Most redpilled jew ever?

Or not? Alot of her views seem to line up with Cred Forums. Yet i see alot of hate directed against her when she's brought up. Whats up?

Other urls found in this thread:


that means she gladly fell for the most primitive animalistic scum

she is the epitome of degeneracy

i dont care about her philosophy though

Rand and all libertardians fail to understand the connected nature of the individual. Libertarianism assumes that individuality is prior to or superior to contextual embeddedness, and this mistake in logic is a big enough crack in its foundation to render all of its conclusions completely worthless.

Get the fuck out

And take your kike with you.

>bitter old crone
>lines up with Cred Forums
yeah, sounds about right

She espouted objectivism. She talked of self before others. Benign selfishness or some such. Which comes to, how can you take care of others if you cant take care of yourself? Granted i was an edgy teen when last i studied it, but i think im remembering it somewhat correctly

Uh how exactly does libertarian or individualistic ayn rand garbage line up with national socialism?

The answer- it doesn't. You can delete the thread now.

Cred Forums has experienced a major demographic shift, now libertarians are just another meme for their frog god
how far we've fallen

95% of people commenting on her have never actually sat down and read anything she wrote. It's just memes, both positive and negative.

Go find a book or paper and read it yourself if you're really interested.


No, this is the most red pilled jew ever.

Ive read alot of her works. Which is why pols response confuses me

Why? She espouses pure, selfish, kikery. What's confusing about that? The right is just as jewed as the left.

rand is the epitome of a jew

Not really. She believed in merit and hard work. Being true to yourself.

>red pilled

Pick one. The only time a jew acts red pilled is to subvert a group of people and control opposition.

Yes she is that. Cant really refute it

Actual most redpilled Jews

To add though she was also russian.

when will you be this cool?

Rand is why we have shit like gutting industries in the name of the "free market" gods, and the almighty stock market. Only people who have been poisoned by the jewish lies like "the american dream" and individualism instead of thinking of their tribal connections would like that philosophy.

Cred Forums isn't one person.

you don't know shit idiot, sage

The basis of her philosiphy is objective views. Not greed. That man is his own god. She also despised the feminist movement so there's that. Todays market twists it and takes it to extremes

This, it seems they can see the value in their own traditions and also critique the absolute kikery. Not bad.

A serious man is one of my favorites

No but i only ever see one kind of response. Nothing in defense. No discourse. Just jew hate

>That man is his own god.

If you don't see the problem with that, congrats, you're a run of the mill jewified american. Do you even realize how far their brainwashing has gone?

Please enlighten me with a verbose and eloquent argument. Or bitch and moan like a woman. Which is what your argument sounds like. A feminist argument

>No but i only ever see one kind of response. Nothing in defense. No discourse. Just jew hate

Oh, fuck off. It's the ideas that are poisonous. The thing is though, that those ideas stem from the jewish soul. But, it's not simply because the idea comes from a kike. I listen to Bob Dylan, he's a kike.

Its not a philosiphy i follow. Im a devout worshiper of kek. But this site needs discourse. Not constant shitposting from people incapable of making a counter argument

it's demential to even consider applying rational selfishness on every single person, a society couldn't work that way. It only works for a minority inside a solidary society based on cooperation and sacrifice. In case you are wondering, that minority is called Jews.
Her material is only good for countering commies, but in the end both are equally dangerous.

How so?

Maybe not directly, but echoes of Objectivism have always been a prominent part of this.

Pro-tip. Most of the Jew stuff probably comes from salty Marxist kikes themselves.

Thank you

They're definitely up there.
Barton Fink sympathizes with the Natsocs and criticizes Hollywood and the American military's Jewish ways.

She was anti-racist and a selfish kike

The problem with calling someone else brainwashed is that you have to assume that you are right.

How's you Plato working out for you?

Oh yeah - Dunning Kruger

You are too stupid to even realize you are too stupid, because you think you are right and can't even see how you are wrong.

tl;dr: That's what you are but what am I?

K? Not an argument. Selfishness was kind of her whole deal

Ayn Rand is a woman, and a crazy woman at that.

Just because she criticizes women doesn't make her above any of it.

Get natsoc or go home. Libertarianism is just used by people to justify being total narcissistic and delusional monsters.

>How so?

I already explained earlier. Unbridled self-interest.

>tips fedora


He may actually be a Goblin, but in his official form he's a Jew.
And the most redpilled one.

No, Gilad Atzmon and authors like Israel Shahak, who is quoted extensively in this pdf document:

are much more red pilled IMHO.

Its not unbridled. If anything it is the complete opposite of what hillary and the democrats stand for. Giving people free shit just cause

I know what she calls it. She's a nutcase. Pissing off feminists is the only amusing thing about her. Calling herself an objectivist is just as pretentious as that other kike, Stefan, calling himself a philosopher. You're not smart just because you say you are.

>Oh, fuck off. It's the ideas that are poisonous.
Property Rights are poisonous...
t.Schlomo "Not A Kike" Goldbergstein

opposed nationalism for the goyim whilst rabidly loving israel. typical jew, with a jewish mind and thoughts.

Shes not a nutcase just because you say she is. Your argument. Provide info plz?

Ive only listened to a few of her interviews. It was the books i read. They didnt go into rabid love of israel

No, kid. You're either going to get it or you're not. Most of us here have gone through libertarianism. If you really want to be a good person you'll move past it. I'm not going to convince you to do that.

Wasn't Bobby Fischer a jew?

I long ago moved passed it. I give as much as am able and help those i can. I love my fellow man, to a certain extent. But complete selflessness sounds like a pretty terrible and liberal idea. Im all for deporting the sand niggers back to their country

his mother looked like an wyatt mann comic and was called "rothstein" or something.

No idea. Google it

I don't remember anyone in the thread recommending complete selflisness as an ideal.

Yes, he was.


I've read almost everything by her. Most people on this site are why to lazy to read The Fountainhead or Atlas Shurgged (which took me about 2 months to read my first time, that shit was so long) and those aren't even part of her non-fictitious works.

Obviously you never read anything by her.


Objectivism is NOT Libertarianism. It's strange that you can say SHES A JEW SO SHE IS SHIT without actually taking time to read her works, break down the information, digest it, think about it and then formulate a conclusion based.

No, just selfishness as wrong and immoral

Wow, you don't meet a Jew who believes money is the only thing that matters to the point of screwing over anyone else every day.

That speech in atlas shrugged tho. Pretty much explained the whole thing

Ayn Rand is literally the Jesus Christ of the 20th century. Time will show her to be 100% right, even though she was criticised and misunderstood in her time. Cuckservatives tried to demonise her ideas because she correctly points out how retarded all religions are.

You... dont really know anything about it. That wasnt her focus.

Objectivists are not “cuckservatives.” We are radicals for capitalism; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism did not have and without which it was doomed to perish . . .

Politics is based on three other philosophical disciplines: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics—on a theory of man’s nature and of man’s relationship to existence. It is only on such a base that one can formulate a consistent political theory and achieve it in practice. When, however, men attempt to rush into politics without such a base, the result is that embarrassing conglomeration of impotence, futility, inconsistency and superficiality which is loosely designated today as “cuckservatism.” . . .

Today’s culture is dominated by the philosophy of mysticism (irrationalism)—altruism—collectivism, the base from which only statism can be derived; the statists (of any brand: communist, fascist or welfare) are merely cashing in on it—while the “cuckservatives” are scurrying to ride on the enemy’s premises and, somehow, to achieve political freedom by stealth. It can’t be done.

The Objectivist Newsletter “Choose Your Issues,”
The Objectivist Newsletter, Jan, 1962, 1

Selfishness as an ideal is wrong and immoral. No one can escape selfishness. People need to take care of themselves as well as the world around them for it is one and the same.

She did like calling people on their bullshit. Thats pretty much what it sums up to. No bullshit. There is only the world and what we physically make of it

Never said cuckservative. Dont really disagree with any of your post

Selfishness wasnt the ideal. Man was.

Actually, some user earlier today posted a good critique of that, arguing that estates were better since they had an obligation to the people living in them, and that the kikes subverted that.

It is neither wrong nor immoral to be selfish.
Selflessness, the idea that you must sacrifice your own life for the "good" of the collective is what is wrong and immoral.

While I cant consider myself an adherent of her philosophy any longer, I still respect her more than any other philosopher and admire her as an author.

I would gladly buy some flowers to lay at her grave if I were ever in New York.

What is it you think we're not getting?
I don't like capitalism in America. It's become a religion. It should be secondary to nationalism.

The Fountainhead justified my aspie like behavior.
I don't have any friends because I'm autistic, no no it's because I'm an individualist and they are all parasites, collectivist insects!

Our country was based on freedom and capitalism. That you could own pretty much whatever you wanted. That if you worked hard enough you could make it yours without fear of it being taken for some nonsense reason

Never actually finished that one. Have friends. Have a gf. Have a job. Pay my bills. I do my due dilligence.

Yeah and I don't approve of where it's gotten us. America is degenerative to its people. Look at all the freaks walking around today with bad genes and bad diets. They are the norm. America is also anti history and anti culture. If the founding fathers could see what would have become then they would have done things differently.

you'll never know how it feels to be truly free then, you're no Howard Roark, you're just a run of the mill Peter Keating

Wouldnt happen to have a link?

a jewess who turned money into a religion? what are the odds?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What are the “cuckservatives”? What is it that they are seeking to “cuckserve”?

It is generally understood that those who support the “cuckservatives,” expect them to uphold the system which has been camouflaged by the loose term of “the American way of life.” The moral treason of the “cuckservative” leaders lies in the fact that they are hiding behind that camouflage: they do not have the courage to admit that the American way of life was capitalism, that that was the politico-economic system born and established in the United States, the system which, in one brief century, achieved a level of freedom, of progress, of prosperity, of human happiness, unmatched in all the other systems and centuries combined—and that that is the system which they are now allowing to perish by silent default.

If the “cuckservatives” do not stand for capitalism, they stand for and are nothing; they have no goal, no direction, no political principles, no social ideals, no intellectual values, no leadership to offer anyone.

Yet capitalism is what the “cuckservatives” dare not advocate or defend. They are paralyzed by the profound conflict between capitalism and the moral code which dominates our culture: the morality of altruism . . . Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society.

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal “Cuckservatism: An Obituary,”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 194

The freaks and degenerates are encouraged by the welfare state, and will continue to exist so long as Americans allow the entitlement mentality to fester.

Maybe not. But howard roark is what man is meant to aspire to. Its what i aspire to. To be my own man, answerable to noone but my own concience. What about you user?

Looking at what i just wrote, maybe i didnt leave it all behind.

Come on, we all know the bajorans were the real jews.



Never read her works huh?

>31 different posters ITT
>probably 3 people have actually read anything by Ayn Rand.

Nope. I think the title was something about private property. But, the gist of the argument was that since Jews weren't allowed to own estates in the old monarchies, they had motive to push for "private property" rights. This would do a couple of things. One, it would add stress to life, since you no longer are just a peasant on a piece of land for life. At least you had a home before. Second, it removes the obligation of the estate owners towards the people living on their estates, giving all landlords an incentive to act jewy.

I know. They just take ideas fostered by others, too weak willed to do their own research. I got called a bad person as a preteen, a PRE TEEN, cause i said i liked objectivism. Damndable cunt... you still haunt me

I've read Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Anthem, The Virtue of Selfishness. And I started few other essays and shit.

Jew can't do shit without big government. Jew needs big government to act as a parasite. Without it there's nothing for him to leach off.
There's just free market. And the free market is cruel to everyone equally. Jew won't find any special treatment in the Objectivist world.

Thank you user

scatlas shrugged was about hypergamy and beta orbiters; fountainhead was some empowered bitch unleashing a giant shit test

This is why I don't tell people I am an objectivist. The label is enough to turn people off. Instead, I just explain what my values are, and try not to autistically name-drop Ayn Rand.

I'm not saying I completely disagree with you, but what's your point?


All buzzwords and no real substance

well it's kind of retarded to claim that she's a kike just kiking about when her philisophy is literally the anti-thesis of socialism/communism, and as such makes the job of the kike impossible

so she's really bad at jewing

Not really. It talks of our (burgerland) political system right now

Today’s “cuckservatives” are futile, impotent and, culturally, dead. They have nothing to offer and can achieve nothing. They can only help to destroy intellectual standards, to disintegrate thought, to discredit capitalism, and to accelerate this country’s uncontested collapse into despair and dictatorship.

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal “Cuckservatism: An Obituary,”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 199

Thread seems dead. Thanks for the discourse anons

>opposed nationalism for the goyim whilst rabidly loving israel.
This is somewhat true. Not sure she rabidly supported Israel so much as she despised Arabs for being "backwards and uncivilized". She wasn't a fan of Nationalism either as she saw it as just another form of collectivism, like Communism.

Here she is in her own words on Israel, the Middle East, and US Foreign Policy.