Damn.........this is deep

damn.........this is deep................

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desu if the nigger can paint like that he might have a decent career ahead of him. That's not easy

How many times are we going to repost this fucking image

It really highilghts how retarded these people are when they just assume Africa at any point in history means black,


Ever notice how when niggers depict their Egyptian nigger kangz they depict them with light green or blue eyes? Instead of the shit black eyes pure stock sub-Saharan African negroes have? L o l.


Fuck I'm slow


Yeah afro centric art usually looks like it was drawn in crayon by 16 year old.

at least the art isnt shit like most modern "art"

Painters 'n Sheeeet

a nigger ran the country for 8 fucking years

holy molly

Anthropologically speaking, what were the ancient Egyptians? Semetics?

Such a wasted talent

>black man being enslaved in front of a black man's house

makes you think

Nubians and Egyptians weren't a bunch of whiny pussies with a victim complex.


He has lighter skin than the nig on the right too.


And he makes the kang and the slave a mulatto.

really makes you think


say what you will about the message of the art (yes it's fucking retarded) the guy has skill with a paintbrush

Reasonly sure they were whites, 'cause the arabs are smart enough to unite under Islam when necessary but still dumb enough to blow themselves up. Racemixing destroys nations, and the Egyptians got race mixed out, leaving a pack of sand niggers.


Like the berbers but probably a bit more whiter

Prove he painted that picture and then we'll talk.

Until then sage and report

King tut had western european DNA. Ancient Egypt did change regimes like every hundred years or so too. To be fair moors did have like one or two pharaohs, but moors are extremely different than sub sharian wannabes though

>Crackhead lighter

Confirmed crackhead artist formally know as niggcasso

please, someone shop a flying Pyramid to his beautiful rly-maeks-u-dink painting and let's help spread it

>King tut had western european DNA.

They knew what was up.

Muslims wiped them out so you're probably right I'm sure they were mixed after being raped and slaughtered

Eh? Where did the muzzies come from? Can't possibly have been Europe. West Asia?

Kemetic, they spoke their own language and they probably looked very similar to how they do today.

with that said they have no relation to the West Africans used in slave trade

you realize not all arabs are muslim dont you
the egyptians believed in many gods, not allah

I used to think that until I started reading their Qu'ran where they're explicitly commanded to spread Islam by the blade. I seriously doubt you're gonna find an arab in a country over there under an Islamic government who says he's not a muslim.

I've never bothered posting about this

How retarded can you get

Pharaohs thrived on slavery, they built colossal tombs and magnificent architecture with slaves they starved and worked to death. But since they we're apparently black, who gives a shit?

But we wuz kangs back den, not da slaves so idgaf senpai

Well I mean yeah we really wuz

Granted he was the worst and was pretty inbred

Eurasians, likely Turkic or Altaic, with Semitic people mixed in.

Hamites never existed. Berbers are Northwest Africans mixed with Eurasians.... particularly female Eurasians.

At some time, cuck babies formed one group and the children of Eurasian men with Eurasian women and neolithic North African women formed another group.

basically meds, like sicilians, morocans, spains, italians, palestianians, but the thing is is that actually they were basically their own type of people, Egyptian

is very different from practice. The Spanish Inquisition was used to root out Jews who were pretending to be Christian.

I work with an Iraqi refugee from Mosul who is a christian.

Right. I'm sure that's why he's a refugee. He had to gtfo before they shanked him.

Literally wasted talent


They actually had to remove this article for like a year

most asinine painting I've seen in a while... does he not realize his ancestors were most likely literally slaves in the left panel?

>root out Jews who were pretending to be Christian
No it wasn't

it was to make the heretics (jews) embrace christianity by converting like jesus told them too (making jews become conversos)

so because of that, now there are the fat jewish-looking type women with the curly hair that go around calling jews heretics, eating ham every day, wearing cross necklaces and saying that jesus christ is the man, from spanish families, because of the spanish inquisition which was to root out judeo-christianity and replace it with straight-up christianitiy no judeo about it because if you accept jesus you are a christian if you don't you are a heretic, no room for jews


yeah his dad and sister were killed by the Islamic State and we talk shit about Islam all the time.

His wife's sister just got out of Syria a month ago and I had dinner with them.

Still removed, apparently. That link doesn't work here in the US.

>muslims wiped out the egyptians

>thumbnail looks like blonde haired white turning into nigger

remove uk.


>muslims wiped them out

No, greeks converted them to christianity, then arabs converted them to islam. They're still there.

>the egyptian is light skinned

if we was kangz and shit wouldn't he be black?

I actually like how it looks desu.

That lines up with the Qu'ran. Defiance means death. There is no rationale in importing these people, which is why I buy into the white genocide narrative. It's the only reasonable explanation I've seen yet.
Dang jews.

>can paint
>has career
pick one

also: yes he is skilled, but he'as literally painting a KANGS post. he's technically skilled but expressively inept.

Just wondering, would any blacks in america ever choose to go back and live in africa? Is there any cultural program run by rich black people that takes black youth to see the real africa?

Im a south indfag and while my country is shit, honestly there isnt really a single country in africa that makes people want to visit it. There isnt really much of a culture or history. Even we pooloos and chinks have some decent architecture and martials arts and shit. Only thing africa that interests me is the chance to go on a safari and if im rich enough, go and kill some big animal.

That worked. Thanks lad.

well who did then?

The greeks? They only controlled the regime, they didn't replace the general population

The romans? Maybe, but I didn't see that

It must have been some time after the fall of rome. Probably before the British conquest of Egypt, by then it was already fucked. And then Nasser made it worser.

I used to be Benjamin Franklin but now I'm just a BITCH

Egypt is very diverse, there was one King who was most definitely Black, though he looked very odd (pic related). They probably looked something like Anwar Saddat in terms of features and skin color.



We were kings?

R u a niggerfaggot?
You think every white is cuck?

Good boy points to whoever can guess the race.

>The Pyramids aren't even white

This nigger doesn't even know about his "ancestors" Architecture
didn't expect it anyway, typical.


No, benjamin franklin must be protected

It is an abomination to rape and kill a 6 year old benjamin franklin, and this must be avenged

Also, to become a bitch is an abomination also

This is a SLIDERS thread. Go to the catalog and search for Haiti

Niggers in America aren't even from Egypt. There's an entire desert separating them from Egypt. His ancestors were slaves sold by West African Tribe leaders.

but the pyramids werent built by muslim arabs, they were built by arabs who believed in the egyptian gods



Yuuuuuuuup! Biodiversity is fun to know about. I need to find a book on it, pictures can only take you so far.

The speakers of Afro-Asiatic languages were too diverse.

The theories goes that an Afro-Asiatic language was spoken by early Eurasian pastoralists or farmers. It became the language of trade and commerce because it was easy to learn or because of the way it was spoken.

The Sumerians dumped their native Eurasian language for Akkadian. This happened in Europe with Indo-European languages... the neolithic languages disappeared.

Because of the food, domesticated animals that Eurasians introduced into Africa they met a bunch of people and their influence extended deep into Africa where the Asiatic language that they spoke influenced black Africans.

Afro-Asiatic and Semitic languages are spoken wit

is the painting a symbol of the rise and fall of mc hammer?

is it correct to call the ancient egyptians arabs?

were they really all the same people in the whole area?

Remember guals, britons, germanics are different people.


Sure is, are capoids Ethiopian? I notice Ethiopians a lot of the times are like full Caucasian but painted black, and Capoids seem to be almost that.

stop comparing them to mulattos.

The Egyptian looks like Billy Drago.

This is why its hard to take blacks seriously. In reality the fuck does it matter if you were ancient aliens. How does that relate to todays world.

It's literally the only history they have. They don't record anything, and Africans have yet to produce a written language.

I feel the exact same way. I might go visit the historic parts of India and China some day but the only place below the Sahara worth going would be a South African safari to hunt.

young lee van cleef. That statue features a man with a long face. Some features may be exaggerated but the dude may have looked like Lee Van Cleef, too.

It's not even their History. They have shit like Songhai, Mali, Mansa Musa, but they don't even give a fuck about it.

If it wasn't spreading delusional propaganda then yeah.

Jeb exclamation point!

Yeah. Did those empires record anything, or produce a written language? From what I know, they tend to just borrow Arab or Latin or something.

Yeah, it's Arabic I believe. Mansa Musa was pretty much Araboo/Muslim as fuck.

>TFW muslims pour in and activate a latent negro population into a terrorist army

>Implying niggers are smart enough to be an Army

They'd be the first wave sent in to waste ammo.

nobody did, it's the same people today that used to be there.

Arabs still use blacks as slaves today, don't they? I'm sure they know how to handle the negro, and they aren't shackled by morals.
Same way Soros activates BLM, except this time more blowy-uppy.

Yeah, I know Gulf Arabs use Asian slave labor to build their giant shithole buildings.

I think it's funny considering once the blacks actually gained power in Egypt the empire crumbled.

The contemporary reflection is also represented as a contemporary reflection.

It's a chiasmus. Pretty ingenious. It leaves me wondering what great nation they'll destroy next.

In the near future all schools will teach egyptians where niggers
and medieval england was full of niggers and arabs

a child's imagination

if their population was replaced then it must have been with an identical looking people. this is what they looked like during the roman period.

He's probably laughing all the way to the bank knowing some affluent middle-class BLM supporter will buy this off him for a fe thousand dollars, and then he can get back to his magnum opus - a Dragonball Z tryptich in the style of Delacroix.

First painting made exclusively from Ciroc mixed with Kool-Aid powder?

Niggers don't know those even exist because you have to take an advanced world history class in high school to even hear about those so all they fucking know is Egypt and because Egypt is in Africa therefor everyone is a nigger because apparently the only natural barriers that change the course of evolution is bodies of water and not fucking huge impassable deserts.

Do you think it's possible that this whole "we wus kangs" is just another globalist scheme? They seem to promote African unification. Africa have lots of different peoples and cultures but they are promoting "African identity" just like "European identity".

African Union when?

there is one you nong.

I'm convinced shit like the Black Israelites are funded by Soros type people because they are simply way too fucking retarded to be able to be able to maintain headquarters and groups and still not know how the world works.

It boggles my mind how there are people that can draw or paint like fucking champions but they are dumb about everything else.

eg. Capeshit comics having writers. I always figured the hard part is the art - why don't the artists write that stuff as well?

But you speak to guys that draw and, in my limited experience, they don't want to do that.

Waste of talent tbqh

Correct me if I'm wrong but an African Union already exists right?



It does, they were actually going to have their own currency and go over the Petrodollar, but US killed Gaddafi who was trying to do it.

America saves the day again, eh?





Apparently is does. I meant union more like EU with big centralized government.

Delete this post please :(


its annoying in a way because this is our fault. when we bought black africans as slaves and brought them to america, we forced them to entirely abandon their culture. this is why black people in america often gravitate to egypt.

they don't know where they came from exactly, who's to say they aren't egyptian? obviously we know north africans are arabic. but most people really do believe the entire continent of africa is all black people.

if the europeans that enslaved blacks just let them keep some of their west african culture, we wouldn't have this we wuz kings & we duh real israelitez bullshit.

>wendies cup

who can forget the egyptian kangs of the west african coast

Damn, this African Union thing really looks like EU. I wonder who are behind this? Has there ever been a thread about this in Cred Forums?

"The AU's future goals include the creation of a free trade area, a customs union, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency (see African Monetary Union), thereby establishing economic and monetary union. The current plan is to establish an African Economic Community with a single currency by 2023."

"The African Union adopted its new flag at its 14th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government taking place in Addis Ababa 2010."

"The African Union has adopted a new anthem, Let Us All Unite and Celebrate Together, and has the chorus O sons and daughters of Africa, flesh of the sun and flesh of the sky, Let us make Africa the tree of life."


They all came from west africa mostly near modern day Nigeria. We know where they came from, they weren't Egyptians.

i know, but they dont. so they look to cool african nations to identify with, which basically is only egypt. so defacto, we wuz kingz

T.bh such a systemic union could actually have benefited Africa.
It's currently in shambles already, maybe if they would have pooled in all their resources it could have helped modernize Africa.
But the thing is that if modernization of Africa would take place, every country would be capable enough to harvest the natural resources that they contain on their own without any external help.
Could be the reason why (((they))) got rid of Gaddafi and ended any form of potential progress that the union could've had.
Whaddaya reckon?

What a waste of talent.



You know, if niggers can still not get over slavery and still hate america even though we have a FUCKING BLACK PRESIDENT, BLACK ATTORNEY GENERAL, AND 2 BLACK SECRETARY OF STATES. then race-relations will never be good and we should ship them back to Africa.

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with the diversity of individuals.

I agree it would be really good for Africa if they learned to cooperate. I am not sure how good Africans are at banking and handling common currency. Sounds like they would like to handle that part. Gaddafi wanted single currency backed by gold I believe, so that's probably one of the reasons he was killed. They want their own kind of single currency.

Also those natural resources are being harvested by Chinese right now. I don't think that is what (((they))) want.

"Gaddafi was ultimately killed during the Battle of Sirte in October 2011. While some regard the project to have died with him, Robert Mugabe has expressed interest in reviving the project."

Egyptians converted to Christianity before the Greeks

>when you reach 100% nigger-mass even the piramids bail

They were described as being darker than any of the Mesopotamians, Persians or Greeks in ancient times, but they weren't black like the Nubians. They took Nubians as slaves though, making up about 10% of their population.

Too bad Mugabe is an idiot.
I hope someone competent is given the reigns to the project.

Niggers claiming they are Egyptian is litterally cultural appropriation.

>doesn't even have same shade of skin as the egyptian guy


I hope someone who actually cares about Africans takes the reigns. Probably some puppet will be given leadership and then African Union will work against the African people just like in EU.

European leaders are easily corrupted by EU monies. I'm sure African leaders are 10 times more easily corrupted. If someone tries to do the right thing for African peoples, he will just get killed like Gaddafi.

South Africa should learn from what has happened in Zimbabwe and other countries where the white minorities were bullied out and the country turned to total shit.
The only reason that there's even a semblance of society in SA is because of the whites living there and yet the blacks are committing hate crimes against them everyday.
And you're completely right about puppet leaders, hell that's the case even right now.
They pay the African leaders money to steal their natural resources and since the leader is getting paid he doesn't say anything or try to stop them.
This is precisely the reason why progress seems improbable over there.

Das rite, I used to be Egyptian n Shieet

Do you think black people convince themselves they were every group of humans on earth as a response to being the only group of people on earth to have done absolutely nothing of worth?

>be kangz
>be most epic empire ever
>get kidnapped by niggers and slave traders

Well we are talking about black people so can't really expect they would learn anything. They are getting lots of food aid from western countries to keep them alive. As long as they are getting food they don't really seem to think into future. What should be done is ending all aid from western countries and let them figure things out themselves. When they are starving to death they might start rioting against their corrupt leaders and maybe even figuring out how to get food themselves. Lots of people would die but that's unfortunate. And obviously all migration from Africa to Europe should be stopped so young men can't just escape to Europe.


Why do so many of these braindead niggers think that they were Egyptian pharaohs prior to being enslaved?

They're descendants of the slowest and dumbest west Africans. I guess I kind of answered my own question.



Not necessarily white, but definitely caucasian. Very high chance of bronze skin.


i like where this is going

Looked it up, the page was called KFCforAfrica and talked about the egyptian gods Dindu and Wealfair.

Starting to doubt there's actually one single black person believing this shit. It's probably just Cred Forums trolling Cred Forums

Genetic studies on Egyptians today show they are Arabs who came across after Islam.

This wikipedia article really beats around the bush for some reason and you speed-read it pushes the politically correct narrative that modern Egyptians are the descendents of the ancient Egyptians.
But closer study, looking at the data, and references basically shows Arab invasion 1000 years ago, and until the white archaeologists showed up 150 years ago they gave zero fucks about Encient Egypt, the pyramids, the hieroglyphs which they didn't understand, which their writing did not descend from at all.

>this wikipedia article

I knew that a portion of them thought they were kings but, I didn't think they actually thought they were Egyptian. Fucking kek'd


Give the painting back, Tyrone.


no paint on hands, body, or clothes, cool fake image

>I use to paint all the fucking time, it's not a clean hobby

So basically slaver become slave? Karma proof?

then how do you explain the fayum portraits looking like modern egyptians? keep in mind the portraits are all from well before the arab conquest.

Say, what's this fine Somali gentleman doing?


no Vietnamese ever called me nigger.jpg

What about Copts?

Tfw you're free to make whatever you want out of your life but instead you whine and complain because your ancestors were slave owning Kings of your ancestral home


For a moment I didn't understand what was happening here, a non shitposting Australian? But then I see NZ. Based New Zealand.


>They where Egyptians

ancient edgyptians had a convenient slave factory in form of neighboring Nubia

First they were the slave masters, then they were the slaves

Sounds like true justice to me, or maybe they'll say, "we aren't responsible for the actions of those who came before us!"

But then...that would mean...


They were not Arabs as many people suggest, ancient Egyptians can only really be classified as a unique genetic pool, their genes are unique and exclusive to the region. They definitely aren't negroids but they aren't white either.


Yeah no, your ancestors back in Africa were nearly Purple. Thank your former slave owners/great^x grand father for your 10 IQ points higher and 40 shades lighter skin than your African ancestors

>nearly purple
ayy lmao

I like how he's still managed to paint the 'black' king with white features.

American niggers basically refuse to acknowledge that an incredibly large portion of them are of mix-raced / descendants of white slave owners. It's really no surprise they're dumb enough to genuinely fall for the WE meme


Those portraits feature olive skin and brown eyes, there's a lot of variation and they're not photographs. Some features look Arab but really they could be of a number of peoples from the region - Persians, Arabs, Semites in general, North Africans who've bred with Mediterraneans . I have no trouble believing they were of the unique (according to DNA studies) Egyptians. In the way that Japanese are not Chinese, have a distinct culture and language.

Wait, wait, wait. If they wuz EejipShuns AND they wuz Joos, then they both built AND designed dem TriAngles. Day wuz da masters AND da slaves! Wat da HELL?

no gibs


They weren't exclusively whites but they weren't blacks either.

There's pictures of white egyptians and brown (arab) egyptians, but all negroid egyptians are depicted as slaves. Egyptians were mixed Caucasian, all niggers were treated as slaves.





What's with the walk-in fireplace? Is his studio an old Steak & Ale?


Why is it always Egyptians - who were never even taken to American?! Mansa Musa was an actual west African black king who was so rich in gold he caused inflation when he traveled to Europe - surely he's better.

Also - implying the kings of wherever were the same people who were enslaved in the first place.

Even if they were Egyptian, there was only one family that ruled. Somehow every nigger is a king and queen though.

Compare the Egyptian Gods on the right with the nigger on the left. QED

Thank you based historian archaeologist sex symbol Lara Croft

>what they will tell you

Who the fuck are they?

Every single "people" do this.

Whenever people reminisce about history they think they're descendant from kangs and queenz but in reality they come from peasants.

It's absolutely cringeworthy when people try and say "oh MY PEOPLE were great inventors and conquerors" because they're slightly more related to someone intelligent and powerful but actually descendant from a bunch of borderline retarded dirt farmers.

Fuck anybody who tries to take pride in the accomplishments of others who they have no immediate connection to.



He should start a gofundme to ship his ass to Egypt.

>tfw you will never be Angel Eyes



That nigga should pay for the Jews enslaved...



Holy shit that's hilarious.


>African Union when?

why make my sad....

If you guys understood how hard Oil paint is, you would give this nig some credit.



How is this any different to when Europeans claim Jesus was white? Or Father Christmas was white? Both were middle eastern so obviously not.

My reasoning has always been that artistic people are pretty smart, or atleast have the capacity to think rationally.

This doesn't click with me.

Basically what I was thinking, he can paint well enough that I would overlook his KANGZiness
the thing that in my opinion makes KANGZ not quite worthless is that it instills in the black man the idea that he has it within himself to be greater than a nigger, which is what the Jew wants him to be.
Go on pixiv some time and look at how many incredibly skilled artists are using their talent to draw girls with peepees or women getting dicked by caterpillars
this guy is Rembrandt by comparison

Niggers against jew, what a time to be alive.

Sort of a cross between white and brown. They looked like tanned Greeks probably. Getting more darker the further south you went. There were one or two Pharaos with Nubian blood but that's it. If you want a clue as to how they looked like, look up the Egyptian copts. They still use the language of the ancient egyptians, and they look like slightly paler Arabs.

That said, American blacks have NO relations to the Egyptians whatsoever. Their ancestors came from West Africa. Egypt is separated from West Africa by the inhospitable Sahara desert. It's extremely unlikely that any west african in the ancient world ever lay eyes on Egypt. Unless they were a slave.

the levant was whiter than the uk is now

That's a really nice painting despite the faggotry of its imagined message, though.


lolno. sad if that is deep for you

some nog claimed he would go if i paid for his ticket

When I look up Czech pornography it's always white women trying to have babies by being fucked by a bunch of white men.

You guys are literally the antithesis of cucked western societies and I love you. Also your women are hot.

do you think they'll ever get over it?

I can't stop laughing. keke

no because they are ignorant. also jesus was black his real name was daquan Jr tyrESe wOOdS but us whites appropriated theyr culture.
i wonder what's niggers opinion on michael jackson



just like the modern ones.

Blacks are suck cucks when it comes to history. Everyone knows vulcans are the Egyptians.

Just googled him.
He is coptic christian egyptian.
No wonder he looks white, copts are mediterranean brothers.

see and

> this much of a fag


Who is the target audience even supposed to be? Hoodrats aren't going to give up crack money for a painting, and if they really want it they'll just steal it.

Just to play double's advocate here, in assuming niggers WUZ KINGS N SHIEET then turned into SLAVES N SHIEET. What they're basically saying is:

>First we wuz slaver overlords, then we wuz slaves, life aint fair yo

If your entire identity is made up of your victim complex surrounding the idea of being slaved, why would you want to be identified as some of the most famous slavers in ancient history or of all time?

We wuz kang
But now we's cryin'

>KANG-Niggers always portraying themselves with light eyes as opposed to charcoal black

Must suck to have such raging insecurities

Why doesn't he just masterbate all day. Be just as productive.

What in tarnation
Boy , get off that damn paint brush
and get the damn handcart out of
the quicksand. We's a railroad to build

>yet the artist is dressed like the slave..

>advanced civilization

Why are niggers so obsessed with Egyptian culture? They don't honestly think that blacks had the iq capacity to make a society that advanced, do they?

Implying nigs can think 2 steps ahead

>painting kings to hide the 40oz


He is a really good painter. Seriously, the man is quite talented.

Kangz to prisonner. They are so funny

Ethiopians and Somalis are likely Congoid with heavy Arabic Semitic admixture

Why aren't (((YOU))) voting for Princess Kajidah for potus 2016??

Here are her policies: slaveryends2016.com




anyone else notice how the skin color changes?


Hop up, so u b saying DAT we wuz edgypcianz n sheit n we wuz Hebrews n sheit?! Sheeeeeiiiiit

>blacks built an underwater city
>no black person has ever been able to swim


Every time I see this thumbnail I see a white guy with long blonde hair on the left, and then the black guy on the right.

is it just me? I mean he does paint the egyptian lighter skinned lol

Egyptians were...........EGYPTIAN!
Both Egyptians and Ethiopians do not consider themselves the same as sub-saharan African. They look and behave distinctly.
And due to their location, that meant they did have Semites and Caucasians.
But niggers were slaves and nothing more.
Blacks literal only logic for why they think they were actually the main Egyptians, and the upper class Egyptians no less, is that Egypt is in Africa.
All of Africa = their nigger ancestors, to the modern western black. And that's just objectively wrong.

It's funny. Cleopatra is the reason for Egypt's fall, bitch gave a kingdom to suck a dick but I bet blacks will either deny this fact, or upon accepting it, will STOP claiming Cleopatra wasn't black. They'll blame it on whites one way or another.


Came here to say this, but once again a picture proves to be worth 1000 words. Nice work, lads.



this is deep

Can we push this on the normies

They might actually buy it

kek bless you

fugg :DDDDDD

I love this place.

they actually radicalize pretty easily, and alright fighters. Not as good as their arab counterparts but still okay.

I see it.
It'll blow up like cuck

forgot pic

why is there a train on the right? is it supposed to mean that niggers built or maybe even invented trains? is that also why the capitol is on there?

why are niggers so delusional?

this is the work of a fucking Cred Forumsack, Stop this shit whoever you are.

I would Hamer her


if niggers really believe they were kangz n shit of egypt, then how do they not see their current situation as karma for the millions the egyptians enslaved?

Why is the sphinx taller than all the pyramids. Do niggers even know what that shit looks like IRL???

I'd bet my life savings he didn't even paint that

He's just posing in front of it.

Do these idiotic people realise that only a small minority of royalty had good lives in Ancient Egypt?
For fucks sake, there were much more slaves than during the European slave trade. Lived shorter and worse lives, too.