Hey guys, I like to beat my wife, what is your thoughts on that?

Hey guys, I like to beat my wife, what is your thoughts on that?

do you like to key your own car too?

How? Are we talking about disciplinary open-handed strikes on her buttocks/or and thighs?

Or do you chimp out like a nigger and try to turn her face purple?

Thats fucking degenerate.

God I hate leafs so much.

Based pepe, ultimate dread game.

You should stop beating your wife.

I hot my wife once when i saw her kissing some dude and felt like shit afterwards. Don't hit her, its awful.



Why did you just divorce her?

wtf i love canada now

>falling for this epic trole
another OP made this same thread but with a picture of some guy and got banned

Hey mainstream media, include me in the news segment when you do it on this Ugandan boomerang making image board!

Nobody on Cred Forums supports wife beating. But before I give my final judgement, what did she do to deserve it, and is she behaving now?

Does she like it?

with your meat? nothing wrong with that


I do that sometimes. Not so often that my premiums go up, but once in awhile...

Congratulations, for helping to create SJWS.

Men like you who beat their wives and kids, alcoholics, addicts, men on men, and lazy fucks are the problem. You are the fucking problem. People like you are the reason why women are fucking feminists.

You should have your ass stomped fucker for being such a stupid piece of shit.

Since she provoked you into a marriage slavery, I see it as an response for a man whose freedom has been encroached upon.

Of course, you are an idiot for taking some coal burning roastie up on her continually degrading in value offer but tough luck chump.

It simply remains how much she provokes you on a daily basis and how dissatisfied you are with her continued performance. At some point you may wish to get her to self-immolate and learn from your own follies.

who made that joke?


Hitting your girl is pretty degenerate. If the only way you can keep a woman is by beating on her then you're obviously not a real man

Whenever I meet a girl who's gotten beat I tell her to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu so she can then brake his limbs while giggling like a little girl.

>literally every post in this thread is a white knight cuck

Wow this place literally is reddit

You're Italian?

Reminds me of a great movie. Swept Away (1980's version). Required watching for all manginas in this thread.

1974 actually

Raging Bull is pretty cool too