How do we make women women again, Cred Forums?
What sort of legislation would help make families families again?
How do we bring about a bright new wave of traditionalism?
How do we make women women again, Cred Forums?
Stop being you
Just go east europe or russia.
Stop shaming hitting women
Trips would say you're right. I do need to work on some self improvement but me even recognizing that I'm imperfect instantly gives me more self awareness than 80% of Western women.
Lolno. Horrible idea.
>I'm imperfect instantly gives me more self awareness than 80% of Western women.
Gives you awareness more than 80% western men as well
Stop fucking crying
Lots of traditional women here, user. You can also visit muslim countries (syria, pakistan, sweden etc.) if you want REALLY traditional women.
I'm not crying bro. Just trying to find solutions. I'm in the process of losing weight (a thousand calorie deficit is kicking my ass) and once I get back into the groove of things and enroll back in uni I'm going to use the university gym and try to get JUCCY.
>traditional women in the Baltics
I thought they were all Finnish-level whores?
Yeah, that was a few hours ago wasn't it? I kinda got my fill on that earlier since it looks like nothing is going to come of it or we at least won't know for a few hours after the UN meeting. I just figured I'd burn some time with some dopey threads. Not a slide thread
In my exp, no. I haven't met a single hoe in highschool or university. But that was 4 years ago, so dunno now.
Well I imagine the ones that would go for a foreigner would be. Plus I'm more worried about fixing the ones here than going to a foreign country and picking one up.
>I'm not crying bro. Just trying to find solutions. I'm in the process of losing weight (a thousand calorie deficit is kicking my ass) and once I get back into the groove of things and enroll back in uni I'm going to use the university gym and try to get JUCCY.
Yes you are fucking crying all women are whores
because you coudnt get laid because you are a fat loser who spends too much time on r9k
We make women women by maning up and becoming men again. Men don't want to settle and are turning into Japan where they're like 60% virgin at age 30 or whatever that study said
>Yes you are fucking crying all women are whores
Never said that or meant to imply that.
>because you coudnt get laid because you are a fat loser who spends too much time on r9k
Ah yeah, this mindset again. I've gotten laid before, I honestly regret it because I was a hormonal kid it was with an older woman. 2/10 would not do again. Casual sex is fucking retarded and you're retarded for wanting it. You're part of the problem, the male version of my image. You might as well be a nigger
All that happens then is the rest of the men get their fill on all the women, kek
Female promiscuity and feminism have devalued sex to such an extent that you can literally get laid every day with a different women.
Back in the day, Chads were kept in check, by women not putting out until marriage. Forcing Chad to settle for the best.
This changed once the pill was introduced. Now women think that theyre "liberated", when in fact theyre devalued.
They have traded short-term happiness (getting fucked by hundreds of Chads), to settling down with one Chad and having his kids.
This is due to poor impulse control in women and their highly emotional nature.
Coupled with hypergamy and the pill its a recipe for social disaster.
>How do we make women women again, Cred Forums?
You dont. Women who have had more than 3 sexual partners (or more than 1 one-night-stand) are literally damaged goods, due to lacking the ability to pair bond, due to oxytocin production.
Western women are done.
Sure, there are unicorns out there, but they usually settle at age 20 with a rich Chad. So if you want the old-school virgin qt, you gotta be in the top 1% of men.
So... Varg is right? I do think your defeatism is retarded though. It's just going to take an end to the decadence and collapse of social order for women to fall back in line.
Did you not read the last part?
Its up to you to find yourself a high-value traditional untainted qt, but they are rare and you have to be successful and fit.
Again you're mixing up personal experiences and society as a whole. The point of this thread isn't about what an individual can do to find an individual rather what an individual can do to help change society and what solutions are out there
Again, youre not understanding how the world works and Ive already explained it.
Im running low on battery, so Ill make this brief:
>Western women are done.
You as an individual have 0 impact on society, nor will anything change the current sexual Zeitgeist. This is an undisputable fact.
You as an individual can only make the conscious choice to aim for a traditional wife and raise strong men and feminine daughters to continue your line of traditional culture.
Trying to change society is not only impossible, but also irrelevant, because noone gives a fuck about anyone past distant family.
Someday youll understand this.
Once you find a qt to start a family with, you will not give a shit about anyone else, unless it directly affects you.
You can't