Does Cred Forums know about Chris and his radical agenda?

Does Cred Forums know about Chris and his radical agenda?

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Great job Chris.

ok, not Chris... just a fellow American

So I guess Cred Forums isn't interested... here, have a chick sucking a banana

So Cred Forums doesn't like edgy anarchists that want to throw trans-niggers and nigger trannies out of helicopters? Guess I'm the only one...

I'm like 10 minutes in. Really good so far.

Edgy anarchists should also be thrown out of helicopters.

True, he's degenerate, but you have got to take him within the context of the overall society as it is today. In past times he would have been a Puritanical zealot. Also, I think he represents an welcome set of ideas, especially since most popular fascists in America don't talk about policies. We can't just copy Nazi Germany, since fascism depends on the values of the people. I actually think a propertarian approach would resonate with the traditional culture.

Yep. It was fun watching him OD on redpills the past few months

Yeah I just started watching it. He's got great callers.

So who else ex-libertarian here? Hoppe and Moldbug led me to see libertarianism as actually leftist.

Cantwell, like Alex Jones, Stefan Molymeme, and that Greek coal burning faggot Milo, are riding the Trump train for profit.
With that being said, they're very entertaining
The best Cantwell days were when he'd go to his backyard to burn an American flag and shoot it, or when he chased traffic cops around yelling at them while OC'ing a revolver in his hometown and got a Colbert plug.

Yes he's even more of a based ancap than Cred Forumsyneux

Not exactly, I went from normie libertarian>populist nationalist>radtrad>Hoppean ancap

I don't know if he's riding the train for profit, he seems like he is redpilled to a degree, at least he recognizes idealism and pragmatism and the limitations of both

why does he look like jace connors?

The reason I don't think ancap would work is because plebs, seriously. Someone as autistic as you is maybe possibly suited for nobility or the clergy I think

Best Cantwell is when he bullies roasties or invites Natt.

i am not autism bro i am add ocd dyslexia and tourettes bro right mom?

I heard that Trump's policies closely mimic the early Nazi platform. Could it be real? Is it happening?

Yeah, Chris is a must-watch for anyone that goes around these parts

Radical agenda
Daily Shoah
Fash the nation
Rebel yell

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