White people

>White people
>not the most violent race on the planet

Uuhm... Cred Forums? Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>What is population density
>What is crimes reported
>What is a competent police force

This pic is about war and conflict between nations from -2500 to 2016

And for whatever reason, people who stands up from the crowd like a sore thumb think that it is a good idea to migrate to Europe.

I am actually glad, because to recognize friend or foe uniform in distance or darkness can be tricky, while recognizing nigger is easy.


and for your sake i hope your source has sources?

go somewhere else you swedish cuck.

>that flag
>a woman clearly behind this post
I'm not even surprised

>implying rapes get reported in united pedostan
Wasn't there a article that said nearly 45% of rapes in Britain get unreported

I don't even know what counts as a rape anymore

>most violent race on the planet
>all other races want to live among them
does not compute.

>Talking about rape
Damn son, the shit covered pot calling the kettle brown. Go shit elsewhere you filth.

Because in Africa they don't fight between nations, they fight between tribes.
South America doesn't fight between nations. They fight between Narcos or kill eachother in pointless revolutions.

>Most violent race
>Only race to ever achieve anything

Also notice how the conflicts in Europe/Us are all old as fuck, while the most recent are all in Niggerstan

War is the civilized mans violence.

This info graphic doesn't count random acts of chimpery or cultural enrichment.

That's because these uncivilised niggers can barely speak let alone write down their history. So how the fuck are we supposed to know about their pastt violence when jamal is too busy raping his sister, and trying not to catch malaria

>White people
>the most honest people on thee planet

heh, like we'd know about all the african conflicts before 1500.

There are even some early spots in Aus, hundreds of years before European setters. What nations were warring? Early Emu wars? Decipher that from hand paintings? Big war 1BC t. Chief Abo?

Makes me think you're retarded.

Are these supposed to be battles?

Whites are pretty much the only one who have detailed written and historical counts of their battles and wars.
Africa for example is the most war-ravaged place on Earth. But the people there are primitive tribes with no writing system

Similar story pretty much everywhere else except Asia, which is a stagnant society for the most part confined by ancestor worship and tradition as their straitjacket

>implying the emu war is over

get the fuck out, your women can't even go for a peaceful shit in their field without getting jumped by horny bipties