


Sweden muslim-point-oh is here guys!

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Var är vår Trump?

man kan ju hoppas på att Jimmie iallafall är halva Trump

Varför vill ni inte leva i ett mångfaldigt land utan hat ?






Varför stoppade ni det inte?


>tfw jag var bluepilled förra valet


Daily reminder that our planet is just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things.

Hvem faen bryr seg

But we could have become something so much bigger

that pale blue dot will become a dark black dot with a veil if the shitskins get their way.

Because as far as we know, we're the only sentient entities in the universe. Until we discover aliens as intelligent as us (or create new entities as intelligent as us), we're the most important thing in the entire universe.


Free will is a meme, my friend. If the big bang happened a million times, we would end up with the same situation we see today a million times.

Enjoy the ride


Free will might not exist, but our universe isn't deterministic. Bell's inequality theorem proves there are no local hidden variables. Einstein was wrong; God plays dice.

We are the 2nd biggest cuck country, but sweden... sweden is on a whole new level of cuckery, you literally want to remove your own flag because it's racist ahahHAHAHAHHhhhahHAHh

Got some good videos or articles about this? I'd like to know more


Det låter som om ni kommer att få ett nytt land :D när spricker era nerver och gör slut med det? Det var roligare att kasta skit på svenskar när ni hade det bra, men nu känns det som att sparka en halvdöd man.

Ordnar eran armé någon ''basic'' träning för frivilliga eller måste man bli professionell för det? Om inte, jag föreslår att ni tar upp en ny hobby och blir jägare. Älgjakt är både rolight och kommer att vara andvändbar när zombie-apocalypset startar. Ni har ännu reservister bland er så det borde väl inte vara omöiligt att få utbildning från Sverige.

>the meme that free will is an illusion thats why I do whatever I want with no morals, duty, or honor while living as though I did have free will

Hm I study physics at university level so I learned about it in course books and from professors, but there should be stuff to look at if you google "Bell's inequality theorem"

Shove it! Our flag is beautiful.


Let's troll this.

Han kommer förhoppningsvis snart.


Germany is way worse, you literally have people celebrating the 'volkstod'. Sweden is cucked, yes, but not even close to germany



Germany is fucked, but atleast we are starting to fight back. There is still hope and our politicians aren't saying stuff like "deport swedish men and keep the refugees"

But there is still hope for both of us, my swedish friend told me that your right wing party is gaining opularity, is that true ?

> you literally have people celebrating the 'volkstod'
>implying people don't do the same in sweden

Yes it's true.
Remember, Swedes have a long fuse.

deprimerad, har dålig utbildning och är fattig...
Socialism finns just för att förhindra skapandet av Trumps, kunde kanske gå med den där @notch men han verkar ytterst tolerant

Are those statistics for the entire country or just a small region ?

It's for the entire country. Sweden Democrats (alt-right) is currently the biggest party in sweden right now according to Sentio and Yougov polls. Both of which where the closest in predicting the latest election results. Sweden democrats is guaranteed to be the biggest party in the 2018 elections.

Pretty sure it's for the entire country.


Samples from all of sweden, likely to be polarized

>tfw too redpilled to enjoy life in sweden
>tfw only feel hatred towards our people and country

It's the entire country, but it's from January. They have officially gone down a few points because the other parties have somewhat harder stances to immigration now compared from then, and some cucks decided to go back to their old parties.

Notch är delvis rödpillrad när det gäller feminism. Men en Trump behöver inte vara speciellt rik. Det räcker med att han ställer upp i valet och säger roliga saker och provocerar vänstern.

Don't hate all of our people. Only hate the traitors.

Jag vet inte vad ni tänker göra, men jag tänker överge det här sjunkande skeppet om ingenting förändras de närmaste åren.
Om SMR eller dylikt blir någonting att räkna med känns det värt att stanna och kämpa men annars är det lika bra att ge landet till vänsterpacket och dra.

That's great, AFD is winning here too.

And if Trump wins the election, it's going to give a huge boost to all Nationalist Parties around the World, and we might be able to uncuck ourselves together.

>Hvem faen bryr seg
Folk der BOR på det sandkorn.

How can you not hate the women and cucks who let this happen?

I hate them more than the immigrants who come here and act like animals

Detta. Men det verkar som att det börjar hända saker nu och jag tänker inte dra alltför snart.

I said that I hate those who did this. And I also do hate them more than the immigrants. The immigrants are a sticky mess on the floor while the communists are a hole in the roof. Fix the roof and the sticky mess can be removed.

Om det skiter sig i valet 2018 är det fan hög tid att leta sig till ett annat land

Did Jimmie say that third-worlders can integrate by mixing with natives? I've heard this rumor many times on Cred Forums, but couldn't find any sources for it searching in english.

Exactly. You can't blame a poorly trained dog for biting you, it's the masters fault.

How do you Swedes feel about SD? I mean, i think you have around 1.5 million people with a migrant background in your country, are you confident about SD?