When your campaign slogan includes

your opponent's name, you know you don't have a chance.

Love Trump's hate.

Love Trump. A protester at a hillcunt rally gets one of these signs just rip of the s and the hate.


>campaign slogan articulates what people like about your opponent
People love Trump's hate for the things they see as wrong with America. Who thought this was a good idea?

Hillary beat Bernie by doing nothing.

Don't get complacent.

>love trump's hate
> this is their slogan

Implying Trump's campaign has been anything but a mixture of "CROOKED HILLARY" and nazi frogs.

I do love it

Honestly I thought this was a Trump slogan at first.


>people shouting this repeatedly at rally
>one dude scream "WE" in between the breaks of their chant
fund it.

There's also the wall, don't forget the wall.

>being loving means saying word love the most times

I also love trump's hate

Which one should I do for a bumper sticker?


She wanted to write "Hate Trump's love" but her advisors noticed how drugged-up she was and decided the keks weren't worth it

this right here. maga

What's wrong? Why do you feel the need to censor opinions that don't conform to your own? Does baby need safe spwace?

Typical racist, autistic and lonely as hell.

its not even good b8 friend

second one, or preferably do

Of course you would consider it "bait". You're no better than liberals who call people who disagree with them "trolls" (although considering how the alt-right behaves, that can be justified).

Her opponent's name is HATE?
Who the fuck runs for office with a name like HATE?

first time I saw that sign I had to look around for other signs because I wasn't sure if it was a pro-Trump or anti-Trump sign.

Apparently it's anti-Trump?


There is no implying in there. That is literally your wishful imagination to try and justify your dumb opinion. Read it for what it says, not what you want it to say.

Yeah it doesn't make any sense to me either. Fucking tryhards.

What are you even trying to say, idiot? Read what? Name one major media outlet who hasn't reported on Trump saying "crooked hillary", multiple times over. You're just another idiot Trump voter, trying to justify your shit candidate by spouting out wacko alt-right canards.

>campaign slogan

How many times do I have to baby shit-for-brains to use their eyes? Go kill yourself.

I like it.. I wish trump hated our enemies even more


Bernie was letting Hillary beat him.