Who in Cred Forums would sacrifice his soul to get rich...

Who in Cred Forums would sacrifice his soul to get rich? Unlimited money and fame! Keep in mind when you die you will suffer for eternity. Are those couple of decades really worth suffering an eternity for? Also, you get enoug power an political say to mingle in world affairs on a large scale. So would you do it and if so, what would the first thing be that you buy/do

ur mum

I am already death inside.
Ice cream
having ice cream would be nice.

i would but only to make a jesus of myself by saving humanity's soul.

Being rich is better than being poor.
Unlimited money is good

What if I did only good acts with unlimited money?
Feed the hungry, clothe the poor,etc.
Like fuck you satan we did a deal but I turned it on you.
Eternal punishment for tricking the devil?
not fair.

I would.

Oh and the first thing I would buy is a 80m luxurious yacht.

Hmmm interesting, but a pact is a pact. Maybe if your lucky god would come and save you personally? Or like in that movie, beceause you were unselfish satan has no claim on your anymore.

>Who in Cred Forums would sacrifice his soul to get rich?

no, if soul is real infinity vs 80 years
if not real, whats the point

so no either way

See? That's how boring you are.

I would neither but it intreuges (if thats written right) me that people would do this.

>get unlimited money and fame for 80 years at best
>miss out on eternal pleasure and heaven
>gain eternal torment and mind numbing pain
Nigga, I'm a fedora and even I can see how stupid this is.

If there is something it would be probably knowledge of all the stuff that has been kept secret for us for malicious means. Being able to make that public and have everyone open their eyes

And yet, allot of people would do it bro

There is no pleasure on this Earth that is worth an eternity of constant pain and suffering.

I've been suffering my whole life, give me the money, not the fame

this movie was red pill as fuck
>your soul doesn't belong too you
>god was black


It wouldn't change shit
Humans are too dumb to break free from the bluepill

Just look at Snowden the things he revealed should have started revolutions all over the planet but nothing happened

Can we talk about the Temple of Set?

Set being the egyptian god of storms, and apparently Satan ?

>negotiate optimum deal
>in exchange for soul
>1.instant & total annihilation of anyone other than self who possesses your soul; ownership passes to last extant non-annihilated owner
>3.guaranteed more than one trillion years of absolute dominion over entire visible universe with option to delegate or automate portions of control at will
>4.eternal immunity to suffering for soul

I've gotten close to that, but never actually did it.
To be honest meddling in world affairs is pointless because it will all end the same way. The globalists think they're in control, but they're not. They're following a script handed down by God Himself. This world will become globalist and globalized as one world. under presumably liberalism. That's unstoppable. The funny part will be when it all comes crashing down; hopefully I'm not here for that day. Fuck the devil.

I'd rather live life as a poor man and go to Asgard than die and be tortured eternally