnt much different. Maby worse, securitywise. Soviet union was impossible to commit a crime. Everyone was scared of gulag.

In belgium a terrorist can freely do what he wants, kill people, women and children. Get maby 5 years for killing somone.

I remember when all chechen terrorist wer sent to the desert when they try to spread their propaganda during soviet time. No terrorism was possible.


Communism is slowly taking over.

>That's bullshit.

94 million people beg to differ.

>At least they didnt get bombed by muslims :)

No, they got tortured and killed by the commies and harassed by the Gypos

You think this guy would survive in soviet union ?

Where is the justice that this shitskin can murder and rape women and girls at get a vacation in a warm cozy prison and get food by the workers taxes ?

> you are naive
Believing in communism, calling others naive


You gotta clean up your country of trash.

What do you think ? Keep the trash while decent and honest workers provide for it like in belgium ?

Really? I don't see the masses lining up with rifles just yet.

This new age "war on drugs" "War on poverty" shit needs to stop. I'm talking about a real war you tool.

LOL you believe this ?

So why not distribute the wealth more eaqualy so the workers pay more taxes and rich pay less and earn less.

controlled opposition to keep putin in power dummy

>What is inflation

believe me communist are no better that muzzie trash. they are greedy, unfair , only look after theyr own and everything and anybody else can just fuck off. Theyr agressive approach make them popular.

Rich people got inflation, right.

Islam is imperialist.

>the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943

>the deportation of the Ingush in 1944.[5] (see also Population transfer in the Soviet Union)

Communist knows how to deal with muslims. You dont.

Communists also know how to deal with crops–33

How to deal with military personnel: Soviet edition

How to build nuclear reactors soviet style

>You dont.

that's one thing I'll agree with. We're too fucking weak to even stop the trojan horse at the border and we willingly let ourselves be conquered from within our borders. Anyway, we deserve this for being such fucking cucks


she would be raped by any red party member or policeman without any consequences. Reporting it would get her some more rape or get her killed. Thank you tovarish Gorbatchev!