Why do you hate women, Cred Forums? They deserve respect!

Why do you hate women, Cred Forums? They deserve respect!

respect is earned


Well some Muslim guy was on here earlier telling me women should be beaten to keep them in line.

Who do I trust?


In this case, and only in this case, the sand nigger.

i try 2 fix 4 u

they don't deserve their shit off my dick

>you look good enough to eat
That's just legit creepy, at least say "you look good enough to rape"

>someone telling her she looks "good enough to eat"


She's just trying to tell the world that she gets compliments.

Because they're born nation-wreckers and willing participants in white genocide.

Damn, thats a tough one...

The sand nigher is right. Women need to be put in their place or you get "modern women".

I sometimes think they have experienced SJW and feminism before and it brought them to their current ideology.

Maybe they are 1 phase ahead of us? Maybe we call them backwards and they simply laugh and say... "you havent caught up junior, these women are evil incarnate."


I deserve morning BJ and aftherwork angry sex.

respect is erned, so stick your ass up.

Women are equals and they deserve respect...
Just kidding they should suck my dick

They deserve deep penetration of affectionate KUK

I love anime women!

Reminds me of what Junior said in The Sopranos.

>Some people are so far behind in the race that they think they're leading.

Or something like that

Here's your redpill on women:

Arabs and Indians are socially awkward and antisocial, hence why they need to use violence to control their women. They, as men, wouldn't get respect otherwise.

In America and white countries, men didn't have to beat the shit out of women because they were masculine enough to the point that women wanted to respect them and acted how the men wanted them to.

It's like this - if the men a woman wants all align to a certain lifestyle, she will change herself to fit in so she can have that man.

But then WW1 and WW2 happened, and now white people are the most beta race in the entire world.

I don't hate women, on the contrary, I just hate feminists because feminism is the equivalent of being a white trash and racist. You didn't really accomplish anything, you just want privilege and respect for something you didn't influence in any way.

>Trust a sand nigger
>Trust a woman

Paradox of the century

I think we need help from non-western cultures to back us up in the fight against feminism, because they just won't listen to "evil white men" but they seem to very tolerant to "people of color"

You cannot, only the Sandniggers are allowed to do it because they belong on the top of the victim hierarchy

They have literally ruined everything good about western society since the second they could vote.
If muslims weren't so fucking crazy I'd probably support their slow takeover because they where women belong, and that it is okay to put them there.


Some random chick deserves my respect as much as some random dude. That's why both get none.

Deserve respect for what?

Please note that respect is different from basic politeness.

that ass

Because if they didn't have a Cunt on the front they'd be a dime a dozen

this, most women don't act in a way that deserves respect


respect is earned, not owed

>have no gf: women are shit!
>have gf: women are great!

just install tinder and find a girl you faggots.

If women behave in a respectable manner, they'll be reapected. If they act like cunts and whores, they'll be treated as such.

Respect is a 2 way street. I respect those women who have at least equal respect for me.

Lol. Sorry I don't trust Jews, be it the real one or the vaginal Jew.
Brb admiring my 2D waifu who'll never cheat on me nor take half of my stuff and then be an ingrate about it.

actually I do my best to abuse any woman dumb enough to come my way. The sad thing is they usually stick like glue after that. But I always make sure get my share for their general retardation.

The thing about women is that they'll complain until their blue in the face (like children), but ultimately when you force the choice between submission and individual action, 98% of the time they discover that (like children) they have no idea how individual action should even start.

Send it back, she's not done yet.

>respect in earned
can NOT be demanded.

if you just go through life being a vapid entitled burden, I don't respect you.