What was the greater 9/11 collapse: the Twin Towers, or Hillary Clinton's polling numbers?

What was the greater 9/11 collapse: the Twin Towers, or Hillary Clinton's polling numbers?

Honestly, Kek watches over us.

Hillary represents stagnation and order, Dahnald represents chaos and keks.

Kek has stricken Hillary with all his might. He's like a force of nature. We are but ants to him.

Ants cannot comprehend the concept of humans with their simple brains, they cannot see a human with their simple eyes. The force that is Kek is like a human to us, ants, we cannot comprehend him, we cannot se him, but he is here.

And he bestowed a great gift that is the collapse of DEVIL BITCH CLINTON.

The Golden Dawn is coming, Kek will it.


its going to loop back, and when it does you virgins are going to say shit like;
>oh those dont matter
>obviously rigged
>fuck off shill

polls only matter if trump is winning huh

>its going to loop back, and when it does you virgins are going to say shit like

And when/if it does, you'll go back to posting screenshots of RCP graphs accompanied by Linkin Park lyrics, right?

Why aren't you basking in Kek's radiance?

Even if Hillary wins, it's going to be most devastating period for dems, after that, reps will rule for a long time, don't you agree?

fuck off shill

Which website is this?

Every polling website I look at says Clinton is ahead for some reason.

It's been a good few days, very entertaining and with Kek's blessing much more mayhem to come.

>It's going to loop back
That would require Hillary Clinton to have ANYTHING left to bolster her numbers. The Debates are going to be the most humiliating tooth-removal in US Presidential history.

We've broken all of your fingers, shill. You have nothing left.

The winner of the debate will be the one to solidify who wins and who loses.

Trump better be prepared to tackle on Hillary and her paid moderators if not he's a total goner.

He has faced completely hostile debate formats before remember, he's not afraid to confront them.

You can't believe the polls no matter what, but when Trump leads it hurts leftist feelings. Causing pain to leftists is goal #1

**cough* *cough* *cough* " 'scuse me.."
*cough* *cough* *fiddling to unwrap sweet* *take a sip of water* *still coughing*

*Ding* *ding* "The time is up Mrs Clinton"

It doesn't take much for Trump to win the debates.


>Even if Hillary wins, it's going to be most devastating period for dems, after that, reps will rule for a long time, don't you agree?

>Hillary wins

>she pours in mexicans and muslims

>hundreds of thousands mostly demo voters

>unemployment increase

>terrorist attacks

>crime isn't contained to inter-city nigger areas anymore

>the liberals double down refusing to admit they were wrong

That is what will happen.

Buildings collapse all the time.
It is rare a huge favorite loses two times running for president, if she loses this time around.

>Next election
>uses the same tactic again
>sheeps forget her past failures again
>she gets her 2nd term

Implying she doesn't die of stress of course

you left out the part where where she goes after all the frog posting, alt-righters via the IRS like Obama did with the tea party. She'll use the NSA to track down all these ppl by hacking the Chans and twitter logs and start auditing them all. Plus she'll shut down all forms of internet communication these ppl had with each other by censoring internet "hate speech". Any political momentum this group had will be squashed like she did with all the Bernie supporters.

Nice one P.E.P.E.

Keep is Shandaley.

Nobody's saying it isn't rigged right now. That's the impressive part.

The problem is that all of those immigrants will vote D for gibsmedat. It's already bad when Texas is only R+6. It is simply unamerican

Donald lent me his time machine and I can confirm that you don't exist in any timeline after November 8.