Post them here.
Polandball Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
You should have rather shown how the commies greatly outnumbered them, but still lost.
Nice thumbnail
>oh look, cute little untermenschen
Where is my best enemy(friend)?
Happy Election Day Germoney!
So he did befriend Finland. How nice.
La France is Half Celtic / Half Romanian / Half German(Franc)
Random dump?
Do it!
Why did I even save this?
Like that will happen...
this one is cute
More accurate?
dont discount them, 2 world wars dont lie
who is autistic enough to draw this whole shit ?
I get the reference about early announcement of eternal crusade being F2P, but why this drawing ?
Who knows m8
I am a mere collector
>nuclear reactor somehow vomiting toxic gaz
>country balls are perfect circles
get that 9gag shit out of here
These are some nice ones.
Prepare to be triggered
>south africa
Mein sides!
These would make a great animated mini series. Not even that historical, it's amusing to see the international stereotypes bounce off each other
Start contributing or shut up you autist
We are having a giggle here
delet this
It's actually Germany that has toxic clouds due to its coal plants.
I don't get it explain
You shouldnt mix Japanese with Islam
Pls more of these
>pip pip pip
>kill the irish
But can Poland Ball into space?
>I was relevent 1400 years ago dance
Climate change is a myth. Most actual studies backed up by the Church have proven that coal is good for breathing.
add this to your collection.
This is worse than not having a picture at all.
Finally a polanball thread without my asshole countrymen ruining it
Got it already pham
Anyone still here?
Yep, good job btw
Me, but reading other threads, just checking this every 10 mins.
Pic related, it's muslimball.
i´m here to laugh and not to feel. i wish i could help the ukraine.
Worst kind of ball desu
It is all your fault Enternal Kraut
Dont think we have forgotten about Yugoslavia
has the arab world become such a concern for the west that untranslated words like sawarikh and daesh are immediately understood?
Post rares.
Some /balk/ memes coming through
Anyone have anymore of Israel specifically?
I Keked pretty good
it's an KC-Joke. mods there have an countryball with an pirate-hat.
>being butthurt after seeing comics featuring a ball form of various nations
>being assblasted that other people have fun and enjoy something
>being jaded enough to make a strawman meme attacking these people
>being retarded enough to save this image for the purpose of furthering this retarded perspective
Only in a Polandball cartoon have I ever seen anyone make the connection that the reason Israel will never "free Palestine" is because they want to keep them as human shields against full blown military invasion by the other Arab countries.
Pls no, it is Reddit tier now.
>it's muslimball.
>Worst kind of ball desu
Repeating digits confirm
I briefly recall being told the worst that can come of a nuclear reactor running correctly is rare bacteria growing in the cooling towers
>Mexico of Europe
rustle rustle
the fuck is Quebec doing there?
ハハハ would be more appropriate, though. Just saying.
Didnt realise
>140 posts
>thread going too well
shall we fix this?
where is the part i'm supposed to laugh at?
Why people save these?
Do you save le funny banana too?
I am not finding it on google
What the fuck does it mean anyway?
fuggg I'm late for the party
oh well
Cannot give up with these trips
they only enjoy the rage and controversy the image generates. Same with that retarded banana posting.
It's not funny, they know it's not funny. What is funny though, is how people react.
Case in point, don't feed the trolls
fuck off you're not a leaf
niqqa i made that centuries ago
and can i ask the same questions to you too?
welocme friend. i will sleep now
no you can't
yours is shit and cancer, he actually saves good content, unlike you
Sleep well then, have a nice dream
>that one autistic kid that hates these meme pictures so much he always floods the thread with the poorly made, awful ones
it must be an AI robot
there is no way a person can be this determined & this focused & be able to find the threads any time of day, anywhere
its either a robot or magic
Oh boy I'm gettin those numbers today I tell you what
>good content
finally something funny from a polandball fan
you too
i like them the best desu, redditball is shit
The comic was created on Krautchan because of the constant Polish butthurt over there.
Polish butthurt is no surprise.
any get = hanging myself on cam
do it
How unfortunate
this one is great
It saddens me so much knowing that we are ganna lose all of this culture to "diversity". Hold me Cred Forums
Remember to report the pole.
>>being retarded enough to save this image for the purpose of furthering this retarded perspective
Thats really the icing on the autist cake.
ugh this hurts
If only...
You nigger!
Of course you had to post that.
>lithuanian """"""""culture"""""""""
t. jew
Mod is a fucking nigger and won't do anything, like always.
If he wasn't, there would be (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) under this one. But there isn't. So I'm just going to keep postan.
anotha dubz
I mean the culture of the whole europe. Also lithuania has alot of culture and that webm is false. 99.9% of lithuania is white.
geez the new image limit sure is huge
Hi, I'm a little faggot from reddit. I think puns are funny and don't have any opinions of my own. I'm a beta male.
This is legit sad. Almost teared up desu senpai
I thought Brit humour was revolved around puns
hahaha . . ouch that you point it out that way . .
Fuck off racist scum
They're in the Commonwealth of Nations, so, yes. Britball. Namibia was Colony of Cape Hope.
My deed here is done, see ya later nerds
wow my sides
Poolandball is reddit tier
>Don't feed the trolls
Redgag confirmed
thanks poland only came here for the antimemes
>Missouri taunting Kansas
Yeah right, they're just salty that Lawrence and Topeka fucked their shit
Romania gets automatically reivindicated by bringing up Vlad Tepes and his kebab removal technique.
Kek, what a quality polandball comic.